Future Hearts (A Primeval Sto...

By SilverPinecone101

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"No matter how strong a girl is, there is always a breaking point." This is the story of a girl who went past... More

Stephen's Goodbye
Sun Cage Part 1
Sun Cage Part 2
House In The Woods Part 1
House In The Woods Part 2
Hospital Food Part 1
Hospital Food Part 2
Journalist Jerk Part 2
Future Fungus Part 1
Future Fungus Part 2
That's Not Tweety Pie Part 1
That's Not Tweety Pie Part 2
How To Train Your Dracorex Part 1
How To Train Your Dracorex Part 2
Entomophobia Part 1

Journalist Jerk Part 1

638 11 2
By SilverPinecone101

Stepping into what remains of the ARC is probably the last thing I want to do right now but it has already been a week and a half since the accident and it's time for me to go back to work.

With the pain medication I was prescribed by the doctor as well as the increasingly visual nightmares that have kept me awake all week working together I managed to sleep in and now I am about two and a half hours late for work but I can't bring myself to be worried since I would much rather stay at home than take a single step into the place that once gave me so much happiness and fulfilment.

Rushing to the front gate I show my badge to the man there before running to the front of the building. I stop in my tracks as memories flash through my mind.


"It's on you now"

"I love you."

The flashes of different parts of that day roll over me like waves, making me wince at every new one, feeling like they are physically forcing themselves excruciatingly through my veins and into my heart. Refusing to let the tears in my eyes drop, I swiftly wipe them away before anyone notices and take a sharp breath as I scan my pass.

Stepping through the doors, it feels like the wind is knocked out of me as I stare at the taped off rooms that were badly affected by the explosion. Picking up my pace, I keep my eyes downward, forcing myself not to look as I walk past the room I was in with Nick before he-

Shaking my head, I enter the hub to find that the damage wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and let out a sigh of relief. This place really must have a strong foundation. Looking above, I see James with Jenny, Abby and Connor in his office. I frown at this, but even as they leave, I can't bring myself to question them; already too exhausted to care. When she sees me, Jenny comes towards me with a gentle smile. "Where've you been?" She asks but doesn't seem annoyed, more concerned than anything.

I sigh, awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck, "sorry, I kind of slept in. But I'll make up the time. I'll stay behind toni-"

"Don't be silly. We all know that what you're going through with what happened to Nick is more than rough and if anyone has a problem with it, then I'll sort it. Okay? Just go at your own pace." She talks to me softly, almost motherly as she strokes my upper arm, ignoring how I visibly flinch at the mention of Nick. My frown deepens as I watch her own sorrow come through. "Are you okay? I know how close you were with him." She quickly covers her emotions up with a smile and nods at me, trying to hide her obvious pain. "I'm fine. Come on then! I'm sure the animal care unit could do with some maintenance. And I heard from a little bird that they will be allowing you another lab for botanical uses." The thought makes me slightly excited even though I can't seem to bring the emotion to my face.

I nod following along behind her as she walks me to my unit. I was just about prepared to enter before the all too familliar alarm for an anomaly goes off. Sighing, as my hand flattens gratefully against the door of the unit, I spin on my heel and jog back to the hub with Jenny by my side.

"Is it the same place?" Jenny asks Connor as we enter. I haven't talked to him nor Abby in a couple days, making me feel kind of uncomfortable standing in front of him now. I can't help but wonder where she went since she was here before but isn't now. "No. No, this is a new one." I cock an eyebrow, wondering what they mean by 'a new one.' But don't question it beyond theorising the machine has detected more than one anomaly today. "Okay, let's get going then."

"Where's Abby?" I ask, speaking up for the first time as my frown deepens. "She said she had to meet someone." I nod in acceptance, but Connor doesn't seem too sure.


"I don't know, Jack, somebody. We'll call her on the way." I start walking towards the exit, looking forward to being out of this place and to be actually doing something. "Jenny, give me two minutes. Two minutes, I can have this thing up and running. Please." I stop, looking over my shoulder to Connor whi is looking between his anomaly collapsing device and Jenny.

"Two minutes." She allows as a sigh escapes me while walking back to them. We wait for a few moments in silence as Connor is working on his device.

