The Last Paladin of Highmoore...

By JABullen

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"When the heart of malice beats again and the one who has fallen enacts her unholy vengeance, the Forsaken sh... More

The Legends of Valoria - The Last Paladin of Highmoore: Enhanced
Chapter 2 & 3
Chapter 4 & 5
Chapter 6 & 7
Chapter 8 & 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 & 12
Chapters 13, 14 & 15
Chapters 19, 20 & 21
Chapters 22, 23 & 24
Chapters 25, 26 & 27
Chapter 28, 29 & 30
Chapters 31, 32, 33 & 34
Chapters 35, 36 & 37
Chapters 38, 39, 40, special thanks and excerpt

Chapter 16, 17 & 18

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By JABullen

Chapter 16 - The Paladin

"Are you certain?" Alec nearly jumped out of his chair causing his wound to burn.

"Hun, you are going to need to sit still if you want me to close this." Talon still fussed with his side, working her needle with great speed and skill.

"We'll have to try and find her." Alec looked down at his feet trying to think of a plan.

"You realize that man with the beard was a paladin?" Eliza raised her eyebrow to him.


"When I tried to press that man backward, I caught a glimpse at the armor he was wearing, lion hawk symbol and everything. He's a paladin Eliza." Eliza thought for a moment as Talon finished closing Alec's side and cut the thread and cleaned the area around it. Alec thanked her for her help as Zelus entered the tavern accompanied by the guardsmen who had taken him away before.

"I leave for a couple of hours and you two are already starting fights with the locals. What is wrong with you two?" Alec and Eliza were hardly in the mood. Eliza slammed her fists on the table and let out a low audible growl.

"We did not start the fight! We were trying to break it up when we were attacked!" Zelus cowered as Eliza went on with her less than ladylike performance. Eventually she stopped and Zelus took a deep gulp and attempted to clear his throat.

"I see, well then, my apologies. I was not made aware of all the details. I will leave immediately to go and speak with the individuals." Zelus began to walk away when Alec spoke.

"Wait! I am going with you." He began to rise but did so too hastily and the pain in his side seared.

"Alec, just wait here or have someone help you to our quarters. I will go with Zelus." Eliza placed her hand on Alec's shoulder knowing why he was so eager to go.

"Eliza I have to go. I am not going to sit in a room when I know that she is here." Alec finished rising to his feet and slowly straightened out his torso. Eliza smiled and slung her arm around to help steady him.

"Come on Alec." Zelus gently patted Alec on the shoulder and the three of them walked toward the building where the large man was being held. Alec surveyed his surroundings closely as they walked looking for any sign that the young woman might appear. They reached the main building that Zelus had entered previously that day and a guard stepped forward.

"We have just received the prisoners. They are in lock up now." The guard accompanying them stepped forward and spoke with the guard for a moment.

"Come on, knights let's go see your prisoners." The four of them walked into the justice building where they walked down a couple long hallways and down a flight of stairs. They walked past several cells when the guard motioned for them to walk toward their right.

"Hey baby, wanna come in here with me." The large man from earlier blew Eliza a kiss. Eliza stopped and drew her twelve inch hunting knife from its sheath.

"Maybe for a minute, big boy." She mocked as she ran up on him and pressed the knife towards his belt line. The big man gulped and backed away as Zelus grabbed her, pulling her away, as they continued their walk toward the end of the hallway. Alec smiled and shook his head as Eliza sheathed her knife and brushed her hair back with her hand. Alec's smile quickly faded however as they stood in front of the cell they were looking for and inside sat the enormous man, whom Alec now knew to be a paladin.

"Prisoner, you have guests." He opened the door and Alec walked into the cell.

"Eliza, Zelus please just stand guard. I will not be long." Eliza and Zelus gave him a dirty look.

"There is no way that we're leaving you alone with him. No way!" Eliza folded her arms pressed her body against the entranceway. Alec nodded to Zelus and he pried her off and tried pulling her away.

"Eliza please, I only need a few minutes." He leaned in close to her and whispered.

"Do not tell anyone about him being a paladin, alright? I will be right back out." Eliza frowned at Alec but let go of the bars and allowed the guard to close the door behind Alec.

"Call for us when you are done, we will be just around the corner." Eliza, Zelus and the guard walked away. Alec turned his attention towards the man who was still sitting in the corner of his cell biding his time.

"Why are you in town," he paused for a moment and whispered the word, "paladin." The man moved slightly at the word and Alec caught a glimpse of a smile from under the hood.

"I could ask you the same thing fledgling knight. How long do you plan on keeping me in here?"

"If you would please just answer a few questions, I will ask for them to release you tonight. I have not disclosed what you are to them." The man nodded but remained in his seat.

"I appreciate that, however, you do know that these walls cannot hold one such as myself?" The man in the cell looked up through his eyebrows at Alec with a threatening glare in his eyes.

"Yes I do, sir. You would only need prove who and what you are and they would release you. However, I can draw the conclusion that you do not wish for them to know."

