By clumsylouhaz

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Its started with a short of introduced self in a letter and Louis find the letter by faith , then started to... More

20 (part 1)
20 ( part 2 )
25 ( part 2 )
epilogue ?
The End
Alternate Ending


64 4 0
By clumsylouhaz

23 September // Saturday

🔥No ones POV 🔥

Today is the day where the reunion party begin but Harry found Louis who is still sleeping when the party will start in 4 hour ''Love , come on .. you should get showered , today you will meet your friends and all '' Harry shook Louis body gently and Louis groans '' just a minutes , please '' he said tiredly , yesterday event had makes him exhausted as he and harry cleaning their houses , buy food and drinks for today , then decorates just a bit that make both of them sleeps late .

Harry sighed and play with Louis hair , Louis likes it as he lean over Harry's hand and suddenly Harry  stopped  , eyes widen and gasped come out from his mouth . Louis frown at the sudden lost contact , he open his eyes and yawn '' why did you stop ? '' he asked harry , but when he looks at harry who is looking  sad and tried to hide something on his hand '' what is it ?" Louis asked curiously and reach over Harry's  , '' no , lou don't - '' but it was too late when Louis already sees the pillow . His pillow covered with some of his hair , his hair is falling down .

Tears filled up Louis eyes as he reached towards his head and when he put his finger on his hair , then pulled it shakily , there was a strain of hair of his , '' oh Lou , '' Harry said and hugs Louis who sobs while looking at his hair '' my - my h-air haz , I - don't lo-ok beau-tiful any-more '' Louis hiccups over his words , Harry hugs him tightly while tears streaming down on his cheeks '' no , lou , you look amazing like always , I will still love you no matter what . '' Harry said sincerely . 

'' don-t you da-re to said that !! wh-en I go out with ba-ld he-ad , people will *hiccups* laugh at me , I - '' '' okay , that's it ! I will go bald with you ! Don't test me , I'm this close to do it '' Harry said seriously as he showed Louis his pointy finger was about to touch his thumbs . He literally will do anything for Louis . Call him whipped or whatever , He loves his Louis so much that he could not let Louis get through all of this alone . 

'' Haz , you don't understand , my hair was the reason I look good and without it I'm - ... HAZZA !! What are you doingg ?? "' Louis wipes his eyes as Harry suddenly got up and go to the drawer where the hair shaver was placed , Harry took it and goes to the bathroom . , Louis who sat on the bed stared at him blankly . A seconds later , he heard the vibrate from the bathroom and he frantically ran towards the bathroom and look what harry did .

What he sees in front of him make him widen his eyes . Harry shaved his head . Harry look at Louis with cheeky smile and said '' I started to Love it already '' Louis look at him disbelief of what Harry doing . This make Louis realize that Harry kept his word . Harry will always love Louis no matter what happens . 

Louis  whimpered and slowly falling himself down , he just soo touched of what's Harry doing , Harry notice Louis discomfort and quick to turn the shaver off and ran towards Louis , kneeling down and put his warm big hands to cupped Louis face '' what's wrong ? don't cry love ... You're about to make me cry too '' Harry said while brushing Louis' tears away with his thumb , '' I .. just realized your love towards me is real .. I just ... cannot believe I've got such an amazing person by my side .. I'm just touched what you did Hazza ... I love youu soo muchh'' Louis sobs again and Harry leans forward and kissed Louis lips gently and sweetly .

Their kissed was like kinda a new feeling around them . True Love . Louis now knows that Harry loves him sincerely with all his heart and he wants to return that kind of feeling towards Harry . Not like he did not do that before but after seeing how Harry kind of do everything to Louis makes him want to do everything for Harry too .. Their kissed broke and now they just stare towards each other . Fond was activated with two of them . If Niall was recorded it , no one has to know . 

'' uhm '' their stare broke and look at outside the door , '' your door unlocked and I just came here to help with something you know . So .. oh i'm sorry about your hair Lou , and harry , you might have to finished what you did to your hair , you look an idiot right now ''  Niall chuckles and walk outside of the room with smiled on his face , and if there was a stained of tears on his cheeks , no one has to know also . 