The minutes feel like hours, and I start tapping my foot against the floor as I cross my arms anxious to get moving. "Connor, how much longer?" I finally snap, asking the question, just wanting to go. "Seconds away...Done. You can load it up." Connor says, making me sigh in relief as he hands it to a silent Becker that I have only just noticed is here. Looking to my arms, I refuse to look at him as the memory of our almost kiss comes to my mind. And the fact that since then, he has been avoiding me, not that I've wanted or even needed the added complications he would add to my present sitiation. "Becker, we'll see you there." I'm snapped out of my embarrassment when Jenny starts moving out of the hub. Sighing in relief once again, I follow after her.

After what happened with Nick, I feel naked without means of protection and my hands itch as I realise I'm not armed. "Jenny. I need to get my weapons; I'll meet you at the car." She turns sending me a nod before I go off.

Getting into the armoury, I quickly grab my usual two hand guns and a couple knives. Out of pure instinct I also opt for one of my issued rifles since I just didn't feel armed enough.

Taking the M16 out of its case, I look it over while attaching the strap and double checking the safety, before putting it over my shoulder and onto my back for now. Grabbing some amo, I strap it onto my ammunition belt, which holds my hand guns, knives and now, the extra amo. Once done, I rush out of the room and start running for the exit of the building, slightly exhilarated at the prospect of being back out in the field.

Going over to Jenny's car, I knock on her window before she rolls it down. "I'll follow you." She nods as I move over to where my parked bike is. Getting seated, I put my helmet on and pull down the face guard as I rev the engine, putting it into ignition. As Jenny sets off, I follow behind her blindly, considering none of us except for Connor know where we are going.

It doesn't take long till we make it to the entrance of an air field. Pulling up beside Connor as he rolls the window down, I listen in,"where to now?" Jenny asks Connor for further navigations as she stops the car. "Straight ahead, about half a mile. - Did she say anything else?" Confusion fills me at Connors, question.


"Abby." I roll my eyes as he continues, "About this Jack guy and who he was exactly?" Giving up on the conversation, I ride ahead before slowing down a little while away, waiting for them to catch up. A man comes out of the bushes, and before I can stop him, Jenny slams on, essentially avoiding running the man over as he runs in front of the car.

Adrenaline fills me at the same time annoyance does making me get off of my bike. "What the hell do you think you're playing at?!" I scream running up to the unknown man who flinches at my shouting before scrambling to his feet out of breath.

"You alright?" Connor asks looking at the fallen down man concerned making me huff in annoyance not having time for this.

"Please, you've got to come quickly." The long haired man tells Jenny who seems to recognise him.

"What is it?" She asks annoyed yet curious.

"There's this thing, a big shining light. This creature came through and it started-"

"Stay there." She cuts him off already going to the back of the car as I start filling my rifle with tranq amo making the man look at me with wide eyes gulping as I load it ready.

"How much tranquilliser do you think we need?" Connor asks from behind the car.

"This thing, how big was it?"

"Big." The man nods looking nervous making me narrow my eyes at him.

"Your call." Connor tells Jenny as she takes out a rifle of her own just in case as she looks back at me before nodding.

I take the lead following after the man who leads us to a doorway.

"It's in there. Better hurry, it's really frightening." I frown at his tone of voice as I lean against the wall by the door waiting for them to catch up.

"I told you to stay away from this."

"I know. I wish I'd listened to you."

Taking a deep breath as I try to steady my racing heart I look up to meet Connors eyes before sending him a forced reassuring smile.

"You okay?" I see Jenny's hands shaking as she tries to load her rifle.

"I'm fine."

"I'll go first."

"No, me." I stop myself from rolling my eyes at their childish behaviour before making the decision for them, "follow after me." I raise my gun as I step in, my eyes scanning over the visible areas in the room for danger.

When we get in I notice the room to be some sort or storage unit as we go further in. I keep my gun trained in front of me listening for any sounds.

All of a sudden the door we came through slams shut behind us making my eyes widen as I turn to go back to the door. "No! No no no no no."

"Open the door!" Connor shouts out only to be ignored.

"What do you think you're doing?!" She asks the man through the door looking just as outraged as I feel as I slam against the door trying to get it to budge.

"Thanks for the scoop, Jenny!" I hear him shout far off.

"You son of a-" I start to shout before Jenny cuts me off by her own cursing. "Damn it! Great!"

Connor goes off to the back of the shed like storage unit for a few minutes before coming back with a look of defeat in his eyes making me groan. "No. No back door."

"Oh God! I can't believe I let myself get taken in - by that reptile of a journalist!" Jenny exclaims as I slide down against the wall giving up on the door as I realise it is no use. The thing is solid.

"He's pretty good though. You know, as reptile journalists go, he had me." I huff at Connors statement while watching him warily as he eyes the door up with interest.