"You would be correct. I am on a mission that requires a certain amount of anonymity." Alec smiled for a moment.

"Then why bare the symbols of your order?" The man raised his eyebrows for a moment and then stood, eying Alec carefully for a few minutes.

"Interesting, curious but all the same interesting." He continued to study Alec for several moments before Eliza came back to the cell door.

"Alec are you done yet?" She saw that the man was towering over Alec and the muscles in her jaw clenched her fists balled.

"Eliza, I am alright. There is no trouble here." She eyed the man suspiciously and then looked over to Alec with concern. Alec smiled and grabbed her hand.

"Eliza, please, I am alright. Do not worry about me, please?" She looked annoyed but pulled away from the door and walked away. The man continued to stare at Eliza.

"Eliza Kaldur?" Eliza Alec both looked at the bearded man suspiciously.

"What of it?" The man smiled but refused to allow his glare to cease.

"I know of your father. I am surprised that he lets his only child traipse about so." Eliza turned back to Alec to take her leave before things went south.

"Just do not be too long, Alec. I will be back at the barracks." He could hear the clicking of her boots as she stormed down the hallway and up the stairs.

"Your friend has proper reason to be concerned, Alec." He spoke Alec's name almost mockingly.

"It would not take much effort for me to break these chains and ring your neck." Alec looked at the man with a dismissive stare.

"I am not concerned about that. What is it that you are doing out here so far away from the cathedral?"

"I told you that is a matter of secrecy, I can discuss to none outside of my order." The man looked away from Alec, folding his arms.

"It would be easier for me to get you out of here." Alec thought for a moment.

"What if I told them that you are a paladin on your pilgrimage?" The man shook his head and turned his back to Alec.

"That would make no difference. I will be out of here soon enough. Guard!" The guard appeared from around the corner and unlocked the cell.

"Come knight, let us return to the barracks."

"Alright, I am coming." As Alec left, he turned back towards the paladin who still had his back turned and left the dungeon.

"I need to speak to your commanding officer now." The guard looked at Alec confused.


"That man is another knight of our order. He is in disguise and is in route, to look into the disturbances that have been reported in this area. I would see to it that he be released so that he can be on his way." The guard looked at Alec confused and instead of leading him to the barracks took him around another corner and into the commander's study.

"Commander." The guard saluted and introduced Alec to him. The commander was of an average build, not much taller than Alec. He had a muscular frame, brown, shoulder length hair, matching beard and bright green eyes that rivaled Alec's. Alec bowed his head slightly and addressed the commander.

"Commander, you have a prisoner within your dungeon who is a member of my order in disguise. He is one of our contacts on the investigation that we are looking into." The commander rose from his chair and looked at Alec.

"Knight Zelus made no mention of another knight."

"That is because while he was in here meeting with you, cadet knight Eliza and myself were sent to search for our contact going under the alias Talon. We were instructed to meet our guide at the tavern and when we arrived the gentleman in the cells attempted to connect with us when the fight started." The commander and the guard raised their eyebrows, but did not argue with Alec.

"Is this the truth, young knight?" The commander leaned forward and eyed Alec suspiciously. Alec raised his hand and twisted the truth only enough to convince the guards.

"I swear in the name of Aneira that the man I have spoken of is indeed an ally and is on urgent business requiring him to be back on his mission by night's end." Alec spoke his words carefully but truly. The commander and the guard seemed to be convinced. However, they spoke with one another for a moment and then turned to Alec.

"Do you wish to meet with your contact again?" Alec shook his head.

"That will not be necessary I have already received the information required to carry on my journey. It would be best if he were not associated with the knights."

"Very well." The commander instructed his guard to release the prisoner after escorting Alec to his quarters.

"Commander?" Alec spoke up before he was escorted away.

"Yes?" The tall man answered.

"Regarding the problem with the Forsaken we encountered on the road."

"The matter is being looked into." Was all the commander would tell Alec, and with a wave of his hand, the guard placed a hand on Alec's back. The guard saluted and then escorted Alec back to the room where he and the others were staying for the evening. As he entered the room, Eliza jumped from the bed she was sitting on and Zelus stepped forward as well.

"Well, what happened?" Alec sat down on the bed between the two of them and, after the guard left the room, began to tell his story. As Alec spoke he couldn't help but notice a troubled expression on Eliza's face. He told them of the man in the cell, that he was a paladin and that the guards were not to be informed. He talked about how the man had said that something of interest had happened that Alec had not understood and then spoke of how he arranged for the prisoner to be released.

"You told them that he was our contact?" Zelus looked at Alec in disbelief. "Alec, what's going to happen if they discover otherwise?" Alec put his hands out as he spoke trying to keep the situation calm.

"Zelus, I did not have any other choice. The man was a paladin, on a secret mission from the grand cathedral. What would have happened if he had been forced to stay?"

"If he had been forced to stay, then his friends would have come and collected him sooner or later. It could have saved us a great deal of trouble if you had just let it go at that." The entire time that Alec and Zelus spent arguing Eliza just sat by herself and didn't speak a word. Finally after Zelus had exhausted the subject, he turned away from Alec angrily.

