The Unluckiest Boy Alive! (Da...

By Lifelover222

14.7K 247 250

Cursed with bad luck and hated by talent, (Y/N) (L/N) lives a sad lonely life. But all that changes when he i... More

An Unlucky Start
There's A New Teacher In Town
This Will Be Fun... I think
Royal Bonding (Part 1)

The Gamer and The Backup Student

2.9K 49 25
By Lifelover222

After the truck incident, Miss Yukizome found Nagito while Mikan patched me and Kazuichi up. Funny enough, Kazuichi was far more injured than I was. I only had a slight head wound, while Kazuichi's whole body was slightly injured. 

"Karma's a bitch, isn't it Kazuichi?", I laughed to myself.

For the safety of everyone else, I sat in the very back of the classroom while everyone, with the exception of Peko and Nekomaru, were sitting in the rows in front of me. Nekomaru and Peko decided to sit in the same row as me. It makes sense considering the fact that they seemed to be incredibly strong. If anyone could handle my bad luck it was those two. Though they had left one seat open between myself and them, so they were still being cautious. 

I could hear Kazuichi complaining from his seat, "This is all (Y/N)! If he's so unlucky why am I the one with all the injuries?!"

"Perhaps karma is a stronger force than luck?", Sonia pondered. 

"A-Are saying I deserved this, Miss Sonia?", Kazuichi seemed shocked.

"Oh I felt it was indeed most deserving", Sonia responded, "Afterall, you have had quite a bad attitude all day"

Kazuichi looked as if he was about to burst into tears. Dude had a serious problem. But it was nowhere nearly as bad as that guy was....

"You actually wanted to meet scum like me? What a lovely teacher!", Nagito laughed while being surrounded by an absurd amount of soda. Don't ask me why or how. I couldn't care less.

"You're not scum, Nagito. You're a rotten orange!", Miss Yukizome chimed in.

I didn't know if that was supposed to be encouraging or not...

"Anyway, we still have two more students find. So everyone get your butts in gear!", Miss Yukizome shouted, sounding a bit too excited.

"What?! No way, my legs feel like they're broken", Hiyoko groaned.

Mikan jumped from her seat and rushed to Hiyoko, "R-Really?! Do you need medical attention, Hiyoko?!"

"I was just joking, you stupid ugly pig!!", Hiyoko didn't even hesitate before unleashing a barrage of insults towards Mikan. 

"I'm sorry!", Mikan cried. 

Ignoring the two girls, Miss Yukizome sighed, "Well fine, I'll go get the last two students on my own. But, I want you all to clean this room while I'm gone"

"No way in hell I'm cleaning. Too much of a pain", Kazuichi groaned as he slouched over his desk.

Suddenly, Miss Yukizome stabbed two knives into Kazuichi's desk, which made him jump back into his chair., "What was that, Kazuichi dear?

"Where the hell did she get those from?! Her apron?", I screamed in my head.

"I was saying h-how excited I am to clean! Hehe...", Kazuichi laughed nervously.

Yukizome withdrew the knives and smiled at him, "Good. Now then, there's one more thing", she looked up towards me, "(Y/N), you're coming with me!"

"H-Huh? Why me, ma'am?", I asked with a gulp. 

"Well I'm slightly worried about your luck getting the whole classroom destroyed...", Miss Yukizome somehow managed to say that with a smile on her face. 

"That is a good point", I agreed with her as I got up from my desk.

"Besides, anything to get out of cleaning", I mumbled.

The moment I stood, a screw suddenly dropped from underneath the desk. Before I could process what just happened, the whole entire desk collapsed into pieces all around me. 

"My point exactly", Yukizome sighed, "Kazuichi, be a dear and fix that for me"

"Why me?!", he yelled out of frustration.

(Few minutes later)

"Oh yeah, forgot that guy lives here too", I said as Miss Yukizome and I walked up to an old looking dormitory.

"Hmm? You live here too, (Y/N)?", Yukizome asked.

"Yeah, it was the only place they had available", my shoulders dropped and I sighed, "Talk about unlucky..."

I had noticed the path we were taking was similar to the way I got to school. But I had completely forgotten that Ryota Mitarai, The Ultimate Animator, lived there as well. The dude was always locked up in his room so I never really paid much attention to him. Although, in the back of my head, I could have sworn there was another guy who lived there... But no one else came to mind. Maybe Hope's Peak was finally making me go insane.

