Au Pair ✔

By _salacious

7.2M 281K 166K

C O M P L E T E D In which a Puerto Rican woman with a strong exterior (and a rather weak interior) learns t... More

el principio
clase de español
capítulo número uno; la introducción
capítulo número dos; la necesidad
capítulo número tres; la entrevista
capítulo número cuatro; el plomero
capítulo número cinco; el patrón
capítulo número seis: el accidente
capítulo número siete: la entrometia'
capítulo número ocho; el secreto
capítulo número nueve; el coqueteo
capítulo número diez; las pocas respuestas
capítulo número once; el compromiso
capitulo número doce; la migraña
capítulo número trece; el espejo
capítulo número catorce ; la tecnología
capítulo número quince ; el baile
capítulo número dieciséis; los miedos
capítulo número diecisiete; el pendejo
capítulo número dieciocho ; el testamento
capítulo número diecinueve; la felicidad
capítulo número veinte; la boda
capítulo número veintiuno; los chismes
capítulo número veintidós; el delicioso castigo
capítulo número veintitrés; el beso australiano
capítulo número veinticuatro; los celos
capítulo número veinticinco ; la confesión
capítulo número veintiséis ; el amor
capítulo número veintisiete ; el pasado
capítulo número veintiocho ; las fotos
capítulo número veintinueve; la confusión
capítulo número treinta ; la hermana
capítulo número treinta y uno ; la risa
capítulo número treinta y dos ; el secreto
capítulo número treinta y tres ; el ruso
capítulo número treinta y cuatro ; la promesa
capítulo número treinta y cinco ; el futuro
capítulo número treinta y seis ; la hipocresía
capítulo número treinta y siete ; el comienzo
capítulo número treinta y nueve ; la sorpresa
capítulo número cuarenta ; los ocho meses
el epílogo

capítulo número treinta y ocho ; las locas ideas

147K 5.1K 2.4K
By _salacious

This chapter has time jumps.

Au Pair

All Rights Reserved

© 2017 Luna Black



I felt absolute bliss as I stared at my husband.

I giggled like an idiot at the thought.

Killian had pulled him in for a commending hug and I had already been passed around like a hot potato until I fell in Eddie's hands. He squeezed me tightly, moving us side to side as he tried to grope me with his body. His hands stayed on my waist, but he basically felt everything with his body.

I laughed, trying to pull away and he squeezed me tighter. "No, don't leave, my little Spanish bon-bon!"

"Eddie!" Misumi chastised, prying his fingers away from my waist. "Let her go, Jesus. She's married now!"

"I know!" He whined, reluctantly pulling away from me and wiped away the imaginary tears. "Why are all the good ones married?"

Misumi rolled her eyes, pulling my hand toward Luca and in a safe distance from Eddie. He kept eyeing me, pouting his lips like a puppy and I couldn't help but laugh at his comical expressions.

I wrapped an arm around Luca's waist and leaned against him, breathing in deeply and happily. I couldn't stop grinning like an idiot. I was happy, complete. It felt like I was going to burst any moment with happiness.

"So!" Misumi chimed in, "What are you guys going to do now? Where's the honeymoon?"

Luca grimaced, momentarily. "We didn't plan that far ahead. If you couldn't tell from the lack of rings, this wedding was spontaneous."

She rolled her eyes, laughing. "Obviously! But do you guys have a place that you would like to go to?"

"Home," I answered, entwining his fingers with mine. "I didn't leave a lot of food out for Toby and all the excitement from today has me kind of tired."

"But you guys just got married!" Eddie exclaimed, raising his arms with excitement, "You have to do something!"

I laughed, shrugging. "There's time for that later. I think today has had enough excitement."

He pouted his lips, turning to Ace and Ellie. "What about you guys? What are you doing?"

Ellie sighed, looking up at her husband then back at Eddie. "I'm not sure. Probably going back home. I miss my kids."

"Yeah," Ace nodded, "Emily doesn't like it when we don't sing her to sleep."

"I don't like going to sleep without you singing to me and you don't see me complaining," Eddie muttered, rolling his eyes dramatically.

"You're not a child, but you sure act like it," Ellie sighed, running her fingers through her dark hair.

