✔[Zarry Stylik ] Stockholm Sy...

By m_cal14

42.3K 2.3K 1.7K

"I think I'm falling for you. Even though I shouldn't have these feelings for you because you kidnapped me... More



1.1K 71 36
By m_cal14

"You're free to go now, " Zayn's nurse said and walked over to his bed, pulling out the tubes that were connected to him.

"H- how long w- was I out? " , Zayn asked Harry in a raspy voice.

"Uh more than four weeks, " Harry said, honestly getting upset thinking about what would have happened of Zayn didn't wake up.

Zayn had his arms around Harry's shoulders, letting him guide him since he shouldn't put too much pressure on his wound.

They silently walked, neither of them knowing where they were going.

It wasn't an awkward silence, no both of them were just in deep thought.

"Move i- in with me H- Harry, " Zayn suggested and looked into Harry's eyes.

The question caught Harry off guard and he stopped walking himself and Zayn.

"You want me to move in with you?" , Harry repeated Zayn's request.

Zayn could only nod, it was a little hard for him to talk properly because of the trauma that he went through.

Harry slowly smiled and kissed Zayn's smooth tan cheek.

"Of course I will. "

Zayn cracked a smile of his own and put his arms around Harry, hinting that they needed to walk again.

Harry carefully picked Zayn up bridal style, not wanting to bend Zayn's wound.

Zayn giggled, and then covered his mouth with his hand as his eyes went wide.

He fucking giggled.

Harry looked down at the boy in his arms and smiled at him, he really did love this boy.

Speaking of love...

"Zayn did you actually hear me talking to you when you were in that short coma?" , Harry asked and looked forward, knowing exactly where to go.

He didn't want to but he had to.

"Y- yes I did. I tr- tried to wake up a- and say it back b- but I c- couldn't. I h-heard your cute l- little speech, " Zayn smiled and looked at Harry, admiring his features.

Even though his best mate bruised his nose Harry was still pretty.

Harry blushed and looked away from Zayn, who was indeed still in his arms.

"You know... You're pretty light for a nineteen year old, " Harry chuckled.

Zayn tensed in his arms, confusing Harry.

He looked down at the boy who was biting his lip and looking everywhere but Harry.

"Zayn are you-"

"I'm f- fine, " he cut Harry off and decided not to speak anymore.

One, his stuttering was annoying himself, and two, he didn't want Harry to know why he was so offended by that comment.

He felt so venerable, and like a baby.

He could do things himself.

"P- put me d- down,  I t- think I can walk on m- my own, " Zayn mumbled with a frown on his face.

Harry looked down at him and shook his head.

"Nuh uh Zayn, you can't walk on your own, I know it hurts your wound."

Tears pricked at Zayn's eyes, he didn't like this one bit.

He knew he was tougher than Harry, but at this moment he wasn't so sure.

"I s- said put m- me down, " Zayn said sternly.

"Zayn.. You could rip your stitches. It's already bad enough that I got you into this mess, so i-"

Zayn held up a finger and cut Harry off, not wanting to hear what he had to say.

"It d- doesn't matter. I'm f- fine Harry. P- please let me d- do this," Zayn practically begged.

Harry looked into Zayn's eyes and saw how he really wanted to walk on his own with no help.

"You could rip your-"

"H- Harry! "

Harry exhaled loudly and put Zayn down who immediately lost his balance and fell over.

He groaned and held the spot in his stomach where he had the stitches at.

Harry quickly picked up Zayn and kissed the boy who was on the verge of crying.

He kissed back and ran his fingers into Harry's curls, but Harry pulled away before things got too heated, making Zayn frown.

"Sorry babe, we gotta get to my house so that I can get my things, " Harry said bravely but deep down he knew he couldn't walk back into that house.

The memories would flood his brain.

The way his dad raped him and his mom, the way his mom would watch when he was being raped, the way he saw Zayn get stabbed, and most certainly the way his father's body crumpled to the floor when he killed him.

Harry felt a soft hand wipe something wet from his eyes, and he knew he was crying.

He weakly smiled at the boy who was in his arms again and continued walking to the hellhole he was raised in.


Zayn laid in bed, staring up at the ceiling.

It killed him that he couldn't do things on his own for awhile.

Hell, he couldn't even sleep on his sides anymore.

Frustrated tears ran down his face and he roughly pulled at his hair.

"F- FUCK! " , he cursed and kicked at the air, angry that he was so weak at the moment.

Zayn sat up, a little too fast and ripped his stitches without even knowing it.

"Why a- am I so fucking w- weak!? I don't n- need anyone's d- damn h- help!" , he yelled not to anyone in particular.

He knew Harry couldn't hear him because he was too busy in the shower.

Zayn got out of bed and tried walking on his own.

He was going to walk without hurting his wound, and he was going to stop stuttering once and for all.

He took a step and cried out in pain when his abdomen was hurting like a bitch.

It felt like he got stabbed all over again.

Zayn gripped his stomach and that's when he felt it, blood.

He raised his shaky hands in the air and stared at the blood painting his hand.

He groaned in pain and fell over, with tears in his eyes.

Why didn't he stay in bed?

He should have let Harry take care of him.

But Harry was in the shower doing his own thing!

More tears streamed down Zayn's face and all he wanted at that moment was to die of blood loss.

He couldn't take this anymore.

"Hey Zayn do you- OH MY GOD ZAYN!" , Harry cried and ran over to the bleeding boy.

His eyes were twitching and his face was stained with tears.

What startled Harry as the way his eyes rolled and looked directly into Harry's.

"I- I'm finally l- leaving. Let m- me die th- this time. I l- love you, " Zayn whispered to Harry who was crying his eyes out.

He ran out of the room butt naked to retrieve his phone and call an ambulance.

When he finished the call, he looked over at Zayn who was already dead.


Harry's body jolted up, out of breath.

That dream felt too real.

He quickly looked over to Zayn who was sound asleep and lightly snoring.

That calmed down Harry's nerves
a bit but he still had to make sure.

He slowly moved the blanket from around Zayn and made sure that his wound was still stitched.

Sighing in relief when it was, he laid back down and tried to calm himself down.

What if he really lost Zayn?

Harry hugged Zayn's sleeping body and sobbed into his shoulders.

"I will protect you Zayn, I will make sure that you don't get hurt or feel the need to do anything on your own. I love you so much and I can't afford to lose you, " Harry whispered into Zayn's neck.

He kissed it and sniffled, already knowing that Zayn hadn't heard a word he said.

All he knew was that this whole mess was his fault and he was going to help Zayn get through everything. 

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