High Emotions ; Phan au

Autorstwa official_dhowlter

3.9K 221 406

Phil was sick of Dan, Dan was in love with Phil Warnings: smut/angst - only read if you are comfortable read... Więcej

Eighteen {Part 1}
Eighteen {Part 2}
I'm sorry


153 12 26
Autorstwa official_dhowlter

"Thank you!" Dan smiled widely. He was so done with being in the hospital, he was ready to go home. "Can I call my friend, please?"

"Of course you can, let me fetch the patient phone and we'll contact your emergency one." She smiled, happy to see at least one happy face, "I'll be back in a moment Mr.Howell."

Dan nodded and waited for a bit. He immediately dialed Phil, a big smile plastered on his face.

Phil was straddling Alex, heavily making out with him on the couch when he felt his phone ring in his back pocket, he pulled away frustratedly as he answered the phone "hello?"

"Hey, um, it's me." Dan swallowed thickly. He didn't sound like he was too happy about him calling.

"Oh Dan hey! How are you?! Are you okay?" Phil asked in a rushed panic, Alex subtly growled in frustration, yet again Dan was interrupting his and Phils moment

"I'm okay, silly, it's good news." Dan giggled and smiled a little. "They said I can be discharged tomorrow morning! I can move back in!"

"Oh my god Dan that's amazing news! I'm so proud of you I knew you would push through! Oh that's amazing I want to cry and hug you, god damn visiting hours." Phil said with an array of excitement, Alex however was not impressed with having Dan living back with Phil where they'll be with each other twenty four seven

"Um, so what about all my stuff back at the apartment?" Dan asked as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Are you gonna go pick my stuff up?"

"Yeah yes of course Alex and I will do that now, right babe?" Phil asked with a glowing smile to Alex

"Of course, baby." Alex smiled and made sure to ennunciate the 'baby'. Dan frowned a little and bit his lip before saying, "My stuff is still in boxes because I never really unpacked when I moved out and um, ignore the alcohol and stuff. And um... The drawer beside my bed may have some weed in it. I'm giving you a heads-up." Dan forced himself to say. He was chewing on his lip as he looked down. He remembered all the empty bottles around the house and full ones in the fridge. That's all he had. And the weed and pipe in the drawer along with cigarettes.

"O-oh alright that's fine aha, right I'm gonna go now to your apartment with that key you gave me and get your stuff? Do you want me to unpack any of it?" Phil asked, before smirking at an idea that came into mind

"Sure, if you wanna." Dan shrugged. He was glad Phil didn't taunt him about the weed. He didn't need to hear any more about his bad decisions and he guessed Phil knew that.

"Okay I'll talk to you later, love you lots Dan, again I'm so proud of you." Phil said with a soft smile, raising his eyebrow mischievously to Alex, waiting for Dan to say goodbye

"Bye bye." Dan said and cut the call. Alex looked at Phil and raised an eyebrow, "What's that look on your face? What are you thinking about, silly?"

"I'm thinking that we could do something stupid and reckless that I need to do before I'm way too old." Phil said, fiddling with the collar of Alex's shirt

"And what's that?" He asked as he cupped his cheek and looked up at him, running his thumb over his cheek bone.

"A little birdie just told me he had some weed left in his old place, now after we've brought everything over, why don't we try and have a little fun with it?" Phil said raising his eyebrow with a smug smile

"Won't he know we took it?" Alex laughed as he looked up at Phil with big eyes. Dan was a druggie too? God, phil didn't need a fuck up like Dan in his life.

"Nope because once we're doing it's being throw out and he isn't touching that stuff again, but honestly we both just need a break so, what do you say?" Phil asked innocently

"You're bad." He laughed and kissed him. "But we don't have anything to like smoke it out of? Do you really wanna use his pipe?"

"No way, god knows who or where he got it from, on the way back I'll head straight back but you could buy some ciggie filter and makers?" Phil suggested

"I'll see if I can get something." Alex chuckled as he nodded. He kissed Phil and grinned, "Lets go then."