Eddie stuck her tongue out at her and turned to look at Misumi. "What about you lovely people? Will you be boring and leave Vegas, too?"

She shrugged, glancing up at Killian. "It's up to Killian."

"We can stay," he squeezed her shoulder and kissed her forehead, "I know you love Vegas."

"I can't drink, though," She muttered bitterly. "But you know what!" She brightened up, suddenly, "It's okay! I'm pregnant! Once our baby is born, I'll drink an entire wine bottle."

Eddie laughed, clapping his hands together. "So, does that mean we're staying?"

Killian shrugged, throwing his arm over Misumi's shoulder. "You'll third-wheel."

He pouted his lips. "I thought you were going to say we can have a threesome."

"Alright!" I interceded, growing extremely tired. "Luca, Ellie, Ace, and I are going back to New York and you guys can stay."

Luca nodded, squeezing me into his side and I bit the inside of my cheek to prevent a yawn. My feet were starting to kill me and the dress suddenly felt really tight.

Once everything was sorted, we all went our separate ways. Ace and Ellie came with us on the plane and we made small talk. They were really in love, it was really sweet. Her face lit up whenever she spoke about their kids and Ace wouldn't stop looking at her, totally enraptured in whatever she was saying.

I just hoped Luca watched me the way he looked at her. It melted my heart.

Sometime along the way back home, I fell asleep on Luca's lap. I didn't remember much. Just the conversations with Ellie and Ace. Then sleeping on Luca's arms. He held me tightly, rubbing my arms up and down, and when I got cold, he placed his suit jacket over me.

The plane probably had some blankets to use, but I preferred his jacket because it smelled like him and I didn't want him to get up and get one.

Our wedding had been spontaneous and crazy and now our honeymoon would be in a plane for five hours whilst I slept. It was probably the weirdest way to spend the first night as a married couple, but with everything that had occurred that day, I was ready to sleep until the next day.

Mentally, physically and emotionally I was exhausted.

How couples ravaged each other their first wedding night, I wasn't sure, but I gave them props. My feet were killing me and I felt like I needed a shower that lasted two days.

The next day Luca made sure that I didn't wash away my black-ink ring while I was in the shower. He made me promise to wait until he had a ring before I washed the thick line away.

For breakfast, we had cereal. We were planning on going out to eat, but the lawyer handling my mother's case called him in to have a conference call. At first, Luca didn't want to deal with anything that wasn't me, but I assured him that the quicker my mom was behind bars for good, the better for us – well my well-being.

I didn't want to do anything with her case unless the lawyers thought I needed to be present, so I decided to visit Mrs. Maggie.

For a moment, I had forgotten just how much I loved to be with Mrs. Maggie. In my moments of chaos and torment, she was peace and quiet. She had a tenderness about her that made me feel like a nurtured child.

I wanted to tell her about everything that had happened with Maria, but I couldn't form the words and she didn't press me to talk about anything. I just curled at her feet and sat in silence. She brushed her fingers against my hair caringly, just caressing me as we embraced the silence around us.

It took me longer than it should've, but I finally cleared my throat and whispered about the day's previous events.

Mrs. Maggie was quiet for a while. Just listening to me as my emotions went all over the place. I cried and sobbed heartbrokenly, and then I laughed and smiled happily. I guess the calm really did come after the storm.

My mother had torn me apart and Luca and Mrs. Maggie had help to piece me back together.

"I wish you had been there, Mrs. Maggie," I sighed, smiling with my eyes closed as I remembered that in the eyes of the law, I was now Mrs. Valenté.

She let out a quiet laugh. "I wish I had been there, too, Dani-love. I didn't have any daughters, so I kind of missed out on that part of my children's life."

My eyes widened and I suddenly felt guilty. Mrs. Maggie was extremely important to me. She was my maternal figure, the one who comforted me when I needed the most. And unknowingly, I had taken that piece away from us.

I had excluded her from one of the most important stages in my life.

