It All Began With A Letter

By innocentuniverse

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Letters. Who knew they could hold your future? Your love? Your job? A fortune? Good news? Bad news? Change mo... More

It All Began With A Letter
Chapter 1: Meeting Asher
Chapter 2: Ice Cream
Chapter 3: Hidden Talent
Chapter 4: Matching Names and Faces With Jerks
Chapter 5: Flirting In Class
Chapter 6: Party Time
Chapter 7: Healing Burns
Chapter 8: Italian Restuarant
Chapter 9: Clubbing Hard
Chapter 10: Re-meeting Sam
Chapter 11: Shopping Time
Chapter 12: Free Period
Chapter 13: Wish You Were Here
Chapter 14: Everyone Has Problems
Chapter 15: Dealing With Danny
Chapter 16: Depressing News
Chapter 17: Memories
Chapter 18: Songs to Play
Chapter 19: A Day I Want To Forget
Chapter 20: The Dinner
Chapter 21: We're More Alike Than You Think
Chapter 22: The New Student
Chapter 23: Malibu
Chapter 24: Counting Stars
Chapter 25: Candy
Chapter 26: Takes Being A Rebel To Know One
Chapter 27: Young Forever
Chapter 29:Graduation

Chapter 28: Home Sweet Home...

354 8 0
By innocentuniverse

I groaned as I rolled over in bed, smacking the alarm clock next to me off.

The sun streamed through the windows, giving me a two o'clock shadow that partially blinded me.

Knowing I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, I slowly got up, careful as to not go too fast that I get a headache. I slipped my feet into a pair of flip flops that were placed my the foot of my bed before walking out the door and heading downstairs towards the kitchen.

I frowned when I didn't hear the familiar barking noise that I was used to.

We ended up getting back from Malibu at around three o'clock this morning. I'm surprised I lasted those two last days without being recognized by someone as one of the rebels.

I was so tired that I headed straight to bed, not even bothering to bring my suitcase in my room or change into my pajamas. I was dying to see Mia again but knew I would have to wait til later on to get her because I didn't want to wake Eliza and them up at 3 AM, plus, I was about to fall asleep in the driveway, standing up. Asher actually had to carry me to my room and put me to bed just to make sure I didn't randomly pass out on the floor.

Now, first thing I did was walk towards the front door. I opened it and stepped outside. It was really warm out for eleven in the morning. Or at least it was for my place.

I walked down the driveway before crossing my lawn which was actually beginning to seem like a lawn. I'm not sure why it did all of a sudden but it didn't matter to me. At least the lawn didn't look so dead and ugly anymore.

I stepped up onto the porch of Eliza's house and knocked on the door. I heard barking from behind the door that instantly made me grin like crazy.

Eliza opened the door and I was immediately attacked by a blur of brown and white. I chuckled as Mia licked my face, giving me tons of kisses.

"I've missed you, too!" I told her as I touched my nose to hers and scratched behind her ear, In response, she licked my face again.

I laughed as I picked her up, cradling her in my arms.

Eliza looked at me with a smile along with Drew, who stood clinging to her leg.

"Hey, Drew," I told him as I crouched down to his eye level. He slowly let go of Eliza's leg, trying to keep himself balanced. Drew then threw his arms around my neck, giving me a hug. I gently placed Mia down before squeezing Drew back. I stood up as I placed him on my hip, Mia at my feet.

"Do I get a hug?" Eliza joked. She had a hand on her hip, eyebrow raised, and her head cocked to the side.

"I'll thing about it," I joked back with a smirk.

She laughed. "You know, you're funny," she told me as she hugged me. I laughed as I wrapped my spare arm around her.

"So I've heard," I answered, when we pulled away.

She rolled her eyes. "You're so arrogant."

"I know," I told her, smiling.

"Okay, well unfortunately, my family from Florida will be here anytime soon so I need to clean the house," she told me.

"Want me to watch Drew?" I asked her.

