Babysitting Homosexual Twins...

Bởi Annonano

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don't read. read last part. i'm sorry, bye. Xem Thêm

Babysitting Homosexual Twins (Yaoi BoyxBoy)
Story 2
Story 3
Story 4
Story 5
Story 6
Ask & Interview Box part 1
Story 7
Story 8
Story 9
Story 10
Story 11
Story 12
Ask & Interview Box part 2
Story 13
Story 14
Story 15
Story 16
Side Story: Noah and Gerald Talk
Story 18
Story 19
Story 20
Story 21
Ask & Interview Box part 3
Story 22
Story 23
Story 24
not an update

Story 17

17.3K 458 145
Bởi Annonano

Story 17: Brother Complexes are Irritating

"Ugh!" Theo dramatically groaned in disgusts. "Why do I have to sit in front of this guy?!"

And by 'this guy', of course he meant Luca. Because he also happens to be here, I tried giving him some food too, but he refuses because he already ate at school before. Somehow I manage to make him sat together too, though -- because Keith and Kyle are occupying and eating on the sofa.

The said dude, however, only throws daggers at my younger brother. Reminds me how much that they actually can't stand each other. Yea, they haven't realized it themselves, but they have quite some things in common and could've seemed close. Could have.

"Even if you're Noah's by-blood-brother, you're nothing like him at all! Seriously, an immature, aggressive, scatterbrained spoiled brat?!" Luca spat out. Theo growled and kicked Luca's feet from under the table. He muttered an ouch before kicking back. See? They're really close!

"Ah, you guys are just tsundere for each other" Kyle said aloud from where he sat.

"Haa?!" They both shouted in disgusts at the same time. Keith and I chuckled while Kyle could be seen snickering teasingly.

"Hey! If he was on fire and I had water, I would drink it!" Theo said in a mocking tune, his eyes directed at Luca. The brown-haired, however, clicked his tongue.

"Oh, dude, PUH-LEEZE! If YOU were on fire, I wouldn't even PISS on you!" Luca blurted out, imitating a spoiled, girly drama queen on his tone.

I know it was suppose to be an offensive insult, but I found myself laughing at how he said that exaggerated PUH-LEEZE (please). When he realized I was laughing, he laughed along. Meanwhile, Theo was so mad and jealous at our intimacy, he began hissing.

Oh crap. Noticing that he looks rather pissed and about to burst, I immediately patted and stroked his hair to calm him down. He smiled wide and leaned to the touch. I pulled my hand away because the twins shoots Theo a look of envy. I mouthed a sorry to the duo. Hey, it isn't my fault everyone in the room is so easily jealous!

We continued our meal with Luca and Theo avoiding each other's eye contact. Once I finish my meal, I walked back to the kitchen and put my dirty dishes away, then motioning for Luca to follow me to talk in private.

"What's up, you slut?" He greeted in a smirk, while I rolled my eyes. By 'slut', of course he is referring to my relationship with both Keith and Kyle which is obvious anyway.

"Uh, yeah, that", I mumbled aloud to him. I walked up to him and held both his shoulder, before staring right into his eyes. He blushed slightly and turned his head away. "D-Don't tell me you're going to cheat on them for me just because you guys are finally dat-"

"Sorry dude, but you're in my friendzone line", I cut him sharply with a straight tone and gave him a look of unamusement. "I don't know if you just got hurt by that but anyway -- me and them are suppose to be going on a date today, and since Theo is here, we're a bit afraid he, uh, might get in the way. So I need your help."

The date part is apparently a lie since we didn't even plan it before. This is just some plan that we came up with before so these two dense people will get some alone time.

He raised an eyebrow but from the looks of his expression I could tell he's already falling into the plan like humpty dumpty. "S-Sure but... What are you telling me to do?"

"I dunno. Distract Theo? Keep him off us, for what's obvious", I said with a shrug. Luca frowned and gave a disgusted look so I continued. "Please, Lulu! You would do it for a friend, right? I will be so happy if you want to help me out in my relationship".

After staring at me with a doubtful look for awhile, I gave him a hopeful look and he finally sighed. "Alright, alright. Just... Don't leave me hanging for long. You know what a monster he is with me around."

I smiled wide and let go of his shoulder to hug him tight in a quick embrace. He awkwardly returned the hug and I let go. "Thanks, Lulu! You're really ma boy!" I called to him as I headed out the kitchen. He gave another look of defeat and rubbed the back of his neck.

I gave the twins a glance and motioned slightly that the plan is already set on Luca. Now here comes the hardest part... Pushing Theo into the jaws of the trap.

Ugh, he's the most clingy brother I could ever ask for. But he's my family, so he's okay and of course I still love him for that.