Phil quickly got off of Alex and headed to the apartment, chucking the little amount of boxes Dan packed into the boot "got it." Phil said tapping his back pocket, gesturing to the weed he now had hold of

Alex chuckled and inspected the pipe Dan had with the weed. "You know, we could just clean this up and then use it." He said as he handed it to Phil.

"If you don't care I don't care." Phil smiled "I mean there's always something I've always wanted to try with weed." Phil suggested

"Let's go keep Dan's stuff at yours and we can go back to mine with the weed, yeah?" Alex smiled as he began driving.

"I'm so nervously excited, I'm just so happy I get to do this with you." BPhil smiled softly, placing his hand on Alex's thigh as they headed back to Phils apartment to go out Dans stuff back

They first stocked up Dan's stuff in his room and went to Phil's with the
Weed and Alex pulled out a little lighter, as Phil headed to the bathroom to quickly clean it as he headed back to Alex

"I hope you know what you're doing, I don't have a clue." Phil chuckled passing the bong over to Alex

"I've seen enough in high school." Alex chuckled and sat down as he took the pipe and filled the bowl with ground up weed. He placed it between his lips and lit it before inhaling. He let his finger off the little hole in front of the pipe and inhaled some more before pulling off and exhaling.

Phil watched, his eyes twinkling at the sight of Alex exhaling, letting drugs hit his system "fuck I'm nervous what if I choke." Phil asked nervously whilst Alex passed the pipe over to him

"You'll be okay, I have some water." Alex said as he coughed a little and drank some before setting it down and handing Phil the pipe.

Phil copied Alex's motions, coughing slightly at the smoke that he just inhaled "f-fuck." Phil said mid cough, laughing slightly

"Take it easy, tiger." Alex laughed and helped him drink some water before taking a hit himself.

"Do you have any idea how long it takes before it hits?" Phil asked, watching Alex's motions. His heart began racing looking at Alex, he'd never looked more attractive

"No idea. I don't feel it yet." Alex said as he let Phil take another hit. They kept taking hits, complaining they couldn't feel it until it slapped them in the face. Alex's heart slowed down, and his eyes felt relaxed and a little water. He smiled and laughed easily. Phil never looked cuter. He cuddled into his side and giggled as he let Phil take a hit, watching in wonder as smoke flew out of his lips.

"Can I try something." Phil said with a little giggle, moving himself to straddle over Alex's frame on the floor of his bedroom

"Mhm, what's that?" Alex giggled as he pressed his lips on Phil's again and again, kissing him to his heart's content.

"Can you basically get the smoke in your mouth-" phil asked as he rubbed his nose against Alex's, slowly moving his mouth to Alex's neck, open mouth kissing him there "and pass it on to me?" Phil whispered

"Mhm." Alex nodded as he took a hit and pressed his lips against Phil's to pass the smoke on, letting Phil inhale it before kissing him despite himself.

Phil inhaled the smoke slowly, kissing Alex back with a steady rhythm, rolling his hips upward slightly as he pulled away, opening his mouth to let the little smoke he had in there gently roll out

"I love you." Alex mumbled as he kissed him harder. They ended up sucking each other off and giggling the while way through. They fell asleep on the bed at around 2am. However none of them had anticipated that being high essentially enhanced their sleep. So neither of them woke up in time for Dan's discharge. Dan however was excited at the hospital. He was helped to shower and dress up in his old but cleaned clothes. He was wheeled out to the waiting room where he waited for Phil and Alex to turn up. But they didn't. Dan's heart broke all over again. But now he also had a crushing sense of having no money. He barely had 3000 in the bank. He bit his lip and rapped at the wheelchair. At 5pm, he realised Phil had abandoned him. He called up his mum and tried to ask her for money. She obviously said okay but he would pay her back. So, taking 7000 from her and emptying his account, he paid the bills. He called an uber to take him to his apartment. The nurse offered to take him home, which he was grateful for. She helped him inside where a lot Dan's stuff and his empty bottles of alcohol lay. "Jesus," The nurse gasped. Dan learned her name was Erica. He apologized but let her take out the trash, gathering up all the empty bottles. She taught him how to maneuver his wheelchair around the house. "I would tip you but I just cleared my bank account." Dan said sheepishly and she only laughing, telling him there was no need. She finally left and Dan truly realised how alone he was. The apartment did look like someone had been in there. Most of his boxes were gone but upon inspection, he realised his clothes were still here along with his toileteries and what not. Dan wheeled into his bedroom and let the world crush down on him. Phil had abandoned him. He had no one.

