K.S.S. Story

By Mircaal

2.6K 88 32

The triplets go to school, and see a guy. He isn't normal. And then, The guy turns out to be something. Macy... More

Chapter 2 : Unexpected
Chapter 3 : This morning
Chapter 4 : The return
Chapter 5 : Sierra and Roshon
Chapter 6 : Dakota
Chapter 7 : Practice makes Perfect
Chapter 8 : They are fully trained
Chapter 9 : Back home
Chapter 10 : A Tragety and a Victory
Chapter 11 : The best Idea
Chapter 12 : Happily Ever After

Kayla,Sierra and Samantha's Story

694 16 5
By Mircaal

This is my new book. I honestly HOPE you guys just love it and HOPEFULLY I could get more comments then the last one.Also, their will be more then one person's POV.. BTW, I don't own anyone but Macy and some others. The rest is Stephine Meyer's : ] Thanks for clicking this instead if anything else because, what is an author without fans?



"Knock Knock time for school girls." Seriously. I hated this, waking up at the crack of dawn to get to school. I yawned and opened my eyes then closed them back. " Ugh! " I growled. My name is Kayla Black, I am now 6 years old, almost fully grown and waiting for life to really start. When does life really start you ask? As soon as me and my other 2 sisters graduate from Forks High school. Which is this year. It's September 3rd. The first day of school. Also mom and dad's 10th year anniversary. I have 2 other sister's Sierra and Samantha. Also known as Sam, for short. I hated to walk. And that's why I never really had to. Me and my sister's are triplets. We have gifts of our own. My gift is AWESOME! I can fly around and stuff. Like you'd see a bird in the sky. Yet, it's not a bird it's me. I am also the oldest. By 6 seconds of course. The second oldest is Sierra. She has control over everything. She can mess around with your insides. Move you when you don't want to move. She has control over Bones, Heart, Brain.. Everything. Which scares me because, what if she kills someone without trying. What then. Which is why, she learns how to control it. On her own of course because nobody else I know has the gift. Sam is the 3rd born. Which makes her spoiled ROTTEN because she's younger then us. Even though, mom calls her the baby of the family. we are each the same age! It drives Sierra and I crazy. Her gift is to feel someones weakness. It comes in handy all the time.

" Kayla wake up! " Sam screamed.

"It's okay i'll get her up." Sierra always made me do things, it was too funny when she made our teacher pick her nose in front of the class.

Sierra stood me up and made me slap myself. "Get up!" she yelled. Her screaming voice made me want to lay back down.

Sam came rushing in the room with a bucket that sounded like water was in it. I moved as soon as she tried to poor it on me.

"Wake up!" she yelled. I moved and next thing I knew there was water ALL over my bed. I hated being the oldest.


She came in the room in seconds and heated the bed up until all the water was now dry. She had 3 abilities. Pain, which really hurts when she's mad. The 4 elements, Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. Also she could show you what she's thinking without saying a word only one touch.

We showered, brushed our teeth then got dressed. It only takes 5 minutes for me. But then more like 6 mintues. When we were young looking, like we were 15 years old. We had to ride a stupid human yellow school bus. Now, we have a Black Charger, with pink, blue and green stripes on the sides. Which we rode to school. It was a gift from mom and dad on our 6th birthday.

" Alright. Let's go, we gotta get to hell on Earth. " I laughed.

" It's called school and your going to stop calling it that because if you don't that nice new Samsung ya got will be mine. " Mom said

" Sorry. See you later mom LOVE YOU! " I said.

" Bye mom. Love you! " Sam and Sierra said. We got into he car and I drove us the LONG way to school.

" The school is the other way Kayla. " Sam reminded me.

" Well, I'm taking the long way. " I snapped.

She rolled her eyes. And looked out of the window. She seriously is faking right now! She is not mad at me at all because she's the main one talking about, ' Take the long way! Take the long way! ' Then she laughed. And I knew that meant ' I don't care take the long way Kayla! ' When we got to school and it was crowded with a bunch of people. Humans. Though we are half humans we still don't really like them that much. Sierra did a little. But she had to show a little mercy for her favorite teacher Mr.Andrus. He was so funny. I liked him too. Really I did and so did Sam. Mom made sure we had EVERY class together. I made sure too as soon as I stepped into the building. Everybody knew us. We were the popular bunch but we didn't want to be. Ever since Seth, Sam, Sierra and I cut off stacy's hair we became the popular ones. We thought of ourselves just as a student would think of themselves, a normal person. " Hello, girls what can I do for you today? " A lady asked us. Sierra talked before I could say anything, like she was in charge. " Were just here for our schedules. And to make sure all of our classes are the same. " She said in her polite voice. It was so girly and high-pitched. " Sure. " The lady said it like she had an attitude.