"Becker, how far away are you?" My head snaps to Jenny at the sound of his name only to see her on her phone talking to who I assume is him.

After a beat she answers whatever he says to her, "well look, I don't care how many barriers you go through I need you here faster than fast." She hangs up looking even more annoyed than before.

I see something go past me only to notice Connor slamming into the door next to where I'm sitting. He falls back coughing from winding himself. I would've laughed at it but I just can't bring myself to so I settle for a smirk.

"They're stuck in road works. -What are you doing?" She turns to Connor only just noticing him as he stands up groaning in pain. I rub his leg subconcioysly before he walks back to Jenny, "door's solid. We're not getting through there."

"Yeah, I made that discovery about two minutes ago." I state smirking slightly as he rolls his eyes at me.

The door starts rattling as someone or something pushes against it. I quickly scramble up so I am standing next to Jenny training my hand gun on the door as I let the heavy rifle swing as my shoulders take its weight.

The last thing I expect to come through that door had to be this.

"Danny Quinn?" Jenny questions as I keep my gun trained on him unable to unfreeze my joints into putting the gun down.

"Oh, you don't want to do that. You need all the help you can get." He says eyeing the gun in my hand. Putting it back in its holster I once again grab my rifle keeping it pointed at the ground.

"It's over there." He walks towards a larger shed as we follow behind him.

Not liking him getting involved I stop him. "What are you doing here?"

"Saving your bacon." I roll my eyes at his answer or lack of it.

"How did you even know where we were?" Jenny asks confusion clear on her face.

"I followed the journalist. You know he broke into your car?" He answers her.

"I gathered that."

"Thanks for the help but just go now." I cut their conversation off wanting to get to the anomaly.

"But it's just getting interesting." He whines as we walk away from him while following behind us.

"If you don't go now, I'll have you arrested." I hear Jenny threatening him from behind me.

"Guys, as fun as this is, we've got more pressing matters." We reach the the large metal shed and I turn only for my eyes to widen in anger as I see Danny is still here.

"Give me the gun. I'll go in first." He tries to take it off of me but I scoff shoving it into his chest.

"One more step and I will shoot you." I threaten getting passed annoyed at him.

He puts his hands in the air in surrender.

"All right. Absolutely." He stays still as we move into the shed.

Connor breathes out in astonishment at the ginormus anomaly. I stand in shock looking up at the beautiful ball of danger in front of me.

"That is - It's enormous, isn't it?"-

"Whew!" Danny says as he gets into the shed and lays eyes on the anomaly.

"That's it!" I yell backing away in annoyance.

"Where are you going?" I hear Connor ask exasperated. I turn to face him flashing a smirk.

"I'm getting my bike. And no you can't have a go." I add the last part when I see his face light up with excitement.

Turning back around I start my walk back to where I left my bike with Jenny's car when we were in a rush to 'save' people from the imaginary creature that reporter made up to get us out of the way.

As much as I did want to get my bike it wasn't the only reason why I left. I couldn't stay around Danny much longer.

For some odd reason his sarcastic comments and inability to follow orders reminds me of Nick and hearing him talk like that almost feels like someone pouring salt straight into my wounds.


"Don't leave me. I'll have no one left."

"You are not alone, Mia. I'll never leave you."

A single traitorous tear slips from my eye.

"You lied." I've never felt so alone in my life.

Shaking my head I wipe away the tear before speeding my walking to get to my bike ignoring the pain in my side from the stitches and the protest in my legs from lack of use over the past few days.

Getting back to the entrance of the air field I notice someone moving Jenny's car out of the way for some other cars and am about to snap at them when I notice the ARC security uniforms.

I see Becker getting out of his truck as he makes his way over to me frowning. I bend down to shove my bike up since in my hurry I forgot to put the stand down.

Pushing against it as I'm crouched I suddenly am aware of a pair of hands from the other side of the bike helping me get it upright.

"Don't. I can do it." I mumble glaring at the hands obviously belonging to the captain of the ARC's security. He's the only one on his team who would come near me when I'm pissed off.

When he doesn't let go I try shoving his hands off of it. "I said let go!" I know I'm acting like a real bitch to him when all he has done has been to look after me but I just can't stand the feeling of suffocation and dependence which his help brings.

He quickly let's go of the bike and I grunt as the extra weight hits me but I manage to push the bike up before quickly standing to glare at Becker.

"What is wrong with you?" He asks glaring back at me.