Louis huffed and pout '' my Hazza was not look like an idiot !! He looks opposite actually . Cute with dimples and a rabbit teeth '' Louis said and ran his hand towards harry uncut hair . Harry's only got to cut the middle of his hair , he actually looked like a fool , Harry chuckles and got up while helping Louis to stand up '' help me will ya ? shaved all my hair '' Harry said while sitting down on the toilet sit . Louis looks hesitated at first but took the electrical razor anyway . 

'' are you sure ? '' Louis asked and Harry nods happily '' wants to cut a really long time ago actually but never got time to do it so now its perfect timing '' Harry said enthusiastically and clapped both of his hand '' and oh  , do you know to do braid ? good , now here the hair tie and braid my hair then you cut them , want to give away my hair as donation towards the children '' Harry smiled cheekily . 

Louis stared at him in awe and nods '' that's beautiful Harry , '' Louis said as he now stand right behind Harry while braiding Harry hairs and he looks it for the last time cause he really love Harry's hair then he ready to cut and shaved Harry hairs . If he asked Harry to shaved his hair also , Niall has the right to know .. ( ahahah i know , im hilarious , shut up  !! haha )

After a few hours later , they both finished showering and now they decided what to wear '' Here , lou , wear my sweater , you look fluffy in this . Beside its will make you warm enough for this chilly weather '' Harry said while giving Louis the white sweater , Louis nods and took it gratefully , he puts it on and pout '' Your cloth is soo big on me '' he said while frowning , the sweater was too long for Louis hand that makes him have the sweater paws . 

Harry coos at the sight , he fix his white hoodie and go to Louis while helped him folded the long sleeves so that Louis fingers will poked out easily '' That's because you're soooo smalll baby '' Harry said teasingly and kissed Louis bald heads , Louis playfully hit Harry chest with his small hands '' meany Hazza '' Louis said and looking at him shyly .

'' Okay , enough both of you , My memory phone is full already with both of your cuteness , now come on , your friends here already '' Niall said chuckling at how he always the one who broke the moment for Louis and Harry . Once Niall out of the picture , Harry looks at Louis who is now bald same as him " want to wear beanie babe ? '' Harry asked Louis while gently touched Louis cheeks , Louis leans toward the touch and nods '' don't want to freak out the guest yea '' Louis said softly .

Harry nods understandingly and walk toward the drawer and took the matching beanie for both of them . They both wore the same colors shirt and jeans  every time they went outside or wherever they go that involves with people because Louis always goes missing at the mall and he kinda forgot where Harry is ! So Harry make an idea for both of them wearing the same color so when Louis is missing and wants to find Harry , he will just have to look at the shirt color

Harry gave Louis the black beanie and he wear his over his bald head , once they both done , Louis took Harry hands and they both look at each other '' you look beautiful Louis '' Harry said softly and kissed Louis lips , Louis blushed at that . '' Ready babe ? '' Harry asked and Louis nods nervously . Harry notice the nervousness and gave Louis a courage smiled , and his thumb rubs over Louis fingers , They both walked outside and be greeted with Louis friends .

'' Tommoooooo !! '' Louis friends screams and at least 10 people came running towards Louis and started to do group hugs , Harry step backwards to give them a space to hugs . '' we miss you tommo '' '' captainnnn !! we are veryyy sorrryyy '' '' be our captain again '' the boys whimpering and some of them might shade a single tears while doing a group hugs . Harry looked at them worriedly cause afraid they will suffocate his Louis .

Liam noticed Harry discomfort and quick to be his side and rubs his back , Liam knew that Harry's protective mood is activated now . '' guys , let tommo breath yea '' Stan finally said and they broke the hugs . Harry sigh of relief .  Louis fix his beanie that almost fell because of the hugs . Louis looks at Harry and give Harry a sign to stand beside him , '' Thanks for coming guys , this is Harry , my fiance , '' Louis said nervously as he afraid of judgement . But instead his ex team mates , nods happily and one by one shook their hands towards Harry and said congrats . 

