Life of the Werehog's Family

By lavender1905

64.4K 1.2K 439

Sequel to Shadow and the Baby Werehog. Now Sonic is an adult werehog, who is actually the dominant one in the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 2

5.9K 105 50
By lavender1905

Sonic is still very sweaty after his transformation, so Shadow used the piece of cloth he had to help clean off the sweat for him since Sonic couldn't use his huge paws to do it. Once Shadow was done, he put the piece of cloth in the sink before coming back to Sonic. It was two hours before dinner, so Sonic and Shadow doesn't know what to do until then. Sonic couldn't take proper dinner in his werehog form, because he's a predator so he has to hunt for food, which is the thing that the couple really doesn't like a lot. Shadow made himself something to munch on first before going out into the woods with his partner for hunting, and Sonic couldn't stop whimpering over Shadow as Shadow sat on the couch eating hing his food beside him, while trying to make him feel better by patting his head with a smile. After Shadow was done, they started heading out to the woods. Sonic lets Shadow sit on his back as he raced off to the forest for his dinner, and once they found their prey, which is a dear, Sonic and Shadow started making their move. First, Sonic would sneak up to to the dear and see if he could catch it on his own, but if it escapes, then Sonic would chase it and help make it fall into a trap. Shadow is the one setting up the trap in the field, since he cannot be seen well in the dark, and the trap is not that complicated. It's just a simple trap that can help stop the dear in his tracks, so Sonic can feast in it faster. Now Sonic is getting ready to pounce on the dear, but he's very careful because he doesn't want to scare it away. He slowly got closer to the dear while he's staying low in the tall grass, but he accidentally stepped on a twig and made it snap, causing the dear to look up in surprise and start looking for danger, but soon the dear didn't seem to see anything suspicious and continued to do it's own thing. Sonic sighed mentally and continued to slowly move forward, and once he's close enough, he pounced on it and finished it. Shadow was hiding behind the trees throughout the entire scene, because he couldn't stand to see blood splatter around his partner from the killing. When he heard the sound of meat tearing apart, he shivered violently and buried his face in his arms and knees. When the sound was gone, he slowly looked back at the scene, and was surprised that Sonic wasn't there anymore. He started to panic and wonder where he went, until he heard a splash somewhere close by. He followed the sound of a waterfall, and once he found it, he found Sonic trying to wash off the blood that stained his long and thick fur. He used his paws to try and rub off the stains, but he couldn't seem to do it. Shadow came out from behind the tree, and removed his gloves and shoes so he could go into the water and help his partner. Once he got to him, Sonic looked up and was surprised to see his partner in front of him. Shadow smiled at Sonic and started helping him clean up after his meal, Sonic purred in Shadow's touch, and couldn't help but lean against Shadow, which cause them to splash into the water. Making them both wet in seconds. They laughed at that mistake and hugged each other after they calmed down, for they knew that their night is almost coming to an end for bed. They went up to shore and returned back to the house, so they could get themselves dry before going to bed. Once they're done, they went straight to bed with Sonic hugging Shadow.

Shadow has to work, so he normally leaves notes for Sonic before leaving. The commander has been giving Shadow a lot of respect after the last incident, because he now realized that Shadow's true purpose in life after knowing that Sonic is still having the curse. He gladly decided to help the couple with finding the cure with Tails so it could be faster, and he also allowed Shadow to have double the payment then before. Shadow was happy that GUN has became understandable with things, and gladly appreciated what the commander has decided to do for him, Sonic and his friends. The finding of the cure has been going on for almost a year now, and the couple is worried that they could not find the cure to Sonic's curse. Now Shadow is going to receive an update about how the findings of a possible cure is coming about, he entered the base and was immediately met with Rouge.

Rouge: Hello hun~ How are you and big blue been doing?

Shadow: We're okay, I guess we're just eager to know if there's a cure or not. Sonic would be happy to know if there is.

Rouge: Oh...I see. The commander is waiting for you in the lab 3 with Tails, he said that he wanted to tell about the cure.

Shadow: Thanks Rouge, I'll see you later. *starts walking away*

Rouge: Bye hun~ *flies away*

Shadow made his way to the lad, and once he got there, many people immediately turned to face the door and see who came. When they saw Shadow, their faces dropped. Shadow noticed their faces and immediately knew what they meant, so he turned to the commander with a sad face.

Shadow: There is no cure, isn't it.

Commander: I'm afraid so Shadow.

Tails: We're sorry Shadow, we tried everything.

Shadow didn't know what to say, he was eager to know if there was a cure, that he didn't focus on the bad side.

Shadow: It's...okay, you tried your best. I just...*sighs*...I just don't know what to do now.

Tails: We'll try to do more research,and once we found something, we'll let you know immediately.

Commander: Right, and in the mean time, you can think of a way on how you can explain this information to Sonic. I'll let you and Sonic have this day together, because I know that this in something that you both really like to hear.

Shadow: *starts tearing up but hides it* Thanks sir, everyone. I appreciate your help, I take my leave.

Commander: I'll see you tomorrow Agent Shadow.

Shadow leaves the room and starts making his back home, he walked throughout the entire journey because he didn't feel like running after what he heard. He thought of how he's going to tell Sonic about this, and he knew that he's not going to be happy about this too. Once he got home, he slowly opened the door and saw Sonic walking in from the kitchen, so he could hug him.

Sonic: *hugs Shadow the seme way* Hey Shadow. Why're you back so soon? Did something happen?

Shadow: *hugs back the uke way*...*sniff*...Sonic?...I have to tell you that...*sniff*...there's no cure.

Sonic: *pulls from the hug and looks at Shadow with hands on Shadow's waist* ...What?

Shadow: *breaks down* There's...*huff* Tails and the scientists tried everything, but they couldn't find the cure. *sniff* We can't stop the werehog from coming. *puts his hands on his eyes and starts breaking down harder*

Sonic: *immediately hugs Shadow tightly* It's okay Shadow, I know how you feel. They did help us out, a lot, I'm only sad because, I don't think I'm ever going to have great time with you in bed anymore.

Shadow: *blushes hard and eyes widen and immediately looks at him with a shocked face while completely forgetting about crying* What?

Sonic: *realizes what he said and blushes baud while rubbing the back of his neck nervously*


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