The Rebel Love Song: The Mort...

By whatdidyousaynovels

4.1K 103 43

After Andy marries the Mortician's Daughter, and Jake reunites with his long lost love, how will things play... More

The Rebel Love Song: The Mortician's Daughter Sequel<3
I Cannot Hide What's On My Mind
I Feel It Burning Deep Inside
A Passion Crime
To Take What's Mine
Let Us Start Living For Today
Never Gonna Change My Mind
We Can Leave It All Behind
Nothing's Gonna Stop Us
No, Not This Time
It's Ours Tonight
This Is A Rebel Love Song
Hearts Will Sacrifice

So Take Your Hand In Mine

179 6 0
By whatdidyousaynovels

The Rebel Love Song (Jake’s POV) [So Take Your Hand In Mine]

We’d just arrived at the club, the beat was loud, and Andy and his bride were nowhere in sight. Jinxx absentmindedly tapped his fingers on the center console of the car, humming the tune to the new song we’d written. The benefit was in two days. I hummed along in the passenger’s seat.

Moments ticked by before Andy’s car pulled up next to Jinxx’s. Andy got out and rushed to the passenger’s seat to open the door for Scarlette. She stepped out, beautiful as ever, and I watched as Jinxx manually closed his jaw with his hand. Her purple and black corset top outlined her petite figure perfectly, and her skinniest jeans hugged her hips and legs, accentuating every single curve she had. Lina caught me staring and cleared her throat obviously. I coughed and looked away, but I could feel her jealous eyes piercing into me.

Damn Scarlette.

Everyone got out of the car and stood around outside while Andy had a cigarette and a few of us lit up our own for a quick puff or two. Now I can see why Scarlette might be pregnant, I thought to myself, casually observing her angelic silhouette. I turned to Lina, who was clearly envious of Scarlette, and pulled her into a hug. She smiled a little, and the jealousy melted a bit. I leaned in close for a kiss, eyeing her gorgeous pink lips. I looked up, searching her gorgeous eyes, and she threw her arms around my neck. Our lips met in an extraordinary kiss.

My eyes were closed tight, my hands around Lina’s tiny waist. The kiss pressed on, and with every second, I could feel it intensify. My lips pressed against hers, and I could feel her opening her mouth. She licked my lip, begging for entrance, but we were interrupted by the sound of Ashley mocking us with kissy-faced remarks and smooch sounds. I pulled away from the breathtaking kiss and shot daggers at Ashley.

He backed up nervously and bumped into Christian. CC, who was clearly aggravated by our public display of affection, shoved him. I watched Ashley fall on his ass, laughed, and offered a hand to help him up. He rolled his eyes at me and helped himself up. We all looked at each other, leaving an awkward silence among us, and decided to go in.

In the club, everything was surprisingly quiet for it being two days before a concert. Everyone in Six knew about Lina’s hospital trip, and everyone knew that we would be having a concert to raise money for the doctors that had helped her. It made a few people whisper when she walked in, still a little skinny, still a little pale, but I held her close to me and threatened anyone I could with my middle finger and an icy stare.

Most took it as a warning and shut up about her. Some decided to talk louder about her, about how they thought she’d done it to herself. She didn’t mean to put herself in the hospital, did she?

Five minutes after our arrival, a boy, about 15, came up to us with wide eyes. He had grey eyes and skater style black hair, which reminded me of Andy’s old haircut. He flipped his hair out of his face and smiled, fiddling with his snakebites and running his tongue over them. “Hey, you guys are the Brides, huh?” he said.

We nodded. Andy held out his hand, leaving one arm around his wife. The kid shook it and smiled. “And who might these young ladies be?” he asked, eyeing Lina and Scarlette like they weren’t wearing a stitch. I held back a growl.

The girls introduced themselves and smiled. I held onto Lina defensively and grimaced. I wasn’t about to almost lose her again. Hell no. The kid introduced himself as Chase, and he hung around talking to Ashley about what kind of bass would be best for his band. I grabbed Lina’s hand and led her toward the fully-stocked Rockstar fridge. Once out of earshot, I frowned and whispered in Lina’s ear. “You love me, don’t you?”

Her smile fell and she turned to me. “Jacob, what’s wrong with you!?” she said, just loud enough so I could hear the dismay in her voice.

“Of course I love you, Jacob. I wouldn’t be your girlfriend if I didn’t. What on God’s green earth would make you ask that?” she continued, her eyes glossing over with tears. I held her hand tightly to me and pulled her into a tight embrace.

“I g-guess I was just…j-jealous.” I stammered, trying hard not to upset my fragile girl again. She sighed.

“Jealous of what? A 15 year old boy with a Justin Bieber voice, is that it? It’s not likely that I would leave the love of my life for a pathetic attempt at a chick magnet, Jacob. Just remember that, okay? I will never ever leave you. Never. You’re all I’ve got. I need you. Jacob…” she trailed, reaching for a Rockstar and slapping a five down on the counter.

I took her hand and led her out to the front door. We walked out into the chilly night air and inhaled deeply. Andy had come out for a smoke, which sounded like a good idea after the stressful situations with Chase. I leaned up against the building next to Andy and he passed me a cigarette. I took it gratefully and pulled out my lighter.

Lina watched me light the cigarette and take a few short puffs. I blew out clouds of grey-white smoke into the obsidian sky. When I looked back down, Lina had her hand out. I cocked my head to the side. “What do you need baby?” I asked.

She reached for the slender white cancer stick. I was hesitant. “You sure you wanna try this?” I asked.

She nodded and held out her hands. I shook my head. “Why, Lina-bear? This stuff isn’t good for you. Or anyone, really, for that matter.” I said.