Calling Theo possesive is an understatement. He's a male Yuno Gasai(1) (Gerald makes me watch some episodes of Mirai Nikki(2)) in hoodie and brown highlights with big-brother FETISH. The only thing that keeps him away from knives and killing people over jealously is because he knows I would be mad if he did.

It's not his fault he had a weird, gay brother complex on me. When Theo was born my Mom is always off working so he spent literally most of his life with me. And I didn't tell him when young that boys are usually attracted to girls so this just... happens.

A-Anyway, back to the story.

 I thought for a moment a way to distract Theo even for only a minute and finally something clicked into me.

"Theo, would you mind to wash all those dirty plates for me?" I asked with my best smile so that he is more pleased. "I need to call and check up on Mom. I don't want to make Luca do it since he's not even eating, and I doubt Keith and Kyle can do it properly. So please?..."

That probably sounds a little offensive to the twins, but, hey, what do you expect?

He gave a smile in reply, "Of course! I will do it for you, Noa!" God, I feel so bad lying to him. I mean, he's so earnest. He's probably expecting a kiss on the cheek as a reward or something. I'll just give him one later or a candy or something.

Once I make sure he enters the kitchen, I gave a signal to Luca and he nodded, understood that the rest of us will take a chance to run for it.

The twins and I grabbed our jackets, wallets and other stuff in a hurry before heading out, waving to the poor Luca who can be seen from the small creak of the door, guarding. Good guy Luca. I should probably give him a candy too. We then rushed to the elevator in a flash.


Once we were out of the apartment, by instinct we turned left to the direction of the shopping district, looking for stuff to do.

They were holding my hand in a firm grip, not really tight but were enough to not lose me within the huge crowd. As the people on the street tried to walk through and squish themselves in between, Keith and Kyle were pushed against me. I blushed at the accidental touch. Realizing I was blushing, they did it in reflex too.

 "L-Let's get to a less crowded spot..." They both said and gripped my hand tighter and lead me to a game center. I smiled at them. Just the place I would head to first.

Sure enough, it was way less crowded. I saw some regulars I recognize (since Luca and Gerald are regulars too and takes me here a lot) who are either madly playing with the machines in front of them or screaming when they lost a big chance in winning the game, as if a tsunami's coming.

Taking it wisely, we went to the other side of the store with less noise and arcade-games maniacs. A claw machine caught my eye and I walked over as if attracted.

Inside were a bunch of Tamagotchi characters plush of all sorts. The twins realized I was staring and looked inside too. "...You want one or something?" Keith asked and glanced at me.

I gave a light laugh and shook my head. "No, it's for Theo. I feel bad leaving him in such a vain way so I thought I might get something he may like..." A small smile made their ways to my lips, "He's so childish, isn't he? It's surprising he's actually at the top of his class."

"You guys seems really close", Kyle muttered with a chuckle. I smiled and shrugged, before pulling out some coins and inserting it into the machine. I swiftly moved my hands to the buttons as the game goes. The twins' eyes were glued to the glass.

"I'm a pro at this, you know", I stated a bit smugly. Well, not as pro as Gerald but with great honor he made me his apprentice. That guy literally rocks at most claw games. He probably trained in the mountains to master the art of claw games or something.

The metallic claw gripped the plush I was targeting and lifted it up. The twins' eyes gleamed and they began cheering. I grinned victoriously. But then shit happens.

The fucking claw LITERALLY opened the fuck so slightly. But that ASS machine made it enough for the plush to slip and fell RIGHT before it reached the escaping hole.

The three of us groaned loudly and started cursing at the goddamn machine. Actually, Keith doesn't really curse out loud. But he sure muttered some really 'advanced' and smart swearings and insults under his breath.

"Do you see that?! That claw is a fucking CHEATER!"

"Yea! Wow, what a phony! They probably design it like that ON PURPOSE!"

"How is THAT even LEGIT?! That was a nice grip!"

When we realized we were shouting just like other people, we decided to quiet down. I sighed and looked around. "Hmm... I will just go look for a different machine with the same type of toys", I told them and walked around.

As I walked away, I could hear them trying out a different arcade machine and began fiddling with it. Their over-enthusiasm kinda shows that they didn't really went to a public game center before. I should probably take them out more often... My cheeks heaten at the thoughts of having more dates with them.

I shook the thoughts away for now. God, I might be head over heels for them or something.


"Noah, Noah!" A pair of voices I adored so much called for my name. I glanced at the source of voice with a smile. "Yes?"


My eyes widen. The twins held up a Memetchi plush I was targeting on the first machine earlier. "Ah!" I pointed to the plush with surprise. Both of them smiled widely and handed it it me.

