Pertemis: Amnesia boy

By Valkyxrie

703K 11.3K 2.4K

***REWRITTEN JUNE 2021*** Percy was Artemis' guardian. They were best friends, but they never got the chance... More

(2) ReBirth
(3) New Beginnings
(4) Suspicions Part 1
(5) Hidden
(6) Check up
A/N: Quiz Time
(7) The Council Meeting
(8) Suspicions Part 2
(9) Property of Artemis
(10) The State of Being Unconscious
(11) Tears of the Heart
(12) Awaken From the Deep Slumber
(13) The Curious Child of Athena
(14) Adventures with Artemis and the Hunt
(15) Camp Half-Blood
(16) A Game of Capture the Flag
(17) A Love Goddess's Advice
(18) Help! Missing Goddess
A/n: Unrelated
(19) Trouble
(20) The Amazing Cover Up
A/n: It's up- must read
(21) Lost Tracks
(22) The Unknown
(23) I will Find you part 1
Just saying
(24) Lead the way
(25) I will Find you Part 2
(26) I will Find you Part 3
(27) I will Find you Part 4
(28) I will Find you Part 5
(29) Rescue the Maiden Part 1
July 3
(30) Rescue the Maiden Part 2
(31) Everthing's Just Fine
A/N: Rewrites and New Chapters
(32) Unravel
(33) Down the Rabbit Hole

(1) The Past

44.4K 581 69
By Valkyxrie

TRIGGER WARNING: There are implications of abuse, sexual harassment, etc. in this chapter and possible future chapters. I will not be extremely graphic in my descriptions/storytelling but please heed my warning.



A/N: As of June 2021, the chapters have been rewritten. 

And a polite reminder, this is fanfiction meaning that the personalities of the characters and facts from the book and greek mythology will not be exact. Although if you believe that my story's take on Greek mythology is completely absurd, kindly let me know and I'll see to it.


Long ago the hunt used to have a guardian. He was the Olympian god of Heroes, Loyalty, Water, and swordsmanship. He was the greatest hero of all time. His name was Perseus.

I have known him for almost as long as I can remember. I first met him during a council meeting that our parents brought us to. We immediately connected. He understood me like no one else. When I was announced as an Olympian and was given the hunt, he was very supportive. Although I saw it in his eyes that he was worried that we would not have time for each other anymore. My father favored Perseus greatly and knew I was worried about it too so; he gave him the role of guardian of the hunt.


"Congratulations!" he said as he handed me flowers. "Umm is this ok? I didn't know if I was supposed to get you anything."

I laughed. He was so awkward. "They're lovely," I responded after I took it off his hands and sniffed one.

"Oh and one more thing." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a jewelry box. I opened it and revealed a celestial bronze cuff bracelet with a crescent moon in the center contained in a circular emerald. It was bordered with a ring of celestial bronze with waves engraved into it.

"Oh wow," I gasped. "You didn't have to."

He began rubbing his head as he flushed brightly. "It turns into a bow if you rotate the waves. Hephaestus helped me with it. And I got the flowers from Persephone. You said you really liked these flowers before so I..." he trailed off.

I hooked my right arm into his left, "Let's go guardian," leading him to exit the room.

He laughed, "I guess you're stuck with me."


"Promise. I won't leave your side."

***flashback end***

We went on many adventures together and saved many young girls from tragedy. The first maiden to join the hunt was Zoe. She was very wary of Perseus at first but warmed up to him eventually. Many of the hunters we saved had the same reaction initially. But over time they would treat him like family.

While we had great memories together, some were also bad. I think our worst fight started over my friend Orion. His hunting skills were quite admirable, and he was very talented with a bow. Apollo kept warning me that Orion was not to be trusted but l did not listen to him. He has always been overprotective. Later, I found out that Perseus agreed with him. I accused him of being jealous of his brother's abilities and before I knew it we were arguing, and I said something I shouldn't have.


"So, you agree with him?" I shouted.

