BAD WOLF in Civil War *sequel...

By BadwolfRed18

53.2K 1.1K 387

You all know how my origin story began, well now I'd like to tell you a second part to my tale. Not everythi... More

Chapter 1; Lagos
Chapter 2; The aftermath
Chapter 3; The Sokovia Accords
Chapter 4; Finding the Winter Soldier
Chapter 5; The Winter Soldier and Bad Wolf
Chapter 6; Preparing for war
Chapter 7; Team Cap vs. Team Ironman
Chapter 8; Siberian Confrontation
Chapter 9; Steve Rogers Bad Wolf, and Bucky Barnes vs. Tony Stark
Chapter 10; I am Mother Wolf Raksha
SONGFIC CHAPTER "Days in the Sun"
Character page
Chapter 12; Meeting Morowa
Chapter 13; Christmas in Wakanda
Chapter 14; Training with Morowa
Chapter 15; Bucky Bear and Wolfie together again
Chapter 16; The invasion
Chapter 17; A Mother's wrath
Chapter 18; I won't be weak
Chapter 19; The two outsiders
Chapter 20; So this is what love feels like
Chapter 21; Two wolves in love
Chapter 22; Ambush and Betrayal
Chapter 23; Bad Wolf is back
Chapter 24; Mother Raksha vs Kaa
Chapter 25; Finding my soulmate
Chapter 26; Rebuilding trust
Chapter 27 Songfic #2; A Happy Beginning
Ending Author's note
Songfic #3; Rewrite the stars
Infinity War *update*
*Final author's note*
New Book published!!!
Would anyone be interested in a......What If?

Chapter 11; Life in Wakanda

1.7K 39 7
By BadwolfRed18

*Author's note*

I know it's not a lot from what you guys were hoping for but I hope you all enjoy this real bonus chapter. I'll include more of this author's note at the bottom but I really want to cut this short so u can follow the music selection above so enjoy my lovelies :)


Wakanda. On the outside in the face of the public, it's known as a third world country. Filled with textiles, shepherds, the strongest metal on earth, and to some people, very cool outfits. But as we all know, everything is not what it seems at first glance.

For behind closed doors, Wakanda holds a sacred jungle where the best known warriors and spies train, it is also where they build the most highly valuable technology and scientific instruments far advance than any other country in the world. And it is here that the Wakandan jungle also hides another secret.

Running through the jungle was the famous warrior the Black Panther. The Black Panther also known to a certain few, was also the King of Wakanda T'Challa. He lept over logs and rolled over steep hills as he ran as fast as he could for chasing behind him was a giant figure.

The sound of the leaves shaking as the beast chased after him, getting closer and closer. But due to the thick jungle brush and the black fur it had, the beast was all but unseen by T'Challa but he could hear it panting and growling behind him. T'Challa knew if he let this beast catch him, he'd be dead.

Quickly thinking, he saw a tree up ahead and began climbing it. Once he was high above the trees, he kept skillfully lept over branch to branch. T'Challa almost appeared like an Elf with his gracefulness as he skillfully and swiftly lept over each branch and even managed to leap from one tree to the next.

But T'Challa became so distracted that he didn't notice he was about to step on a branch that was showing the early signs of rotting and as soon as he stepped on it, he came crashing towards the ground but he managed to catch himself by rolling forward and getting back up on his feet. When he looked behind him, he knew he was dead.

The beast lunged at him and knocked him towards the ground and snarled in his face.

'This clearly isn't the same kitty cat who tried to hunt me down'. A voice came from the beast that stood over him. Of course this was no ordinary beast, in fact she wasn't a beast at all, and can you guess who this creature really is?

Yep, it was me. (Y/n) (M/n) Maximoff, the former Bad Wolf but now renamed Mother Wolf Raksha.

"Clever girl, but if the branch hadn't break, I would've had the upper hand" T'Challa stated as he reached behind his head and took off his Black Panther helmet. I released my paw from him and he stood up and as the two of us walked I said to him.

'But you were running downwind of me, my sense of smell would've still easily located you. Not to mention I'm not an ordinary wolf. I could've easily used either my super bark or my resonance howl to get you down either way'. I guess I should explain why I can talk to T'Challa without having to turn back human.

It's been less than a month since the events of Civil War and ever since I had been here, T'Challa had asked his sister and her team to develop a new collar for me with I turn into my wolf form, the collar is connected to me telepathically so whatever I'm thinking in my wolf form, it'll come out as words through the speakers on the collar. Think of it like the collars the dogs wore in the movie Up.

"Alright that I will admit but you remember your promise about your super powers?"

'Yes T'Challa no need to get your kitty armor in a twist, I remember. Besides I wouldn't even want to cause any damage to a place this beautiful'. I stated as we stopped by a nearby waterfall that looked over the rest of the jungle. 'I hadn't seen so much green like this since I was a child'.

"You miss your old home, don't you Miss Maximoff?"

'Everyday, but it was a long time ago no need to bring it up now. Come on we better get going, it's almost sundown'. I then lowered myself down and T'Challa got on my back and I took off running back towards the lab.

The Wakandan research and science facility, the place where all the really good stuff is made and built to help defend Wakanda's homeland and the place that had been my home ever since the dreaded Civil War between Stark and Steve.

As we arrived at the doors, T'Challa got off my back and the two of us walked in together. T'Challa went to change while I went to the cryo-room. When I arrived, I turned to see Maku and Maz working their shift.

"Miss (y/n) welcome back" Max said.

'Hey Maz, Maku. Have you two....'