"I'm so sorry!" I sat up, looking at her with a frenzied look. "I just...I wasn't thinking, Mrs. Maggie! But we'll do something! I'll...I'll plan a ceremony and-"

She laughed, shaking her head and sat up, trying to calm me. "Daniela, it's okay, sweetheart! Calm down, you didn't do anything wrong. I'm happy for you."

"I wanted you there," I whispered, "you're like the mother I never had and I feel like shït for not thinking about it better. It was just so sudden and unplanned," I raised my hand, showing the smudged 'ring,' "we didn't even have rings."

Mrs. Maggie reached down, caressing my face gently and smiled sweetly. It was the type of smile that reassured anyone that everything would be okay. It was the smile that had gotten me through so many crazy things in my life in New York. "Dani-love, I am happy for you. I am proud of the woman you've become. It feels like it was just yesterday that you swore you would never fall in love and here you are, glowing like a star because you're in love."

I blushed, biting my bottom lip and breathed out in relief. Even if she said it was okay, I was still going to have a small ceremony; I needed Mrs. Maggie to be present in this new chapter of my life. "Things changed," I mumbled.

She laughed, patting my cheek lightly and relaxed back against her chair. "I know things change, sweetheart. I'm just happy that they changed for the better. This year has been rough for you. I'm happy that you're finally getting the happiness you deserve with a man that will cherish you forever."

I smiled, leaning against the arm rest of her chair and nodded. "I love him."

"I know," she grinned, "and he loves you. When you're both in a room, he can't keep his eyes off you. Just like you, his eyes light up," she chuckled, as if remembering lots of happy memories, "my friends used to say the same about Noah and me. I never paid them any attention, I just knew I was in love. Now I see the same thing in you and Luca, and it's like walking down memory lane."

I didn't know what to say to that. My heart just felt like it would burst with happiness. I couldn't wait to go back home and cuddle my husband. I just wanted to scream it to the world. I wanted to let everyone know that I was happily married to the one man that managed to change my perspective on life.

"We're having a ceremony, Mrs. Maggie," I assured her.

And, we did.

It was small and short, but beautiful. And like our wedding in Vegas, it was anything but traditional.

Luca wore a fancy black suit and I wore a short, flowy white dress with a flower crown. I didn't want anything expensive and grand. Besides, it wasn't like I had many people to invite. Misumi, Eddie, Ellie, Ace, and Killian were present and added to the bunch were Mrs. Maggie, Agatha and her husband.

We held the ceremony in a small gazebo in a park. It was mostly vacated because the chillness of fall was just around the corner. During the ceremony, Luca had to take his suit jacket to put it over my shoulders, so I could stop shivering. I had dressed according to what the weatherman had said. It would be in the high 70s, but he forgot to mention that it would be windy as hell.

Regardless, the reddening leaves added an almost enchanting look to our pictures. The falling flowers seemed to be fairy dust and the pond behind us was a pretty addition to all the photos. Nature had definitely been the best prop in all the photographs.

Mrs. Maggie had walked me down the makeshift aisle and it made everything feel complete. And we now had actual wedding rings, instead of drawn ones. It was a beautiful silver colour with a three-channel style. The design wasn't very intricate, but it was very detailed and beautiful. I was in love with it.

I continued flipping through the album, completely immersed in the photography and smiled like an idiot. I was so happy and I loved that it was obvious through the pictures that Luca and I were totally in love.

He walked in the room, letting out a yawn and began to pull at his tie. "Hi, preciosa."

I smiled, placing the album back inside the nightstand and sat up. "Hi, babe. How are you?"

"Tired," He sat at the foot of the bed and began to unbutton his shirt, "work kicked my ass today."

I nodded, crawling over to his side of the bed and helped him undress. He closed his eyes, sighing as I knelt behind him and began to massage his tensed muscles. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"No," he grunted softly.

I leaned over him to press a kiss to his temple and whispered, "I'm sorry work was rough today, mi vida. I'm starting to regret not taking a honeymoon vacation."

Luca leaned against me and I continued rubbing my hands against his taut shoulders. I squeezed and kneaded, trying to alleviate some of the pressure and he let out soft grunts of pleasure. "Tell me about it. I had to get up extra early today because the car was covered in snow. I don't even want to talk about the driveway."