"Fine, I suppose that it cannot be helped at this venture. I suppose all that's left is to wait until morning and head on our way to the shrine in Roak." Alec looked at Zelus and asked why the northern village. It was Eliza that answered, the first that she had contributed to the conversation since it had begun.

"According to Talon, many people have witnessed Forsaken troops walking about, following just off from the roads. They have been spotted frequently around the village of Roak and it was suggested that be our next destination. I have already sent a letter back to father explaining the change in destination." Alec nodded his head and Zelus grunted acknowledging that Eliza had done well. As everyone turned in for the night, Alec waited up, having chosen the bed by the window and leaned his back against the bedpost glancing out on to the street.

He sat watching carefully for the slightest signs of movement. He saw the doors to the guardhouse open and out walked the tall man, whom he had spoken with earlier. Alec leaned forward anticipating what he only knew was soon to come. The man cautiously walked from the guardhouse, stopping every few paces and looking around. Alec opened the window slightly without making a sound and listened. It was in the dead of night, but over the faint sound of crickets and the crackling of the midnight bonfires, Alec heard the man's voice periodically.

A broad smile crept across Alec's face knowing full well that the young woman that the paladin had been guarding could not be far. Finally, another figure came from out of the shadows. Quietly, the young woman crept up to the man with the reins to two horses in her hand. The man helped the young woman onto her horse and then hoisted himself onto his own and they silently rode toward the front gate where Alec's vision was obscured.

Alec felt a sense of relief that the paladin had managed to get back on his way with his young ward but, in the same instance, Alec could not help but wish that for a moment, he had been able to see the young woman under the hood. Alec left the window slightly ajar, the refreshing breeze calmed him as he laid his head down to go to sleep.

"Alec?" Alec opened his eyes to see Eliza sitting near his bedside.

"Eliza?" She had a horribly disturbed look on her face. "Eliza what's the matter?"

"Alec, you know how you told me that man had the mark of a paladin on him?"

"Of course I do Eliza, why, what is the trouble?" She looked around the room carefully before continuing.

"Zelus and I both got a good look at him back at the tavern and at the prison. Alec, I am not sure if you will believe me, but when we looked at him. He was not wearing any armor. He was just in basic traveler's clothes." Alec shook his head and smiled.

"Come on, Eliza, that's not even funny. You mean to tell me that I imagined it?"

"Alec, what I mean to say is, those guards would have recognized the seal of a paladin and of the ten people who saw him, Zelus and myself included, you are the only one who did not see dirty traveler's clothes. I even asked Talon and she said the same." Alec did not know what to say. He knew what he had seen but them why had it not occurred to him, he would not be the only one who could recognize that symbol.

"I am just worried Alec. Are you sure that you are alright?" Alec looked at her and smiled.

"Fine Eliza, just fine."

"You are a terrible liar."

Chapter 17 - The Captain's Warning

Alec woke early that morning from another dream involving the girl with the sad eyes. He sat angry that he had gotten so close to finally meeting the woman in person but had not been able to. He sighed to himself and looked over to the side, seeing that Zelus and Eliza were still sound asleep. Alec looked out the window and judged that he had two, maybe three hours until sunrise.

He swung his legs over the side of the bed and laced his boots. Grabbing his things, he rose from the bed and left the barracks. He filled his lungs with the fresh morning air as he stretched. His side still pained him but only slightly. He strode over towards the training ground and bore down at the row of dummies. Slowly, he drew his sword and swung it in a wide arch above his head, slashing it from side to side for a moment.

He stepped forward and brought his sword down upon the shoulder of a dummy, stepped sideways spun and slashed through the air.

"Thump!" The dummy's head hit the ground several feet from the body. Alec lunged and this time cleaved the sword through its torso. He ducked his head, rolling away from the dummy. During the process of his roll, he pulled his knife from its sheath and flung it into the chest of the dummy opposite of him.

"Clap! Clap! Clap!" Alec turned and saw one the guard's captains approaching, clapping his hands.

"Excellent work, young knight. I would expect no less from one of the academy's elite upstarts."

"I would not exactly consider myself an elite upstart. I am just a fledgling, the same as any other." The guardsman smiled and drew his own sword.

"That is not the story, which has reached my ears." The man smiled.

"Well, despite what you have heard, I am not exactly on the council's list of favorite people," said Alec. The man waved him off, before speaking once more.

"The council rarely enjoys anyone, to whom the people admonish, without their permission. You stick out too much, Sir Alec. The people are excited to see, what you become. The council will wish to control you. Possess you, beneath their cause, or they will cast you aside. I know your heart lies elsewhere, however. You wish to return home, one day."

"I believe we both realize how impossible that will be." Alec replied. The captain shrugged as he whirled his blade about.

"Care to practice against a moving target?" Alec smiled back and nodded his head. He readied himself and stared at his challenger. They circled in closer to one another step by step until their blades connected.