Louis smiled at that and he looked at Harry who smiled so big while talking back to one of his friends . Louis glad that things become better when he thought his ex team mates will look him in disgust . '' oh my , I just realized both of you are bald . wow . I've been wanting to do that since forever but my schedule was tooo full ! '' Alex said with pouting , '' I will shaved it for you if you want ,  '' Triston said while putting his hand over Alex shoulder , Louis hearts flutters at how supportive his friends become .

'' yea , Louis , you have the shaver ? '' Alex asked Louis , Triston choked on his drink and look at Alex disbelief , '' you mean right here and right fucking now ? " Alex  shrugged it off and look at Louis to get an answer  , '' I do have but don't you want to find someone first ? what if you won't get a girlfriend when you're bald ? '' Louis asked Alex '' I  don't care , if he or she love me , they will love me because of my heart not my looks . If they love me because of the way I look , they can fuck off '' Alex said smirking at Triston , Louis started to have a feeling that both of them is something .

'' oh  right , um , I will go take it for you '' Louis said while giving them a small smile . As he walked to the room , he go to the drawer where Harry put the shaver , he heard the doors open and closed , he looks back and saw Harry approached him with a smile , '' your friends nice . They are all friendly , too much even , '' Harry said with a chuckle and sat down on the bed ,         '' yea , they are soo loud too when we were practicing soccer , '' Louis smiled at Harry and took out the shaver , 

'' What are you doing with those ? " Harry asked curiously , '' Alex , wanted to be bald as soon as he noticed you and me with bald heads , even though we are wearing beanies , they still could see the bald , '' Louis sigh and started to walk towards the door , Harry walked beside him and rub Louis back , knowing that he upset about people noticed his head . 

Harry told Louis he would go to the kitchen while Louis will basically goes towards Alex . That's how the party goes , full with laughter and chatting about how they missed their ex captain , they apologized to Louis plenty of times and told Louis how much they regret treated Louis like a trash while Louis is very important person in the world  . Louis forgave them and said they should now move on , forget about the past and they should start over , but that doesn't mean Louis will be their captain tho , Louis just said he will visited them and plays with them if he got a chance to do so , his teams only nods enthusiastically because they cannot wait to play with Louis again.

But Stan just gave Louis a sad smiled . He knew what Louis means by if he got chance to do so , Louis noticed Stan gave him a sad smile , but he assured Stan that he should not thinking about it too much , no matter how Louis tried to give the lads a courage , Stan never took it . Stan feels soo guilty and sorry for what he did to Louis even tho Louis already forgave him multiple of times . 

All of sudden , Harry ran towards Louis and pulling him out of the rest of his friends , he whispered to Louis ears , '' Zayn's here '' he said shakily , Louis knew Harry about to get anxiety so he brings Harry to the empty chair and sat him down . Louis then kneel in front of him and took Harry's sweaty hands  , '' Love , calm down . It will be alright . I'll be there with you alright ? so you don't need to worry about it that much love '' Louis said sincerely and looks at Harry green orbs that he love soo much . 

Harry only nods and leans forward to get a kiss , Louis kissed him gently and sweetly and after they pulled a part , their forehead touched each other and green meets blue , Louis gave him  assuring smiled '' you okay now ? " Louis asked Harry and Harry nods and took a deep breath , '' here goes nothing .  Let's go Lou , ''Harry said and took Louis hands in his and walked towards Zayn who looked down over his laps at the kitchen stool , basically all people was at the backyard so Zayn could explain here or in the room . 

'' Zayn '' Harry said coldly and Louis cannot help it but runs his thumb over Harry's knuckles . Zayn looked up and eyebrows at Louis , he is aware that he had to explain to Harry but not to Louis '' I hope you don't mind , but I don't care either if you mind , Louis is going to be here while you and me had a talk '' Harry said while walking towards the study room with Louis beside him , Zayn who nods but knowing Harry cannot see it , '' yea , sure '' he said and followed them to the room . 

