Nothing Lasts Forever

By ShivyMay27

358K 2.3K 554

Simone had been on her own for a few years since leaving home. Her mother, a devoted Christian, who prayed da... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
12Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 ~ Part 1
Chapter 27 ~ Part 2

Chapter 11

11.3K 61 3
By ShivyMay27


I sat shivering not only from the cold damp moldy floor but from fear itself, I was weak from hunger and in full on panic mood because I got the sense from Mr. Smith that they were going to go after Simone. I had begged and pleaded with him to leave her alone, that she knew nothing about what I had done. But he just smiled at me and told me that when someone causes him trouble he handles it.

I wasn't sure what handling it meant but I knew it wasn't going to be him offering Simone ice-cream and cake. I just kept on blaming myself, if I had not let my pride get in the way none of this would be happening. I wouldn't be locked up and Simone's life wouldn't be in danger.

I had to get out of here; I had to try and stop them from hurting my best-friend. Some friend I was, putting the one person besides my parents who has always been there for me, who I could confide in and count on, in danger. But I had been so burdensome lately that I didn't want to put more responsibility on her plate.

We had bought the condo together and I had to pull my weight, but I didn't think of the consequences of my actions, well I actually did but they were legal ones, being a paralegal I figured that if I did get caught, being that it was my first offense and since I knew some of the best lawyers I would get either a slap on the rest with community service or as little jail time as possible, that I could deal with. But this, this wasn't something I factored in.

I was going to escape! I just needed to keep my strength up, so that meant I would have to start eating the crap they were bringing me. I only ate when Patrick himself brought the food, but I had not seen him in three days. So I was brought watered down mash potatoes, with mashed beans and some sort of meat substitute.

I wondered why they stopped sending Patrick in, the last time we spoke he promised to tell me what Mr. Smith planned on doing with me and he really had looked sad about it, but since then I have not seen him.

I didn't know how I was going to do it but I knew I couldn't do it alone, I needed help, physical help for sure but right now I was so emotionally drained I didn't know where I was going to find the strength. I remembered a time sitting with Simone in Chris' home and him telling us about when he found God. I think he turned to God after things had gotten so bad between his mother and father, he needed Him and I think I do too.

I grew up in a loving and caring household, I was an only child and my parents did everything to make me happy. However, I wasn't spoiled, my dad always taught me the value of money and how hard work and doing something that you can be proud of felt. I loved them and didn't want to hurt or disappoint them; they must be worried out of their minds right now.

My parents and I are really close, I mean, we didn't go more than a couple of days without talking, I am especially close to my dad because I was a little tomboy growing up so we did all the sports and fishing things together, but mom is amazing too.

The one thing I can say is that while growing up they never pressured me into finding a religion or going to church or any of that, I remembered as a child my best friend would talk about Sunday school and I asked my mom about it, she told me that it was a type of service at church for children, they read stories and learned things about the bible and God.

Well of course that sounded great to me so when I asked if I could go, my parents said yes. I did have fun and I remembered singing and the teacher telling us a story but I don't ever remember going back, my dad and I were always off to some sporting event and doing something and I had more fun with him than any other person so I never went back to church.

But right now I was wishing I did, at least I would know how to pray or feel connected to something bigger than me. I pressed my back against the cage, drew my knees into my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs, then I raised my head tilting it back as if I were looking to the sky, "umm God? If you are listening I could really use your help right now." This was crazy I was talking to the roof but I felt as though I had run out of options.

"My name is Kate, well you may know that already, I know you have never heard from me before and frankly I don't even know if I'm doing this right, but I am asking for your help, if you could give me a chance to see my family and friends again I would be really grateful, thanks."

I was crying again and I was so sick of crying but there was nothing else I could do, I felt so helpless and alone and stupid for causing all of this to happen.

I have never wanted anything more than I wanted there to be a God and for Him to answer my prayers or request actually because I am not sure that is how you do pray. I was regretting not paying attention to Chris when he spoke to me and Simone.


I woke up this next day to my alarm and felt so much better than the night before. I felt energized and refreshed, it could be that I was out before my head even hit the pillow or because I was able to talk things out with Chris and come up with a plan. Whatever it was I was grateful and was going to try and keep things this way.

I took a shower got dressed and grabbed a banana from off the table and a bottle of OJ and headed for the door, Chris was on his way to get me and I knew how punctual he was.

Just as I placed my hand on the door knob, "Oh shoot!" I all but screamed at my own stupidity, the whole reason Chris was even coming for me, I was forgetting in Kate's room. I turned around and headed back down the hall. I went in her room and it still felt strange doing that without her being there, opened the draw and placed the bags of cocaine in a zip lock bag I had grabbed on my way to the room.