We walked to Homeroom. " A205. " I whispered. We ran upstairs at human speed. We weren't aloud to use our vampire ANYTHING at school. Which made us irritated that we had to walk around school like normal people. As we went up to the 2nd floor there were SO many students roaming the halls. I hated it when people stared at us like we were royalty. That's why Sierra just turned there head. " Here it is, room A205. " I said. We walked in and took our seats, all the way in the back. As usual. Boys stared. But I had Seth, which was my boyfriend. He was a member of dad's pack. Dad was a werewolf. And so was Seth. They also had to keep there identity a secret. "Hey beautiful. " A boy said. Sam noticed he was talking about her. She grinned at him pleased by what he said.

" Go talk to him. " Sierra whispered to Sam.

" I don't have the right mount of time for boys at the moment. " She whispered back.

I was shocked. She always loved it when boys complemented her. What's up now? " So what, now all of a sudden you don't have time for boys. " I challenged.

" I mean it's not that it's just that I need to shine the spotlight from boys to the work these teachers are giving out. I need to graduate too. Ya know. " She answered.

" Look at you, gettin' away from the boys to hit them books. I'm proud. " I snickered. The boy looked in my direction for a long time. And I started to float until Sierra held me down.

" What is wrong with you Kayla! " Sierra yelped. I couldn't stop staring at him. He was not all human, he was something extra. And I knew Sam could feel what vibe I was feeling. Soon Sierra did. We stared at him. Trying to put our finger on what he was. He then came over to us and yelled at us.

" What the hell are you staring at!? " He roared. I got up to slapped him. And he caught my hand before I could do so. I pulled back knowing what he might have planned next to do with me.

" Hmm. " Sierra moved him right back to his seat. And he looked at Sam, he had a weird look in his eyes, a green look. His eyes were just brown, now they are green. Sam, Sierra and I gasped and then I could tell he was half something. We left it alone for a while until after school. We got out of school at 12:00pm.

As we road home me and my sisters had to talk about that guy. " Sam, what's his weakness? " I asked her. She looked up and said, " Family members. "

" Sierra did you find anything in his blood? " I asked her.

" Nope. Just the usual. " She frowned.

" Was I the only one who noticed him spinning that pencil that was not touching his skin? " I questioned them. They gasped.

" He's probably a warlock, some kind of witch? " I brainstormed.

" I do not believe in Witches or Warlocks! " Sierra amused.

" We have family and friends, that are not human and you don't believe that there are witches and stuff out there. You gotta be straight up crazy Sierra. " I chuckled. When we got home, mom had been making dinner.

" Hey girls. How was school. " She wondered as we walked through the door.

" Eh. Could be better. But, Sam is finally focusing on her school work instead of boys. It's a MIRACLE. " Me and Sierra laughed. Seth then walked through the door and ran to me. If only it were to be in slow motion. It was more like fast-forward.

" Hey Kayla! " He said, yelled hugging me. He never really kissed me in front of my mom but this time was different. It was nothing deep, but it was quick and intense.

" Hey. " I smiled and blushed as he put me down.

With mom giving me the evil stare, she turned to Sam. " So. Finally gave up on boys huh? " Mom laughed.

" I'm not giving up on boys. She paused. " I'm just trying to graduate. " She whispered.

" No need to be embarrassed dear. We all had those days. " Dad said coming down the stairs.

" Sup Seth. " Dad greeted him. " Hey girls. " He smiled.

" So. I really don't have to chase a guy around to get him to stop messing with you this year!? " He roared.

" You guys make it sound like I was from guy to guy! " She frowned.

" No honey. Your making it sound like that. Were just saying we are proud that you've really thought about other things this year. " Mom raised up confronting her.

" Ugh. " She growled. Walking up the stairs felt so tiring for them. NOT ME! Levitate! Levitate! Levitate!

" Homework? " Seth asked.

" I wanna do my own homework! " Gosh I never thought I'd ever say that! I laughed at the thought.