Kyle grinned, "We won it!". Keith smirked softly and shrugged, "After tons of attempts, that is."

I gave my sweetest smile and thanked them greatly. And then they opened up a plastic bag and handed the thing inside to me. It was one of those danbo toys thingy. My eyes gleamed and I glanced at them confused.

"It's for you, we got it in one of those machines. Not the claw ones, but the one where you push instead of grab", Keith said with a smile. "Keith is secretly a pro at those!" Kyle stated, placing his elbow on his twin's shoulder. "I was the one who suggested that as a prize, though... No-Not like I've been trying to find out what you like or anything!"

That's just... So sweet of them. "Thank you so much, you two!" I went to hug the both of them and kissed their foreheads, only to find myself blushing profusely at my own actions. Good thing everyone else in the place is minding their own business.

They both blushed lightly and shyly kissed my cheeks as a return of affection. I felt myself blushed darker until I remembered I had some prize I want to give to them too.

"Wait a moment...", I said breaking the hug and reached for my own plastic bag. First, I gave Kyle what I know he wanted. His eyes widen and joy rose to his face. It was a Tamagotchi, the latest version that he wanted ((remember the first chapter?)).

"Thanks, Noah", he said with a tone of happiness before hugging me in a quick yet tight embrace. I returned his smile before giving Keith his prize to.

He was surprised at the gift but I could see his eyes has a gleam of delight. "H-How do you know... I wanted these?..." He asked in a stutter, holding up the box of Gundam. Man, that thing was kinda hard to win. And so is the Tamagotchi, actually. But it was worth it, I guess, because I have never seen Keith with such a childishly joyful expression before. Plus Kyle was more than happy.

"So you really do want these, huh? I saw you staring at my Gundam figures in my room with a look of,... Desire. And Gerald texted me that on the day I was sick, you were playing with Gerald's. So I just assume-"

I was cut off because the oldest of the twins hugged me all out of a sudden. He was really silent, though. But just what kind of person get this happy for a box of Gundam?

After staying awhile in the game center, we walked out to have some light snacks and ended up with some crepes.

I spoke up, "I've been wondering... You guys are like, so rich, right? Such simple gifts like those, isn't it easier to like, use credit cards or something?"

They both looked up to me and replied in unison, "It's only more special when Noah got it for us~."

I blushed and nodded my head slightly. But that was just one out of many questions I have for them. Why do they decided to attend a school here out of many places? Not to mention in the middle of the semester? What kind of work does their parents do? What do they do all their life? How does my Mom even know such a rich person like their mother?

Why do they even like me? And will they stay by my side even if I told them the dark truth? Will they be okay with the fact that I am not that innocent? Is it okay to tell them there's a guy of exception in my past that I've been thinking of? A scowl made its way to my face. I took more bite to my crepes with a rather gloomy look.

Noticing my painful expression, the twins tugged my sleeves and gave me a worried look. I snapped back to reality and smiled at them in a reassuring manner.

I tried breaking the tension by grinning cheerfully. "Hey, Keith, Kyle, there's an amusement park 15 minutes from here! Wanna go there while we're at it?"

They looked up again and smirked lightly, both saying "Sounds great". I grabbed to their unoccupied hands and held it to bring them closer to me. "This date is not over yet!"

If only the present days could always lasts like this...



Muehehehehehe (Haven't edited the chapter btw)

DEETO! DEETO! (That's how Japanese pronounce 'date') I've always wanted to write a relaxing chapter like this. That is, before we get to the drama part of the book. A few more to go! I hope you will still join my journey!

When I went to Japan there are literally a game center with claw games with figurines, gundams, and small devices like Tamagotchi. We (my bro and I) almost won one (H. Miku figurine) but afraid to win because we used a trick... So decided not to (I don't want to be asked suspiciously by some Japanese staff). But damn, I wish my country has game centers like dat.

I watched the second season of the Anime Date A Live lately, and the twins of Kaguya and Yuzuru reminds me of Keith and Kyle- Actually, any identical twins reminds me of them. Anyway...

References explanation:

(1) The female lead of the Anime Mirai Nikki. She's a hardcore, badass Yandere (Psychopath) that literally just slice anyone that gets in the way of her love story... Even her love interest himself.

(2) Badass Anime. It's like Hunger Games -- Survival Game type of thing.

Alright! Help me by VOTING, everyone! Also COMMENT! I adore those! Whether it's a casual hi or opinions, any comments will be read by me! Now let's FOLLOW my leaaaadd!! Thus I shall promise another chapter! Okay, stay awesome guys, girls, trannies. Love ya'.

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