"Yes I do," he revealed.

"How could you even think that. Orion is your brother."

"My half-brother. And just because we share the same father does not mean a thing. There's something off about him."

"You're being ridiculous."

"Why won't you trust me on this. Have I ever given you any reason to doubt me? There are many rumors flying around him. You're next on his list."

"Because you're wrong. I have no interest in him. And you of all people should know that you should judge people based on their character and not by what is said about them."

"Don't bring that up. Uncle's situation is completely different." He paused, "You and I have seen the girls that have sought refuge here. We have seen what they have gone through. I am only trying to protect you. I don't want you to go through the same thing. Why can't you see that?"

"I don't need your protection. I am more than capable of doing that myself. Don't use their past to justify your actions as a cover-up for your jealousy."

"My jealousy?" he scoffed. "There is nothing be jealous about. You go on and on about how men are terrible but when it comes to him, you ignore it. Aren't you tired of being a hypocrite?"

In my anger, I lashed out, "AREN'T YOU TIRED OF CHASING AFTER SOMEONE WHO DOESN'T WANT YOU?" I knew that was a mistake, but I didn't stop, "You're so desperate for my company that you even follow me here! My father only gave you the position of guardian because he pitied you." When I looked up, reality came crashing back. Perseus hung his head low and I saw tears flowing down his face.

"Perseus, I didn't mean to-" I immediately regretted what I said.

"No, I think you've said plenty" and with that, he left.

I shouldn't have said that. It's just that he's been so overbearing and overprotective lately that I said things I didn't mean. I just wanted him off my back but I didn't mean to hurt and humiliate him like that. My anger...I've never been good at controlling it. And this time it cost me my best friend."

***flashback end***

Perseus was not seen in days, and no one knew where he was. I could've tried looking for him but he probably wouldn't have wanted to see me. The hunters knew we had a fight but they were afraid to bring it up. Orion popped up every now and then like he always does. He had an inkling of what happened and tried his best to comfort me, but I simply ignored his attempts.

One day, however, I was called away by Athena on an urgent matter. Since Perseus was not there, I put Zoe in charge for the time being and told her to gather some girls to hunt for dinner. When I came back, I was met with screams and cries in the distance. My heart sank thinking that there was a monster attack in my absence. There had been a spike in activity lately. I ran across camp to the source and discovered some hunters huddled around a girl with only a blanket covering her. The other hunters had their weapons out while Perseus was attacking Orion. Afterward, Percy rushed to the girl's side and wrapped her in his arms. She flinched at the sudden movement but soon reciprocated. He rubbed stroked her head and rubbed her in a comforting motion.

I did not have to ask what happened. It was painfully obvious what occurred, and it was all my fault. Fortunately, it was later revealed that Perseus saved her in time but things between us were never the same again.

Our entire relationship shifted for the worst. When I apologized it was met with a sorrowful look and an apology of his own.

I could remember his words clearly, "No. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have intruded on your life like that. It was wrong of me to assume that you would want me around. I'm sorry you had to hide your feelings all this time. Nevertheless, it is my job as a guardian to protect you all even if you are capable. What happened today is due to my negligence. It's my fault that she was almost- it's my fault that all of this happened."

Years, decades, and centuries after that Perseus and I grew apart. He dismissed all of my apologies. He took his role as guardian more seriously and rarely showed a smile in my direction which had not gone unnoticed by everyone, especially by hunters. When I saw hope in mending our friendship an incident involving Aphrodite made it unrepairable. Before I knew it he was taken away from me.

***3 centuries later***


Clang Clang

My strikes were met with another blade. He dodged my next attack and used one of his black tendrils in addition to my momentum to knock me off balance. I screamed in pain as he diagonally slashed across my back.

Artemis used it as an opportunity to land a blow with her hunting knives.

He hissed in agony. Irritated he released a pulse of energy that threw us a couple of feet back. "Enough!" he yelled.

