Caught In A Web (Peter Parker...

By Singingactress48

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Veronica woke up in Avengers Tower. She had no idea who she was or how she got there. She suffered Amnesia. S... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Playlist/Authors Note
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Its coming!

Chapter 20

2.9K 68 31
By Singingactress48

Peter left later that day. I was sad to see him leave but happy to see him leave healthy again. After he left Stark showed me to the room I would be staying in until I felt better and could go live with Peter again.

"Here you go," Stark says to me after leading me down a long hallway and stopping in front of a door. I smiled at him.

"Thanks Mr. Stark," I say.

"No problem Veronica," He says before walking back down the hallway.

I opened the door to reveal a big beautiful room. The room was covered in white marble. There was a large beautiful bed sitting against the wall. The head board was white and outlined with a golden yellow.

I smiled as I walked into the room and closed the door behind me. There were two white chairs and a TV. A fireplace was underneath the TV.

I walked over to the bed and sat down on it. I looked at the side table and saw a cell phone. I stared at it confused. Did someone leave their phone here?

I then noticed a note next to it. I picked it up and it read, "Got you a phone, it has Peter's number and my number. -Tony"

I smiled and picked up the phone. I opened it and went onto the text messages. I clicked on Peters icon and started to text him,

"Heyyy, Tony got me a phone!" I texted.

I waited for a response, then remembered something.

"This is Veronica by the way," I typed.

"Oh, hey," Peter sent. I smiled.

"So, you home?" I sent.

"Yeah, May got home earlier then I thought, she got home directly after me, she asked where you were," Peter sent.

"What did you say?" I sent.

"That you were with Stark still," He sent. I smiled.

"Good, she'll believe that," I sent.


Before I could start to text him again, I felt something poking my chest. I reached my hand into my shirt and felt something. I pulled it out.

It was the Saphrite.

I forgot about the Saphrite for a while. I guess they weren't that concerned with taking the Saphrite. Helgen only asked once.

I took off the chain attached around my neck and held it out in front of me. I stared at it for a few seconds before the fire place caught my attention. I stood up and walked over to the lit fireplace.

I held out the Saphrite then threw it into the fire.

I started to walk away before I heard a roar from the fire and felt something hot hit the back of my leg. I yelped and turned to see the Saphrite, sitting in front of me on the ground, bright red from the heat.

"What the hell?" I mumbled to myself, confused as to why the stone jumped out of the fire. I walked back over to the bed and grabbed the phone.

"Uh, I just kinda rediscovered the Saphrite and tried to throw it in the fireplace but it somehow was thrown from the fireplace, I'm confused, whats happening?" I texted Peter.

I waited a few minutes then got a response.

"I forgot about that thing, how was it thrown from the fire?" Peter responds.

"I have no idea, I was trying to destroy it, I guess for some reason I can't," I responded.

"Are you allowed to leave upstate?" He responds.

"Haven't asked, I'm sure I can," I texted.

"Okay, good. If you can, meet me at the coffee shop near my apartments, tomorrow at 12:30," Peter texts.

"Okay, I'll try to be there," I responded.

"Good, see you then."

I put down the phone and looked down at the Saphrite. It was a faded red now. I glared at it. That thing was the reason why everything happened. Mostly everything at least.

I picked up my phone and pressed on Stark's icon.

"Hey Mr. Stark, could I maybe go into town tomorrow to meet Peter, he wants to go on a date," I texted Stark. I waited a few minutes for a response, then I got one.

"What time?" He asks.

"Well, we plan to meet at a coffee shop at 12:30, so leave here at like 12?" I text.

I waited for a response.

"Fine. Happy will take you, Peter brings you back, no funny business, you've already had enough of that over the week," Stark texts.

"Yes," I mumble.

"Yeah no problem, thanks!" I text.

"Whatever," Stark responds.


I was sitting in a chair in a dark room. The room was huge and had a single light bulb on. I breathed heavily. I was looking around in panic.

"See, none of this would have happened if you had just simply given me the Saphrite. Look what you did. You did this yourself," I hear the horrible voice of Helgen say.

Then I'm tied to the chair. I struggle against the ropes. Then the room lights up to all white. In the middle of the room is someone with a bag over their head.

I see Helgen walk over to the person and remove the bag over the persons head.

It's Peter. He's tied, gagged, and beaten. He looks weak and vulnerable.

"NO! LET HIM GO!" I scream as I struggle against the ropes. Then everything goes dark again. The room goes bright again and I'm no longer tied to the chair. I'm standing up, but Peter is no longer standing. He is on the ground. "No."

I run to Peter. I am crying now. Sobbing.

I sink to my knees and cradle the bloody Peter in my arms. I take off his gag and untie him. He isn't breathing.

"PETER?!" I sob. I kiss his lips quickly then pull back. He still isn't awake. I start to panic. I start to shake him. "Peter? Come on! Please! PLEASE! STAY WITH ME!"

Then his body slowly starts to disintegrate. I scream and cry as his body completely disintegrates and is replaced with blood all around me.

I sob in my place.

"Look what happened darling. Look what you caused," I hear. Then I hear a gunshot.


I shot up in my bed, sweating and crying.

"It was a dream. It was a dream," I whispered to myself trying to calm myself down. I probably woke up the entire building.

I took a bunch of deep breaths before putting my head back down on the pillow. I reach over and grab my phone.

3:23 AM.

I quickly clicked on Peters icon and texted him.

"Hey, sorry to wake you, I just had a horrible nightmare and I'm shaken up."

I immediately get a response.

"Hey are you okay?"

"Now that I know it was a dream, I am," I texted.

"What happened in your dream?" Peter asks, via text.

"He killed you, Helgen. It was so real, it was the worst thing I've ever seen in my life," I texted.

"I'm so sorry, I'd come over if I could but its so far away," Peter texts.

"I know, I'll see you tomorrow, that's all that matters," I text.

"Your right."

"I'll let you sleep, goodnight."



Hey, so that sort of was a crappy chapter for the twentieth chapter but that's okay right?

I'm thinking about righting an original story, with Tom Holland as the male star. I don't know, I kind of have an idea so maybe I'll start that soon, what do you think?

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