I grimaced, running my fingers through his hair gently, trying to baby him as much as I could. "Why didn't you ask for help?"

He shook his head, pressing a soft kiss to my wrist and sighed, "You were sleeping. Besides, you've been staying up late for the studio plans."

"Still," I muttered, wrapping my arms around his body and trailed a pattern of kisses down his neck to his shoulders, "I would have helped you, if you asked."

He grabbed my wrist, kissing it again and sighed before standing up. "It's okay, cariño. I don't want you to get sick."

I laughed and rolled my eyes. "You know...we've been married for almost three months and today when I was signing the construction papers for downstairs, I almost signed Rodriguez instead of Valenté." 

He chuckled, walking over to the laundry basket to throw his clothes in and then turned to me in almost all his glory. I had known him for almost two years now and I still couldn't get over his body. Hell, I couldn't get over him.

"Did Cain say how long it was going to take him?"

I nodded, standing up to walk with him in the bathroom. "About two months. I'll be able to open the gallery around January."

He brushed my bangs behind my ear. "I can't believe the year is about to end. It feels like we were just celebrating New Years' yesterday."

"I know," I took his hand and led him inside the bathroom. "This year has been crazy. It's even snowing in November."

"Climate change," he muttered, opening the faucet to the warm setting and unhooked the handheld showerhead. I quickly closed my eyes, shivering in happiness as the water dripped down my head.

Showers with Luca were a piece of heaven. I loved them. He always pampered me, making sure that the temperature of the water was perfect and that his hands massaged my body in all the right places.

After we had been married, a couple of things changed. He no longer paid me to clean – because I forced him to stop. However, that didn't stop him from giving me a "weekly allowance." I didn't touch the money, I just moved it to a savings account and picked up my profession again.

I wanted to open my own gallery and with the help of Luca, I was able to get a contractor for the studio space underneath us. It was Luca's because it was part of his apartment, but he never used it.

So, I contracted Cain Anderson – one hot piece of man – to fix the space and make my visions a reality. He owned a new company – I would be his second client and I really should have been a little more careful, but he was so honest in the interview and professional, that I couldn't help myself. Seeing him in his uniform had nothing to do with my decision.

He was hot, but I was happily married. And Luca was still my biggest eye-candy. I couldn't stop ogling him like an idiot, even if I tried. Not that he really minded! Besides, the moment he signed the marriage papers, he signed up for all I had to bring to the table.

My photography became my source of income again and I felt extremely happy. I wasn't in the same level I was back in California, but I was fine working as a wedding photographer whilst I waited for the gallery to open. As soon as it did, I'd become a freelance photographer again.

"Where did my wife go off to?" Luca murmured, rubbing his palms against my breasts.

I smiled, leaning against him and shrugged. "Just thinking about all the things that have changed this past year and the future."

"I'm proud of you," he kissed my neck, "and I'm happy you decided to change some things in your life."

I grinned, turning to look at him and kissed his mouth gently. "Are you happy I'm not your maid anymore?"

He pouted playfully and shook his head. "I don't like that I can't call you whenever I want."

I laughed, wiping a bead of soap that was sliding down his forehead. "You can call me, but you'll get me fired." I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him again, "Soon enough, I'll be my own boss and you can call me whenever you want."

Luca leaned against me, pressing his forehead against my shoulder and murmured, "I miss your visits to my office."

"Aw, babe," I held back a giggle and caressed his back, "it sounds like someone needs to be babied today."

He pulled back, frowning down at me. "I'm not a child."

"You're not," I flashed him a wicked grin as I got down on my knees, "but sometimes you need to be pampered, too."

I grabbed his eager hardon and licked down his length. He groaned, shutting the water off and placed his hands against the wall as he looked down at me. My grin widened as I pressed a soft kiss to his head and his dïck grew a little harder in my hand.

"Definitely miss this," He grunted, brushing my wet hair out of my face, "I can't work at my desk without thinking of you being under it anymore."

I jerked my fist up and down, smiling up at him as he leaned his head against the wall and closed his eyes, hissing in a breath. I pressed a soft kiss to the head of his shaft and then wrapped my mouth around him.