Once they were in the room , Harry sat on the chair while Louis stand next to him but get pulled by Harry to sit down over his laps , Louis blushed cause Zayn was watching the whole things and if Louis saw the sad eyes on Zayn black orbs, Louis probably will sit down somewhere else . Zayn sat down on the chairs and plays with his hands 

'' so , don't  waste any time , explain , why you outed me out at school and disappear just like that ?'' Harry asked , angry clear in his tone , '' do you think I did that ? " Zayn asked Harry with hurts look , '' I did not outed you out Harry , Jimmy did . Maybe he told you I did that but I would not betrayed you like that Harry . I did not disappear without telling you also , I did gave you a letter on your locker , but I guess you did not get the letters either . '' Zayn said while frowning . 

Harry who is confused as hell asked '' what letters ? " Zayn sigh , aware that Harry did not got his letter , '' In that letters , I told you my dad transferred me to Germany , I don't have a chance to talk to you in person cause you keep avoiding me then you also blocked my number  , remember ? " Zayn asked Harry who is now staring on the floor like its the most interesting things ever , Louis look at Harry and keeps rubbing his thumbs over Harry's knuckle , to calm him down . 

'' that's because I overheard your talk with Jimmy that you will kiss me at canteen and told everyone that I kissed you first and you're not gay ! So that Jimmy won't tell the others about your secret ! What's secret that you hiding anyway ? '' Harry said while fixing his gaze towards Zayn , Zayn slumped his back on the chairs ''   you really wanna know ? " Zayn said while looking nervous . Harry rolled his eyes and put his chin on Louis' shoulder and wrapped his arm around Louis small waist . 

'' I love you , you idiot ! That is my secret , if Jimmy told anyone about my secrets - '' '' you what  ?? '' Harry asked , his eyes widen and Louis sat there awkwardly . '' I like you the first time I saw you walking in the hallway , looking lost with lots of book on your arms with that round spectacles on a very first day of school . I know I have to get you so why do you think all of sudden a senior like me would help you while the others senior will just walk past you and makes you fall all your books ? ''  Zayn asked Harry with a determine tones . 

'' Harry , I'm gay and I'm not supposed to like guys cause you know how my both parents are against it , so I have to keep it secret so my parent won't know about it . But on that day they already knew I was gay so they sent me to religious school in Germany . They won't give me my phone , my laptop and all , it like I was locked up in jails .  The place over there is not horrible tho so I started to move on and let go my feelings towards you . So don't worry Lou , I won't ruins your relationship '' Zayn said sincerely , Louis gave him a small smiled before turns to look at Harry .

'' there , I gave you an explanation , I'm sorry for ruining your life , someone told me when I left , people start to give you a hard time , calling you a fag- .. and bullying you . I'm sorry  '' Zayn said sincerely , when he got no reply , he sigh and said '' I'm really sorry Harry '' He got up from his seat and about to turn the door knob '' Zayn ,wait '' Harry said suddenly , Louis sensed Harry wants to get up so he got up from Harry's lap and step aside , Harry walked towards Zayn and pulled him into a tight hugs  '' thank you for the explanation zaynie , I'm sorry too because I jumps into conclusion that's absolutely wrong . I'm really sorry '' he said and Louis smiled at both of them . 

Zayn nods at the hugs and smiled happily as he got his junior back . They both hugs for at least 2 minutes before let  go the hugs '' go enjoy the party then ! '' Harry said towards Zayn while chuckling , Zayn smiled and walked outside , '' see , I told you , everything is gonna be okay '' Louis said while crossing his arms over his chest , '' indeed , you are right '' Harry said while kissing Louis lips . Louis smiled and kiss Harry lips soo hard that he accidentally bite Harry's lips , he could taste the blood but Harry did not stop the kissed , Instead he wraps his arm around Louis neck . 

