Arina Maddison and The Dragon...

By StephyLynnSipe

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A young girl and her best friend find themselves at a boarding school for magical beings after coming in cont... More

~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
Chapter 7
~Chapter 8 (Part 1)~
Chapter 8 (Part 2)
~Chapter 9~
Chapter 10
~Chapter 11 (part 1)~

~Chapter 3~

167 10 14
By StephyLynnSipe

The landing of the jet had been just as smooth as the takeoff, as it cruised into the hanger in what looked like the middle of nowhere. Relatively small and secluded, it held just a few other small jets—some black, some white, and one rather large white 747. As the door opened, men entered the plane and ushered us, along with our bags, onto the tarmac where a sleek, black car sat idle.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to the extravagance of it all." Jason's smooth voice caressed the side of my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. "The Hall will be a big change compared to Chinatown, huh?"

"How do you know where I'm from? I never told you that." I snapped my head toward him, stunned. Most people have a good sense of personal space and know when to back up, but not Jason. He never budged an inch. A Cheshire-like grin spread across his face and lit up his cerulean eyes. Something lingered in the air between us like an unanswered question, but it was brushed away by a gentle breeze that swept the hanger.

"I overheard Anya talking about it." He shrugged, readjusting the strap of his bag over his shoulder. Evie stood just a few feet away, watching us with interest. For a moment, I remembered the hint of red I had seen, and I stared at the same bag curiously. I didn't see a hint of movement now. His eyes dropped down to my collarbone, where I was fiddling with my necklace, and lingered on the emblem.

"Alright, everyone." The madam waved from an open car door across the tarmac. "Let's go, or you'll all be walking a mile and a half by yourselves to The Hall." The black car was an exact replica of the one that had picked us up in New York, a shiny black Mercedes. I found myself wondering if they held stock in a specific car company.

"What's The Hall?" Evie asked, but her attention was on me, looking between me and Jason. Communicating with her the only way I knew how I raised my right shoulder in a half-shrug. She covered her mouth with her hand, but it was too late. I had already caught a glimpse of the smirk that played the corners of her lips. She raised her eyebrows once and climbed into the car. Thankfully, Jason seemed oblivious to the exchange.

"It's centuries-old..." I heard Anya say from inside the car as she followed Evie in.

"Come on. We don't want to miss our ride," Jason said, smiling down at me. He slid his hand in the crook of my elbow to steer me toward the car. The tingle that shot up my arm from his touch had me stunned. Jason's intake of breath was sharp, and it dawned on me that he had felt it too. The short walk to the car felt like the longest of my life with his lingering touch. I could feel wave after wave of electricity emanating from his fingers. His hand dropped when we reached the car, and I slid in before him.

The road the car swung onto had paddings of trees covering both sides. The overlay of forestry made it gloomier, and the silence of the car stretched on, almost as if the silence itself was holding its breath.

The shadows lifted as the car emerged from the grove and drove through a huge, sandstone archway. The passage housed an ordinate wrought iron gate that split up the middle. It opened away from the car with a deafening creek, and we pulled forward, up a slight incline, and rounded a grand fountain. The road followed the curve of the land and finished before the building.

"I'm sure you ladies will enjoy your stay here." Madame Anya's soft statement filled the space as she readied to exit the car.

Evie and I gaped out the windows in awe. The structure was three-stories high and crafted of the same gray bricks molded into the arch we just passed. The grand porch was framed by pillars and covered by a balcony that eclipsed the front of the building. Fresh, green ivy, intertwined in a series of complicated patterns, threatened to devour the whole structure. Windows upon windows lined the front of the school, in which only a few lights lit up the invading dusk from inside.

Evie pulled the door open and we tumbled out in a heap just as grand oak doors opened producing a tall, shadowed figure which sauntered out into the evening. The gas lanterns set the veranda in a glow of caramel-colored warmth and aided illumination to the features of the figure. He was a lofty gentleman, in his mid-forties, with eyes the color or slate. The gleam they gave off in the last light of the fading sun wasn't kind exactly but gave off the impression of it. His hair, a silvery gray assorted with black, was slicked back away from his pale face. The man's clothing was fashionable, if not trendy, and completed his aristocratic look as only someone with style could.

"Welcome, welcome, newcomers. Please, step right this way. We haven't a moment to lose." His smooth, boisterous voice flowed as he spread his arms wide and stepped toward the top of the granite stairs. Meeting him atop the short flight, I was stunned by his perfectly white smile as he shook Evie's hand.

