Styles Saved Me

By 1Dfan4848

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alyssa and her best friend kim go to get autographs from one direction but after alyssa comes face to face wi... More

Chapter 1 -- Beginnings
Chapter 2 -- Near Death Experience
Chapter 3 -- Hospitals, Medicine and One Direction
Chapter 4 -- 8 Days, 1 Song
Chapter 6 -- Interviews, Phone Calls, and...Love?
Chapter 7 -- Rob Returns
Chapter 8 -- Fans, Paparazzi, and Doctors
Chapter 9 -- Penguins are Sexy?
Chapter 10 -- Nandos is Closed!?!
Chapter 11 -- The Kiss That Ended Too Soon
Chapter 12 -- Confessions.
Chapter 13 -- Surprises and Returning Home
Chapter 14 -- Leaving...Forever?
Chapter 15 -- Liars and Lovers
Chapter 16 -- It Just Gets Better
Chapter 17 -- The Nightmare
Chapter 18 -- Telling the World
Chapter 19 -- Home, Family, and Tickets
Chapter 20 -- the Killer
Chapter 21 -- the Danger and the Killer Return
Chapter 22 -- More Hospitals and Medicine
Chapter 23 -- Last Kiss
Chapter 24 -- Mistakes and Regrets
Chapter 25 -- Kyle
Chapter 26 -- Superstar
Chapter 27 -- The End
Book 2!!

Chapter 5 -- Seeing the Light

731 6 2
By 1Dfan4848

Yay I made it to chapter 5!!! I just wanted to say thanks to my best friend Kim who is one of the main characters in this story and who wrote some of this story. And thanks to all the directioners out there who are reading my story. And a big thanks to one direction for making amazing music that inspired me to write this story

Styles saved me


My eyes by now were red and puffy, from tears and also a lack of sleep. She could be gone before I knew it. I had little hope that she would survive. I know I shouldn't think like that but, she has been unconscious for 8 days and it seems that she isn't getting better. Once out of the elevator we heard an announcement echo through the hallway. 

"Dr. Robertson to room 273, Dr Robertson to room 273." The loud speaker announced. My face went pale, 'THAT'S ALYSSA'S ROOM!' my mind screamed at me. Now there was little hope now that she would survive, and that announcement proved every little detail. I looked at Naill and Louis. They seemed worried too. I took off towards room 273, Louis and Naill following close behind.  

I kept running down the hall, dodging all the nurses and doctors that passed. They seemed all like blurs as I sped past them. How long away is a freaking hospital room?! 

This can't be happening, not now. I can't let my friend leave me like this. I am not ready. What would I do without her? No more jokes, no more hanging out after school, no more singing along to the radio while doing homework, no more anything. While running down the hall, I stumbled a bit from not concentrating, but I became stable again. 

After what seemed like an eternity, and thousands of corners, we arrived at the room. The doctor caught up with us and pushed past us to open up the door. It creaked a bit before revealing what would change my life forever.

Chapter 5

Alyssa's POV

The door opened and my eyes met Kim's. The world around us stopped and she ran to me and gave me a big hug. We cried together and she looked me in the eyes and said "I'm so sorry for leaving you to get food" I looked at her like she was a puzzle "Kim it's not your fault" I replied. It hurt to know that she thought I was here because of her. Niall came up to me and put his arm around Kims shoulder and said "glad your feeling better Alyssa" I smiled and looked at Kim her cheeks were a deep red. I looked around the room and the walls were a plain white. There were two chairs, a bathroom, a closet, and a small Table that could be moved to go over my lap so I could eat. Liam, Niall, Louis, Zayn, Harry, Kim, a nurse, and my doctor all fit into my small room. 

"let's give the girl some space!" a mean looking nurse said everyone other than Kim and Harry left. The nurse came over with a needle "this is to help with the pain" my doctor explained as I felt the small sting of the needle "you have been unconscious for 8 days but don't worry your going to be fine and you will be able to go home in 3 days." he said then he and the nurse left. I can't believe it I have been unconscious for 8 days! Harry walked over to me and I got a good look at him he looked like he hasn't slept in weeks. He came up to me and gave me my phone "you dropped this" he said. I took the phone and checked my messages '73 new messages' I went through about 20 of them and they were all from friends asking were I was. Then I saw the one from my boyfriend rob 'hey babe, Kim told me what happened and i can't wait to see u' then why aren't you here?? I thought to myself. I looked up at Kim "hey Kim why hasn't rob come to visit?" I asked "i don't know" she said. Thats when I realized Harry was looking at me with confusion "robs my boyfriend" I explained "oh" he said. He looked at me one last time then just walked out.

Louis POV  

The boys (not including harry) and I waited outside her room. A few minutes pasted when Harry ran out upset I ran after him and told the boys to stay in the waiting room. He ran outside and was blinded by the light, because he has been inside for 8 days with Alyssa, I spun him around to find him with tears in his eyes. "Harry what happened??" I asked.

Kims POV

Harry ran out of the room when he found out Alyssa was dating rob. I felt bad rob has never been a good boyfriend for Alyssa, i mean he wasnt even here! He never even once came to see her but Harry never left her side. Niall opened the door and said "hey ladies, what's going on with Harry?" I went outside to explain it to him. "Harry likes Alyssa and he ran out because he found out she is dating a guy at our school named rob" I said. Liam and Zayn walked over to us and we all went inside Alyssa's room.

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