I then tossed the whole thing into my handbag and headed for the front door again, I made my way out the elevator and through the lobby, saying a quick good morning to the door man. I stood at the curb and waited for Chris I was early and feeling very proud of myself, so I peeled back the skin of my banana and started to eat it.

Have you ever got this eerie feeling like you were being watched? I felt my body start to react to the feelings I was having, I got goose bumps and I had suddenly lost my appetite, this was the first time since everything happened that I felt like I wasn't safe. I nervously glanced around, looking up and down the street and also hoping I would see Chris' car sometime soon.

It was early around 6:30 am, the sun was not fully up yet and there weren't that many people on the street milling around, I saw a few cars parked and one that kind of stood out, mainly because the car windows were so darkly tinted.

Just as I was about to lose it, Chris pulled up, "Hey, how long have you been out here"

I smiled and hoped in the car, "about five or ten minutes, not too sure."

"Why didn't you wait in the lobby, it's not like you would not have seen my car pull up."

I was finally regaining my composure, "I wanted to get some fresh air" I knew he was over protective of me and especially since I had that little white powder in my bag I knew he would be even more worried.

"Simone, is everything ok with you, you seem a little weird, no offense." He smiled at the last part.

I rolled my eyes, "none taken and it's just that while I was standing there I got the feeling like I was being watched."

"Are you serious, why the heck didn't you just go back inside or call me or the police?"

"Chris, I said I had a feeling, it's not like I could call the police and tell them I had a feeling I was being watched without definitive proof, and they would have laughed at me."

"Well you do have a point, but you could have gone back inside you know." He was gripping the steering wheel so tightly his knuckles were beginning to get paler by the second

"Chris that poor steering wheel did nothing to you, so you can loosen your grip, besides I knew you were on your way, and I am here now. No need to panic"

We drove to the police station in silence but I could still sense that Chris was a bit uneasy about the whole thing, I reached over and patted him on the shoulder to try and comfort him, I felt his body relax a little under my touch and I smiled to myself, realizing that we both had a way of comforting the one another.

When we pulled up in front the station Chris turned to me, "I think you should mention to the officer's what happened this morning."

"Chris nothing happened." I was looking at him as if he had two heads or something, like what's wrong with this dude, didn't we just talk about this not less than 20 minutes ago.

"I know nothing happened, but the fact is there is more to this whole Kate being gone thing, drugs are now involved, I would feel better if the cops had the whole picture."

I sighed knowing that I wasn't going to be able to convince him otherwise; "fine" I stated barely moving my lips. I wasted no more time and quickly opened the car door and hopped up.

I headed towards the entrance of the precinct and when I glanced back Chris wasn't that far behind. I walked up to the front desk and asked if either Officers O'Reilly or Sharpe were available. Those where the two cops that came and questioned me the night at Chris' and I had spoken to them several times after to find out if there was any word on Kate.

I was told that O'Reilly was in but Sharpe just stepped out, and then told to have a seat. I waited for about five minutes then was greeted by O'Reilly. I told him I had something to talk to him about and he lead Chris and I back to his desk.

I explained that I recently moved back home, about what I found in Kate's room while pulling out the zip lock bag with the drugs at the same time. Then I told him about what had happened this morning. He listened intently and I saw him pull out his note pad and jot down some things.

His partner came back at this point and handed him a cup of coffee and a bag. He sat down at the desk across from O'Reilly at which point he was then informed about what I had just said and was handed the bag of cocaine.

"Listen, there is not much we can do about you feeling like you were being watched, but given the situation and now that we know there is drugs involved, I think we can ask the captain to have a unit patrol your area." When Sharpe had finished speaking he took a sip of his coffee then got up.

When he was gone I turned to his partner to find out what was going on, but before I could say anything, "he is going to talk to the captain about everything." O'Reilly smiled at me and sat back in his chair.

Sharpe came back and told us that the Captain had given the go ahead and we talked briefly before I got up followed by Chris. Although I was happy to have gotten rid of the cocaine, and although the two officers were nice, I had work to get to and so did Chris.

He dropped me off at my office building and we had agreed to meet up for lunch and talk a little more about what happened, he was trying to convince me to stay with him but I told him I would be fine, the police would be patrolling and I had a door man who would let me know if any visitor's stopped by.

Chris didn't look too sure about me staying at my condo alone but I was stubborn and he didn't fight me much on the matter, he just told me to call him if I needed anything. I agreed and now I am sitting in my office swamped with work.

This was just what I needed to get my mind off of the events that took place yesterday in my office and the whole drug finding escapade. I was so busy I was beginning to wonder if I would even be able to meet up with Chris for lunch, I decided that when the time came around if I was still busy I would call him and cancel.

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