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"Who the hell snitched? " , Zayn asked and backed away from the officers, taking Harry with him.

"Niall Horan said that Harry Styles met up with him after the kidnapping, he told him everything. He informed us of domestic violence and other things. Then we have Liam Payne, he turned you in and said that you threatened to kill him if he told on you, " the male officer said and pointed his gun at Zayn.

"Now stop resisting arrest!"

The officer grabbed Zayn and tried putting his hands behind his back, but he failed.

Zayn elbowed him in the gut and gave him a blow to the jaw, then picked Harry up and ran past the female officer.

"Harry, baby stay here. If I die.. Just remember that I love you, " Zayn said when he put Harry safely by the police car.

The male officer was on the floor holding his stomach, and the lady was firing shots at Zayn, who dodged every one of them.

He went up to her, snatched her gun from her and stole her keys.

"Get on the ground now!", Zayn shouted and aimed the gun at the female officer.

She raised her hands and slowly made her way onto her knees, while staring at Zayn with wide eyes.

"You, what's your name, " Zayn questioned and pointed the gun at her.

"T- Taylor. "

Zayn nodded and aimed the gun at the male and asked what his name was.

"Calvin. "

"Well Calvin, you stay there on the floor. As a matter of fact, get into my house, " Zayn sneered and never moved the gun out of Calvin's view.

He shot the gun into the air and looked at the two.

"I said now! " , Zayn screamed and shoved the two into his house.


Zayn turned around to see Harry standing by the police car still, he totally forgot about him.

Zayn put the gun in his pocket and ran over to Harry.

"Baby... Are you alright? " Zayn panicked and cupped Harry's cheeks.

"Y- yes, " he answered and looked into Zayn's eyes.

The front door opened and Calvin ran out of the house shooting his gun, with Taylor following right behind him.

"Come back here!"

Zayn unlocked the car with the keys and threw Harry in, then sped off with the doors still open.

"Oh my god Zayn what the hell!" , Harry shrieked and leaned over Zayn to close the door.

"Are you fucking crazy!? This is illegal!"

Zayn clenched his jaw and didn't look at Harry, awaiting for a long ass lecture about the law.

"What happened to Mr. Bad-boy? " Zayn asked Harry in an annoyed tone.

Harry shrugged and stared straight ahead, looking at everything in view come and go.

Zayn randomly slammed on the brakes and their heads flew forward, Zayn's face hitting the steering wheel and Harry's smacked against the dashboard.

Zayn wasn't looking,since his face was on the wheel, which caused the car to take a turn and almost hit a tree but he quickly lifted his head and steered away from the tree, then stopped the car by slamming on the breaks... Again.

The airbag popped out in Zayn's face and made him groan.

Harry was holding his bloody nose and Zayn rubbed at his eye that will probably bruise up soon.

"Zayn what the fuck!!!! Why would you do that!? "

Zayn slowly looked over to Harry and saw him nursing his bloody nose with his hands.

"We have to get out of this car Harry, " Zayn ordered and massaged his eye, ignoring Harry's question and the glare that he was giving.

"Um no, what we're going to do is stay the hell in this car, " Harry objected.

Zayn rolled his eyes and got out of the car, not bothering to close the door.

He checked his pockets for a pack of cigarettes but he didn't have any on him.

"Shit.. " , he cursed and kicked a stone.

How the hell was he going to get out of this?

He heard the light sound of a car door closing and a few seconds later Harry joined him outside, having his nose plugged up with some gauze that he found.

Zayn stared at the floor and he never thought he'd be in this kind of situation, especially with someone that he loved.

He remembered reading about how police cars have trackers in them, incase they get stolen.

Zayn was brought back into reality and his eyes went wide, he couldn't afford to be tracked down.

"Shit, Harry the police cars have trackers in them! The fuzz could find out our location, we gotta go, " Zayn shrilled and tugged at his long black hair, ignoring the pain in his face and scalp.

He took his phone out of his pocket and dialed a specific number, pacing back and fourth.

"Hey sis, I need you to come and get me, I'm in trouble with the police. "

@/N : ah yes, the chase begins ! (And I low-key don't know if police cars actually have trackers in them lol)

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