Nothing Lasts Forever

By ShivyMay27

358K 2.3K 554

Simone had been on her own for a few years since leaving home. Her mother, a devoted Christian, who prayed da... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
12Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 ~ Part 1
Chapter 27 ~ Part 2

Chapter 12

11.2K 94 15
By ShivyMay27

Love you guys for voting, thanks to all who have been reading and I hope you get just as inspired by it as I am from writing it.

God Bless guys, enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I decided to work through lunch, there was a lot going on and if I sat and had time to think about it, I was going to go insane. I quickly pulled my phone out and text Chris letting him know that I couldn't make it for lunch but I would call him later.

Two weeks ago my life was perfect; I had a great home, a wonderful best friend to share it with, a loving boyfriend and an incredible job. Flash forward to now and my life was in chaos, my best friend was missing, she was also either using or selling drugs, my boyfriend cheated and now I was feeling as though I was being watched.

I figured the safest place at the moment for me to be was in my office doing something I love doing; working. I looked through the entire proposals that lay on my desk and was trying to decide which was going to work and which ones weren't whether or not I should call a meeting to expand on some of these ideas or wait on more proposals.

We had a big campaign coming up and needed new and fresh ideas, I would have to organize either a photo shoot or a video shoot based on which of the ideas I chose. I would also have to contact different media outlets and try to get the word out; also think of other promotional ideas to get the target audience and community involved.

My job was challenging and that was why I liked it, there was never a dull moment and things never stayed the same, they were constantly evolving and that is what made me love it all the more. I also had to stay in tune with what was hot and what wasn't.

I had been so engrossed with reading all the papers on my desk and had sorted them into three piles, yes, no and maybe; that I had not realized someone was standing in my office until they cleared their throat.

I felt like my heart had leaped out of my chest and landed on the desk when my eyes stared back into my boss' warm grey ones. He was a slightly balding man, tall slender stature with a bubbly face and a warm heart. He took pride in his company because he had taken it over from his father and he treated all his employees with respect and was like a father figure to us all, especially me.

"I am sorry that I scared you Simone." He said while smiling warmly at me.

Finally taking my hand away from my chest where it flew to when I jumped, "it's ok Victor, I have just been a little jumpy lately."

"Oh my dear, I am so insensitive, of course you have, how are you doing with everything, any word yet on Kate?"

Victor knew Kate well, a lot of people in the office did because she was always stopping by and they all liked her, she was that kind of person, wherever she went she made fast friends.

"Unfortunately, no I have not heard any news and frankly the longer she stays missing the more I worry that I will never see her again." I stopped, then thinking about my dream and the fact that Jesus told me that I would see her again, but was it just that, a dream.

He approached my desk and took a seat in the chair across from me, "I really do hope we get word of some good news soon, my prayers are with you my dear."

It was strange in all the years I have known Victor, his wife and their children I never once heard him say anything about God or church but then I remembered that we live in a society where when politics or religion are mentioned it becomes a touchy subject.

Rather than mentioning the fact that he never told me he believed in God I took a different approach, "thank you sir, I really do appreciate that and I could use all the prayers I can get at this time."

"Not that I don't appreciate you stopping by to check on me, but was that all you came in here for?" I asked now with a puzzled look on my face. Victor was a busy man and although we had a great work and personal relationship he was always working.

"Oh yes dear, I wanted to tell you that I need you to take a trip to Atlanta, where there is going to be a conference on the new environmental changes and what's to be expected from companies such as ours."

A trip sounded great right about now, even if it was work related, I could use a change of scenery right about now, "absolutely Victor, I would be happy to go and represent the company."

We talked more about the details of when I would leave, where I would stay and what were some of the topics to be covered.

As I saw Victor stand up to take his leave, I couldn't help but smile at him, he had been so instrumental in my success at the company, he had given me a chance right out of college when so many had not, I guess he saw my drive and passion for the business. He once told me that he saw himself in my eyes whenever I got up to speak. I was touched by his words.

"Thanks again for stopping by to check on me and inform me of the conference."

"Not a problem Simone, you know you're like a daughter to me, the daughter I never had. Now do not work too much longer it's soon time to leave young lady."

I glanced at the clock on my desk, until he spoke of the time I had not even notice that it was now 4:30 pm. "I won't sir, promise, you have a great evening and say hi to the family for me."

"I will my dear, be safe and enjoy yours as well." With that he took long powerful strides out the door and closed it behind him.

I decided to just put away the rest of the files, since I had worked through lunch, well into the afternoon without too many distractions, I was able to accomplish more than even I expected.

I looked around my office to make sure nothing was out of place and then picked up my phone, grabbed my bag and headed for the door. I told my assistant that I was leaving for the day and she smiled and wished me a great evening.

