It's Not So Easy

By OliviaSmirl

100K 1.8K 191

*complete* *sequel to Not All Hockey Boys are Bad* Recovering from that disastrous hockey tournament, Jack an... More

Chapter 1: Graduation
Chapter 2: Sleepyheads
Chapter 3: Same Old Georgia
Chapter 4: He's late
Chapter 5: We'll Get There
Chapter 6: To Getting Drunk
Chapter 7: Big Girls Need Hugs Too
Chapter 8: The Rink
Chapter 9: Cleaning up the Mess
Chapter 10: Poker Face
Chapter 11: Tea & Toast
Chapter 12 : He Brought Beer
Chapter 13: Mid-week Bash
Chapter 14: A Mess
Chapter 15: Empty Toilet Paper Rolls
Chapter 16: Does He Know?
Chapter 17: Electric
Chapter 18: Betrayal
Chapter 19: It's not Love
Chapter 20: Moping
Chapter 21: Million Dollar Mansion
Chapter 22: Happy Fourth of July
Chapter 23: Explanations
Chapter 24: All We Got Left Are Maybes
Chapter 25: Becca
Chapter 26: Settling a Score
Chapter 28: Near the Brink of Death
Chapter 29: Oddly Familiar
Chapter 30: College Talk
Chapter 31: It's not Easy
Epilogue: Oct. 2nd Game Day
A/N: Story Announcement!

Chapter 27: Waiting

2.5K 58 8
By OliviaSmirl

Jack's P.O.V-

We've been here all night waiting for news or waiting for Rosie to wake up.

Georgia had fallen asleep on my shoulder an hour ago. I tried to sleep but I couldn't. Instead I stared at the pale yellow walls of the hospital.

I looked over to Matt. He was gunna miss practice because of me. I tried to give him my keys so he could get himself back to Portland, but he refused. I'd only known him for a couple months but he is the most loyal guy I know.

Right now he was passed out next to Paisley and Cole. They all were asleep. Or at least pretending to be. Sleep would be better than this constant waiting. It was like torture. I wanted to go to Rosie, and just sit next to her until she woke up but Georgia, being reasonable for the first time ever, advised me against it. Each time I offered a plan to sneak in she shut me down.

This Georgia was foreign to me. Have I really been away long enough for her to mature. If I missed this much of her life, then how much did I miss of Rosie's.

I let her go. Thinking it was what she wanted. It had to be. Maybe when she wakes up she'll tell me to leave. Rosie might not want me back in her life, but I'm willing to risk her yelling at me if that means I get to see she's okay.

God, I should've been there for her at that party. I should've known that creep Rafe would try something again. He seemed so off when I met him at Toasties. I should've made sure that he wouldn't go near my baby again. I want to kick his ass for what he's done. I don't care if Talon already did, I want to do it again for good measure.

But I couldn't now. After Rosie had fallen off the roof, Georgia sent Cole and Kylar up there to catch him, and make sure he didn't run. The police came shortly after and arrested him for assault.

Rafe's ass is now sitting behind bars, and hopefully he'll stay there.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. I carefully pulled it out trying not to bother Georgia. When I had in my hand I looked down at the screen. It was coach.

"Shit." I whispered.

Georgia grumbled as I slid her head off my shoulder and onto the chair. Her eyes stay closed as I stood up and walked down the hall before answering the call.

"Where the hell are you and Matt? You do realize that missing practice will result in you and Matt scrubbing the bathroom toilets until your hands bleed?" Coach yells into my ear. I wince at his tone.

"Coach Willis, I know how bad this looks. But my girlfriend, well I guess ex-girlfriend, got into an accident and she's in the hospital. I'm gunna be here until she wakes up. And as for Matt, he's staying with me. You know how stubborn he is, I couldn't get him to leave." I explain hoping he'll understand.

Coach sighs loudly. He's quite for a minute. I can already see him rubbing a hand over his face.

"If it was anyone but you Vella... you get 3 days of freebies after that I expect you and Matt to be at the rink bright and early on Friday to make it up."

"Yes sir."

Coach didn't respond before he hung up. That went easier then expected. I thought I was gunna have to cover my ass a little bit more.

I slipped my phone back into my pocket and looked down the empty hall. I stole a glance back at the waiting room and at the receptionist making sure no one saw me as I snuck off towards Rosie's room.

When I reached the door I didn't try to go in. I simply leaned against the wall to watch her. She looked like she was just sleeping. The doctors still didn't know when she'll wake up. All they told us was to hope for the best.

