Beautiful War {Peaky Blinders}

By xoxo-anonymous

486K 9.6K 825

"She is kind, heart made of honey. He is reserved, the opposite of sunny. No one would ever think they would... More

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4K 101 6
By xoxo-anonymous




The day had finally arrived, the one everyone had waited over a decade for, Tommy and Victoria's wedding day. Though many of their loved ones had passed and couldn't be physically with them, they knew they would be there in spirit which had brought them some sense of comfort.  

The car that drove all the ladies pulled up outside the manor that would be holding their wedding for the next few days. As tradition, the couple had spent the previous night apart, Tommy and his men had arrived to the manor the night before, agreeing to stay at one side while she would stick to the other to avoid bumping into one another.

"This place is beautiful," Ada commented as they all climbed out of the chauffeur driven car, staring up in amazement at the manor. "They've waited that fucking long for the day, Tommy had stated that no expenses would be spared. He wanted somewhere that had room for the quests to stay over afterwards." Polly explained before guiding them all inside. Victoria held onto their daughter Catherine's hand as they walked inside, instantly becoming speechless as she admired the whole interior.

The assistant of the manor walked ahead of the ladies as she guided them to their half of the manor that they would be getting ready in, showing them each of the main rooms along the way. The last room that she stopped at was their main room to get dressed in, it was the room of her dreams. With large fancy mirrors, deep red velvet covered chairs sat in front of the dressing tables, and two balconies with the doors wide open, allowing fresh morning air blowing in. Polly said a quick thank you to the assistant before putting their bags down on the table in the middle of the room. She opened up one of the bags and began unloading the makeup products and laying them across the table, "we better get started getting you dressed." Polly said to the bride to be as she looked up at her with a smile.

"Give me a minute." Victoria nodded putting her bag down before picking up her daughter and walking over to one of the open balcony's. While filled with many different emotions, she needed a minute with little Catherine to soak everything in. She looked down at Catherine in her arms and smiled, the older that their daughter got, the more the couple noticed that she was growing to look like Tommy's mother. Now that the twins were almost 2, it felt as though every day was passing before their eyes before they had a chance to blink. After pressing a light kiss to Catherine's head, Victoria carried her back inside and placed her back down on the floor, ready for one of the ladies to get her dressed.

Time soon passed and Victoria stared back at herself in the mirror at one of the dressing tables, her wedding dress fit perfectly, it was everything she ever dreamed of. The last finishing touches of makeup were applied as she picked up her deep red lipstick, running a coat of colour over her lips. Her long locks of hair fell down her back in light curls and was held into place with several pearl hairpins. The couple had decided upon a veil that wouldn't cover her face so that they could see each other the moment she stepped into the church. She had the lace chapel veil secured to her head and it fell to the floor and extended out for a few centimetres, something special for their grand day but nothing over the top.

Victoria glanced back at the other ladies that had gotten dressed with her and her smile faulted only slightly, Tommy had informed her days ago that her only remaining family couldn't make it from America in time for their wedding. It hurt, but she was determined to make the day a one that she would remember forever, the party to be so loud that their loved ones in the sky could hear their happiness. Polly walked over to where she sat at the dressing table with an open box and picked out the necklace that laid inside, placing the piece of jewellery around her neck and fixing the clasp. Her fingers instantly raising to touch the small blue pendant, staring back at it in the dressing table mirror.

"Something blue... Our mothers' necklace," Ada spoke, the tears already filling in her eyes. If anyone would be wearing her mothers' jewellery then she was glad that it was Victoria, from one strong woman to another. "Something old... your mothers' ring as your engagement ring."  Linda, Arthurs' lady, pointed out as she held Catherine in her arms. "Something borrowed... my pearl hair pins." Polly smiled as she placed a hand reassuringly onto her shoulder. Esme, John's lady, suddenly pulled a penny from her purse and held it out to Victoria, "and a sixpence in your shoe." The ladies all burst into laughter as the bride to be took off her pure white kitten heels and dropped the penny into her shoe before slipping it back onto her foot.