Phil woke up half groggily, groaning as he rolled away from the body heat that felt like a ball of fire. He stretched loudly and rubbed his palms over his eyes,letting his mind rest until he realised "Shit!" He screamed "no no no no." He chanted as he ran out of the bed

Alex was still sound asleep. He didn't even hear Phil get up as he only groaned and rolled over. Dan on the other hand had no idea what to do. He had nothing. No money, no job, no Phil. He wondered if he should just kill himself right now. But he decided against it. He had to work to pay off the 7000 he had taken from his mum.

Phil didn't even have time to think about waking up Alex, he was running around throwing his pants on from yesterday whilst he quickly grabbed a t-shirt from Alex's wardrobe, knowing he wouldn't mind, he practically ran down the stairs, heading over to Dans apartment knowing he would be there. Phil ran up the stairs and knocked on Dans door, out of breath and -quite frankly- a mess "Dan it's me I'm so sorry!" Phil exclaimed

Dan heard knocking when he was taking out more hidden alcohol bottles. He wheeled himself to the front door and didn't know who it was so he just opened the door, struggling because of the wheelchair but he did his best. He spotted Phil and his eyes widened, "Why are you here?"

"I'm so so sorry Dan, Alex and I did something stupid last night and we had no alarm because normally we'd wake up in time and we didn't and I'm so so sorry I love you so much please forgive me." Phil spoke quickly, breathing fast

"Stop making excuses, Phil." Dan mumbled and looked down. "I feel like a burden. Like you're keeping me around out of sympathy. And... I don't want that. I know you're too nice of a person to outrightly kick me out after two surgeries but I've got the message. I'll stay here. I'm okay now, I can take care of myself."

"No Dan you can't look after yourself, you're bound to a wheel chair temporarily, even if you weren't I need you with me Dan - please." Phil said desperately, choking up with tears "I know I'm the worlds shittiest best friend and I don't deserve you in my life but Dan I'm pleading you." Phil said kneeling down to Dan, his eyes watering "come back and live with I'll make it worth it Dan I love you."

"How can I believe whatever you say?" Dan sighed and looked down. "I... I don't know. You're happier without me. And really, how much could you care if you forgot I existed for two days." He mumbled and chewed on his lip. Alex was right.

"Dan I have never forgotten you existed I don't know who put that crazy idea into your head, Dan I may not have always been thinking about you every day but if I didn't care do you really think I would be here? If I didn't care do you think I would have worked my heart and soul on overdrive to make sure you weren't going to give up in hospital, if I didn't care Dan I would have walked past you and let you rot on the streets." Phil said angrily wiping his selfish tears away "Alex and I overslept after I made a huge mistake that I will never forgive myself for, I woke up literally 5 minutes ago and I was out that door searching for you because I love you, you're my best friend and I am not about to let you walk out of my life this easy Dan."

"All you do is talk." Dan said dejectedly. "Makes me wonder how much of it is real." Dan wheeled back a little in his wheelchair, getting ready to shut the door, "I have to go take my meds now."

"No Dan please don't do this please please." Phil said now trying to ignoring the feeling of his bitter tears down his neck, "Dan you can't leave me, I can't leave you, we're a pair, a team, we're by each other's sides and we had been for years! I can't let you go Dan you're too important to me!" Phil said now raising his voice to a heart full sob, he stepped inside of the door so Dan couldn't shut him out

"Please don't cry, it's hard enough." Dan whimpered as he wheeled back and decided to go to his bedroom nonetheless. He wished he could run off like he always did but he couldn't now

"Dan listen to me I've tried so so hard to make sure that you're okay, I can't let you go now you're out I just can't, for one you're not capable of being on your own and two I can't leave you it'll will kill me Dan. I'm so alone without you." Phil begged following Dan

"You have Alex." Dan mumbled and wheeled into his small messy bedroom. It smelled like dust. But then again, most of the house did. He went through the bag that the nurse had given him with all his pills that he needed to take after he was discharged.

