The Bad Boy Is My Mate

By beautyandthebeast13

9.7M 228K 32K

He pushed me up against the wall and looked into my eyes. I knew he felt the same spark as I did, I'm his mat... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Author's Note
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 32

90.4K 2K 433
By beautyandthebeast13

"Well now that that's over, Riley, you and I have some real matters to attend to." Russell says but my gaze stays fixated on Adam. "Take him away boys." Russell says and everything goes by in slow motion. The sound of my heartbeat is all I can hear, Jackson and Kevin come in and they take Adam by his arms and lead him through the door. Adam kept looking at me the whole time and he didn't even protest when they were taking him away. Jason closed the door and it was only then that it felt like time went back to normal.

"Please take a seat, Riley." I was so numb by now that I didn't even bother fighting anymore. I took a seat and wiped my tears with the back of my hand. "As I was saying, you have a special gift." Russell says looking at me straight in the eyes. "Your DNA contains something called Paramethia."


"I'm sorry, Paramethia? I don't understand." I say my brows furrowing in confusion. Never in my life had I heard of something called Paramethia. "Like I said, it's a special gift that only a few people obtain. Seems like it passed down to you and skipped a generation." He says in a calm voice. I try to understand what he's trying to tell me but before I can start processing what's happening he keeps explaining.

"When achieved, your DNA brings out the Paramethia and puts it to work. It's quite useful for lots of things. Your DNA lets you shift into another animal, such as an owl, a tiger, a snake, so on and so on. It can also control your strength and weakness to trick your opponents. You can manipulate your scent and yourself when in danger. It's quite amazing what you can do. All you have to do is learn to control it." He says looking at me the whole time.

I start processing what he's talking about and I can't help but think how did Adam know about this before I did. How could he have known? Did Russel tell him? Has Adam been watching me for a long time? Does he really love me?... I shook those thoughts out of my head.

Now's not the time to think about this.

"How am I even capable of doing that stuff? How come it hasn't been activated then?" I ask, looking down at my hands. I couldn't hold eye contact with Russell anymore, it was starting to get too much. I started playing with my hands while Russell talked. "We aren't quite sure about how you got this gift. Could be that someone in your family was very powerful and could have possessed Paramethia. Anyone who's have it hasn't lived long enough to tell a story." The moment he said that my eyes went wide and I started at him in shock. He closed his eyes and chuckled. "They weren't old enough to tell the story." He says as he re-opened his eyes, which showed nothing but amusement. At this I relaxed a little.

I was still in danger being in the hands of Russell but somehow it made me feel better knowing that anyone who possessed that gift didn't die because it killed them. "As for the activation, it could have been activated in another way. Doesn't necessarily have to be around enemies." He says snapping me out of my thoughts.

I nod my head and start thinking about times when maybe my Paramethia could have been activated but none come to mind. "Riley, I want you to know that we're not the bad guys." He says in a low voice almost as if he were begging me to believe him. I scoffed at this and rolled my eyes, still not giving eye contact. "Yeah, right." I mumble but I'm pretty sure Russell heard me.

"Circumstances have made us do what we had to do. Otherwise Adam wouldn't have brought you here." He says in a serious voice. I start playing with a thread in the cushioned chair. "You didn't have to torture him." I say raising my voice a little bit. "He brought that into himself." Russell that and I scoff standing up.

"Are you serious?! You expect me to believe that Adam deserve all that torture?!" I say putting my hands on his desk while making eye contact this time. I inched my face closer to his until I could see straight into his eyes. "I'm not gonna stand here and watch you speak about Adam like that." I said, fire burning through my eyes.

"Did we forget what happen just a few moments ago?" Russell says smirking. "If you don't agree to what I say then Adam dies." I'm taken off guard and suddenly the room feels like it's closing on me. I lean back and sit down in the chair. "Although it shouldn't matter since you ended things with him."

"That doesn't matter." I say in a low voice afraid that someone else might hear us. "He's still my... mate." I can't help but think about everything that's happened between, every conversation, every moment... Was it all a lie?

It couldn't have been a lie. Adam loves us and you know it. So what if he didn't tell you the truth? That doesn't change that the fact that you're mates and that you both love each other. Don't mess it up Riley, he's not gonna leaves us.

She's right. I know she's right but I can't help the doubts that swim over my head.

"Riley, we want you to fight with us." Russell says, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"What?" I say, finally meeting his face with eyes wide. "What did you just say?"

"You'll fit right in. We have special people that know about this kind of stuff that are gonna help you with your training." He says with excitement dancing around his eyes. He looks like a little kid who's going to the carnival for the first time and is thinking about all the things that he'll be able to do. He stands up and crouches down next to me so that he's at eye level with me. 

"Think about all the territories that we'll own. We'll be unstoppable." He says his eyes unfocused from mine. For a moment I think about it, I could have everything I want. I can be the most powerful wolf and be the leader of everyone. His eyes focus into mine and looks at me for an answer. 

"I'll do it." 


Holy smokes it's been a long time since I wrote another chapter. I'm so sorry that I've been MIA but I'm back with another chapter baby!! I had this chapter written out a few years ago but I never got to finish it until now, I realized that I owe you guys this. You guys have been so supportive and patient that it's not fair of me to leave you hanging like this. I'll try to finish this book and get back to writing but for now please enjoy this new chapter and let me know what you guys  think about it. I love you all so so much!! 

P.S. let me know what you think should happen next and who knows maybe I'll write out your ideas :) with a shoutout of course :):)

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