Never Thought I Would Fall Fo...

By Macye_Thao21

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The Lee Clan is the most powerful clan in the world of wizardry. Their Leader is now Jimmy Lee. His wife, Kel... More

Erika Kelly Lee
Isabelle Sophie Lee (Belle)
Chapter 1 - Our First Letter
Chapter 2 - Getting School Supplies
Chapter 3 - Platform 9 3/4
Chapter 4 - Sorting Hat
Chapter 5 - Gryfindor Common Room
Chapter 6 - First Day of Class
Chapter 7 - Flying Lessons
Chapter 8 - Three Headed Dog
Chapter 9 - Learning Quidditch
Chapter 10 - Troll in the Dungeon
Chapter 11 - What are Friends for
Chapter 12 - Our First Match
Chapter 13 - Who's That?
Chapter 14 - Christmas
Chapter 15 - The Mirror of Erised
Chapter 16 - First Detention
Chapter 17 - Forbidden Forest
Chapter 18 - Trapped Door....Tonight
Chapter 19 - Into the Trapped Door
Chapter 20 - Real Wizards Chess?!
Chapter 21 - The Weird Feeling
Chapter 22 - End of the year (Year 1)
End of Year One
~Erika Lee~ (Year 2)
~Isabelle Lee~ (Year 2)
Chapter 23 - Back From Korea
Chapter 24 - The Weasley's
Chapter 25 - Diagon Alley
Chapter 27 - All of a sudden
Chapter 28 - Where were you?!
Chapter 29 - The Howler
Chpater 30 - Defense Against Darks Arts
Chapter 31 - The Word "Mudblood"
Chapter 32 - The Chamber Of Secrets Has Been Opened
Chapter 33 - The Legends
Chapter 34 - Quidditch
Chapter 35 - Dobby
Chapter 36 - Dueling Club
Chapter 37 - You're a Parselmouth?!
Chapter 38 - The Spiders
Chapter 39 - Polyjuice
Chapter 40 - Slytherin Common Room
Chapter 41 - With Hermione
Chapter 42 - Bad News
Chapter 43 - Follow the Spiders
Chapter 44 - Aragog
Chapter 45 - What?!
Chapter 46 - Into the Chamber
Chapter 47 - Tom Riddle
Chapter 48 - Awaken
~End of 2nd Year~
Erika Kelly Lee ~Third Year~
Isabelle Sophie Lee ~3rd Year~
Chapter 49 - EXO Mission
Chapter 50 - Leaky Cauldron
Chapter 51 - Dementor
Chapter 52 - Hogwarts at last
Chapter 53 - Divination Class
Chapter 54 - Buckbeak
Chapter 55 - Been Sighted
Chapter 56 - Boggart
Chapter 57 - The Little Fight
Chapter 58 - The Soft Side Of Draco Malfoy
Chapter 59 - Black is in Hogwarts?!
Chapter 60 - Snape Teaching Defense of Dark Arts?
Chapter 61- The Match
Chapter 62 - Answers
Chapter 63 - Hogsmeade
Chapter 64 - He was THEIR Friend!!!!!!!!
Chapter 65 - Pansy and Draco's Break Up
Chapter 66 - Harry's Patrous
Chapter 67 - Announcements
Chapter 68 - Valentine's Day Concert
Chapter 69 - Court
Chapter 70 - Angry Belle
Chapter 71 - Pettigrew on the map?
Chapter 72 - Buckbeak's Execution
Chapter 73 - Peter Pettigrew
Chapter 74 - Full Moon
Chapter 75 - How did you get there?
Chapter 76 - End Of The Year

Chapter 26 - That Man

692 16 4
By Macye_Thao21

Isabelle's POV
Why is everyone surrounded by a plain old desk?  I thought.

"Oh, Harry. I'm so glad you're okay." said Mrs. Weasely. I turn around and saw my sister with Harry. "Where were you?" I asked. "Long story short, Harry landed somewhere else." Erika replied. I couldn't help but giggle. "Not funny, Belle." Harry said. "Sorry." I said.

"And now...Mr. Gilderoy Lockhart." said an announcer. Everyone started to cheering. He walked out of the back room. "Mom fancies him." Ron said. Ron got hit on the shoulder by his Mom.

Sometimes....I wonder....feeling this way. I really wanted to know what my mother looks like. A photographer from the Daily Prophet took a picture of Gildroy Lockhart. He noticed me, Erika and Harry. "It can't be Harry Potter and The Lee Twins!"


The photographer grabbed us. Lockhart pulled us closer to him. "Smile big now, you three. Together, we'll make the front page." he said.


Grrr.....I really hate that flash! I thought.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! What an extraordinary moment this is. When this young man and two beautiful ladies, Harry and The Lee Twins stepped into Flourish and Blotts to buy my new autobiography." Lockhart said.

Man! I just want to puke! I gagged.

Everyone started clapping. "Which indecently is going to be celebrating it's 27 week at the top of the best sellers. They had no idea that they would be leaving with my entire collection of of charge." Lockhart added.

He's giving us his books for free? I thought.

