🌹 our new mate And Children...

By PrincessAlissahall

1.9K 59 2

What happens when Edward leaves Bella and her father starts changing and she loses all her friends and she ge... More

Ch. 3
ch. 5
Ch. 6


180 8 0
By PrincessAlissahall


The next morning I get out of bed and take a shower.  as I get dressed I see Bella getting out of bed and going into the bathroom. Esme had to go shopping and will not be back until 6 in the afternoon. I have to be at the hospital at 7:00 pm so I have the whole day to spend with Bella while everyone else is at school. Once I am dressed I go to my office to get some things done. Two hour later I look up at the clock and decided to go check on bella. Once I get into the room I see that the bed was empty so I go into the bathroom to make sure she is ok. What I saw was Bella in the tub sleeping. I decided to let her sleep but move her to the bed. As I picked her up and out of the tub I realized that her scar from her fight with her brother opened up. I placed her on the floor and ran to get my bag likely the scar just opens up. I cleans the wound and stitched it up then I rapped it with gauze then took her to bed and went back to my office and finish some work.  About 4 hours later I heard Bella saying ow so I get up and check on her. When I get to the room I saw Bella on the floor trying to get back into bed." Bella honey are you ok" I ask"  Ya I just fell out of bed can you help me up please" Bella says and I walk over to her and helped her back in bed. " are you sure your ok because I can stay with you if you want"  I ask since she Knows how busy we can get she doesn't say anything when I am in my office outing finishing touches on patent files" no I am ok you go finish your patent files I am going to go back to sleep"  she says and kisses me on the cheek"  ok call if you need anything " I say and walk back to my ofice. At 6 esme gets home and comes into my office. " hey babe how was your day with bella" She asks"  ok I guess she fell asleep in the tub this morning and when I picked her up out of the tub her scar opened up, I switched it up and cleans it then took her to the bed then a couple of hours later she fell out of bed and I helped her back into bed and she fell back to sleep." I say"  let me guess she told you to finish up your patent files and won't let you back into the room"  esme says"  pretty much I tried to go lay down with her but she told me that I should be working and not keeping her company." I say and we both laugh God we love our mate. "Carlisle. Can you come here"  Bella said I get up and go to our room"  yes Bella"  I say"  can you check on the babys they haven't kicked since I fell out of bed"  Bella says"  Ya let's go into my medical room" I say as I pick her up " is everything ok"  esme asks as She comes into the room" Ya I am just worried"  Bella says and we all go up to my medical room and I check the babys"  all looks good nothing out of the ordinary and all heartbeats are strong"  I say"  ok thanks now go get ready for work" Bella. Says and that is what I did as esme take Bella back to our room. By the time I pack my work bag esme and Bella are already laying in bed so I go into the closet to get dressed. Once I am done I go over to the bed and kiss both my mates goodbye.


After school we went for a hunt to give Carlisle and Bella some alone time esme went shopping for supplies so she wont be home until 6. After our hunt we went home. We walk in right as Carlisle walks out the door"  hey guys how was your hunt" Carlisle asks"  fine how was your day" Alice says with a knowing smerk"  ok I guess" Carlisle Says"  Carlisle get your butt to the hospital I can hear you" Bella says and we all laugh"  I better go she can be really mean when no one listens to her" Carlisle Says As he walks out"  what can Bella do"  Emmett says"  trust me you don't want to get her angry her nice can take away your sex life for as long as She wants and Bella and her are supper close so she will do what ever Bella says even taking her mother's sex life" Jasper says"  ha I am so scared"  Emmett says"  Emmett don't or your going to regret it" Alice says as Emmett runs upstairs and we follow. When we get into the room Emmett pushes esme off Bella since they were makeing out" Emmett why did you just do that"  Bella says getting really mad"  Emmett come on say sorry and let's go" I say"  I would listen Emmett you have ten min. Before I call my nice"  Bella says. After ten min. Bella graves her phone and called her nice. And two min. Later She is standing right on front of us"  hey Angel I hope I didn't interrupt your time with your mates"  Bella says"  oh no they are on punishment  for not stopping daddy caius and daddy aro" Angel says"  Ok use your orgasm gift and end Emmett enjoyment for a month. But double everyone else's enjoyment including his mate" Bella says"  Ok no problem esme are you ok you have cracks all over your face"  Angel says"  Yes I am ok we are lucky your mother made the house indestructible"  esme says " Ok well I am done its nice to see you aunty Bella I gotta go help mom with the kings and the witches I call mates"  Angel says"  Ok have fin oh and tell Jane and Alec to behave"  Bella says"  Ya right have up yet those two I swear they got worse once we found out We were mates but I still love them I really gotta go bye"  Angel says and teleportation away"  I told you Emmett"  jasper says. As we all walk out and esme Gose for a hunt.


After my hunt I went home and played down with Bella while she is sleeping. I hope everything Gose well and Bellas happy.

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