"So, Alec what is it that drives you? Is it fame? Glory? Some sort of misplaced childhood fantasy?" He pressed Alec back and slashed. Alec deflecting and redirecting the blow sent out one of his own. As they dueled, the guard captain continued his assessment of Alec.

"Ah yes, childhood delusions, that is a common one. We see that a lot around here. Boys hoping to become men by taking the fight to the Forsaken in order to win their honor. Pitiful honestly. Do you honestly believe that this war with the Forsaken is one that we can win? Do you have any idea exactly what the situation out there is? It is people such as yourself that cause needless violence and bloodshed." His blows became slightly more aggressive. There was nothing but calm in his voice and demeanor but Alec could sense the searing anger behind the blows.

"Alec, why is it that you and your friend are searching for the Forsaken?" Alec dodged a close blow to the side and thought about the wounded farmer, the destroyed caravans, of the missing women and children.

"Your fight is a hopeless one, why not just give up? This war has too many blunt instruments as it is. Why add to the wealth of those fat pompous crooks in the capitol? Their only motivation is their greed." Alec parried a blow, pressing the tip of the captain's blade down, struck the hilt and spun the sword out of his opponent's hand. Alec struck him backward and pointed his sword down at him. Alec advanced on the guard captain, as he answered his question with a most threatening tone.

"I fight for those who lack the strength to fight for themselves. To protect the weak, from the tyranny of the strong and to avoid unnecessary bloodshed. Innocents are dying every day, captain. How can you sleep at night knowing you sat idly by within the luxurious comforts of your barracks, while villages were plundered and burned and countless innocents were butchered?"

"Alec, that is enough!" Alec pulled away noticing now, he had the captain at sword point, lying on his back, beads of sweat dabbing his brow. The captain panted slightly, but smiled as Alec pulled away and began walking toward Eliza and Zelus.

"Remember your drive, Alec. Soon your faith will be tested as was mine. We shall soon see how truly noble you are with your talk of saving the world. Be warned, however, that your fanciful dreams are merely the unrealistic delusions of a child. When you return here defeated with nowhere left to go and no one to turn to I'll be here waiting." Alec continued to walk towards his befuddled companions pulling his knife from the dummy as he walked past.

"Alec, what was that all about?" Eliza was the first to question the display they had just witnessed.

"Just a duel, he saw me practicing and wanted to give me a try." Alec smiled and attempted to walk by when Eliza grabbed his arm.

"You are a terrible liar." Alec smiled again placed his hand on her shoulder for a moment and then pressed on.

"Here, I grabbed your things Alec." Zelus lifted Alec's bag, which Alec shouldered and thanked Zelus. The three of them walked toward the front gate without once turning back to look at the humbled captain who had tried to plant doubt in Alec's mind.

They walked the road that would lead them north toward Roak, one of the cities housing a grand chapel to Aneira. Alec knew that their walk would be a long one and he hoped that perhaps he might have another chance at meeting the auburn-haired woman. They walked for several hours entering a path cutting through the woodlands when Zelus shifted and spoke up.

So Alec, what was that display with the guard captain, just now, all about?"

"So Eliza, how long of a walk do we have ahead of us?" Alec attempted to deflect the conversation, but Eliza was with Zelus.

"Alec, please answer the question. That was not a friendly duel. You were about ready to snap. What happened?" Alec looked from side to side and once Eliza and Zelus dropped their bags and folded their arms Alec knew he had lost.

"He was mad, alright? He's lost his vision and forgotten his responsibilities and his duty to his position and more importantly his people. It just makes me so angry." Alec slammed his fist against the trunk of a nearby tree.

"Alec what do you mean?" Alec tipped his head back attempting to regain control of his flooding emotions.

"He told me that what we do is a lost cause. He tried to convince me that we are at war with the Forsaken and that it's our fault that so many die in vain. He told me that we were all tools to keep the capital in power." Alec turned and started walking down the road. Zelus and Eliza shouldered their packs and began to follow Alec silently.

"We will have to make camp tonight but we will be there before tomorrow afternoon." Eliza murmured as they walked. Alec nodded his head but still kept the lead as he marched north toward Roak. They walked for the entire day and even after the sun had sank into the hills, they walked further.

"Alec, we need to rest. Let us make camp here for the night and finish the trip tomorrow." Alec, having had sufficient enough time to cool down, dropped his pack in the grass and walked toward the tree line to gather firewood.

"You two rest. Here, is enough to get you started." He lay down the small amount that he had found along the start of the trees and walked into the woods as Eliza and Zelus sat and began to build a fire. As Alec walked through the woodlands he thought to himself about what the captain had said and what he could have possibly meant.

"My mission is not futile. Saving lives and defending people from the Forsaken is not a wasted effort." He continued to think to himself about the other items the captain had mentioned. He thought to himself what the guard could have meant about the war with the Forsaken. How they could never win. How was it the fault of the knights and the council, so many had to die?