Eliza shook her head. "No, you just got back from vacation and I can tell you're still tired."

I rolled my eyes. "Once I'm up, I can't fall asleep. And like you said: I just got back from work. It's time for me to get back to work."

She sighed. "I guess..." she answered, trailing off.

"Yay!" I said as I placed Drew down and hugged Eliza.

She gave me a warm smile. "But be careful," she told me sternly.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked her.

"You never know," she said with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes. "You're so mysterious sometimes," I told her as I picked Drew up.

She laughed. "Oh, wait," Eliza said as she disappeared behind the door. She came out a second later, holding all of Mia's stuff I had given her.

I frowned, not knowing how I was supposed to carry it all.

Just then, Drew screamed, but he had a smile on his face, meaning he was excited. He started clapping his hands and I turned to see what he was looking at. I wish I hadn't though.

Asher was there, once again, in his half-naked glory. He had a pair of grey sweatpants on and his hair was all messy, sticking out in tons of different places. I take it he just woke up but damn! He looked sexy.

My jaw dropped and Asher chuckled, wrapping an arm around my waist. "You like what you see?" he teased, a smirk on his face and eyebrow raised.

I gulped as a blush crept onto my cheeks.

He turned to Eliza and took Mia's items and Eliza winked at him. I collected myself to pick up Drew and place him on my hip. I didn't put Mia on her leash because I knew she would follow me anyways, especially if I told her I'd give her those bacon treats dogs loved.

We walked back to the house, Asher effortlessly caring all of the items in his hands.

I opened the door and Mia ran over to her water and food bowl. I sighed, mad at myself for not filling it before going to get her. But she came back with her mouth all wet.

I cocked my head to the side in confusion.

"Unlike some people," said a voice, bringing me out of my thoughts, "I am prepared."

I turned to see Asher with a smug smile on his face.

I rolled my eyes as I brought Drew into the living room where Logan and Ashley were watching Say Yes to the Dress. When Drew saw them, he ran over to them, giggling, and attacked them, some of his drool ending up on Logan's legs.

I laughed at how cute he was. Suddenly, an arm wrapped around me from behind.

"You going to take a shower?" Asher asked, his husky voice in my ear and his breath tickling my neck.

I sniffed myself before scrunching up my nose. "That'd be a good idea," I said as I released myself from his hold and walked towards the stairs.

"Well... so do I," he told me.

"Great. Well ladies first," I said as I picked out my clothes for the day. I chose a pair of dark washed shorts and a white cami that I would wear under a beige laced tank top. I took out a pair of white high tops I had gotten for my birthday.

I walked over to the bathroom and was about to close the door when Asher stuck his foot out. He walked in. "We could always save water, " he told me.

"You're a perv. And anyways, you like just got me back. I wouldn't be doing this if I were you. You're only risking things," I told him.

He frowned and slowly nodded.

I gave him a small smile. "Now go make me some breakfast," I told him as I gave him a quick peck.

He stood there, obviously shocked. I chuckled as I pushed on his chest, shoving him out of the bathroom.

I quickly showered before changing into my clothes and heading downstairs to see what Asher had made for me.

I was greeted with a plate of scrambled eggs, cinnamon sugar toast, and bacon. I smiled as I licked my lips. I quickly finished my breakfast and then placed the dishes in the sink.

Wondering what to do for the day, I thought about Drew. I offered to take care of him so I thought about fun places we could go.

I decided on the park as I walked into the living room. He was placed on the couch in between my two best friends, as they talked with him and tickled him, making him do his cute baby laugh, showing off his few teeth.

I laughed along, too. His laugh was just too cute.  I walked over to him and picked him up.

"Time to go to the park," I told him.

He smiled at me and clapped his eyes, excitement in his eyes.

"I want to go!" Logan whined.

"Well, if you guys want you can come," I told them.

Ashley shrugged. "I don't have anything better to do than sit here on my ass-paragus," she said, quickly correcting herself when I she saw Drew.