"You! You are what's wrong with me. I know you are trying to help me but I am fine! I'm not incapable and I'm not a child so stop treating me like one." He meets my heated gaze with his own as his security team drive off leaving only me, him and his truck.

With his team gone, I see a visible change in his demeanor; no longer putting on such a cold front. "Oh yeah?! Mia, if you were so 'fine' then why are your eyes red? Why do you look like you haven't slept or ate all week? Why do you flinch when someone mentions Cutter? Don't try and lie to me, Mia. I can see right through it." He states angrily walking around the bike to stand in front of me. I can't help but wince when he says Nick's name only further adding fuel to his argument.

"I-I just. I don't-" He cuts me off when he realises my answer won't be an apology or acceptance to the things he has said, my stubbornness and pride unwilling to accept when I'm wrong. "It's alright to grieve. It's okay to feel-" He tries to take a step towards me but I quickly step back, fresh anger coming over me as this time it's my turn to cut him off. "It's okay to feel?! That's a lot coming from the man who hides his emotions behind a wall of ice so thick you can't even hope to crack through the surface." He goes to reply but I'm not done yet. "Says the man who tried to kiss me last week only to 'forget' that it ever happened and then ignore me afterwards in some sort of shame for what you did. You are a hypocrite, Becker." I seethe through my teeth taking a step closer to the man, in my anger, having to look up to meet his eyes.

His eyes blaze as he stares down at me, "you have no idea what you are talking about." He grinds through his gritted teeth referring to my first statement I assume. "You are so blind, Amelia! You don't even notice that when I'm around you I struggle to keep my focus on the task at hand. You don't see how when it's just you and me my so called 'walls' become nothing! I try and try to deny you, to deny the way this is going. And it terrifies me! It terrifies me that slowly but surely I'm starting to stop wanting to ignore the way you make me feel." I'm shocked at his outburst as I take a step back like he had struck me. That probably would have been better then what he's just done. He doesn't let me get far though because next thing I know his lips are pressed harshly against mine. My eyelids screw together as my heart springs to life, painfully, as if it hasn't been working all too well since the incident a couple weeks ago.

After a moment my eyes widen in shock before I push him away feeling my body start to shake with adrenaline. "Why did you do that?" My surprise quickly turns to anger as I stare at the confused and dazed man. "Why!? Why did you have to make things more complicated? Why couldn't you have just left me alone?!" I hit against his chest as he pulls me closer to him. I feel myself slowly crumble as tries to comfort me awkwardly, obviously not used to dealing with such heightened emotions.

"You are not alone." He unknowingly repeats Nick's words and that's what finally does it. Letting go I nearly completely colapse against him as tears fall freely. The past few weeks all culminating to a head in this moment, the sleepless nights catching up to me tenfold. We stand like that for a few minutes before I find enough strength to step out of his arms keeping my own wrapped tightly around my body; scared that if I let go all of my insides will fall out. It feels like they are the only things holding me together. I don't look him in the eyes and when he moves to touch my arm I move further away turning to face my bike. I don't know if it's the embarasment of the situation I have just put myself in, or the anger I still feel towards both him and myself, but I can feel myself once again pulling further away from him, both emotionally and physically.

"I'll meet you there." It takes me a moment to convince myself to unwrap my arms mentally assuring myself that I will stay together when I do. "Mia." He trails off but I don't turn back to him. My shoulders slump. "I just need some time, Becker. I can't deal with this now. I just need to focus on the mission."

"And then?" He just won't let it go, Abby did say we would be a perfect match with how stubborn we both are. "And then I will try and distract myself enough not to fall apart until the next." I know that's not what he wants to hear but I'm just too mentally tired to even contempalte about thinking of confronting these new and unwelcome feelings.

Getting on my bike I don't bother with my helmet. Still not staring at the frozen in-place captain I pause, feeling as though I should say something, I open my mouth for a second but nothing comes out. Shaking my head, I don't waste another, awkward second, before allowing the bike to let me escape the situation. The drive down takes maybe three minutes till I see the sharp turn that leads to the landing strip and then the hanger.

Getting back in, I notice the security getting into place as I go up behind Connor while Jenny speaks to Danny who is sitting on a black box of equipment. I try not to allow his presence to annoy me. I hear Becker's truck come up behind us and turn as Connor goes over to the bed of said truck, watching as the men start lifting his invention out of it. "Just bring it in here. Listen, try not to break it as you unpack it, Okay?" Connor worriedly eyes the men as they start to move the ingenious contraption.