Lina shrugged carelessly. “You only live once, right Jake?” she replied simply.

I shrugged back and carefully handed her the cigarette, watching her grip it in her delicate fingers. She lifted it to her mouth and placed it gingerly between her two perfect lips. She took a long, slow, deep inhale and held it for a moment before blowing out gracefully. She took another and handed the cigarette back to me. I finished it off and stomped it out on the sidewalk.

Lina grabbed my arm and sipped the last drops of her Rockstar. I wrapped an arm around her and placed a simple, brief kiss on her cheek. She smiled and kissed me back, this time on the lips. I picked her up and carried her back inside, wedding-style. We found the booth where everyone had been sitting and slid in next to Andy and Scarlette, just as The Mortician’s Daughter happened to come on.

Andy serenaded Scarlette, causing everyone to gape at their perfect relationship. I held Lina tight and sang along quietly. At the end of the song, Andy stood up on his chair and picked his bride up, yelling, “I love you babe! And I always will!”

Lina glanced at me, searching my eyes for any sign of my next move. I gave no response, instead I looked away. She would have to wait for her surprise romance. She sighed and looked down. I grasped her chin in my hand and tilted her head toward me, smiling. She looked away, uncertain, but I kept her head facing me. Carefully, I leaned in and gently kissed her pink lips. Lina was hesitant at first, but she gave into the kiss and kissed back intensely.

Advancing the kiss, I pulled her into my lap and held her close. The kiss didn’t go far, however, because Andy got up and forced us out so we could leave. Everyone piled into the cars and Jinxx made stops to everyone’s houses. When we got to my house, I pulled Lina out of the car with me. We waved goodbye and I told everyone else I’d take Lina home, but I needed to give her something.

Lina was surprised. I pulled her into the house quickly, slamming the door shut behind us. I locked it for safety, then locked the top lock for good measure. “What’s all this about, Jacob?” she asked.

I smiled secretively. “Shhh.” I whispered, putting a finger up to her pretty pink lips.

She searched my eyes, surprised by my answer. There was silence for a few minutes while we stood in front of the locked door. I held Lina close to me and just stared into her gorgeous eyes, admiring her beauty.

Stop staring. That’s creepy. a voice from inside my hear whispered.

I almost laughed, but instead, I held my gaze into her beautiful eyes. Suddenly, I took her into my arms, holding her close to me. Careful, I carried her upstairs to my bedroom and set her down on the bed, kissing her gently. She smiled as I pulled away and slipped into bed next to her. I laid down on my back and stared at the ceiling. I put my arm around her and pulled her close. “I love you.” Lina whispered, cuddling up against me.

“I love you too, baby girl.” I replied, kissing her forehead.

It was quiet for a few minutes. We cuddled in the silence, enjoying being so close to each other. Then, ever so gently, I placed the perfect kiss on Lina’s lips, and it began to escalate. The kiss pressed on for a few moments. Lina pulled back a little, trying to catch her breath, and she smiled. Finally breathing a little, she leaned back in and kissed me, opening her mouth and licking my bottom lip. I opened mine as well, and we kissed in perfection.

My hands held Lina close, and she held me closer. We held the kiss as long as we could, wishing it would never end. Finally, though, Lina pulled back, unable to breathe. “Jacob, I…” she panted.

“Yes, my love?” I replied, equally breathless.

“I trust you... I... I want you to make tonight the most romantic night of my life…” she whispered.

I nodded in reply, pulling her back into another kiss.

-----Andy’s POV-----

“So you’re saying I should think of it like a Twinkie?” Ashley said, hanging upside down on my couch, his large feet up against the wall.

“Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying.” I replied, sitting in the same position, tossing a rubber band ball up in the air and watching it almost hit me in the face before Ashley intercepted it.

Scarlette had gone upstairs to sleep a little, and I invited Ashley over so we could have a little hang out time without the girls. He chuckled as the ball came spiraling down at my face and I failed to bat it out of the way. It hit me in the eye, and I flipped out. I fell off the couch. “Ow!” I yelled.

Ashley fell backwards off the couch, dying of laughter. “Oh my God, Biersack. Only you! You’re such a dork!” he exclaimed, clutching his sides as he laughed.

I pouted, my hand over my eye. “It’s not funny, Purdy!” I said, fighting back laughter.

“Yeah, it’s definitely not funny, when you’re trying not to laugh yourself, Andy.” He said, pulling himself off the floor and plopping down on the couch.

I chuckled and pulled myself back onto the couch, grabbing the TV remote and turning it on. E! News was covering another star that no one remembered. I flipped to the next channel. It was Disney, and the movie The Nightmare Before Christmas was on. I screamed. “OH MY GOD! ASHLEY!” I yelled, shoving him playfully.

He gasped as he fell off of the couch. “Dude, what the FUCK!”

I laughed and helped him up. “THE MOVIE! IT’S ON, BRO!” I shouted into his face.

He rolled his eyes. I jumped off the couch and sat in front of the TV, staring at the screen intently. “I. Love. This. Movie.” I murmured, a childish smile on my face.

Ashley yawned behind me. “Okay, kiddo. Don’t get all riled up just yet.” He said, standing up and patting me on me on the head.

I stuck out my lip and it quivered. “B-but ASHLEY!” I groaned.

He chuckled. “Just calm down, Andrew!” he said.

I smiled, remembering how we used to do things like this before Scarlette ever met me. It was just like old times, except CC wasn’t asleep on the kitchen floor and Jinxx wasn’t slurping pudding out of a cup. I missed it, but I was married now. Things were different. I was even gonna have a kid soon. Thoughts began to flood my mind and I shook my head. Now’s not the time.

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