Silence is Golden (Percy Jack...

By BlueJay8779

204K 4.9K 2.8K

Twins Percy and Harry Potter have always been freaks. Harry had a lightning bolt shaped scar on his forehead... More

Chap. 1
Chap. 2
Chap. 3
Chap. 5
Chap 6
Chap. 7
Chap. 8
Chap 9
Chap 10
Chap. 11
Chap. 12
Chap 13
Chap 14
Q & A + Extra!
Chap 15
Chapter 16
Chap. 17
Chap. 18
Chap 19
Chap 20
Chap 21
Chap 22
Chap 23
Not an Update
Chap 24 WAR
Chap. 25/ Final Part 1
Chap 26/ FINAL PART 2

Chap. 4

13.7K 335 136
By BlueJay8779

Percy POC:

I was so glad that the nice hat named Phil (the sorting hat) put me in Griffindor I was also able to talk with him sorta. It still counts if its mind reading right? Ugh anyway. I walked over to Harry and sat down next to him at the Griffindor table. Everyone was cheering and congratulating me about getting in the best house. I smiled at my brother. He returned it his eyes crinkling under his glasses. If it wasn't for the scars and his glasses then we would be identical. 

"Everyone meet Percy if he doesn't respond then that's because he's a dumb mute!" I heard an obnoxious voice yell from the Slytherin  table. I looked down. Then Harry stood up. Oh good not again. I face plamed.

"Percy is not dumb and anyone who insults my brother is going to pay!" he yelled. Oh god help us all he is going to get one or both of us killed some day. My brother isn't a fighter but no one would doubt his words as he sat down. I turned to him and signed. Idiot do you want to get us killed. He shrugged.

"I don't know how you can be so cool about this Perce you can't just let them walk all over you!" he said. Well they can think whatever they want about me but you need to keep your cool before you get one or both of us killed. I signed to him. Ron and Hermione were sorted into Griffindor a while a go and were watching us bicker with amused looks. Finally the last person was called a Hufflepuff and the Headmaster stood up.

Line Break. (We all know what he says and they eat not very exciting)

The Griffindor Prefect (another Percy) lead us to the Griffindor common rooms. He was saying something about how the stair cases liked to move. He lead us to a painting of a fat lady and said the password while also telling us. Then he pointed us to the dormitories and went off somewhere. Me Harry and Ron shared a room with some kid named Neville who was pretty forgetful. I got into bed with Treasure curled up next to me. I was honestly surprised that no one mentioned anything about it although a few eyebrows were raised as she sat on my shoulder the whole time but no one said that she couldn't sit with me. After dinner one of the Professors had pulled me aside to let me know that because I was mute I would have to master silent spells. Which meant that I had to learn how do cast spells without saying the enchantment/spell. So I had to learn a technique that seventh years learn. Great just great. So I had extra classes with all my Professors which I didn't mind very much I knew Harry would still be there to translate as needed and the Headmaster said we could even bring friends. so it would hopefully work out.

A/N: So after this the school year starts and Percy masters silent magic and becomes an academic rival for Hermione. They do all the same events as in the book except that Percy's there two the next chapter will take place and the end of the Sorcer's Stone. Thank you so much for reading and your support and my updates are spontaneous but I will finish the story.

Until next time my little Poppins!

-Blue Jay

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