Her mom was asleep on the chair next to her. Her hand wrapped tightly around Rosie's. Addie was nowhere to be seen she was probably staying with friend of the family's. I sighed loudly focusing back on Rosie.

"Is she okay?"

Startled I looked up to see Talon walking towards me. I glared at him.

"What are you doing here?"

Talon didn't flinch at my tone nor did he stop walking towards me. He looked like he hadn't slept in weeks. I guess we had that in common.

I hadn't seen or spoken to him since we fought. I didn't care to be his friend anymore. I couldn't trust him.

"You really think I wouldn't come if Rosie was in the hospital?"

I looked back at Rosie. "Rosie wouldn't want you here. You ruined everything."

At this Talon winced. He didn't try to deny it. "I know, and I'm sorry."

My head snapped in his direction. Did he just apologize? What's going on? I watched as he stole a glance at Rosie checking on her before he backed away and leaned against the wall on the opposite side of me.

I didn't say anything. I wanted to be angry but I just couldn't. I didn't want to be the angry guy anymore. It's what pushed Rosie away.

Talon took his chance and filled in the silence. "I can't believe I did that to you and Rosie. I don't even know what I feel right now. All I know is that I fucked up, big time. And I lost my best friend, all for what, a crush I had on Rosie? She'd never look at me the way she looks at you. Maybe that's why I did it. That's why I said the things I said. I was so jealous of you two that I didn't think about the consequences. Everyone has cut me off. Becca won't talk to me. The team refuses to invite me anywhere. I don't even try to attempt to contact you. I would hate me too, if I were you."

I didn't know what to say back to him. He couldn't even look me in the eye. For the first time in a long time I could see the real Talon coming through. He was finally coming to his senses, but I still can't forgive him yet.

"Do you still have feelings for Rosie?"

I needed to know. I can't stand the thought of someone else loving her, especially when it was Talon, but I needed to know.

He shrugged. "We spent a lot of time together when you were gone, we became close friends. She trusted me like she trusted you, and I started to fall. I resisted for as long as I could. I held it back everyday but then that Rafe guy attacked her the first time and it all came out. But she was right that day when she broke up with you."

A glare settled on my face with where he was going with this. My fists clenched thinking about that day.

Talon didn't noticed as he shuffled his feet and stuck his hands in his pocket. "She was right about how I didn't really love her the way I thought I did. I was cruel and said things that hurt her. And I hurt Becca. You don't do that to the people you love. I may not love her, but I care just as much about her as everyone in that waiting room. And that's why I'm here. I'm not a threat anymore."

Talon looked up to me. He looked almost as vulnerable as me. It was weird because I hadn't seem him this open since his mom died sophomore year.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "I'm not angry anymore, well unless you try something again. I have no right to tell you not to be here, maybe we both shouldn't be here, but that's up to Rosie to decide when she wakes up."


By that afternoon the people waiting in the waiting room had dwindled down to only four. Georgia, Paisley, Talon, and I were the only ones left. We all refused to leave until she woke up. We promised everyone else we would let them know when she was awake.

By three Matt, had hitched a ride with Cole back to Portland. I offered to pay for the gas but Cole brushed me off. He was just happy I was finally back.

I didn't realize how much I missed my old team until I saw them here. I hate that it took something like this happening for me to come home.

Georgia and Paisley weren't too happy about Talon sticking around but I vouched for him. In time I'll forgive him and I'm sure they will too.

A newscast was on the tv talking about multiple thunderstorms headed our way tonight. We all groaned at the prospect of more rain. All of a sudden a nurse rushed into the waiting room.

I jumped up praying that it was news about Rosie.

"I'm looking for Jack Vella? Rosie Owens is asking for you."

My heart pounded. She was asking for me. Rosie was awake. Rosie is okay. I nodded eagerly and mumbled something like I was who she was looking for while I took off towards her room. The nurse followed behind me.

"She's only been awake now for ten minutes. Her memory is a little foggy. Don't speak to fast and confuse her. Be gentle and slow with your words." The nurse explained before we reached the room.

I paused at the door waiting for the nurse's go ahead to go inside.

A/N- I'm so so sorry about the slow update. Classes started last week and I'm already dying this semester. Plus a certain someone has started to hang out with her very own hockey guy. 😉☺️ But I want to get this story written, and you guys deserve that. So thank you for reading! Have a great day! And I love y'all so much! ❤️

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