Fixed and Fit - A Louis Tomli...

By frustratedwizard

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Fixed and Fit - A Louis Tomlinson Love Story
CHAPTER 1 - Perfectly Imperfect Fate
CHAPTER 2 - She wants Pizza
CHAPTER 3 - Who wants Kids?
CHAPTER 4 - Serves Her Right
CHAPTER 5 - I Need Her
CHAPTER 6 - The Cookie Stealer
CHAPTER 7 - The Meeting
CHAPTER 8 - In an Instant

CHAPTER 9 - For Three Days

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By frustratedwizard

Spring didn’t expect Louis to say those three words. She was even shocked when she found him staring at her with so much longing and sadness in his eyes. When she caught him looking at her, he stood up and made his way towards his room. Austin got up from his chair and followed Louis.

When silence took over the whole room, she was hearing it again. She was feeling it again. Her heart was beating loudly.

“Why Spring? When did you start liking him?” she asked herself.

“You’re the only one who can answer that question.”

That voice. It was Martha’s.

Spring’s eyes widened in disbelief. She couldn’t believe Martha heard her.

“Martha, please don’t tell it to Louis. Please? Please?” she begged.

The old woman just looked at her. “Okay, I won’t. But I’m sure he’ll know it in no time.”

“I know, Martha. But, thank you.”

“When?” she asked.

Spring shook her head and grabbed a seat. She seemed like she was going to get sick. “I don’t know, Martha. It suddenly hit me. I didn’t expect any of these feelings. I’m afraid, Martha. I’m afraid he’ll get away from me if he knew. Please don’t tell him, especially now that I’m really confused.”

The woman heard her sigh. Martha went to where Spring was and sat beside her. “Love always comes unexpectedly. It’ll come knocking at your door when you least expected it.” She held Spring’s hand like she was her mother. “And don’t be confused on what you are feeling, darling. One of these days, you’ll get the answer to all your questions.”

Spring lifted her face and smiled at Martha. “Thank you, Martha.”

Louis and Austin came barging in the kitchen. Austin was sitting on Louis’ shoulder. “And now, prepare yourself to—“ Louis said, “Oh hey, you’re here.”

“Okay now, may I excuse myself? Have a good day everyone. Have fun, little boy.” And with a wave, Martha left the house, leaving Spring with so much thoughts in her head, not to mention flushed face.

“Why are you blushing, Spring?” Louis laughed. “Am I good looking enough?”

Spring looked at him and rolled her eyes. “You’re airheaded.”

“Hey, I’m just stating a fact! Do you agree with me Austin?”

“Yes!” the little boy shouted.

Spring stood up and walked towards Louis. When she was standing in front of him, she raised her hands, grabbed his cheeks, and pinched it like there was no tomorrow. Spring giggled when she heard him grunt. She hurriedly got out of the kitchen and made her way towards her room. Louis’ voice rang inside the house.

“You’re going to pay for this! Austin, are you with me?” he shouted.

“Yes Captain!”

She locked her door and waited for them to knock. She felt like she was in a movie wherein she was being chased by zombies. She waited and waited and waited, but 10 minutes had passed by but it was still silent. She thought they probably gave up and played another game. She unlocked her door and she was surprised that no one was waiting for her outside. ‘They’re probably playing another game.’ She thought. She was quite disappointed at that realization. She decided to come downstairs and watch TV. She was walking in front of Louis’ room when someone grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the room.

“Ha! You’re caught! You’re paying for what you’ve done to me!” Louis laid her down the carpeted floor and reached for her waist. He tickled her as hard as possible. Spring has tears in her eyes. She was trying to push him away but her arms were like jelly.

“No! No! Louis! Stop! Aaaah!” she laughed.

“Austin! Come and help me here!” Louis said. Austin, who was watching them a while ago, ran towards them and tickled her gently.

“Please, please stop!” She shouted. Louis and Austin stopped and lay beside her. They were laughing tremendously.

“Our plan worked, Austin! We’re great!”

“Yes we are!” the boy shouted in return.

Louis suddenly stopped laughing and looked at his side to have a glimpse of her wife. Spring was already looking at him, but when he saw her, she changed the direction of her head. That gesture made Louis smile big time.

“I caught you looking at me!” Louis whispered at Spring.

Spring wanted to protest, but when she turned her body and head to him, their lips collided. She didn’t know what to do, so she lightly pushed Louis away from her.

“Eew!” Austin said. They didn’t know that the little boy was already standing and he was looking at them with full of disgust in his eyes. “Tongue wrestling!”

Louis and Spring sat up and laughed. Spring reached for Austin and she made the little boy sit on her lap. “What did you call that?”

“Tongue wrestling…” the boy answered. “Mommy told me that. Why do people do that?”

The other two exchanged awkward glances. Louis shrugged, and Spring cleared her throat.

“Uh—people do that, tongue wrestling I mean… because…” she looked at Louis for a brief second and back to the wondering little boy. “Because they are in love. It is done by people to express their love towards their partner.”

“But I think it’s gross.”

“No, it’s not. It’s quite amazing, really. It’s also special when you do it with the person you love. Do you love someone, Austin?” Louis said.

Austin nodded. “I love Mrs. Tomlinson! Does it mean, I need to…”

Louis chuckled. “Oh no. She’s mine! I’m the only one who can tongue wrestle with her. What I mean is, do you have a girlfriend or crush…”

“No! I don’t have! Girls have cooties! Yuck!” the little boy protested.

“Good! But someday you’ll find her. Anyways, you’re too young to do the tongue wrestling, little boy.” Louis patted Austin’s head and stood up.

“I don’t understand! Why do we need to tongue wrestle with the girls… They’re gross!” Austin said, “But not you Mrs. Tomlinson! You’re not gross! I swear!”

Spring stood up, “Someday, Austin. Someday you’ll understand.” She said. “Do you want to watch TV downstairs?”

The little boy ran as fast as he could out of the room. It seems Austin never runs out of energy! As Spring was about to close the door, Louis called her.

“What?” She asked.

“Uh—care to tongue wrestle with me?” his voice was husky. It was so sexy. She didn’t know where she got that large amount of self-control when she found herself rolling her eyes and closing the door in full force.

“Hey I’m not done with you, Mrs. Tomlinson!” Louis shouted.

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