Feeling Becker's eyes on me I turn and walk over to the reporter and a woman who I heard Jenny say was his boss. I heard Jenny speaking about a dinosaur that both of these two saw and am curious if they can give me any information about it. Maybe I could start to feel like a contribution to the team again. "Can you describe the creature to me?" I ask bluntly, trying not to sound too hostile and somewhat succeeding or at least I thought I did but they still seem to wince at my tone of voice and expression.

"Big." I raise an eyebrow at him, a journalist that can't describe something as more than 'big'? "It's very big, it's huge." The woman adds on, nodding with the man. How do these people have jobs in giving people information? "I'm gonna want more detail than that. People are dead because of you." I barely stop myself from hissing the last bit in disgust as I practically see currency signs in the woman's eyes. "But this is amazing. This is the biggest story there has ever been and it's mine! I mean, you don't seriously believe you can cover this up, do you?" She isn't even sorry. I swear people can be so much worse than these creatures. I step closer to her glaring heatedly almost smirking when she averts her eyes. "There'll be no story, trust me." Jenny steps in looking at the woman and man smugly.

"Guys, can we just focus?" Connor also pipes in, forever the peace keeper. "What happened to the creature?" I get back to what I was doing before I got distracted. "It went back." The man who Jenny called Michael tells us. "You can't stop me from telling the world about this." The woman cuts in yet again. I groan spinning to face the rest of the group. "Can somebody shut her up before I do and get arrested for grievous bodily harm." I know I am being a lot more aggressive than I would usually be, but with everything that's happened, these two coldblooded journalist's feelings are the last thing I can bring myself to care about. The woman visiby gulps as she takes as step away from me, warily eyeing the weapons I have attached to my person. I see Jenny nod at Becker. "Take them away, take their phones, not one word of this leaks out." Becker nods his head to the side in their direction while letting out a sharp whistle telling his men to take them away. "This is unbelievable!" Michael exclaims in outrage as they get taken away.

"We haven't got much time. It's gonna be back." Connor states walking to his anomaly collapsing device working on it more as I nod understanding what he means. "He knows there's easy prey here." I finish for him to which he nods.

"Look, here's what I think we should do." Inwardly groaning I slap myself for forgetting about his annoying presence. "There is no 'we'. This has got nothing to do with you. This is a secure zone and you don't have authorisation to even be here. Leave now!" Jenny exclaims as I try to help Connor in anyway I can, trying to ignore the nuisance that is Danny Quinn. I pass him the wrench he was looking for and he looks up sending me a half smile. "Thanks." I return his smile with my own almost real one even if I can't keep it up for long he seems relieved that I at least tried. "Do you want me to arrest him?" I hear Becker ask Jenny making me almost laugh. "Last chance." I hear her warn, trying to get him to leave."So where do you want all this stuff? Over there?"

"Unbelievable." I swear this man is more bone idle than I am.

"And we are ready." Connor says as we step back from his handy work. I whistle impressed. "Okay. Do this for me." I tense as he reaches out to press the button physically crossing my fingers. I jump back as Connor does when it nearly explodes from obvious overheating. Connor seems to have burnt his hand clutching it tightly as he swears under his breath. "Connor! Connor, I thought you said this was going to work?" Jenny asks as I have his hand in my own looking over it before he pulls it out. "It does...It will." I hold his other hand wanting to comfort him as he looks at Jenny anxiously. "Well, how long before we can try it again?" I let go of his hand as he turns to look over the device. "I don't know, a few seconds, I don't know." I rub his tensed back as he starts working again.

My own muscles tense when I hear Danny's voice again. "It's just a little thing, but did anyone think about closing the doors?"

"Right, that's it, arrest him." Finally done with him I turn to Becker who grabs his arm about to take him away before a roar comes from inside the anomaly. "Look out!" I grab Connor bringing him down to the ground and away from it as the enormous dinosaur runs past, out of the shed and onto the runway.

Getting up, I help Connor before racing to my bike, my only thought the danger so many people are now in. "The biker, he's gone." Becker tells us as I take my sunglasses off and put them in my bag before throwing it aside. I push my rifle onto my back, as the strap runs across my chest diagonally, knowing I couldn't ride with it in front of me. My heart races as adrenaline is pumped through my body. "His name's Danny Quinn." I inform him putting my helmet on but keeping the face guard up since we are still talking. Jenny steps into the conversation, "Right now, I'm more concerned about a T-Rex wild on an airfield."