Yukizome and I walked into the dormitory and located the door that led to Ryota's dorm.

She began banging on the door, "Ryota Mitarai!  Are you home?! I'm from Hope's Peak!"

From inside the room, we heard, "W-Wait a minute! I'm not done with this scene yet! Please just give me a few days and it will be ready!"

I closed my eyes and sighed, "It doesn't seem like he's gonna be leaving that room anytime soon. Got any ideas, ma'am?"

I opened my eyes to find that Miss Yukizome was gone!

"Where the hell could she be? I didn't even hear her leave", I pondered. 

I walked to the entrance of the dormitory to find the answer to my previous question. Miss Yukizome wasis walking out from behind the dorms, dragging Ryota behind her.

Ryota was a heavily built guy with light brown hair and wore the typical Hope's Peak Uniform.

"But that's weird, I don't remember Ryota being so large. I probably just forgot, that must be it", I thought.

"M-My show was about to come on! I can't miss a single airing of it! Plus I have so much work I have to finish", Ryota whined as he was dragged through the ground.

Yukizome ignored him and looked towards me, "Alright, that just leaves one more rotten orange!"

One last student. That would be Chiaki Nanami, the Ultimate Gamer. I hadn't seen her since school started. She seemed just as antisocial as I was but she was nice enough. I had no clue where the hell would she hang out.

(Few Minutes Later)

(Hajime's POV)

"Hops's Peak Academy is the school for those gifted with incredible talent. Those that attend this school are deemed the Symbols of Hope and have the whole world watching them. To be among the talented is my dream, but it seems as though it will forever stay a dream. In reality, I'm just a Reserve Course student, destined for nothing but bland boring life. Is that really the only path in front of me?", I thought alone to myself.

My fists tightened as I remembered the comments my previous classmates made towards me when they discovered I was accepted into the Reserve Course. 

"How did a talent loser like him get in?"

"Must be nice to be rich"

"His parents paid for the whole thing"

"He doesn't deserve to be anyway near that school"

"N-No that's wrong.... That has to be wrong... I belong here with the talented, don't I?", I asked myself.

Before I could continue to ponder about my place in the world, I felt something bump into my arm.

"Huh?", I turned my head and saw that some girl, that was playing a video game, had walked into my arm. She seemed so focused on the game that she didn't even realize she's bumped into me. Her face was pressed against my arm, yet she was still able to play her game.

"Wait, is she even breathing?!", I screamed in my head.

As soon as that thought crossed my mind, her head pulled back from my arm and she began panting heavily. The girl had short light pink hair with a hairpiece that looked like the ship from Galaga. Her eyes were pink and her face was flushed. But, the most shocking thing to me was the fact that she was wearing a Hope's Peak Primary Course uniform. 

We stood there for a few seconds before I asked, "Um, are you okay?"

"Yeah", she said quickly before she looked down st her game and began walking away. 

"Hey", I turned to look at her, "Is that Gala Omega?"

She stopped dead in her tracks and turned back to me with wide eyes, "Wait, you've heard of it?!"

She ran up to me with speed I never thought she would possess.

I placed my hands up defensively, "Y-Yeah, I've beaten the New Game Plus like 5 times"

"Wow, I've only beaten 10 times", she said as she finally gave me some space.

I scratched the back of my head, "Man, that completely destroys my score"

"But still", she looked up at me and smiled, "I don't think I've ever met someone who could keep up with me before"

Before I could ask her what she meant by that, we heard a voice unfamiliar to me say, "So this where you were hiding, Chiaki?"

(Y/N) Pov)

Hands stuffed in my pockets, I walked towards the fountain where the Ultimate Gamer was speaking to some bland looking guy. 

"So this where you were hiding, Chiaki? Geez, you made this such a pain", I shaked my head.

Miss Yukizome, who was still dragging Ryota, rushed past me with lightning-fast speed.

"Why is she still dragging Ryota? Poor guy....", I shook my head.

"Chiaki! We've been looking all over for you. Never thought you'd be here", Yukizome explained to the confused gamer. 

"Um, who you are?", Chiaki tilted her head.

Yukizome introduced herself to Chiaki while I slowly make my way towards them.

"Oh hey, (Y/N). Surprised to see you here", Chiaki said while returning her focus to her game.

"Same to you, Chiaki. Figured you would be at the girls dormitory", I then took a look at the guy standing next to her, "A friend of yours?"