As I tried to steady myself, he lifted Artemis off the ground by the neck. "Let go of her Eden!" I demanded.

"Sorry" he responded with a sly grin, "You have badly damaged this body. I am in need of a new vessel. I was planning on using Thanatos, but I guess this will do," Eden's black tendrils spread up her neck and began covering her face. Artemis was gasping for air, her aura weakening with each second.

I had to do something but what. I was too weak and would not make it in time if I ran. In a rush of adrenaline, I channeled my powers through Xenebris and slashed at Eden from a distance. A burst of light knocked Eden back and I sprinted toward Artemis sloppily catching her before she could fall to the ground. Her face was no longer covered but black veins still stretched across her upper body. I could tell a significant amount of her powers were taken away from her.

Zoe ran up to us and I handed her the now unconscious Artemis.

"Go! Take her with you and seal the doors of death from the other side. Get Thanatos!" I ordered.

"But what about you" Zoe argued, "I'm not leaving you here."

"You're no match for him Zoe."

"But you can't do this alone. Look at the condition you are in," she said pointing at the deep cut on my back that was leaking out pools of ichor.

My eyes darted at Eden who was recovering from the earlier blow and was slowly getting up.

"There's no time to argue! You will only get in the way. If you don't do this now there will be nothing left to save".

At that, she hesitantly picked up Artemis before turning around and running for the exit.

"NOOO" Eden yelled after her. He attempted to run after her, but I intercepted. "You think you are so clever. The rest of my army is coming and there'll be nothing you can do about it."

He slammed into me and kneed me in the stomach before I could block. "Once I'm done with you I'll destroy everything precious to you starting with those two.

He grabbed me by my hair and repeatedly punched me in the abdomen most likely breaking my ribs in the process. I tried to raise my sword, but he finally let go and I stumbled back puking ichor. He then smashed his fist into my face knocking me onto the ground. Xenebris left my grasp and clattered to the ground. Eden squatted and grabbed me by the throat doing the same thing he did to Artemis earlier.

"It's hilarious really" he laughed out, "How you acted like a hero just moments ago and now look at you. I couldn't use your little girlfriend over there but I'm sure you'll do just fine Savior of Olympus."

The tendrils started spreading around my face. There was a burning in my body, but I could not scream. Darkness consumed me.



The ancient shall awaken from its slumber

Peaceful days are now numbered

A plague feeding on pain and misery consumes all

The savior shall unite foes upon the downfall

A cursed hero's final breath is key to imprison

Whom from the depths of the deceased has risen

Perish or preserve, chaos will ensue

From the ashes of the old will start anew

There is hope with the aid of seven

And one forged from heaven

The Olympians fell into chaos in response to hearing the new prophecy.

Once they had calmed down a bit, they began to decipher it.

"Who is referred to as the ancient? The titans? Giants? Primordial Gods?" Athena asked aloud. The council remained silent as they too were clueless.

A blinding light flashed throughout the room. Once it dissipated it revealed Nyx, Aether, Chronus, and Pontus.

"I believe we can shed some light on that" replied Nyx.

"The ancient refers to something that has always been around. It has been here far longer than we have. Chaos is the embodiment of creation. But from creation is birthed darkness to keep the universe in balance. The ancient feeds on disorder, pain, fear, and misery. It just happens that there is so much negativity on Earth that is manifested here. IT needs a vessel and in time IT will reveal itself." Chronos explained.

"How will we be able to stop IT" Zeus questioned.

"It will be a difficult road ahead, but it may not be impossible. You can't destroy IT but hopefully, we can imprison IT or put IT back into a deep sleep." Pontus responded.

"We have created these amulets that harness light energy. If you wear these you will not be consumed by the darkness. It will also bless your weapons with light magic. However, we should inform you that when directly facing IT there is a chance these won't be as effective. And while we were able to create a lot it is still very limited. Choose wisely who you give it to." Aether continued. "The four of us and Ouranos, Hemera, and Eros have also forged a weapon, Xenebris. It is constructed with our core essence. It will let the savior harness raw light energy."

