Kings And Pawns {Mavin Fanfic}

By The-Mad-Queen

11.4K 512 95

The Mad King has ruled for years. Like a dictatorship, no one has been able to overthrow him. Not even the be... More

Chapter 1 -- The Two Musketeers
Chapter 2 -- Edgar
Chapter 3 -- Bad Luck
Chapter 4 -- Race Against Time
Chapter 5 -- Wait For It
Chapter 6 -- Knock Knock
Chapter 7 -- I'm Sorry
Chapter 8 -- Visitor
Chapter 9 -- Rage Quit
Chapter 10 -- One More Time
Chapter 11 -- My Boi
Chapter 12 -- Not Careful Enough
Chapter 13 -- Potions
Chapter 14 - Rise and Fall
Chapter 15 -- Don't Do That Again
Chapter 16 -- I Love It When You Say That
Chapter 17 -- It's Hot In Here
Chapter 18 -- Can We Not
Chapter 19 -- Rosethorns
Chapter 20 -- Demise


1.3K 35 4
By The-Mad-Queen

In the beginning, there was chaos.

 There was no hierarchy. No higher or lower. No rich -- just poor.

 There was only survival of the fittest.

 The world of Achievement Kingdom wasn’t a kingdom at all. It was turmoil. Suffering. No order or rules or right or wrong.

 There were thieves of the thieves. Stealers stealing from the stolen. Slaves working other people. Creatures from mythology becoming so much more than myths. It was all destruction. No balance. No order.

 And then came The King.

 The King.

 He was good. There was light and life and happiness. He protected us from the monsters and helped restore balance. There was rich and middle-class, rarely any poor. There was livestock and food and goodness and health. And it was good.

 He created something similar to a hierarchy in a ways. There was to be a competition held between eligible contestants to see who would get the symbol of power -- The Tower Of Pimps. Most of the time, it was the same people over and over. But they were good people. There were times of argument, but there was no revolution.

 The first time King Ryan ruled, it was fine. He was different than The King, but he kept things good. He expected a long rule, but there was a twinge of jealousy when The Contests were held. He was overthrown by The Good King, or King Ray. And it was clear that King Ryan turned mad.

 The Good King was careless, but kind. Everyone came with their drawbacks.

 Then came King Mogar. And then madness.

 When a person is killed in Achievement Kingdom, they aren't really dead. Trapped, persay. There have been legends of the strange underworld called the Nether. According to legend, if someone is able to either ecape the nether by themselves, or be rescued through usage of portals, then they can return to the life they had. Of course, not many do this -- no one specifically cares to return to the nether to fetch these people. 

When a king, however, is sent to the nether -- it's quite heroic to not go and save him -- but rather deem him a worthy subject for the next contests if he can escape. Cruel, but needed in order to make sure not one person reigns for more than needed.

King Ryan was a jealous king. On the day of The Contests, just after King Mogar was crowned, The Good King went missing for a period of time. It was clear what had happened. Very clear.

 Then came the next Contests. It was clear by the way Ryan acted – even though he was already weird to begin with – that something was wrong.

 And it was clear once more when King Mogar was overthrown – the one king who was so forceful and violent it was almost good; the one king who protected us with such ferocity everyone thought there was never anything better – that the next king would be The Mad King. And it was clear that there would never be another king afterwards as long as he stood.

 It was clear.

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