Alec thought intensely to himself for several moments. The last time that the capitol and the Forsaken had gone to war, was over two centuries ago. He could not remember many of the details but he had remembered learning, that the knights with aid from the paladins, had repelled the Forsaken back over the mountains and into the Scar, the Forsaken homeland. He knew there had been many incursions since, roving bands that had dared enter Valascaana and Highmooria, but he knew none of these stories ever mentioned a full-blown war.

He had been taught this all through the academy, but he could not but wonder if everything he had been taught was entirely true. He gathered more firewood and turned back towards camp, trying to shake the fleeting thoughts that had engulfed his mind.

"What took you so long? Is everything alright?" Eliza looked at Alec with a worried expression as he sat the rest of the firewood down and sat on the ground by his things.

"I will be alright, Eliza. I am just still a little steamed is all." He broke a handful of twigs and tossed them onto the fire, which crackled lively as the flames engulfed the new additions. Eliza sat opposite the flame from Alec poking at a pot resting over the flame that he could only assume was dinner. Eliza continued to stir waiting for Alec to provide a better answer, which he did not. Zelus finally approached the camp from the road and sat down near the fire with his back to the path.

"I think that it would be wise for us to turn in shortly. If we rise early in the morning then we should be to Roak before midday." Alec nodded as Eliza put her feet up on a stump and pulled out her book.

"Still reading that same book?" Eliza nodded and continued to read her book flicking through it page after page.

"Is it any good?" Alec was curious at this point as Eliza was absolutely glued to it.

"Mmm hmm." She answered without actually ever paying attention to Alec. Alec smiled and looked to Zelus.

"Hey, Eliza, do you mind if we put snakes in your sleeping bag?"

"Mmmm." Was Eliza's only response. Zelus smiled and added in on the fun.

"Alright then Eliza, I am going to go find some frogs and snakes to put in your sleeping bag." He rose to his feet and began to walk towards the woods. When he was out of sight, Eliza raised her eyebrows and lazily looked toward Alec.

"I hope he realizes that if he does, I will take my skinning knife and remove his manhood." Alec laughed as Eliza returned to her book. A few moments later, Zelus came back with a small snake in his hands and tried to sneak behind Eliza. He was nearly around to her tent when she pulled a knife from her boot, rolled and threw it.

"Ahh!" Zelus yelped as the knife sunk into the tip of his boot as he was walking.

"Eliza, you could have stuck me through the foot." Eliza turned back to her book and responded with a simple, "Mmm hmm." Zelus continued to go on about the hole in his boot. He pulled the knife out of his boot and whined to Eliza about water leaking into it.

"Zelus I am not in the mood for your crap right now. I am three chapters from the end and I want to have this finished, so I can pick up the second one when we get back to the capital." Alec and Zelus both turned to look at her in unison.

"There are others?" Zelus asked in shock. Eliza let out a disgruntled sigh and rolled away from him.

"It is a four book saga. Book one has been out. Book two comes out soon and the others will come out eventually. Now leave me alone." She reached back, pulled her knife from Zelus's boot and returned it to its hidden sheath. Alec smiled at Zelus who eyed his boot and decided not to bother Eliza further.

Alec lay on his back and stared at the fire intently, while he ate his meal. He watched as the flames engulfed the wood, crackling and snapping. He sat up momentarily, to shift around some of the wood and added another handful of firewood. He shifted back and warmed himself. He closed his eyes and waited for sleep to overcome him. As it approached, he found himself in a place not much unlike where he currently rested.

He came upon a large village with high stone walls and guard towers surrounding it. He turned his head to the side and could see the mountains where beyond he knew lay the Forsaken lands. Just outside of the walls were sharpened fortifications that were mounted into the ground, to prevent riders from approaching too near. He caught a glimpse within the walls, at the people who all looked frightened and ran towards the Aneiran cathedral, as if some enemy were approaching. As Alec approached, the gate slammed to the ground in front of him, leaving him outside alone.

The wind picked up just then, he felt a chill down his spine and then heard the sounds of war from behind. He tried to run but he was much smaller, his legs belonged to those of a child. He caught a glimpse of his reflection and saw himself looking at the young girl Tear. He turned Tear's head toward the noise and could see the Forsaken horde barreling towards them.

Alec bolted up startled and searched around him for any signs of an enemy.

"It was just a dream," he assured himself feeling relieved and then dabbed at the sweat on his brow. He sat hunched over staring down at his lap and took in several deep breaths and released them as steadily as he could. After the feeling had fully passed him, he rose to his feet and began to pack up his things. He was sure daybreak was only just an hour or so off. He confirmed his belief as Eliza and Zelus began to shift, rose to their feet, and began packing their things as well. Together, they all took one final look over their campsite and confidently shouldered their packs and continued along the road leading north to Roak.

"How much farther?" Zelus asked after the sun had already risen and was slowly climbing above the treetops. They climbed over the top of a hill and Alec stopped the wind rapidly escaping his lungs. Alec stared at the village that lay before him, high stone walls, moderately fortified, guard towers resting upon each corner. He turned his head to the side to see the view of the mountains that separated them from the Forsaken lands. The only missing element was the sounds of panic and war.