Luca groaned, his fist tightening around my hair and he pulled me closer. I widened my mouth, trying to fit his hard length in my mouth. I gagged, but simply sucked him harder. Whatever my mouth couldn't reach, I squeezed with my hand.

I pulled back, making a popping noise when his dïck came out of my mouth and I grinned up at him as I ran my tongue up and down the underside of his cöck.

"Fück," he grunted softly and swallowed hard, making his Adams apple bob up and down. "Your fücking mouth..." he trailed off, when I sucked him in again and relaxed my jaw muscles as I tried to deep-throat him.

His leg twitched and he swore under his breath. His hips slowly moved back and forth and I knew just how badly he wanted to fück my mouth. I placed my hand over his, tightening my fingers around him to let him know he could hold me tighter and he groaned.

I bobbed my head up and down, licking and sucking whilst squeezing whatever didn't fit in my mouth. I pressed soft kisses to his balls and he groaned loudly, making me grin wickedly as I sucked them softly.

That seemed to undo him and he placed both hands against my face as he held me in place and fücked my mouth. I gagged and closed my eyes, trying not to ruin the moment by regurgitating my dinner.

Luca hissed in a breath, making his chest heave up and down quickly as his orgasm neared. I squeezed my hand around his dïck, turning it as I jerked it and he groaned, placing his hand over mine to hold it tighter and jerk faster.

"Fück," he breathed out, closing his eyes and biting his lips, "baby, just like that...I'm...gonna...cum."

I pulled back, feeling his dïck twitching in my hands and I licked the precum oozing out. He groaned, pulling me toward him and I widened my eyes as he shot his orgasm in my mouth. It was warm and slightly salty, but I licked and swallowed every drop before pulling away.

Luca watched with dark eyes as I cleaned the corner of my mouth with my thumb and licked it. "Jesus, woman."

I laughed, slowly standing up and he tilted my chin upwards to kiss me. "Do you feel better?"

He nodded, tucking my wet hair behind my ear. "Your mouth works wonders." He turned back to turn the water on and I bit my bottom lip, sliding my hand down his muscular back. He smiled at me, cupping my face and kissed me gently. "I love you."

"And, I love you," I grinned against his mouth.

We continued our shower with playful kisses and happy laughs. Once we finished, I threw him his towel and quickly dried my body.

"I have a crazy idea."

"I love crazy ideas," he murmured, tousling his hair with the towel.

I grinned, biting my bottom lip slightly...shyly and whispered, "I want to do a video..."

Luca pulled his boxers on. "A video of what?"

"Us," I said slowly, watching him as I waited for realisation to hit him.

"Doing what?"

I rolled my eyes. "A sex video, babe."

His eyes widened and he looked up at me curiously. There was no disgust in his expression or dislike of the idea. He was more curious than anything. "How would we even...? I mean," he cleared his throat, "I'm not opposed to the idea, but I don't feel comfortable with another person filming us."

I laughed, feeling a little more comfortable with the topic. "I have camera stands that we can use. We don't need someone else to film us."

He raised an eyebrow, the corner of his lips turning up in a smile. "You have this planned out, huh?"

I grinned. "I even bought a blindfold, so that you can film me without fully showing my face."

"What made you want to do one?"

I pulled one of his shirts over my body and then hung the towels. "I was watching a pȯrn video yesterday and I was thinking that we could do one so much better. I mean, the guy was eating out the girl and just putting his all in trying to please her, but she laid there like a damn flat board."

Luca burst out laughing, walking toward the bed and opened his arms for me to walk toward him. I dashed toward his opened arms and jumped on the bed. He chuckled, laying us down gently and pushed my damp hair behind my ear. "You should probably brush this before going to bed."

I shrugged. "So, are you up for it?"

"We can do one."

My grin widened. "Great! I want you to do a couple of things."

"Oh, yeah?" He smiled, "Like what?"

"I want you to talk dirty to me," I bit my bottom lip, quickly becoming aroused at the thought, "I want you to pull my hair and fück me just like you know how to."

"You're a freak," He whispered in awe before kissing me gently. His hand smacked my ass, loud and slightly painful. It would surely redden in the next couple of seconds. I widened my eyes momentarily and he chuckled, nipping at my neck. "When do you want to film this?"