Victoria stood to her feet and pressed a soft kiss to her daughters head, she was thankful for all of the ladies that had came as they offered assistance in getting both her and her daughter ready. The door of their room soon opened and John walked in with his infamous grin from ear to ear. He looked from one lady to another before his teary eyes stopped on Victoria, instantly having to sit down as the overwhelming emotion took him by surprise. "Oh John, don't cry otherwise you'll start us all off," Victoria smiled as she walked over to her soon to be, brother in law.

The rest of the ladies along with little Catherine decided to leave them for a moment and walked down to where the cars were awaiting them with everything that they would need for the ceremony. Once he had collected his emotions, John stood to his feet and beamed with pride at the task he had been given for the day. "Your mother would be so proud of the woman you've grown to be. And I know that if your brother were standing here today he would be a very proud man, giving his beautiful little sister away to be married to her soul mate. It's an honour to be taking his place and to be walking alongside with you." John spoke clearing his throat as he allowed a stray tear to fall down his cheek.

"I'm so glad I have you walking with me John, I know it would have meant a lot to our Danny, and I know it means a lot to Tommy. So thank you, for looking after me, for making us all laugh when we needed it most and for being the best uncle to Tommy and I's three children." Victoria smiled sweetly as she straightened up his tie and giving it a light pat.

Victoria picked up her bouquet with a mix of deep red roses and white baby's-breath, held together with a bow of white ribbon, and linked arms with John as they walked out of the room and down the stairs one step at a time, her veil flowing behind them both. They stepped outside and the two chauffer driven cars were and smiled at the ladies that stood awaiting them. Catherine got into the front car with her mother and John where as the other four ladies all climbed into the car behind.

The drive to the church that they would be having their service at was slightly longer than usual as the driver had driven along the scenic route as requested by the bride. "Are you nervous?" John asked with a smiled at her, his gaze never leaving her as the sun shone through the window onto her face. Victoria turned to look at him with a bright smile, shaking her head softly. "Not at all. I've loved Tommy for as long as I can remember, he's my soul mate and I can't imagine my life without him." She answered, her smile saying it all as she wrapped her arm around their daughter that sat next to her.

When looking at John, Victoria couldn't help but notice that he wasn't wearing his flat cap, his blonde hair neatly brushed to the side with a slight parting. "John, where is your flat cap?" She questioned with a raised eyebrow. John chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "the cap is mainly used for business. Got to look smart to walk Mrs Shelby down the aisle." Victoria shook her head and laughed lightly, it wasn't often that the Peaky Blinders were ever seen without their caps.

Their car soon pulled up outside the church, the other car with the other ladies already parked up with them stood beside it ready and waiting. With assistance from John, Victoria and Catherine climbed out of the car and walked across the white gravel towards the ladies, grins from ear to ear. She took a glance up towards the church, it was like a typical English church but when selecting their church they knew this one was the one for them. All around the outside of the church were stained glass windows, each one showing ever so much talent with the colours and shapes selected. Ada's question pulled her away from her growing thoughts, "are you ready?" The bride looked back at her sister-in-law and smiled, "as ready as I'll ever be."

With the go ahead, the ladies then walked ahead towards the church doors and inside, the wedding music already filling the air surrounding them. Polly walked behind with little Catherine by her side, throwing handfuls of the flower petals every few steps.

With a few moments to spare before they were due to walk down the aisle, John shifted to the back of her dress and went down on one knee as he quickly adjusted the train from her dress and the ends of the veil. He then stood up and linked his arm in with hers, tears already threatening to spill from the self-proclaimed tough man. "How do I look?" She questioned as she looked up at him with a bright smile. "Absolutely perfect, Tommy is a lucky man," he replied before he took their first steps into the church, each step going in time with the music.

Victoria took a look around at the room at all of their loved ones that came for their much awaited special day, before her eyes landed on her American family sat amongst the first few row of pews. Knowing they were able to make it was already the cherry on the top of their already perfect cake. The tears she had tried so hard to keep in let themselves go as she captured the eyes of her husband to be. Everyday she had seen him dressed in suits for work, it was something she had gotten used to seeing, but nothing prepared her for seeing him in that moment.