"We need to hurry!" Alec began to hasten bolting toward the city gates. Eliza and Zelus increased their own speed to keep pace with him.

"Alec, what is the matter?" Eliza tried to catch some meaning behind the mad flight.

"I think that the Forsaken are coming and this town might not stand a chance against them."

Chapter 18 - Roak

"That is absolutely preposterous! There is no way that the Forsaken will attack us here. We are heavily fortified; we also have a full garrison stationed here. There is absolutely no way that the Forsaken would be bold enough to mount such an attack! They haven't marched in such force since...."

"Since the day they destroyed Highmoore. I remember full well I was there!" The guard captain froze for a moment.

"You are the boy from that day?" Alec nodded his head. The guard captain, sat down at Alec's answer, a haunted look, appearing across his face.

"I was born Alec Dante of Highmoore, my sister was Rayne Marina of Highmoore. We lived with our grandmother within the inner wall and I was there the day that the town was destroyed by the Forsaken." The guard captain, Eliza and Zelus, all stood in silence for several moments as Alec stared into the captain's eyes.

"I am sorry Knight Alec. I did not know."

"Alec, please, I prefer Alec."

"Right then, Alec, I am sorry, but I cannot place the entire village into a frenzied panic without even a shred of proof. If you are so confident then perhaps we can compromise. I will send out a band of scouts into the countryside. They will patrol and search the area for any signs of the Forsaken." The guard captain paused for a moment before continuing.

"If they find something, then we will immediately place the entire village on lockdown and prepare ourselves to rid Aneira's lands of the menace. But we must wait for our scouts to confirm the threats existence first." Before Alec could speak up again, Eliza stepped in.

"I wish to head out with your scouts. She began to remove the things from her bag that might slow her down.

"I assure you that my scouts are more than sufficient." Eliza looked over to Alec then Zelus and then back to the guard captain.

"I am most certain that your scouts are more than sufficient, however, it is for more than my sake that I offer my service."

"Very well." The guard captain responded as Zelus began to ready himself in a similar fashion as Eliza.

"I as well. Alec, stay here and see to the fortifications. No offense guard captain, only a fresh pair of eyes may prove useful to you." The guard captain stroked his chin for a moment.

"That is fine. Alec, please feel free to walk around the village and see what sorts of advancements can be made to our fortifications." Alec nodded and placed his hand on Eliza's forearm.

"Be careful." She nodded smiled then she and Zelus took off and ran for the walls. Alec turned his back toward the guard captain.

"Were you also there that night? You seem as though you bear similar scars from that night." Alec could not see the man, but he knew from the sigh that he had been. "Where were you during the attack?" The guard shifted uncomfortably before answering.

"I was sent with my garrison to evacuate the citadel. Even we were unsuccessful in saving everyone. We barely managed to escape with our lives and were lucky enough to even reach the young priestess and her guardian."

"Who were they?" The guard thought for a moment and tried to recall their names.

"I am not sure exactly. He was a rather massive man. He held the Forsaken at bay alone until we arrived. The girl, however, I remember a little bit better. She just seemed to stand out in a strange way. Almost as if she glowed, shined even. She had auburn hair, bright green eyes, poor thing. If you had seen how sad her eyes were, she lost everyone that night." Alec's heart stopped. The overwhelming coincidence of the matter was too much for him to comprehend. Alec turned back to the captain who had grown pale in complexion.

"Please, Knight Alec. If you would excuse me for a time. I am afraid that the memory of that night haunts me still, and I must retreat for the time being." Alec nodded his head and watched as the guard captain walked away. Alec turned toward the eastern facing window and looked toward the tree line where he knew his home town of Highmoore had once stood.

"Fortifications, alright time to get to work." Alec turned toward the hall that led towards the outer wall and began taking a mental note of everything that he saw. Alec surveyed the solid stone walls and decided that there was not much to be done with them. He walked down the path upon the upper wall and began to look around the outside.

"We need more pikes if we are attacked by horsemen." He attempted to think back to his dream. "The civilians were in a panic and didn't know where to evacuate to." Alec surveyed the area. He could see the temple up upon the hill where the wall was the highest. The temple was made of solid stone and to Alec appeared to be the sturdiest place to hold a line. Any enemy that attempted to get through to the people within would be forced to bottleneck their way in.

"The townspeople will have to be evacuated into the temple if all else fails." He turned toward a nearby guard who introduced himself as having come from the guard captain. Alec began to relay his concerns to him and after a moment the man saluted and ran off to ensure that all of the preparations were made in a timely fashion.

Alec, after spending several hours sweeping the town, made one final round before returning to the town square. He sat for some time eating a simple lunch and resting in the shade when he could make out the sounds of men arguing. Alec stood up and walked towards the source of the distress.

Alec ran around the corner, taking care not to run into any of the townspeople on the crowded streets, where he came to an opening with two men standing in the center. The first man stood behind a grocer's cart and was busy yelling at a small hooded figure.