"I'm Professor Harrison Brooks, Headmaster. Welcome to Rocky Mountain Academy. You both are welcomed here with our warmest regards. Please, tell me your names?" Harrison Brooks oozed southern charm like a knight wielding a sword. A dangerous weapon indeed with charm like that. He looked from Evie to me with his bright smile never moving and shook my hand next.

"Evelyn Morgan," Madam Anya gestured to Evie with her right hand as she stood between us.

"Evie, please!" she exclaimed, volleying an equal amount of intrigue and grace back at him. Then Anya faced me and settled her hand on my shoulder in a gentle move.

"And this is Arina Maddison, the one I called you about." She looked fondly at Professor Brooks as his gaze skimmed the features of my face. I reached for my necklace and fiddled with the crest that resided there, covering it mostly with my palm.

"Ah, yes. I believe I've heard of you, Ms. Maddison." The smile I received didn't reach his eyes as he was distracted by my hand covering the pendant which I hurriedly shoved under my shirt. His eyes hardened, guarded for a moment, but then lightened as if a bad mood had been lifted from him.

"Well, let's not stand out here all night. Ray will see your bags in and after the main tour you'll be shown to your rooms and be released for dinner which starts at seven P.M. in The Cafe. Madam Anya, as ever, it has been a pleasure." Giving a slight bow toward her, Professor Brooks started back toward the doorway of light with the rest of us in tow.

"Wait!" Evie declared loudly, causing everyone to stop and look back in her direction. She pivoted toward Madam Anya. "You're leaving?"

Madam Anya smiled sadly and shook her head in acknowledgment. "I have other business to attend, Evie. You will be safe here. I promised you and your parents that no harm will come to you. And this—" She moved her hands in a grand gesture toward the Hall and grounds. "This is the best place for you to be. You girls are special, and it is here that you will find out just how amazing 'special' is." With this, Madam Anya slid back into the car and drove away back toward the entrance and out of sight.

"Come, ladies, a new adventure awaits you." Professor Brooks stood in the doorway in a pool of light as we made our way into the main room of the Hall. When Jason had told me extravagance he hadn't been lying. Looking around, I realized that Jason had disappeared after getting out of the car with the rest of us. Hmm...Odd.

The room was fashioned like a grand ballroom, with floor-to-ceiling marble columns in twos down the center of the room. There were six columns leading to a massive staircase, winding up to a second and third floor in a grand curve. The room was draped in a deep, midnight blue and gold which contrasted with the endless mahogany wood flooring.

Extravagant blue and gold tapestries hung like waterfalls in every other alcove of the room, framing the door in luxury. Lamps identical to ones on the patio illuminated the walls leading toward the staircase dominating the wall opposite the main door. Taking in the room, the headmaster closed the door behind us with a final click of the lock, securing that our past was behind us and a new future was about to begin.

Evie's large eyes took in the room with awe and appreciation. Arranged in a recess on the left wall of the room was a lighted box. Inside an ordinately carved pedestal held the same book that caused all this. I approached the box with caution this time. Unwilling to let anything else happen, I kept my distance and watched the script swirl on the page once again, except now, I felt a deep pull inside my chest.

"You ladies do know what this is, don't you?" Professor Brooks stepped up to the display and called Evie's attention to us as she was examining the tapestries' bold embroidery.

"It's the book from the gallery in New York," I declared.

"That is true. Nonetheless, it's called the Balaur Foc, or more simply, The Book of Dragon Fire in English. It's been around for many a century and originated in the ancient hills of Romania with the first dragons. Now, come this way. There is still much to see and time is short." Professor Brooks walked across The Hall. As we followed, Evie noticed two portraits hung on the wall above the staircase, a man and a woman.

"There's no such thing as dragons," I insisted, trying to keep myself steady as I felt the excitement bubble up in me. The words were out of my mouth before I had a chance to stop them.

"Is that so?" Professor brooks glanced over his shoulder, offering a look of pity. Before I could rebuttal, Evie drew my attention.

"Who are they?" Evie pointed to the portraits.

Professor Brooks stopped and looked toward the two pictures. Linking his hands behind his back, he straightened and smiled.

"They are two of the Founders. The young woman was Anastasia Nicolae. She was the fiercest dragoncaster ever to grace our history pages. The man was her partner, and later, her husband, the leader of the Dragonborns in the Americas, Arthur Stonewall Miller. The great king and queen. Their great-great-great-grandniece, Isabela Nicolae, will be taking the throne shortly in Romania." Professor Brooks walked toward a door residing on the left side of the room.

We followed, turning down a long corridor running the length of the school. Professor Brooks strode past a handful of doors. The hallway was more like something you would find in a castle—all stone, marble, and wood flooring, just like the main room.