"That wasn't a T-Rex. That was a giganotasaurus." I state eyeing the exit anxiously wanting this conversation to be over. Connor further explains the dinosaur, "a G-Rex, if you like. That thing is bigger, it's faster.-"

"It's even more dangerous." My statement that I add to Connors explanation seems to snap Jenny into action. "Get the locking mechanism working and seal that anomaly." She walks quickly to the car and gets in. Becker looks at one of his men as he is half in the car, "stay with him. Anything comes through, kill it." He instructs before getting in the car fully and slams the door.

Before their engine is even going I am gone and speeding off down the runway at an illegal speed easily catching up to the gigantosaurus who tries to swing down at me but I'm too quick slinging off to the side and keeping a safe distance so that it can't flatten me. My eyes widen as I notice the plane we are heading towards is filled with staff unloading cargo. Cursing I increase my speed easily going past it as Becker's truck catches up and takes over in being the distraction.

When I quickly get off of my bike I drop out the tranq bullets and change the barrel to allow live rounds knowing my small self engineered tranq bullets won't do much against it. My hands move in a blur as I notice the dinosaur fast approaching, grunting in satisfaction when the rifle is fully loaded. I don't waste time and as soon as the creature gets in range of my bullets I start shooting hitting it in the neck and shoulder trying to find a weakness as I back under the plane wanting more cover.

As his truck pulls up Becker gets out and instantly starts firing too. The bullets only seem to annoy the beast but doesn't stop its focus from trying to pick the men from the planes opening. I also notice Jenny taking shots at the dinosaur but her hands are shaking not allowing her a good shot. A man wearing an orange hi vis jacket starts to move out from the planes shadow in awe of the dinosaur. "Stay under the plane!" He quickly realises what he's doing and backs away under it.

"I'll go and check on the crew, I've got to get them down." Becker says loudly trying to comunicate over the dinosaur's noises. "I'll cover you!" I shout walking a bit from under the plane as he starts climbing the scaffolding to get to the opening. Taking shots at the dinosaur's head it must have had enough of me because it turns to us roaring. I sigh in relief when Becker puts the planes wall between him and the gigantosaurus.

From the corner of my eye I notice Jenny moving and panic as she runs and gets into the car trying to start the engine. Running is the worst thing you can do when trying to go unnoticed by a predator; even a millions of years old one. The dinosaur obviously notices this as its head turns to face its new unsuspecting prey. She still tries to start the engine stupidly ignoring the fact the creature will kill her if she stays there. "Jenny!" I shout as the dinosaur starts moving towards her again. Taking a further step away from the safety of the plane I start taking shots at the carnivorous dino hoping they will distract it from Jenny, not really thinking of what would happen if it suddenly decided to turn around after me.

"Get out of the car! Get out! Get out of the car!" Becker repeats as he makes the same assumptions as me that the dinosaur will kill her. My mouth opens in a silent scream as the thing moves towards her thinking she's done for, before she jumps out just in time. The gigantosaurus rams into the car puncturing the hood. Jenny runs for me and I grab her as she basically runs into me pushing us back under the cover of the plane. In my ear piece I faintly hear Jennies voice as she speaks into her own.

"Connor? Connor, we need some help."

Next to me I hear a thud and quickly turn to see Becker running under the plane narrowly dodging the creature when it dips under to get him. I continue shooting, reloading quickly to carry on. Connor replies quickly after his pause. "Jenny, we'll be with you in seconds. Just hang on." Just after he says it I see Abby's Mini speed across the airfield and over to some trucks, it would be comically if not for the situation. Connor exits swiftly from the car being driven by Abby before running to the tow truck and climbing in. Easily starting it, the engine making a distracting noise for the dinosaur."Connor, you smart idiot." I whisper in concern as the gigantosaurus starts to chase after the truck which is attached to a number of storage carts.

"Abby, what the hell is he doing?" I hear Jenny ask as she comes forward to stand next to me. I only just realise Abby has come up to us when she answers, also looking as Connor leads the dinosaur away. "He's creating a diversion." The creature must have enough of the chase and starts knocking the boxes off of the carts before starting to catch up to him. "Connor!" I scream as he stops suddenly making the dinosaur surge in front of the truck, but not before slamming into it full force. Cold terror fills me as I see the dinosaur go down praying that it won't get back up.

I see Connor's door open as he exits stumbling around in a daze before falling to his knees, I take an unconscious step forward terrified about how he seems incapable of even standing up straight.

And then the beasts leg twitches.

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