I shrugged, not wanting to tell him that the bathroom blowjob and the slap he just gave my ass turned me on hotter than hell. "Whenever you want."

He was quiet for a couple of seconds and then let out a soft chuckle. "Now?"

I shrugged and mumbled, "Whenever."

"Cariño, you're practically humping my arm right now."

"I'm horny," I groaned, not realising that I really was moving my hips up and down against his arm.

He sat up, pushing me down on the bed and pressed a gentle kiss to my neck. I wasn't sure if it was supposed to be sweet or reassuring, but when he swiped his tongue down my throat, I had to moan and squeeze my thighs. "I told you that my hands, my dïck and my mouth will always be at your disposal, cariño."

I nodded, biting my bottom lip as I watched him kneel in front of my legs. "You can either use a camera stand or hold the camera."

"I have an idea." He stood up and I pouted, unhappy with the sudden coolness that enveloped my body. "Get your blindfold and put it on. Get undressed and leave the blindfold on."

I nodded, eager for what was coming and rummaged through the drawers in search for the satin blindfold. It was red with black lace outlining it. It was really sexy and I had paired it up with a lingerie set that I had bought at Daring Diva, but Luca wanted me naked, so I'd use it another time.

I pulled his shirt over my head and quickly brushed out my hair before sitting on the edge of the bed to put the blindfold on. Luca came back in the room a couple of minutes later and I bit my bottom lip, feeling his presence near me.

"Lay back," He whispered and I quickly did as he said.

I grinned as I recognised the beeping of the camera turning on and waited impatiently for the next command.

"Fück," he whispered, "spread your legs, baby."

Immediately, I felt like a pȯrn star. It wasn't a bad feeling. I was wanted and desired; I felt sexy. Even though I had no makeup on and my hair was probably curling at the ends in the ugliest way possible.

The desire and passion in his voice really turned me on, made me feel sexy as all hell.

Luca groaned, sliding a hand down my thigh. "Suck your fingers, baby, make them wet."

Like a trained puppy, I followed his command. I sucked three fingers in my mouth, trying to lubricate them as quickly as possible. "Touch your püssy."

I bit my bottom lip, rubbing my nether areas timidly, slowly. I wanted to build the orgasm, the lust I was feeling. I spread my lower lips with my left hand and ran my right fingers down my wet slit.

My back quickly arched and I groaned, loving the sensation against my sensitive areas.

"Good girl," He coaxed, softly, throatily. His voice was low and sexy, better than any pȯrnstar I ever heard or saw. It might've been that I was easily aroused or knowing that he was recording me, but I was practically shaking in need.

There was some noise in the background that I couldn't quite figure out, but I was too into my pleasure to stop and ask.

"Come here," Luca commanded and I tried to sit up to blindly search for him. He let out a soft chuckle, the sexy type that made my nether areas weep in despair. "Let me help you." He grabbed my hips and pulled me down the bed, until my feet were hanging off the side. "Don't close your legs."

I nodded, still rubbing my hands up and down the spot between my legs. His warmth was momentarily gone and at any other moment, I would have complained, but the familiar sensation of an orgasm was bubbling at the pit of my stomach. "I'm gonna cum..."

"Stop touching yourself, baby." His hands returned to my body and I bit my bottom lip, reluctantly pulling my hand away. I groaned when his fingers wrapped around my wrist and he raised my hand. A quiet laugh left my lips as I felt his tongue wrapping around my fingers, licking my wetness off. "You're so sweet."

He stepped away, taking his warmth again and I whimpered, desperate to be pleasured. Suddenly, I felt his hands on my knees, pushing them apart a bit more and a soft cry escaped my mouth the moment he slid his tongue down my wet slit.

My back arched and I reached down to entwine my fingers in his soft hair. "Fück..."

He smirked against my skin, but continued swirling his tongue against my cünt, eating me until I was panting and raising my hips to rub myself against his face. He licked the top of my clĭt all the way down to the end of my slït, slowly, then reversed his movements before sliding his tongue in me.