"Here are some of the first-year classrooms for basic lectures. Every class is approximately one to one and a half hours long, and you will have a lunch period and study hall." Professor Brooks stopped, pulled the door open, and walked into a large, lavishly designed room, filled to the brim with booths and tables covered in the same midnight blue tablecloths and rimmed with the same rich gold as the main room.

"This is the Cafe, or more or less, the cafeteria with better food." Professor Brooks chuckled to himself as tantalizing smells of freshly baked rolls and roasting meat wafted past our noses. I could easily imagine Jason and other students eating and chatting away in such a beautiful place. I just hoped I would be able to fit in here. I was always an awkward child back home.

"It smells delicious," Evie said, and my stomach rumbled in anticipation. Agreeing with a smile, Professor Brooks motioned for us to follow him out a different door and into a vast courtyard.

I walked along the path, trailing behind Brooks. Still, I waited for someone to jump out and say, "Got you!" like this was all some elaborate prank. On one side of the path leading to the square, there was a large fountain, holding a dragon on a pedestal in the middle. The dragon's head was raised and water flowed from its mouth and into the pool of water in the wide circle near its feet. A few kids mulled around and chatted there.

"Over there." Professor Brooks pointed to another part of the school. "That's the Library and another door that will lead you to another set of classrooms. Don't worry, you won't get too lost. All the doors are marked." Our small convoy ambled down the concrete walkway. Evie fell into step with me, and I felt a wave of her unease. She linked my arm through hers as a sign of comfort, and her body instantly relaxed.

"I've never been away from home before..." she trailed off as we came upon the court, and Professor Brooks was pulled over by a student who needed his attention.

"It's a scary thing, isn't it?" I murmured to her, and she nodded bringing her eyes up to meet mine.

I had a good idea of what she was thinking. A possible loss of our friendship because of new circumstances. Her hazel eyes shone with unshed tears as she gazed at me.

"I got you," I said, and held out my pinkie finger and waited for her to take it.

"Agreed," she confirmed. She looked more relaxed than she had since we boarded the plane. We waited for Brooks to finish when Evie caught sight of him and froze. The headmaster was talking to a tall, blond student who chatted animatedly with him. After a few moments, Professor Brooks nodded and gestured for the young man to follow him.

"Ladies, this is Sam Prescott. I'm sorry to cut our tour short, but something has come up that requires my attention. Mr. Prescott, however, will be happy to assist you the rest of the way or with any questions you may have. Good evening, ladies, and again, welcome." With that, Professor Brooks sauntered away.

As he drew near, however, I caught Sam peeking glances at Evie. A deep blush crept up Evie's neck and across her cheeks. It took everything in me to hold the snort I had in.

Evie? Blushing? That's a first.

"So, I suppose you were at the end of your tour then since you are already near the dorms?" Sam asked.

"I have no idea, honestly," I replied with a shrug.

"It's a lot to take in on the first day. I'll make it easy for you. This is the Court, and the dorms are over there. Boys' dorms are to your right. I see you're assigned to the female dorms, however, so do your best to steer clear of this building. It's against campus rules to visit unassigned dormitories, and if found, students will be punished." Sam pointed his thumb over his left shoulder gesturing toward the closest dorm building. Venturing around the fountain to the other side, Sam approached an identical building at a leisurely pace. He pulled open the glass and steel door and gestured for us to enter the building. Evie looked at him, and he gave her a smile.

"This is the female dorm. You have your own kitchen and lounge on the main floor, and there are bathrooms and showers on every level. In each of your rooms, you will find a class schedule and list of campus rules, consequences, and policies that we enforce here at the school. As well as a map and a list of books that you will receive. Also, ladies, I recommend that you get a good night's sleep tonight. Tomorrow, you will attend initiation and Balaur Alegere. You each will have a roommate. These are your room keys. The elevators are over there. If you have any questions, just ask your roommate or seek me out. Dinner is at seven back in The Cafe." Sam looked at us expectantly, but Evie and I just glanced at one another in confusion.

"What is Balaur... whatever?" Evie asked in a puzzled voice as we stood just inside the door. The entry hall was red oak wood flooring. A short hall lead into a lounge filled with girls reclining on the midnight blue couches and chairs were scattered around the room; a gold and blue ornate rug covered the main area where the plasma television was mounted on the wall.

"The Dragon Choosing? They will explain more to you in the morning." Sam peeked at Evie and asked, "Any questions?"

He waited a moment to see if we did but when none came, he nodded his goodbye and made his way back out to the courtyard.

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