The three of us went back to Mrs. Weasley and Harry handed hhis books to get them signed. Erika and I put our books in our bag. We started to walk back to the door. "Bet you loved that didn't you, Potter and Lee." a familiar voice said.

It was Malfoy's voice.

All of a sudden it was deep. Hehe, looks like he started his puberty early.

"The Famous Harry Potter and the famous Twins. Can't even go to a bookstore with making the front page." he said. "Leave them alone." Ginny said. "Oh look, Potter and Lee's. You got yourself a little friend." said Draco. "Just leave us alone." I said. Malfoy turned to me and his eyes widen with shock. I didn't know we were staring at each other. All of a sudden...he smirked And was about to say something back, but he was stopped."Now, Draco. Play nicely." said a man. He had long blonde hair. "Mr. Potter." he said. He held out his hand. "Lucius Malfoy. We meet at last. Forgive me."He pulled Harry closer to him.

"Your scar is legend as of course, the wizard who gave it to you." Lucius said. "Voldemort killed my parents." Harry said, with a glare on his face. "He's nothing more than a murderer." Harry added. "You must be very brave to mention his name. Or very foolish.." Lucius said. "Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself." said Hermione. "And you must be...Miss Granger." Lucius said, looking at his son.

Draco nodded.

"Yes, Draco had told me all about you. And your parents." said Lucius. Hermione looked at her parents. They were talking to Mr. Weasley. "Muggles, aren't they?" Lucius added.

Then he glanced at me and Erika"This must be....The Lee Twins."I gulped.

"Erika Lee and Isabelle Lee."I gulped again.

He suddenly pulled us closer to him.

"Brown eyes." Then he looked at our lips. "Soft lips." Then he started to touch our cheeks. "Soft Cheeks." Then looked at our hair. "And black hair."

Erika and I pulled back "And a beauty like your mother." He said.

Erika and I pulled back slowly. "Can't believe Kelly and Jimmy have a two beautiful daughters like you." Lucius said.

Erika glared at him.

"Can't believe you have a son who's a total git." Erika sneered. "And a attitude like Jimmy." Lucius said.

I silently gasped.

"Sorry for my sisters' behavior, sir. But please forgive her." I said. "Belle." Erika said. "And please don't say anything against my Dad." I said.

Lucius smirked.

"The first twin has the attitude of their father while the other has the attitude of their mother. How convenient." He said.

Then he turned to the Weasely's.

"Let me see. Red Hair, vacant expressions...tatty, secondhand book. You must be the Weasleys." he said.

"Children. It's mad in here. Let's go outside." said Mr. Weasley.

"Well, Well, Well. Weasley Senior." Lucius greeted him. "Lucius." Mr. Weasley glared."Busy time at the Ministry, Arthur, all those extra raids? I do hope they're paying you overtime...but judging bu the state of this, I'd say not. What's the use in being a disgrace to the name of wizard...if they don't even pay you for it?" Lucius said, and dropped another book into Ginny's basket. Which caught my attention. "We have a very different idea about what disgraces the name of wizard, Malfoy." said Mr. Weasely.

Lucius glared at him."Well, well." Dad suddenly came in."Dad?" Erika and I asked in shock. "When did you came in?" Erika asked. "Right before you guys came." Dad replied, then he turned to Lucius. "Oh my god!!! Isn't that Jimmy Lee?! From the Lee Clan?! He's more handsome than Lockhart!" One of the girls in the store shrieked


"Ah, Jimmy. It's been a long time. Still fond with the ladies, I see." Lucius said. Dad just laughed. "Hahahaha!!!! I'm not into them. Only one, Lucius. But I see that you still cared." He said. " I never cared." Lucius said. "Oh really....remember the time when we at the age of 12. Many girls followed me instead of you? Ha!!! I'll never forget that." Dad said. "Shut up you half-breed." Lucius sneered.

Erika and I glared at him."Lovely, Lucius. You never changed ever since, you pureblood Manic!" Dad exclaimed.

Lucius glared at my Dad. And their face was close to each other.
"Say that again. Or I'll---" Dad cut him off.

"Or what? You'll do what, Lucius? Run to Salazar Slytherin and tell him what happen like you used to. Ha! Like I'm scared of him." Dad said.
Lucius went speechless after that.

"Cat got your tough, eh, Lucius?" Dad asked.
Erika and I were trying not to laugh our butts off.

Dad smirked at him.
"So, enough chit chat, Lucius. I suggest you and your son to leave." he said.
Lucius glared and scoffed.

"Hmph. Come on, Draco." said Lucius.Draco came up to us. "See you at school." Then he glanced at me. Again....we were staring at each other for one second. And....he left.

"What's that about?" Ron asked.
"Don't know. But that was amazing!" Erika replied.

Dad and Mr. Weasley chuckled at that.

"Come on, girls. Since you got your books and everything....let's go back." Dad said.
We nodded and went to Dad's side.

"Thanks Jimmy. For taking my side as always." said Mr. Weasley.
"Always, Arthur. Always." Dad said.

"Well, I guess we'll see each other at Hogwarts." Erika said.
Harry and Ron nodded. "Okay."

"Bye guys!" we chimed.
~How's this chapter? Comment down below! I really miss reading your comments!~

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