"Unfortunately not yet Miss Maximoff, but we promise we're trying our best in finding a way to help him". Maku said. My ears lowered showing my sadness as I turned towards the cryotube that held my brother James Buchanan Barnes.

"We're so sorry" Maz began but I told them.

'No, no I understand, I just hope we find a cure soon and not make him wait another 70 years just to be healed. He doesn't deserve to remain in a frozen prison forever, he didn't deserve anything Hydra did to him, and I myself would know that all too well'. I stood before Bucky-bear's cryotube and placed my head right against it as I heard T'Challa's voice say.

"We'll help him Raksha, one way or another. We'll help Barnes regain his lost memories, until then he has you to protect him". I nodded then he continued, "Get some rest, you've earned it. And I thank you again for helping me with my endurance training Miss Maximoff".

'No prob, though I wouldn't call it training if I keep catching you. I'll say you pass my class whenever you finally outrun me your highness so I expect to see you a week from Tuesday, 6am sharp'. I stated to him making him and the others chuckle.

"Goodnight Raksha" he said before he left the facility.

'Goodnight your Highness'. I then turned to Maz and Maku and told them to take their dinner break, I could keep an eye on Bucky and knowing my promise I had made that day, the two of them left to go eat their dinner.

I set myself down and lay in front of Bucky's cryotube and said to him.

'I promise Bucky bear, we will free you of Hydra's grasp once and for all'. I then laid my head between my front legs and decided to go to sleep after a long day's training as well as patrolling the jungles keeping out any intruder that may get a little too curious for my liking.

The next day it was now early afternoon and I had decided to just wander around the jungles just to get a change of scenery from the lab and so I found me a good spot nearby one of the many rivers that was surrounded by what felt like an oasis.

"It sure is beautiful here, isn't it Wolfie?" I smiled and lowered my head and said.

"It sure is Big Grey, I wish you could really see it with your own eyes though".

"But I can see it, though you Wolfie". I turned to Pietro and smiled softly. "I'm sorry that I broke my promise, I know I vowed to stay by Wanda's side but I—"

"She understands, as do I. Barnes is the only one who ever truly understood the pain Hydra ever caused you. That's also why you called me here".

"What do you mean?"

"You can fool many people (y/n) but you can't fool me, not even back zhen when I was alive. You and I both know I come to you whenever you've felt alone and broken, so just come clean and say it". I sighed solemnly and turned away from him.

Pietro was right. Ever since the Civil War and after Bucky went into the cryotube, I have been seeing a lot of Pietro lately and I knew it was because I wanted a friendly face to talk to about my heart's true desire.

Sure T'Challa and his people have been kind to me, allowing me to stay here and even train me as a part time Dora Milaje, but none of them seem to really want to sit down and have an honest heart-to-heart talk.

They were either too invested in their work, busy ruling a kingdom, or were so focused in their training and protecting the king that they think it's inferior to even have a sentimental side and talk, especially Okoye.

Now I don't know what her deal is exactly but it seems like she's refused to allow herself to appear sensitive or show feelings like love or happiness, just the duty of protecting the king.

So in the end, my mind has produced Pietro to come to me and that gave me someone to confide in, even though no one else could see him.

"I just don't know what else to do Big Grey. I know finding the way to help Bucky isn't gonna come just like that but I—I just want someone to talk to without being looked at like I'm going insane".

"I understand your pain Wolfie I truly do. I wish more than anything that I can be there for you, but I am only a figure in your heart. Barnes will be saved, and the doctors are doing everything they can right?"

"I guess".

"Then have faith in zhem sestra, believe in them, they won't let you down". I could see Pietro reach out for my hand and saw him place it on top of mine but of course being a figment of my imagination I barely felt anything. I remembered his touch but it just wasn't the same when he was alive.

"I'm sorry Pietro".

"You have nothing to apologize for Wolfie". When I looked up again I saw that Pietro was gone. I looked out to the jungle and sighed solemnly once again before leaving to start my 3 hour training with the Dora Milaje.

3 excruciating hours later, I came into the lab with aching everything, there wasn't a place on my body where I wasn't sore. I won't go into detail but these girls are stronger, and more brutal than even Nat was. I got into my bed and groaned in agony and just stayed there as I looked out to see the sun just beginning to set.

So yeah, that's pretty much how my days are here in Wakanda, training in a new fighting style, patrolling the jungle when T'Challa's too busy being king, and remaining in the lab talking and guarding Bucky.


*More Author's note*

Okay so just so we're clear on updates I have currently started and ended as of this week my first week back to my official college university. Now these classes require that I do a LOT of reading just to get my assignments done so my time of writing and updating won't come till possibly the end of the semester (around Dec.14th at the latest) or whenever I can get some free time. I hope you guys will understand my hiatus for awhile with this story as well as the rest of my work, if you don't then you're NOT human. My whole life can't revolve around fanfictions esp. since my time and money are affected by how I do in college, college is EXPENSIVE and if you slack off you're just wasting money and time by signing up for classes you know you're not even gonna try to put in the effort to even pass, esp. when your degree requires those classes.

On a side note before I rant off completely, I hope you guys understand where I'm coming from this and I do hope you've enjoyed what I managed to bring out with this bonus chap. again I KNOW it's not a lot but I wasn't thinking much was going to even happen when I wrote this chapter just one or two things then ending it as it is, so if you don't like it then u can just leave, but if you do then leave a comment below (NO BASHING OR HATING) and again I hope you all enjoyed reading this first ever real bonus chapter of Bad Wolf in Civil War :)

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