Tommy eyes remained on her from the moment she walked through the doors with his brother by his side, watching the happiness dancing around her eyes as she noticed that her family had came. He knew that she was upset since he had told her they couldn't make it in time, which is why he went above and beyond to make sure they were there.  Tommy allowed a tear fall down his cheek the closer she got to him. The light shining through the stained glass window and fell upon her, but he knew that she shone more than any amount of sunlight and he couldn't quite believe how lucky he was.

The music soon quietened down as she stepped into place in front of him, Victoria only meant to glance at their three children that sat front row with Polly but her gaze stayed longer when she realized two spaces had been left empty on the front row and in place were two large canvases. Staring back at her were paintings of her beloved brother, the details in the paintings seemed so life like. The tears had already appeared when she looked back at her husband-to-be, a sense of overwhelming happiness filling her. Tommy took a step closer to her and smiled. "He's right here with us, in this moment, watching two people that he knows loves one another finally get their special day."  He whispered, only audible to her as Victoria hung off every word that he spoke.

The priest that stood before them smiled as he began reading the words from the book in front of him. His introduction of words all seemed a blur as the couple held hands, their eyes getting lost in eachothers, the world around them just stopping for just a moment. 

"I, Thomas Michael Shelby, take you Victoria Owen, to be my lawfully wedded wife. My constant friend, my faithful partner and my love from this day forwards. In the presence of our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner..." Tommy later started their vows, slowly sliding her thin silver wedding band onto her left fourth finger.

"... In sickness and in health, in good times and bad, and in joy as well as sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you, to honour and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you. And to cherish you for as long as we both shall live." Victoria finished, running her thumb across his knuckles once his wedding band was firmly on while a tear ran down her cheek. 

With a smile the priest stepped closed his book and held it in his hands, "and with the power vested in me, I now pronounce you both husband and wife. Thomas, you may kiss your bride." Tommy didn't need any more encouragement, he took a step forward and placed his hand on the side of her cheek and pressed his lips to hers. Their friends and family in the pews all stood to their feet, all erupting in cheers and clapping their hands together for the happy couple. 

The newly wed soon parted and held hands as they followed their family out of the church, their smiles from ear to ear, nothing and no one could ever take that happiness from them both. Everyone got into their cars as they drove away from the church and onto the manor where they would be holding their after party and celebrating the happy couple finally joining in matrimony. 

Once everyone had finally arrived and was seated around the large dining room in the main hall ready for their lunch, Victoria stood up from her chair with her flute of champagne in her hand, tapping the side of the glass to indicate that she was ready to give her speech. "All of you here know where our story began all those years ago, you all know the loss and pain that we've both faced since then and you also know the joy and happiness we have experienced since the birth of our three beautiful children, Timothy, Catherine and Daniel. As we go on to share the rest of our lives together, I can only imagine that we will continue to experience both the highs and lows that come with life. But I know that we will both get through anything as long as we have each other ."  Victoria finished her speech and looked around at the table at  their family and friends, then to their children and then down at her husband beside her, there wasn't a dry eye to be seen. She sat back down in her seat and grinned at Tommy before taking a sip from her champagne, by choice of their own the ladies had all opted for a glass of champagne, where as the men had all chosen glasses of the finest whiskey instead. 

Tommy then stood up like his and held his drink in his hand as he looked around at their guests. "Choosing the person that you want to spend the rest of your life with is one of the most important decisions you will ever make in life,  but I know I made the right choice. Your love has brought glorious comfort and wonder to my life, it was there even in the darkest of times and I am more than lucky for that gift. I didn't think I could possibly love you anymore than I already did, but then I watched you being a mother to our children and realized how very wrong I was. So  please could you all raise your glass ..."  He spoke taking a second to pause while everyone picked up their drinks ready for his toast. " .. to Victoria Shelby, my wife."

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