That's how the party goes . Instead of only Alex being bald , there was 3 more people that goes bald , they said bald means manly so they want to be one . Louis is thankful that he and his ex team mates becomes friends again . Louis is thankful his wish list almost done . He is thankful for everything . Louis now standing infront of his door , and looks around , he love this atmosphere , happy and loud . He saw his fiance laughing with some of his friends , he saw niall and Liam talking to zayn with a smiled on their faces instead of cold hard glare . He is thankful everything goes right before he left this world . Stan noticed Louis so he approached Louis and bring Louis to sit with them , to talk about the memories and all . 


'' Okay , we're done cleaning up !! Louis , can we stay here ? Liam and I cannot drive at this hour , we're both tired and sleepy , look liams there , already drooling your sofa with his yucky saliva ! '' Niall said while making a disgust face '' yucky saliva huh ? how about the kissed that you shared together ? " Harry smirked at Niall playfully , Niall gave him a glare before turning to Louis with a cute face '' Of course you can . You can ... slept at mom room then '' Louis said with a smiled , '' no , its okay , we can just slept at the living room , its okay really , we just need a pillow and blanket will be just fine '' Niall said while walking towards one of the sofa '' let me get it - '' '' already got it '' Harry said while cutting Louis words , his arms fulls of things and Louis laugh at him as Harry struggle to keep the pillow from falling down , 

'' let me help yo- '' '' its okay princess , I got it '' Harry said and again cutting Louis words , Louis groans but let him anyway '' Here , hope this is enough to makes you warm and not died frozen '' Harry said while throwing it on the sofa next to Niall , Niall took it gratefully while saying thank you towards Harry , Once they settle down , Harry pulled Louis towards their room after saying good night to Niall and sleepy Liam . 

'' Now , lets get you inside the bed , I'm going to cuddle you , '' Harry said and making Louis get in the duvet , Louis chuckle and lay his back , Harry then goes to the bed room to take a warm water and napkin , he then bring those to bed and sat on the bed while putting the thing beside him before taking Louis legs towards his laps , '' your feet must be sooo tired '' Harry said while he took the wet napkin and rub it all over Louis feet '' Hazza  , you don't have to do this , its okay really '' Louis said while sitting down and about to pulled his legs but Harry stopped him with gripping Louis feet '' the doctors told me , your legs should at least give an ordinal twice a week . now stay still '' Harry said without looking at Louis . 

Louis fondly looking at his fiance '' you're too good for me , I don't know what I do to get such amazing person like you '' Louis said and Harry frowns '' you deserve the world Louis , you don't have to do anything to get a good things , you just need to learn to take it '' Harry smiled at Louis and Louis only nods , '' um , Louis , I've been thinking .. to marry you soon ? Like I want to make you my husband ? '' Harry asked Louis nervously , '' Of course , we can have the wedding at the garden , the theme is blue and green and - '' '' wait , you okay with it ?? '' Harry asked shocked towards Louis reaction , so happy and excited ,. 

'' Of course I want Hazza , I've been thinking of it lately but I never got chance to told you about it cause I keep forgot and yea '' , Louis smiled and Harrys smiled widen and said '' great , oh my , tomorrow we will discussed about this with Niam . And what do you like better , Harry Tomlinson or Louis Styles ? '' Harry asked Louis enthusiastically , Louis chuckles and said '' whatever you like Hazza , but I think I like Harry Tomlinson , much better '' Louis said smirking at Harry who putting the water and napkin on the floor , 

'' That's mean , I'm being a girl in this relationship !! absolutely no !! You - '' '' go to sleep Hazza '' Louis said chuckling and lay Harry down and put his head on Harry chest '' Oh my !!! Cannot wait for our wedding !! '' Harry said excitedly and Louis shook his head , '' you're such a dork haz , Night hazzza , sweet dreams , and I love you forever and always '' Louis said sleepily and Harry smiled and wraps his arm around Louis tiny waist '' I love you , forever and always , sweet dreams boo '' Harry said and kissed Louis bald head . He also fell asleep with a smiled on his face . 

THREE more chapter then we're done !!! LOTS OF LOVE !! AZZZZZZYY


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