Surving The Boys

By Zoemorr1s

1.7K 75 6

Evangeline Morgan grew up with the Dean boys and her three older siblings. She went across the State of Misso... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 2

248 10 0
By Zoemorr1s

**Not edited!** please comment nicely where there is an error! Thank you and happy reading!


"Ugh!" I exclaim, stomping over to my bed.

"Umm, who was that?" Jason asked sounding nervous, which was actually in his best interest because one wrong word would set me off right now.

"Oh that? That was just my brother's exceptionally imbecilic best friends."

"No way! Are those THE twins!? Like, the ones from the Dean family?! You didn't tell me the were so good looking!" Travis exclaimed. I nodded slowly while he was talking.

"Dude, what?" Charlie questioned Travis while Jason gave him a concerned look.
"I mean I don't like them or anything but hey, they were some nice looking guys, you can't deny that much." Travis said trying to rationalize with the guys and save his pride.

I zone out of their conversation, not really caring. The Deans are my family's closest friends. They've been around my entire life. For as long as I can remember my brothers were basically inseparable from Jeremy, Sebastian, and their older brother, Sam.

Our parents became really good friends in collage and I guess their friendship moved on to the next generation, because our families were more like one big (usually happy) family. Sam, Jeremy, and Sebastian went through all the brother stages along with my actual brothers. The "Ew! She has cooties!" Then the "I'm too cool for my little sister." And finally the ever annoying "I have to defend my sisters honor and be a big headed idiot if any guy even looks at her." I guess these two have finally reached the last stage of stupidity.

Mr. and Mrs. Dean have four boys. Sam, who is a senior in high school like my older brother and sister (Zane and Cassidy.) Jeremy and Sebastian are juniors like me; how they are here instead of in school is unknown. Then there is little Jacky. To be honest he is probably my favorite of the dean boys...I'm actually not sure why because he is just as silly and stubborn as the rest. Maybe it's because we are both the youngest in our families.

Yep, that's right, I'm the baby of four. My eldest brother, Matthew, graduated high school last year and is studying in college and Cassidy and Zane, the ones mentioned earlier, are twins that are two years older than me. My whole family is pretty great but I've always been closest to Cassidy. I think she's the only person from home I've really the kept in contact with, besides weekly texts with my mom.

"Eve..... Evie.....EVANGELINE!" My head snaps up at the sound of Charlie's voice.

"Jeez, we need to have a bullhorn to get your attention. Now, what are they doing here?" Charlie continues.

"I don't know why they're here!" I exclaim, laying flat out on my bed.

"That's the scary part." I mumble.

"Seriously Evie, go talk to them. I mean if you don't want to go alone, we could go with you." Travis said

Charlie agreed saying "yeah, we got your back girl!" In order to prove he could be good back up, Charlie puffed up his chest and threw some fake punches like he was about to protect me from an vicious attacker instead of some moody teenage boys... Then again they are kind of the same thing.

Ignoring Charlie's valiant effort to beat up the air I said, "I'm not going to talk to them! Despite what you guys may think, I don't enjoy being called names and accused of things! Anyway it would just be awkward." I moan, putting a pillow over my face.

"Actually, I think he's right. You need to talk to them, and we will all go with you. But first you need to change." Jason said while reaching out a hand to help me up. I groaned some more but then took his helping hand.

"Ugh... effort.." My feet drag on the way to my closet and I halfheartedly grab some clothes before heading to the bathroom.

Quickly I dry off and replace my swim suite with some high-waisted jean shorts and a tank top. My wet hair went up in a quick messy bun as I walked out of the bathroom.

As I step into the room, so does Kat. She came from the dorm hallway with her arms flying in excitement as she exclaimed, "Oh my gosh Eve, there are two hot guys standing in the lobby. And get this, they look exactly alike. I seriously think they are twins which means one for you and one for me! You have got to come down there!"

I give Kat a look that saps the excitement right out of her.
"Did you not see me arguing with those same hot twins about 30 minutes ago?!That's why I came up here, I was trying to avoid them!"

Her jaw drops as she hears my words, and "no way" seem to be the only words she can say at this new revelation.

Jason then stepped in and declared, "Yep, those are the twins, and we are about to go talk to them with her, if you still want to meet them."

At this Kat snaps out of her phase and says "Well of course I want to meet them! Let's go!" she turned around and skipped out the door.

I sigh and sulk out behind her thinking, Let's get this over with so I can go back to my bed and eat some food in peace.

The further we walked down the hallway, the faster I came to the realization that I really didn't feel like talking to the rude, interrupting, and yes, hot brothers. I mean after all, they had no right to come here to my school and accuse my friends of bad things. And the embarrassment?! Ugh the audacity they had?! I can't do this.

By the time we reached the third turn I had made my mind up to go right back to my room and bury myself under the covers till morning. However as I rounded the third corner I found that it was far to late for that.

"Umph." I ran face first into a hard warm wall of.... Sebastian?

"Geahah! Sebastian what are you doing here?"

Dark black eyes meet mine and a low voice said "Uh we are trying to get to our room for the night."