I cried out, holding him closer to me and begged him to fück me. With his fingers, with his tongue, with his dïck; I wanted everything he had to offer at that moment.

Luca sucked and nibbled my nether lips, pushing me over the edge of orgasms. I sucked in a breath, moaning and groaning as he began to speed up his movements. I squeezed my breasts, tweaking my nipples with my fingers and writhed under him as he ate me out relentlessly.

Once I was slowly descending from my high of the climax, he pressed soft kisses to my inner thighs and then on my clĭt. I whimpered, trying my best not to wrap my thighs around him and pull him closer to my cünt.

He began to kiss up my body, licking and nibbling on my skin. He stopped right above my breast and I moaned as his warm tongue wrapped around my hard nipples. "Fück, babe."

He chuckled, sliding his hand down my body until it was right in the middle of my legs. I groaned, whimpering as he gently rubbed his index finger down my slït and with one swift movement began to fück me with his fingers.

His finger slid in and out, slowly, just teasing me, and rubbing against all the right spots. I groaned under him, pulling him closer to me as his teeth nibbled my nipples gently. He was caring, but occasionally would bite down hard enough to make me yelp in pain and feed my masochistic side.

I gasped, feeling another orgasm building up and he began to rock his fingers in my püssy quicker. "You're gonna cum for me, baby?" His voice was heated, sexy and passionate.

My hands reached out to grab the pillows and I let out a breathy moan as my body began to ride the high of the climax. I shivered under him, my stomach rippling with emotions as I cried out in absolute bliss and pleasure.

"Fück, fück, fück!"

"Cum on my fingers, baby," He encouraged me candidly and my entire body shivered in unadulterated satisfaction. He slid his fingers out and I continued shivering. "Mm," He murmured, "you're so fücking sweet."

I breathed out, slightly exhausted from all the orgasms that I had experienced in the past couple of minutes and tried to regain my energy.

More noise filled the background and then Luca resumed his position between my legs. He slid one hand down my body and I hissed in a breath when I felt his dïck brushing against my centre.

I couldn't see, but I was sure as all hell that he was smirking as I tried to raise my hips and feel him closer. At that moment, I was starving to feel his dïck in me. His fingers and his tongue brought me indescribable amounts of pleasure, but his dïck reached areas that catapulted me to heaven.

Luca murmured gently, telling me all the dirty things I wanted to hear, but I wasn't entirely paying attention because I couldn't stop concentrating on the feel of his hard length rubbing up and down my wetness.

"Please!" I finally begged, feeling like I was going to burst from sexual frustration.

"What do you want?" he chuckled, gently rocking his hips back and forth as he rubbed his dïck against my lips.

"I," I groaned, biting my bottom lip, "I want you to fück me."

"Yeah?" He mused, rubbing the head of his shaft against my entrance. Just teasing and probing until I raised my hips and begged like his trained, personal whore.

In one swift thrust, he was inside me. I cried out, pleasured and content, and he pulled out slowly, praising the way our bodies moulded together for the camera. His dirty talk was off the charts, and it was probably knowing that I was on display for the camera that made me hornier.

"Get on all fours, baby," He grunted, squeezing my breast with his free hand.

I nodded, quickly trying to turn around and get in the desired position. He helped me, placing pillows right below my belly, so that my hips were raised and my face was against the mattress.

"Fück," he groaned, "look how that püssy glistens." I moaned his name, muffling it against the mattress and he chuckled. "What was that?"

"No sigas jodiendo," I groaned, turning my face so he could hear me, "and fück me, papi."

He placed his arm against the start of the curve of my ass, pushing it down a bit and then spread my legs a little more. My body curled upward, like a cat, as I arched my back when he thrust inside me roughly.

My curses turned to elongated vowels as I moaned and groaned at the feel of his dïck hitting all the right spots. His dïck slammed in me forcefully, making our bodies slap like carnal music and I squeezed the sheets.

Luca grabbed my hair, pulling it lightly, but with enough force to feel pleasant. "You're so fücking wet," he grunted, keeping his quick and long strokes in a nice rhythm. "Fück this shït," he swore, letting the camera fall on the bed, facing up toward the mirrors.