I rolled my eyes.  I walked back into the kitchen and took my keys off the counter.

"Where you going?" Asher said.

"Um, to the park," I told him.

"I'll come with," he said, as he gracefully sliding down the stair railing, something I had been trying to accomplish. He landed on his feet and walked over to us.

I looked him over. His hair was damp from coming out of the shower. He had on a pair of khaki shorts, (boys and their khakis), and a light blue shirt.

"Sure," I said as I opened the door and stepped outside. I let all my friends step out, too, before closing the door and locking it.

I pressed the button on my keys to unlock the car. The car made a clicking noise and the front lights flashed, letting me know it had successfully unlocked.

I placed Drew in the car seat and let Mia jump into the car. I sat in the driver's seat, Asher in the passenger's, and Logan and Ashley in the back with Drew and Mia.

Five minutes later, we were at the park. I placed Mia on her leash. Logan took Drew to the slides, Ashely following them.

I shrugged as I walked the perimeter of the park with Mia. We saw another dog, randomly walking around without an owner.

Smart owner, huh? I thought as I checked the dog tag it wore.

It said her name was Cassey but the name of the owner was faded and I couldn't see what it said. I sighed, deciding to take off Mia's leash and use it on 'Cassey.' I knew Mia would just follow along. She wasn't a bad dog.

We walked for a while before I heard someone screaming.

"Cassey!" they yelled, running towards us.

I turned to see the person I least expected. Jared.

"Shouldn't you be in school?" I asked him.

He smirked when he saw it was me. "I should be asking you the same thing."

"I have an excuse. I came back from the airport at like three in the morning and today's a Friday. I missed the rest of the week, mine as well miss another."

"Yeah, well, school's for chumps," he said.

"By the way," I started, glancing at Cassey, "Leashes work. Use one some time," I told him with a smirk.

Jared smirked back at me. "What about your dog? She doesn't have one."

"That's because she has an amazing owner and obeys. She's a good dog. Plus, her owner is a great sight.  I can see why Cassey wanted to run away," I said.

"Well, if I got to stare at you ass without you yelling at me, I have to admit, I'd follow along, too," Jared answered casually.

"Perv," I told him.

"Call me what you want, baby. I don't care. But I think me, and you, go together," he said with a wink. Then he decided to go on with a corny joke. "If I could re-arrange the alphabet, I'd put 'U' and 'I' together," he said.

I faked a frown. "Such a shame. 'N' and 'O' are already together," I told him. "Anyways, here's your dog," I told him, releasing Cassey off the leash and placing Mia back on it. "Bye," I told him as I walked away.

Unfortunately, he followed me.

I walked over to the slides where Drew was and smiled when he landed on the patch of sand with a thump.

I giggled, walking to him. "You okay, baby?" I asked him.

He looked up at me and smiled before getting up and going back down the slide. This time, I caught him at the end.

"You have a child?!" Jared asked.

I burst out in laughter. "No, but I have to admit, he does look sexy enough to be mine," I told him.

After that, Jared got a call, saying he had to go home but he'd see me around. I honestly, hoped I didn't but whatever. We left a little while after and got lunch at a pizza place.

When we got home, Eliza's family from Florida was getting out of the car.  I turned to see a girl about my age, getting out of the car. She turned towards me and her eyes bulged out of her head just like mine did. How did I not know this? I thought.

******************************************************************************************* Author's Note: Sorry, I know this chapter stinks and I'm sorry. I'm not feeling this story anymore so there probably won't be that many more chapters but thank you to all my fans and readers. It means a lot. Anyways, who do you think the girl is? Update: possibly later, if not, then I don't know when. If I do update later, I might not update for this story. I might be uploading my idea for my next story. Just the prologue at least. Or I might start it know haha. Anyways, vote, comment, fave and all that. I used spell check but if there's a mistake, point it out please. Thanks!


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