"I am going to warn you one last time lass, you have to pay for that!" The hooded figure held an apple in front of her staring at it as if confused.

"But sir, I already told you that I have not any of this money you speak of. Could you describe it so that I could go find it for you?" The man scratched his head and went on to attempt to explain the situation further. Alec approached the cart and stood next to the hooded woman who eyed him from under her hood, being sure to not make eye contact.

"Excuse me ma'am, I could not help but overhear your conversation." Alec looked at the apple in the woman's hand. She cradled it carefully as if she were suddenly convinced that it was something much more fragile and valuable than just an apple.

"How much for the apple, sir?" The grocer eyed Alec and caught a glimpse of the handful of coins in his hand.

"Aw, finally a paying customer. Well, they are twenty five copper coins for a bushel, so for that one in the young ladies hand and the others, it will be fifteen coppers." The man held out his hand waiting for Alec to deposit the money.

"What others?"

"Why, for the others the young lady fed to the little wretches." He pointed to a number of children that sat nearby holding apples as if they were edible gold and turned to the girl who was tracing her foot across the ground. Alec smiled again and handed the man some money.

"Here, this should cover that. I will take one for myself and the rest of this should cover any other apples that these children might want." He laced the man's palm with a few more coins. The man stared at his hands for a moment trying desperately not to drop any of the coins as he placed them into his pockets. Alec turned his eyes toward a group of men who had watched the transaction but backed away as they noticed Alec watching them.

"I thank you for your aid, I fear as though I do not understand the customs of this village." Alec raised his eyebrows and looked at the girl for a moment.

"Paying for things applies in all towns that I've ever heard of. Are you a noble, they often times don't pay for things?" The woman shook her head and Alec smiled.

"That's alright miss, you can tell me the truth. I'm a knight and I promise not to harm you." Alec had placed his hand over his heart when he spoke, a custom that the young woman obviously understood because she nodded and though Alec did not see it he imagined that she smiled.

"I am a priestess of Aneira. I am unaccustomed to this money system. I apologize for any trouble that I have caused." She bowed as she spoke.

"No, no that is fine. No harm done. I was happy to help. There is no need to be so formal either." Alec stopped himself as he noticed three large men approaching him from behind. Alec turned his gaze toward the young woman.

"Go, hide!"

"Tis something the matter?"

"Please go, they are going to try to rob me."

"Rob?" Alec looked at the girl in disbelief and placed his body between her and the three men.

"Is there something I can do for you gentlemen?" The three split apart and formed a line in front of Alec.

"So you say that you are a knight, eh? And you have got a noble with you then?"

"She is a priestess of Aneira and, yes, I am a knight. May I ask your leave?" The leader smiled and spat on the ground at Alec's feet.

"We do not much care for you knights snooping around these parts. Perhaps we ought to teach you a lesson to take back to your friends." The man slammed his fist into his hand. Alec rolled his eyes and looked back to the young woman.

"Please stay behind me." She nodded as Alec pulled his sword from its sheath. "Again I ask, will you leave us in peace?"

"Not likely." Alec's eyes flicked back and forth between his three adversaries, each of which held a bludgeon in his hand and were at least a full foot taller than Alec. The first man charged at Alec, who Alec shoved in the stomach with the hilt of his sword and then struck him in the side of the head, knocking him unconscious.

The second thug approached and struck at Alec, who parried with his sword but was unable to follow up when the man's fist propelled him off from his feet, knocking the air out of him. Alec stumbled and moved to the side, as the man brought the bludgeon down. As the man struck the ground, Alec jumped onto the man's back and pressed all of his weight against the man's head, bringing it down heavily onto a large rock. Two men refusing to move, Alec rose and reached for his sword as he noticed the paladin fighting off the final man.

"Alright, alright. We are going, we are going." The leader approached and kicked his goons until they finally rose to their feet and fled. Alec smiled and sheathed his sword as he turned and looked at the girl whom he had been protecting.

"Are you alright?" This time he caught a brief glimpse of her face as she smiled at him.

"Thank you, for protecting me, Mr. Hero." She curtsied and Alec smiled back, as a large hand grabbed his shoulder and threw him backward.

"Woah!" Alec yelled as he twisted at the last second and managed to get his feet beneath him before hitting the ground several feet from where he had been standing.

"Naïve, how dare you approach the priestess!" The man was so enraged, he drew his sword and came after Alec.

"Calm down man, same side, same side!" Alec pleaded as he lunged to the right narrowly escaping the blow from the man's massive sword.

"You must pay for such an outrage!" The man still yelling swung at Alec again who had just managed enough time to draw his shield and blocked the blow, his knees nearly buckling from the weight behind the man's blow.

"Sir Marec, please be still, he meant no harm!" The young woman was frantically jumping at her guardian who continued to wail against Alec's shield.