Once both hands were free, he held my hair with one and then rubbed my clĭt with the other. I cried out, feeling more orgasms building in my core and tried not to write under him too much.

"I'm...going to...fücking...cum..." He grunted with every stroke and I grinned against the bed as I felt him jerk inside me. His thrusts became forceful and slightly unrhythmic, and his hands on my clĭt quickened, all romancing thrown out the window as he fücked me like an animal.

The sensations were all too much, I couldn't concentrate on all the sudden bliss that overpowered me. I was seconds away from blacking out if he kept going. It was that good.

His cum was warm inside me and it ignited another orgasm. He could have probably looked at me a certain way and I would've cummed.

Slick sounds began to fill the room as he continued to fück me until his erection began to soften in me. I could feel his cum dripping out with every thrust he gave and it made me feel so much...dirtier. I was his wife, but for some reason, being fücked doggy-style and just given a cream-pie, made me feel filthy – I loved it.

He had slapped my ass, leaving red marks and bruises and I loved it. He bit my back, leaving teeth-marks behind and hickies. I was his wife, but that didn't mean our sex was now boring.

Luca turned me around gently, and I smiled up at him lazily, totally satisfied and contented. He leaned down to kiss me and I moaned against his mouth, loving the feel of his teeth rubbing against my bottom lip.

I was extremely exhausted, but I needed to shower again, so I forced myself out of bed and Luca carried me back to the bathroom. Since I wanted to shower quickly, I reluctantly told him to wait outside. After I had washed away all the cum sliding down my thighs and felt clean, I walked out to find him changing the sheets of the bed with new ones.

We traded jobs; I finished cleaning up our mess and he went to shower. Whilst he was showering, I watched a bit of the clip and fought every urge in my body to touch myself again. At this rate, I could break records.

Luca walked out, drying his hair with the towel and smiled at me. I grinned, stopping the video and he turned the lights off before crawling in bed next to me.

"You're a good videographer, you know?"

He laughed, shaking his head. "I just filmed what I thought was good."

"Mostly my püssy," I joked and he nodded, grinning wickedly. "I think my favourite part is when you're eating me out. The angle you had the camera in captured every fücking lick and I'm pretty sure that if I keep watching, we'll end up fücking again."

"I think my dïck is ready for another go." He murmured, kissing my temple gently.

"At this rate, you'll get me pregnant," I muttered, shaking my head as I turned the camera off.

He laughed, pulling me against his chest and kissed my forehead. "That doesn't sound like a bad idea."

"Well, I just finished my period around a week and a half ago, bud," I yawned tiredly, "so, your super sperm has been good to me." Luca shook his head, chuckling at me antics and pulled the covers over us as I cuddled up to him.

"I love you," he murmured, kissing my cheek gently.

"I love you, too," I responded softly, meaning every word of it. Just as he began to drift off to sleep, I raised my head and muttered, "How do you feel about posting that video online?

Luca let out a soft laugh and shrugged an arm. "It doesn't show our faces. I don't see why not."

I grinned, wickedly. "You're nasty."

He nuzzled his nose against my neck and brushed his lips against my skin as he murmured, "Only for you, Mrs. Valenté."


This was a bit of a weird chapter, but it was because it was really hard for me to write. Classes started, so I wanted to wrap it up quickly because the story is almost finished! I don't want to make y'all wait weeks for three more chapters, lol. So, sorry if you wanted to read more. I just need to finish.

A couple of things; Cain Anderson is a hot character that I'll be writing on about down the road. If y'all read my story Moonlight Kisses, you'll know a little more about it (; and if you don't...I suggest you do because you will be introduced to Knox who is also part of the series where Cain will be written.

p.s. MK has abusive content, if you want to skip through it, you can! Just start from chapter "five" where it says "she has been freed." You'll miss a couple of things, but if you private message me, I'll be able to give you a brief summary.

Lastly, next chapter will be based in January. IT DOESN'T MEAN I'M UPDATING IN JANUARY 2018. It means that in Daniela's and Luca's "time zone," it will be January; we're skipping months.

p.p.s At the end of the book, I'll add a bonus chapter where Daniela and Luca talk about the sex tape and the comments they've received.

xo, Luna

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