On the elevator ride down I started to get a little anxious about going home alone but I was a big girl and could deal with it, I reasoned. I reached outside and contemplated if I would take a cab or bus, maybe even the train but then if I took the train I would have to walk a couple blocks to get to my building, whereas the bus stopped right on my block.

The bus it was going to be, I waited and it came within three minutes, I found a seat and took a few calming breathes. I had started reading the bible more since I had my dream and pulled out my phone to open up the app.

My phone suddenly vibrated in my hand and I realized that I had gotten a text, it was from Chris and when I opened it, it read, I was sitting in my office and was impressed to send you this text to read, 2 Corinthians 1:3 & 4, I do hope that you are doing well and hope to hear from you soon. Have a blessed evening and I will talk with you later.

I smiled and was going to respond to the text but I decided to read the scripture first, I switched screens and went to my bible app, when I had found what I was looking for I felt so happy and at peace that I was in awe of how remarkable Christ is and how he is always looking out for me even when I don't realize it.

2 Corinthians 1:3, 4

3 Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort;

4 Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.

I had been feeling so shaken up by everything going on and was craving that inner comfort, I tried to get it from Chris last night when he was over and although it worked for the moment, it was fleeting and when he left I felt so alone and drained.

I just sat on the bus smiling at how God inspired Chris to send the right text to me at that moment I needed it the most, my day was looking brighter already and I felt the presence of the Lord. I knew I wasn't alone because he was with me; I just needed to be reminded of this.

I text Chris, thank you so much, you have no idea how much I needed that scripture right this moment; I sat on the bus grinning like an idiot feeling like a weight was lifted off my shoulder.

Chris responded, you are very welcome and I may not have known but God did and He works in mysterious ways.

I was about to respond to his last text but realized that my stop was coming up so I stood up and went to stand at the door, making sure to ring the bell. I got off and walked a few feet from the bus stop to my building, a chill ran down my spine and I became very self conscious as if someone was watching me again. I glanced around but saw nothing strange other than that same tinted car from earlier.

I walked into my building and headed for the elevator, when I got off on my floor I walked to door and blew a sigh of relief, I had made it home safe and nothing bad happened. I was just being paranoid.

When I got inside I responded to Chris's last text and told him once I was settled I would call him. I made a quick dinner, ate, showered and then decided I would call Chris. It was a peaceful Friday night and I wouldn't have work until Monday so I had the weekend to myself, I wondered if Chris was busy, maybe we could have a picnic or something.

Chris answered the phone on the third ring, "Hey Sisi, what you up too?"

"Not much, finally relaxed and at peace thanks to you."

"Glad I could be useful honey"

"Well there is always a first time for everything" I chuckled loudly at my light insult.

"Really, that is how we playing this Sisi, you going to insult me like that, I am so hurt."

"Ah you're a tough lad, you will get over it. I am just trying to help you develop a thick skin, we are living in a cruel world."

"Ha ha ha, very funny missy."

"Well you know me Chris."

"Oh yeah I am glad you called me, what are you doing tomorrow morning?"

"Nothing why, what did you have in mind?"

"Well I wanted to know if you would like to come to church with me."

"Church? Tomorrow is Saturday; I have never gone to church on a Saturday."

"I go to church on Saturdays; would you like to come with me?"

"Since I am not doing anything else and I enjoyed the atmosphere so much on Wednesday, I will give it a try."

"Great, I will come pick you up around 8:45 am, I know you always dress nice so I don't need to tell you anything about that." I could hear the lightness in his tone and rolled my eyes but didn't respond.

We talked a little bit more about the details, about our day and my future trip to Atlanta; he was happy for me and told me that a change of environment and scenery might be the best for me.

I ended the call on a high note and decided I would go and look for some clothes for tomorrow, I found a knee high form fitting dress, it wasn't too tight and it had cap sleeves with a rounded neck. I would add a white scarf to the baby pink ensemble and looked for my white strappy stilettos and silver clutch to complete the look.

I hung the clothing and the scarf in the front of the closet and put the shoes and the bag close by, I decided to call it a night since I would have to get up early to get my hair done. Before I climbed into bed I got down on my knees and thanked the Lord for seeing me through a very difficult week, I prayed that although I was upset with what I had found in her room that I would see Kate soon and that no harm would come to her. I thanked God for sending Chris in my life and all that he has done for me.

When I got into bed, I had this urge to call my mother and tell her what has been happening but I had not talked to her in so long that I pushed the feeling down and decided to call it a night. It had after all been a very long day, I did wonder what it would be like in church tomorrow though.


I know church on Saturday may sound weird to some people but there are many religions out there, Seventh Day Adventist being one of them, but at the center God is the focus, please stay with me readers.

Plus if you like, don't forget to vote!!!!! Feel free to leave any comments, all are welcomed.

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