"Mistress Talia, please step back this instant." Marec kicked against Alec's shield, propelling him backward. Alec drew his sword, battering it against the side of his opponent's and continued to fight for his life. This continued for several minutes, Marec swinging angrily at Alec, who did the best he could just to defend himself. The much more powerful man continued to hammer away at Alec blow after blow and Alec could feel the life leaving his arms. Finally, with one loud ringing "clang," Alec knew the fight was over as both his sword and shield were stripped from his lifeless limbs and his body was sent through the air.

Alec landed with a hard thud and began to rise when a large armored foot was pressed against his chest holding him in place. If only to emphasize his victory, Marec pressed his sword to Alec's throat before pulling back and sheathing his weapon.

"You are lucky that milady wants you spared, else I would flay you where you lie." He backed away as the young woman bowed her head and apologized to Alec.

"Please forgive him. He is a little protective of me. It was a pleasure meeting you. I am sorry I must go, but I wish to see you again...." Alec began to rise as she was trotting away after her guardian.

"My name is Alec." He called to her. She looked back and called out to him.

"My name is Talia...Talia Degracia." She waved and smiled to him as she continued to run after the man whose name had been beaten into him. Alec watched them leave and rose, clenching his stomach all the while trying to catch his breath.

"Talia Degracia," Alec repeated to himself, and a broad smile spread across his face, even though he still could not breathe. He turned toward the front gates and began to slowly walk back toward the barracks. As he walked, he could hear the sound of panic. He took off at a run as best he could. As he neared the front gates, he heard sounds that were only too familiar to him.

"Hurry, run. Get the civilians to the temple. Man the walls. Archers to your posts." Alec rushed forward as Eliza and Zelus ran in, each supporting a wounded scout and bearing several cuts of their own.

"What happened?" Alec ran up to them as medics rushed forward to grab the wounded. Zelus didn't speak instead he began to tend with Eliza's wounds.

"We were out scouting the trail. We found tracks, three Forsaken. Thought they were the ones from before. We followed the trail and were ambushed. Alec, you were right. I do not know how you knew but you were right, there are hundreds maybe thousands of them on their way here." Alec turned his attention toward the gates and a searing pain rose to his temple. Frantic voices began to cloud his mind as if he were hearing the cries of multiple people all at once. Then, he realized they were the Forsaken, marching in unison and one voice caught his attention.

"Hold the gates," he called out to the men who were turning the wheel. They paid him no mind and just continued to turn the wheel. Alec searched around frantically and, grabbing Eliza's bow and quiver from her, ran over and mounted a horse.

"Hyaah!" He yelled and patted the horse on the flank and began to ride past the gates.

"Hold the gate!" He screamed as he barreled through the gates, knocking an arrow as he rode. The voices continued to press within his mind but he focused on the one that he was now searching for.

"TEAR!" He cried out as he rode around the bend and could see the army in the distance down below in the valley. He rode down the hillside for another moment and he could see five horsemen, riding toward his direction.

"Help!" He heard the little girl scream and rode to intercept the Forsaken riders who were after her. Quickly, Alec pulled back the bowstring and focused hard, breathing in deeply and slowly exhaling as he released the string. The arrow struck the first horsemen in the chest causing him to lean backward in his saddle. Alec could hear the wail of the banshee shriek and his horse nickered with discontent as Alec pushed it to press forward. Three more times Alec shot at the riders and still all five of them pressed forward.

"Tear, take my hand!" Alec reached out and grabbed Tear's hand and lifted her in front of him onto the horse's shoulder. He turned his head around and attempted to shoot backwards at the horsemen but missed as a black veil pressed around the lead rider. Alec looked again at the veil, as another whizzed harmlessly to the side and instead or firing back, he pressed the horse harder, until the gates were within sight.

"Close the gates! They are coming! Start closing the gates!" Alec continued to ride as he saw Eliza running from post to post with a watchmen's bow shooting something into the trees.

"Alec, duck!" Alec slowed and lowered his and the steed's head just in time as he could see the barbed snares as they passed underneath them. He watched as Eliza launched several more arrows and began throwing her small contraptions from the last attack beyond him. As Alec approached the gate, he was riding at a slow trot but made it through just before the gate came to a close.

"There are five of them out there!"

"BOOOOOooooooommmmm!" Alec hopped off the horse's back and lowered Tear as Eliza stood above the wall smiling.

"They are ensnared. Hurry, kill them." Thirty archers began to launch out a volley of arrows and all Alec could hear were the wails of the dying Forsaken. He quickly guided Tear toward the temple where he looked her over quickly.

"Are you alright?" She nodded her head but Alec could see that she was crying.

"It is alright Tear. I will protect you." He wrapped his arms around her and gave her a warm hug. He held her until her sobs stopped and then he let her go.

"I need you to stay here, alright Tear? I will come back for you once this is all over, alright?" Again, Tear nodded as Alec ran back towards the walls. Eliza and Zelus were standing atop the wall looking grimly toward Alec.

"Alec, we can see the Forsaken beyond the valley and there are too many of them. The village will be lost and we cannot escape."    

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