"So what, Alex and I won't be with each other, relationships die but my friendships don't!" Phil begged as he cried harder "don't do this to me Dan please- come home." Phil said weakly, loosing hope that Dan will even listen to him

"I'm doing this to you?" Dan asked in a small shaky voice, like he couldn't believe Phil just said that. He grabbed a little syringe from the bag and the bottle of medicine. His hands shook as he filled the syringe up. He tried to place it at the nape of his arm but his hands were shaking too much.

Phil watched and his heart sank "Dan let me help you please even if you never want to see face again, let me help you so you can walk." Phil said as he gently tried to get around Dans chair so he could help

"I'm okay. I can do it." Dan mumbled as he placed the tip of the syringe against his arm but his hands were shaking so much, he couldn't really inject himself.

"Dan you can't inject yourself on your own." Phil stated, his breath began to decrease into silent hiccups, Phil placed his hand onto Dans shoulder, "turn around and just let me do this for you, then I'll leave you - if you're sure that's what you want." Phil said with a sad tone, fighting back his tears

Dan screwed his eyes shut and set the syringe down. "You're lying to yourself. This is not what I want. This is what you want too. I'm such a nuisance. I'm the opposite of a good friend. And I can't– I just. Youre better off without me."

"Dan turn around and face me." Phil said with a strict but meaningful tone

Dan struggled a little but managed to turn around in his wheelchair. He felt so weak, he could barely maneuver the wheelchair. In fact, it made him go out of breath.

Phil knelt down in front of Dan, reaching for his hand "look at me." Phil said softly, "From the beginning I needed a break from you - but now- now Dan that break would kill me, I love you so much and I couldn't laugh without you by my side, I can't even function without you with me. Stop thinking you're not good enough for whatever reason, you are. You are everything I need and more Dan and I truly love you. I want to be around you, I did for the millions of years we lived together until my selfish ass decided that I wanted space and caused this mess. But I can vow right now that I need you to be with me- just come with me for a little while, until you get sick of me and then you can fuck off." Phil said with light laughter "but please- give me an undeserved second chance." Phil said with a nervous and unsure tone, his heart pounding in his chest as he looked softly at Dan with eyes full of meaning and genuine emotions

Dan felt his eyes water as he heard Phil talk. He knew this wasn't a good idea. But he couldn't help himself. He could never say to Phil. He sniffled and nodded "okay" as he leaned forward to wrap his arms around Phil to hug him. It had been so, so long since he had hugged Phil. It felt so good.

A surge of sweet relief washed over Phil he hugged Dan tight and decided to lift him out of his chair, scooping his thigh softly and placed them around his waist as his arms wrapped gently underneath Dans lower and upper back making sure not to hurt him post operation

Dan let out a shaky sigh of relief as he buried his face in Phil's neck. He sniffled as he held onto him. He was so light now that Phil picked him up with no effort. He had lost so much weight because of the alcohol and surgery. The surgical stitches on his tummy felt a bit raw but it didn't hurt. "I love you." He said in a barely audible voice.

"I love you too Dan, I cannot believe how lucky I am to have you in my life, I can't think about how I took you for granted." Phil whispered, kissing Dans cheek before burying his head into Dans neck

"S'okay, I deserved it." Dan mumbled and he thought about all the mean things Phil had screamed at him. They were all true. He kept his eyes shut.

"No they were not true Daniel, the only thing true I said during those arguments was that I needed you out." Phil said before explaining what he meant "I think the reason it all happened was because I freaked out, you were so good all of a sudden and I felt like I didn't deserve you." Phil said thinking about it closer "I never ever want you to think that anything I said during those arguments were real because you are one hell of a special guy." Phil said as he looked Dan right in the eye but then his eyes wandered to the rest of Dans face, despite his paleness, he looked beautiful and Phil had a surge of warmth run through his body, just at the thought of kissing Dan

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