" Okay Okay! " He laughed. " I'll stop doing your homework. " He said.

" I never said you had to stop. I just want to learn how to do something for myself. " I told him.

Do you get it? " He does this all the TIME!

" She said she wants to learn, man what don't you understand! " Sierra made Seth jump out of the window.

" OH MY GOSH SETH!!! " I screamed.

" Oww! " His voice echoed off the house.

" Are you okay!?!?? " I screamed as I floated down there to pick him up off the ground but he couldn't move.

" SIERRA! " I rawred up the window. Then he got up.

" Really Sierra!? " He yelled. She just laughed.

" Want me to make you feel better? " I asked.

" Well were gonna have to go in the forest but okay! " He said.

" No, I mean do you want to do my homework? " I laughed. I was still a virgin.

" Yeah! Yeah I knew th-that's what you meant. " He giggled embarrassed.

Then he swug on a tree back up to the window into my room. I just floated up there. Walking isn't my thing.

" I know it isn't. " A familiar voice said as I was almost to the window. GRANDPA!

" Grandpa! " I yelled flying over to hug him to death. They don't come around often.

" We came to see how you guys are. " He told me. When we walked in I seen ALL of my family sitting around. They greeted us with hugs.

" Hey Kay! " Emmett said. He was the only that called me that.

" Hey Sie Sie! " He said to Sierra.

" Hey Sammy! " He said to Sam. ' Sammy? ' Hm. I'm going to call her that when I REALLY want something form her.

" Hey Emme " We laughed. That was our nickname for him. Rosalie gave him the ' Only I can call you that! ' Kind of look.

The rest of the family greeted us and we all sat down to catch up on things. Alice will always be the best Great aunt EVER! And Edward will always be the best Great uncle EVER! He smiled at me and nodded. His way of saying thanks.

Then Alice has a vision. I love it when this happens!!


All things are good. We thought we'd just come over to Nessie's house and catch up on things. And I have a vision.

* Vision *

Some guy. He's new in town. And he is planning on finding out why Kayla stared at him in school. I noticed that his eyes were brown at first but then they were green, or a dark blue. They get out of the class and he goes into the hallway. Spinning his combination for the locker without touching it. Like he's using some kind of magic or something because he said something in Latin. He looks at everyone when he is done but only one person seen him, a guy. He's says something else in Latin and the boy walks away like he saw nothing the guy just did.

* End of vision *


" What is it? " I asked.

" Someone all three of you were staring at in Homeroom. Spill it Kayla. " She said. Her voice sounded, mad but controlled.

" OH YEAH! The Witch or Warlock or whatever he is. HE IS NOT HUMAN! " We said reminded of that moment.

" Name? " Grandpa asked.

" Roshon Smith. " I answered quickly it was like a trivia.

" Age. " Alice asked.

" 20. 5,5. White, Brown hair. Weird eyes. Parents died lives with his grandparents. And has a little sister, Amy. " Sam said.

" How do you know? " I asked her. " The weakness comes with everything personal. EVERYTHING. " She said wide-eyed.

" Does it say anything about any ones ancestor's? " Grandpa asked her.

" Nope. " She frowned.

" Then that's not everything. And if he looks like that, and is 20. He is not all human. " He said in a deep voice.

" Why does his eyes turn blue-green? " Alice asked.

" It's because he's to concentrated on one thing instead of multiple. Like Sierra was when she almost past out at school that one day when she concentrated to hard on Stacey. She was focused on one thing." Sam said. Seriously her gift comes in handy alot.

" Interesting. He might just be a witch or a warlock Kay. " Emmett said.

" Sierra said she doesn't believe in it. " I laughed.

" We are Vampires,Werewolfs and Hybrids sitting in this very house, and you said you don't believe in Witches!?! " Great Grandpa Carlise said, shocked as ever.

" Well when you put it like that! Then yes, I believe there are really witches out there. " Sierra said.

" I SAID IT LIKE THAT! WHY DIDN'T YOU BELIEVE ME?!?! " I screamed at her laughing.

" Because I need to hear it from someone 3,000 years old! " She snapped.

" I am 132, would you believe me? " Grandpa asked.

" Yes. " She answered automatically.

" He's looking for all 3 of you. And when you show up at school tomorrow keep a good eye on him. " When ever Alice talked like she was some kind of Queen it meant she was serious. And she was talking like a queen.

" Yes ma'am " We said.

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