"H-Huh? Oh, we only just met a few moments before", the boy wearing the black suit said.

"Black suit, huh? I feel like I've seen some kids wearing that same suit before", I searched my mind for the answer.

"That uniform... Are you in the Reserve Course, by chance?", Miss Yukizome asked our mystery man.

"Reserve Course? Oh yeah, thought that uniform looked familiar. The Reserve Course is for all those talentless kids, right?", I asked the Reserve Course Student. 

A few kids from my old school were bragging about how they got into the Reserve Course. I hoped and prayed I would never run into them.

The boy looked away from all of us, "Y-Yeah, that's right...."

I sympathized with the guy, "Seems like that's a tough subject for him, kinda like my talent" 

"Um, is that guy with you too?", the backup student asked while pointing to something behind Miss Yukizome and I. 

We turned around and see Ryota, tiptoeing his way away from us before he realized that we're watching. Once he noticed our stares, he busted into a full run.

"Hold it! Get back here, Ryota!", Yukizome ran after the escaping animator.

I just sighed and facepalmed at the sight before me.

"I never imagined people from the Primary Course would be so ridiculous", the Reserve Course Student laughed softly.

"Yeah, tell me about it", I muttered with my back to Chiaki and her friend.

(Hajime's POV)

"But still, you all possess amazing talents, don't you?", I said as I stared down at my open palm, "If only I could possess such abilities"

"It's not all about whether you have talent or not", I looked down at Chiaki, who was sitting on the fountain, playing her game.

"Huh? What do you mean?", I asked out of pure confusion.

"You possess more freedom than we do. Take that guy for example", she pointed to the Primary Course Student that came with their teacher, "That guy is shackled down by bad luck"

"What? Bad luck? There's no way something like that is..", but before I could finish talking, out of nowhere, a drop of bird poop fell from the sky and landed on the Ultimate Unlucky Student's shoulder.

His body stiffened and he turned his head to look at the scat on his coat, "You gotta be kidding me.. This is the 5th time just this week...."

"See what I mean", Chiaki smiled softly as she returns her focus to the game, "All he has is bad luck. All I have are games. But you can do anything you want with your life. You can become anything you want"

I was completely taken aback by her words. No one ever said something like that to me before. It made me wonder if I could possibly be able to rival the elite. 

I wasn't able to ponder that fact any longer though, as Miss Yukizome returned with the runaway student who seemed to be unconscious, "Sorry for the wait"

"Y-You didn't kill him did you?!", the Unlucky student asked his teacher nervously.

Yukizome ignored his question and walked up to Chiaki before poking her cheek, "Time to go", she looked up at me, "Sorry to steal Chiaki away like this"

"N-no it's fine!", I smiled as she hoists Chiaki over her shoulder.

"Alright, well I'll see you around", she then began walking back the way she came, "Yes, that's everyone now!"

"Man, is everyone in the Primary Course that crazy?", i scratched the back of my head.

But then I saw Chiaki waving bye to me without even looking away from her game. I smiled softly and waved back at her.

"I guess they all aren't that insane"

"Hey", I was taken out of my thoughts by the third Primary Course student, the Unlucky one, "I never introduced myself, did I?"

He stepped towards me and extended his hand, "I'm (Y/N) (L/N), as you already know I'm the Ultimate Unlucky Student", he saaid all this with a monotone voice, not even smiling a bit.

I nervously shaked his hand, "I'm Hajime Hinata. Nice to meet you"

"Right back at yah", he said moving his hand back to his side before turning his back to me, "Oh, by the way, it's not polite to talk about people behind their back"

I gulped, "I-I'm sorry! It was Chiaki who brought you up!"

He chuckled softly, "I was just joking around. Anyway I'll see you around Hajime"

(Y/N) began walking away as I said, "Y-Yeah, see yah"

And Once again I was left to my thoughts, "The Ultimate Gamer and the Ultimate Unlucky Student, huh? And I really have more freedom than those two?"

(Y/N POV) 

(Few minutes later)

"Hey (Y/N)?", Miss Yukizome asked, getting my attention.

"Yes, ma'am?", I asked back.

"You have bird dookie on your shoulder..."

".......I know"

It was a long day.

(Sorry for the stupid long wait. Meant to have this out a long time ago. I'll try to be more consistent in the future. Thanks for reading!)

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