Meeting you.

Od CheekyCherry1234

101 5 22


Meeting you.


24 2 7
Od CheekyCherry1234

I woke up at 6.00 am to get ready for school.

I yawned. I wanted to fall back asleep but I knew my mum would come storming in, in less than 5 minutes.

I looked at my side table and smiled at the picture of me and my best friend from primary school. Year 6 to be exact. We were 11.


He had short blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

I then frowned remembering.

--------- FLASH BACK------------

Normally Luke and I would walk from school to home together, but that day his parents picked him up.

He kept telling me he had a secret and he wished he could tell me, but he never got round to it.

Until that day.

Our last lesson was Math with Mr Fordworth. Luke and I always sat together and we would pull funny faces when the teacher wasn't looking. But that day Luke sat on the other side of the classroom looking out the window.

I sent him a note, via class mates. A ghost of a smile flickered on his face but he quickly shook his head and looked back out the window.

I slumped on my desk. That note was important. It read 6 words.

'Would you go out with me?'

At least he thought about saying yes, I thought.

Finally the bell rang for the end of the day and everyone left the class room. Except us.

Luke slowly walked out the classroom and I quietly followed.

Once in the playground I saw his parents car waiting outside.

When we reached the school gates, Luke pulled me aside and he whispered something in my ear, pecked me on the cheek and left.

What he whispered, made me turn white but for some reason I believed him.

I'm a little different....I'm a werewolf

I watched as his car drove away and then I ran home straight to my room.

Where I am now....

------- PRESENT AGAIN------

I am now 16 and still a bit upset but as my mum always says; "Time will heal."

And it did,,, surprisingly. My mum's sayings aren't the most.... um..... trustworthy.

I sighed.

You are all probably wondering, why I am so miserable over some boy.... But Luke was my only friend in Primary. I was teased because of my name, hair and eyes.

And ever since Luke left I was always alone.

Luckily no one from my Primary school came to my High school! Yay!

So I had made 2 new friends. Yes I'm in year 11 and I only have 2 best friends. Yes, they're my only friends and I know, but I am terrible at making friends. I was always quiet so, it was hard.


I rolled out of bed and chose my outfit for the day.A white GEEK top and my favourite black skirt, it reached 2 inches above my knees.

Summer was finally here!

I walked to the shower, stripped and waited for the shower to warm up.

Once in I let the warm water run over me for a couple of minutes before squirting some rasberry soap onto my shower sponge.

I rinsed of and went back into my room. Once dressed I went downstairs for breakfast.

I spread a thin layer of Jam onto a slice of toast and poured some orange juice.

My mum came down as I was finishing up.

"Morning sweetie."

"Hi mum." I yawned, sleep was taking over.

My mu raised her eyebrow. " I'm going to ignore that yawn and just pretend it's because you over slept rather than you went to bed late."

I smiled. "Thanks." She laughed as I ran upstairs.

I brushed my teeth and checked the time.


Oh snap I needed to be in school in an hour and it takes me and hour to get to school.

I groaned. Then an evil grin took over my face.

I pulled out a black leather jacket and my white wedding ankle wellies. I always wondered why I bought these, I am not getting married until I am 25+.... I think!

I sprayed my self with 'Fruit Splash' my newest mixture of perfume I created. It was just a mixture of other berry perfumes that I combined.

I liked berries.

I heard my dad talking to my mum downstairs. Perfect.

I cleared my throat as I walked down the stairs but as I reached the kitchen door I stopped.

"....He's there Henry."

"I know dear but she still has to go to school, maybe she wont see him today. And plus she's probably on her way down now, thinking of how to ask me for a ride to school." I could hear the smile in his voice. How did he know?

And who was 'He?'

I stepped into the kitchen just as my mum was about to say something.

"While I don't know who 'He' is, dad is right, I need to get to school. And speaking of school," I cleared me throat, " My dearest father, I would like to ask you for a lift to school as I know you are the worlds most safest driver." Who am I kidding? I couldn't even persuade my cat to eat his food, much less my dad drop me to school. Let's be real, I've never had a cat. so....... Anywho...

My mum and dad laughed.

"I'll drop you to school, hunny, just let me get my keys."

My dad went in search for his keys that always disappeared each morning. I groaned.

My mum smiled, she came over and hugged me before heading upstairs.

"Have a good day at schoold sweetie." Her smile was forced and I knew something was wrong.

I shrugged it of though as my dad came downstairs.


The journey was long and quiet. It always was when my dad was thinking.

Atleast I arrived at school on time.


I sighed. I knew I was going to be stared at. I never showed my legs, soley because our school, I believed, was made up of mainly boys.

I walked through the school gates and I heard gasps.

I ignored them, slightly, but I made it across the school fields and into the corridor quickly.


There were more guys in here.

I groaned but walked with my head held high.

I turned when I heard a voice.

"Hey Lizette, so...I'm having a party and...."

"No.... thank you." I cut him of firmly.

Dylan, the schools player. Got every girl he wanted, except for me and my best friends.

Speaking of the devils. They came running towards me in a hurricane of short skirts and papers. I smiled. They are twins.

Lindsey and Lauren. So together we are the triple L's!

It's not that exciting :/

Lindsey and Lauren wear the same things every day. So if one wore a blue top and black skirt, so would the other. That's what they were wearing today.

"Hey girl... Luv...." Lauren, the quiet one was cut short.

"OMG! Did you see the new student? He's so cute!" Lindsey squealed

I laughed as Lauren shot daggers at Lindsey.

Lindsey gasped.

I turned to look at her, only to see her pointing behind her.

I turned and saw sea blue eyes looking back at me.

"That's him. Look...."

Lindsey didn't finish her sentence as I dropped everything and ran in to the arms of my boy best friend.

He picked me up and twirled me around, while laughing.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist, Laughing too.

He gasped as my legs found their way around his waist. I laughed even harder.

I didn't care if the whole school was looking at us. I was ecstatic!!

He put me down and we smiled at each other.

Luke, was back!!!


He ya guys,

I hope you like this chappy.

Tell me what you think!!

Pls inbox ideas for my story too!!!

Thx, pls comment and tell me what u think!!

Thank u!!

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