"And who will be this savior?" Ares asked as he eyed the magnificent sword hungrily.

The four primordial gods silently turned to Perseus. The council silently followed their gaze. None were surprised not even Ares although he did grumble begrudgingly under his breath.

Artemis immediately protested, "Absolutely not!"

Perseus turned to Artemis, "It too dangerous," she said. "A line in the prophecy states 'hero's final breath.'" Poseidon silently agreed with her argument but knew the decision was not for him to decide.

"Prophecies always have double meanings. Nothing is set in stone yet," He responded. Once she had calmed down enough, he stood up and received the sword that Pontus was offering to him.

"We may not be able to aid you on the battlefield. Creating the amulets and the weapon took quite a toll on us. This may be the only help we can provide you but only time will tell. You must gather allies even from those you would last turn to" Nyx said sadly. And with that, the four flashed out of the room.

After they left, the room was once again filled with silence. The Olympians didn't know what to think. This was surely a lot to process.

Finally, Zeus who was rubbing his temples announced, "We will resume this meeting tomorrow. Meeting adjourned."

Everyone flashed out except for Artemis and Perseus.

"Artemis...everything will be ok. I won't die here."

"You don't know that!" She interrupted. "This is completely different from the other times-"

"There's nothing we can do. If I don't do this, we're all doomed. Would trust me Artemis, even if it's just this once?"

***flashback end***

Perseus opened his eyes, but his pupils were no longer present. His eyes were completely pitched black. He looked down at his figure and then glanced in front of him. The body he previously inhabited just seconds ago was lying limp on the floor. He laughed maniacally, "Olympus' last hope has fallen".

He saw the rest of his army approaching and his grin split even further. His second in command approached him cautiously lifting his tail ready to attack.

He stared into the blue and brown eyes of his subordinate, "Put that down".

Realization filled the monster as he heard the tone of the voice, "My lord is that you?"

"Of course, it is. Did you think I would lose to that scum?"

"No sir."

"The reign of the gods is coming to an end. Come! We have much to do," Eden turned to the doors of death. Before he could take a step, searing pain shot through his head. His eyes flickered white as a voice filled his head. He was losing control.

"You won't win," Perseus said as he fought for control.


"My lord..." the subordinate was left speechless. He did not know what to do.

Perseus grabbed Xenebris and slashed a wave of light at the army knocking them off their feet. He then ran toward the doors of death.

Few of the warriors of the army were unconscious but many were disoriented. Some stumbled as they ran after Perseus. They weren't even close to reaching him and he had already closed the doors of death.

The Olympian then aimed the sword towards himself. "You have left your guard down. Now I won't let you escape."

Perseus struggled to move the blade closer to himself as Eden still had some control and resisted. But with the last of his energy, Perseus raised the sword once more and pierced his own chest. A bright light began emanating from the sword and filled Tartarus. White light and heat began pulsing from Perseus. It ceased.

Perseus's last thoughts filled with Artemis.

"Maybe in another life."

An explosion eradicated the darkness.


Artemis opened her eyes and was met with the ceiling of her brother's infirmary. Suddenly the events rushed back to her.

"Perseus!" she cried out as she shot up.

She was immediately pushed back down onto the bed. She was weak but she resisted. "My lady you need to lay down. It won't do you good to move like that". She turned to the speaker.

"Zoe! You're okay!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms around her lieutenant.

"I am. Everything will heal in time."

"The girls?"

Zoe's tone saddened, "Some are resting in the other room. We lost a few members."

Artemis deflated at the news. It was expected. It was war after all. But she loved her hunters like they were her own daughters.

"And Perseus? Where is he?" She did not get a response. "Zoe?"

She was looking at the ground. "I'm sorry," she cried.

The goddess' heart shattered.  

A/N: So what do you think? Lemme know in the comments. 

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