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"This is your cell, " Officer Barnson said and pushed Zayn into his stall.

This was his first time in jail and he already didn't like it.

"Where's my loubearrr? "

Barnson shook his head and walked off, forgetting that he put Zayn in a stall with a rapist.

Zayn looked around the cold eery stall and he noticed a hunched up figure laying down in the bottom bunk.

"Oooh I h-have a r-roomie? Hiiii what's your name? I'm Z-Zennnn," Zayn introduced to the man who was in bed facing the wall.

The only reply that Zayn got was silence.

What was this guy's deal?

"Uh I-Im Z-Zayn... " Zayn said again with a frown on his face, and this time he stuttered because he was getting creeped out.

The man slowly turned around and glared at Zayn, wanting to kill him for interrupting his soon to be nap.

"You're cute, wanna have sex? ", the man asked bluntly with a smirk on his face.

Zayn shook his head and he backed away.

"N-no, " Zayn answered frightened.

He was slowly starting to get sober.

"B-but we could talk?I'm here for the night? H-how long are you here for? "

The man shook his head and slowly got out of his bunk and hovered over Zayn.

"Talking won't do anything now will it Zach? I want my fat dick in your ass, " he growled and grabbed Zayn by his wrist.

He tried to let out a blood curdling scream when the pervert pulled down Zayn's pants, but failed when his mouth was covered.

He bent Zayn over and pulled down his own pants, already hard thinking about his dick being in that tan ass.

He got his tip halfway in until Zayn punched the man in the nose and made him stumble backwards.

"You want to feel something on that dick of yours? Huh!?"

Zayn grabbed the man's cock and bit the shit out of it, making sure to leave teeth marks.

He then got up and repeatedly stomped on it, smirking in satisfaction at the man's cries.

"Next time keep your dick in your pants! " , Zayn shouted and stopped stepping on the man's cock when it was bleeding.

The cell doors opened and Zayn was pulled away from the rapist.

"Fuck you bitch! You don't touch Zayn Malik unless you want a limp dick! You- mmmf mmmmssdd fffbbbitt!!" , Zayn stopped cursing when an officer put his hand over his mouth.


"Zayn.. I'm sorry baby, I promise that I'll never let you go back to that place," Harry comforted as Zayn quietly cried into Harry's chest.

"Harry what the hell! I told you not to ask him about that! " , Doniya said angrily and marched over to Harry.

She laughed when he saw the red handprint on Harry's cheek.

"Nevermind.. I see that you already paid the price. "

Harry didn't say anything and instead tried to calm down his boyfriend.

"I'm trying to hide him for awhile until the story gets old, and then maybe he could get a makeover after it does, " Doniya commented and fiddled with her fingers.

She didn't want Zayn to get in trouble with the law again, but she knew how her brother was.

He didn't like police officers, he felt as if they were giving him dirty looks, like he'd do something bad because he was Muslim.

Zayn always got into trouble with the police, but he'd make runs for it and never get caught.

Zayn's crying slowed down and that meant that he was getting sleepy, so Harry laid back onto the couch and pulled Zayn's head into his lap.

He stroked his boyfriend's scalp and sighed, feeling bad for the poor boy.

"Harry please take care of him? Our childhood wasn't so great, that's why Zayn's how he is right now, " she informed and kissed her brother's sleeping figure.

"Don't worry, I will, " Harry said with a smile on his face and stared at his lover.

"Good. "

What else happened in Zayn's childhood?

Could it have been worse than his? Not that bad?

Harry wanted to know, but he didn't want to pressure Zayn into telling him, like he just did.

All of that thinking made Harry grow tired, and he fell asleep on the couch with his precious boyfriend in his lap.

He wasn't going to let those fuckers take him away.


@/N : Sooo there's only a couple of chapters left, Y'all not ready for the ending 😐😏 but heyyyy check out my other Zarry story called 'Love Me Blue'

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