I stand there, dumbfounded but thankfully Kat eased the tension by stepping forward and sticking out her hand. She announced her title loudly enough that it would snap me out of my daze. "Hiya, I'm Katherine otherwise known as Evie's best friend."

Jeremy quickly looked her up and down before placing a smirk on that gorgeous face and shaking her hand "Hi, I'm Jeremy" He slowly brought her hand to his lips before gently kissing it. "But my friends call me Jer." He says with a wink.

Kat quirked an eyebrow and leaned in close to Jeremy, only whispering loud enough that I could barely hear.

"Well Jeremy, my friends call me Kat, so you can call me Katherine."

Then slipping her hand out of his, she said loud enough for all to hear, "I think it's time that someone told you we no longer live in the 18th century."

Awe, That's my girl.

I look over to see Sebastian studying me and quickly avert my eyes to cfocus on Kat and Jeremy.

Jer seemed to have quickly regained his cool and said "Well if you need anything Kat, then make sure you let the right twin know." and winked.

Man this poor guy doesn't know when to give up.

Kat smiled and said "I will. In fact I think there are some boxes I needed help moving in my room right now-" Jers face lite up but before he could get too eager, Kat turned to Sebastian and said "So what do ya say? Wanna help a poor soul?"

If I wasn't so furious at these idiots, I would have burst out laughing at the dumb struck look on Jers face. Meanwhile the boys had no such restrictions. They burst out laughing but quickly cut it short, after getting two identical death glares.

Wow my fearless protectors right? Looks like it only takes a couple of glares to take you guys down.

"Hi, I'm Sebastian. I apologize for my idiotic brother." He says the second half almost mechanically.
So, based off this small episode, little has changed. Jer is still the joker, shamelessly charming the lady's. While Seb is reserved and stiff. These two always come off that way unless you actually know them.

I clear my throat and say. "Well I guess there's somewhere you two need to be?"

Sebastian's stony face turns to me.

"Yeah, we'll be on our way." He motions for Jeremy to start heading to... Well wherever they are going, and they quickly left our view as they rounded the corner.

"Wow....That was awkward." Jason voices behind me.

I begin to sulk back toward my room. Not caring to look and see if my friends were following me.

I grab a book from my desk and plop down on my bed. I don't even remove my book mark before Kat walks in.

"Get up." She says placing her hands on her hips.

"No, I'm not going back out there." I replied stubbornly.

"You have to! You still don't know why they're here, and it's only 12:45. The party is still going, and for all you know this could be the last time you see these people." She walks over towards me, holding out her hand.

"Ugh... I just need to get my mind off of them. Going down there won't help!" I say setting down my book.

"Fine, then we won't go down there. I'll give you thirty minutes to compose yourself. Expect me and Sofia up here by 1:20." With that she turns and leaves, not giving me the chance to reply.

Once the door shut behind her, I sat in silence for a couple minutes, thinking.

"Ugh, what is going on?!" I ask the empty space in front of me, wishing it could explain.

I throw my head back onto my pillow in frustration and flop my arms and legs out. Tonight was definitely not what I was prepared for. I continued to think back over the day until I felt my eyelids get heavy and finally close.


I'm being rocked back and forth in a ever changing speed. I suddenly can hear the obnoxious sound of... quaking?...Is that quacking?

I slowly peel my eyes open to the sight of Sofia bouncing up and down on the foot of my bed. I slowly turn over to find the source of the quaking. Kat was about an inch from my face, quaking up a storm. I scream and hastily push her of my bed.

After that annoyance was gone I moved my focus to what Sofia was saying between jumps.

"Alright girl- (jump) it's time to get (jump) your little, white, booty (jump) up and tell me (jump) what happened!" My short little Mexican friend does one final jump and plops down at the foot of my bed. "Kat seriously sucks at details." She finishes earnestly while looking at me expectantly with her dark brown, almond eyes.

"Ugh!" Kat sits up with a pout and exclaims "I do not!"

"Ah come on Sofia, give her a break, I'm sure she's good at details! It's just that this time around poor Kat was simply too distracted by Jeremy to notice my plight." I smirk at them.

"I was not! That guy is so annoying!" she defends herself, crossing her arms.

"Don't listen to Kat, she definitely got that whole conversation down perfectly." Sofia says winking.

"We aren't even here to talk about me! Come on Eve, start explaining. Go!" Kat states grumpily, shooing me on.

I tell Sofia everything from my cannon ball, to the end of our conversation with the twins.

"So you have no clue why they're here?" Sofia asks.


"Well that's disappointing." She mutters.

I nodded as we fell into a silence, contemplating the past few hours once again.

"Uh, okay guys lets stop being party poopers! This could be your last day here Eve! Let's make it fun!" Kat exclaims. She was never one to waste time, always wanted to keep moving.

"Now when you say fun..." Sofia trails her sentence off with a cheeky grin. She quickly starts to pull her thick brown hair into a bun.

I smirk at their suggestions. I know exactly what they mean by fun.

We all smile maniacally at each other. "I'll get the boys." I say, practically running towards my phone.


So what do y'all think of the characters so far?? Sofia? Seb? Jer?

Next chapter is more just a fluff chapter to give background info. I hope y'all think it's entertaining!

Peace out Girl Scout! ✌️

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