How To Build A Flower Shop

By Dainty-Daisy

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Everything Bobbi Grace Thompson does is for her mother, who had sadly passed away in a car accident when Bobb... More

Important Notice! :)
Chapter ONE
Chapter TWO
Chapter THREE
Chapter FOUR
Chapter FIVE
Chapter SIX
Chapter SEVEN
Chapter EIGHT
Chapter NINE
Chapter TEN
Chapter ELEVEN
Chapter TWELVE
Chapter TWENTY
Chapter THIRTY
Chapter FORTY
A Message From Me


7.9K 275 43
By Dainty-Daisy

To say Bobbi works hard is an understatement. She likes to be productive, maybe a bit of an industrious person, but it can be a bit too much oftentimes. She wasn't ever too hard on herself, however, it was probably since Gracious Gardens burning down she pushed herself further; she fit decorating the flower shop into her schedule and it works. Every so often she should unwind, but again, the ruins of Gracious Gardens alerted her -so you can say- to work more and maybe it was because redecorating the shop takes out an hour and a half out of her day, plus the time it takes to walk there and back.

She had a good sleep last night. Fully rested. As a matter of fact, she slept through her alarm and missed her first class, AP Calculus. Surprisingly, she didn't seem to care; at first she was disappointed, then she shrugged it off, happy she rested well.

Hence the empty halls as she walks to her locker, waiting for second period. Yawns, in an easy-going mood. The bell rings and she expects Jamelia to come to her locker beside hers, but she furrows her eyebrows in confusion when she sees Nick is speed walking her way.

'Bobbi, there you are. I was worried.'

She looks vacantly around her, muddled as to why he's here as if she's missed something.

Seeing her expression, he explains further. 'You weren't in calculus class. I was starting to think you were sick. Are you okay?'

'I just slept a bit more than usual. You don't have to be concerned about me.'

'But I am, and I always will. Just because we're not together anymore, doesn't mean I stopped caring about you.'

Tilts her head to the side, wondering what to make of him. He's being the Nicholas she knew in the beginning, but she made it clear to him before that her feelings for him are gone. Recalls her mom's words in her dream and she contemplates him being in her life.

If he's looking to be friends, it'll be awkward for her; she never believed in staying friends with exes. She'll always be reminded of the romantic history and feel awkward to go from boyfriend to friend. Especially with how Nick broke up with her, it seems messy to her and she doesn't think they can recover from it. She cares about him deep down, but she doesn't want to be involved with him anymore. She's ready to move on to other things that await her in the future.

'Thanks.' Doesn't know what else to say, guilty over how she feels now as he wears a cute smile.

It falls quiet, she hopes Jamelia will show up and save her, but she doesn't.

'You can borrow my math notes and give them back another time.' He goes through his backpack that's slung over his right shoulder and takes out his notebook, gives it to her.

'Oh Nick, thank you. It's kind of you. You don't have to.' She feels bad now as he's trying to help her and all she's thinking of is how to make an excuse to leave. The bell won't ring until another minute or so.

'I want you back, Bobbi. I also respect your decision and I don't want to convince you we should be together, but I feel like we still have something and I don't want it to go to waste. A part of me is still hung up on you and I'm not ready to let go, but there's a voice in my head saying I should let things be how they are.'

'I don't know what you want me to say. I don't know what you're saying either.'

'I don't know. I guess I'm saying it'll take me a while to move on; it's extremely hard after being with someone like you.'

She doesn't know why she finds herself saying it, but she does. 'I'm sorry.' Rubs his arm and says, 'You'll get there.' Cringes in the inside. She knows Jamelia will laugh at her response once she finds her.

Speaking of the girl, Jamelia spots them as she makes her way to her locker, catches Bobbi scratch her chest, and she heads over to help her get out of the situation – it's a secret signal they decided to make a couple of years back to help the other get out of an awkward or any uncomfortable situation, whether it be with a guy or girl, a group, anyone.

First class after lunch, Bobbi decides to find Roberto and tell him they're taking next week off from Gracious Gardens before she forgets about it. Knows where his locker is, so she makes her way to it and is lucky he's there.

Closer to him, he holds the door open and stares inside, appearing to be deep in thought: his forehead creases as his eyebrows pull together, the edge of his lip twitches into a frown. She frowns too, wondering if he's okay. She studies him and notices his hands clench and unclench. He looks down at his hands, a hopeless look in his eyes, then runs his hand through his hair, distraught.

'Hey, hey,' she greets him, cheery.

At the sudden sound of her voice, Roberto slams his locker door closed in a heartbeat. Breathes deeply through his nose and turns to Bobbi with a neutral expression.

'What are you hiding?' she asks in a sing-song voice, as she rocks on her feet back and forth, holding her hands behind her back.

'Nothing that concerns you,' he retorts quickly, his voice low.

Bobbi shrugs off his odd behaviour and drawls, 'Okay...' Roberto looks at her expectantly, his eyes searches hers for something. It makes her uncomfortable somehow.

'How's your day?' She decides to make small talk, her thick eyebrows raise, wondering if she came at a bad time.

His left hand clenches and unclenches before he scratches his right shoulder. 'Fine,' he says, vague.

Bobbi senses otherwise, but she chooses not to press any further into it. It's at this moment she realises that he never confided in her and it was always her who talked. He can, but maybe he's not the type to open up. Maybe he's reserved.

'Anyways...' She drags out, breaking the awkward silence. She feels a detachment from him which is unusual for her; she was only this distant from him when they first met in the school corridor. She rocks on the balls of her feet again, aiming to share a light-hearted atmosphere.

'Good news,' she beams, and bounces in the air a little when she rocks back on the soles of her feet and forward on her toes, ebullient. Hopes it would make Roberto crack a smile since he's distracted, but his face still holds its neutral expression. Okay that didn't work. Try again, she thinks as she somewhat makes it her mission to make him smile. Perks herself up in a poised manner and holds her hands together against her chest. 'On behalf of my father, I stand before you to inform you that we will be taking next week off from Gracious Gardens. You may see of it as a break, as you very much deserve to be granted of one.'

Expects to get a reaction from him, any reaction, from speaking rather posh and well, but he still shares no sign of his emotions or thoughts. Nothing. He keeps the same blank expression on his face. It takes her back to the earlier days when she guided him to his class on his second day of school.

'Going anywhere nice?' His voice is flat.

'No.' Bobbi furrows her eyebrows at him. 'Are you sure you're okay? You seem off.'

'Why do you care?' His voice in the same tone, an eyebrow quirks up.

All right... With her eyebrows shot up, she tilts her head to the side at his response. 'Wow. Hanging around you too much made me expect you to reply with 'Why? Do you want to turn me on?'' The edge of her lip pulls up. She knows that will make him crack a smile.

The atmosphere is tense as the edge of his lip twitches to almost half a smile, before he looks down to the ground in thought, a sombre expression grazing his features. Looking at his locker, his hands clench and unclench again.

Bobbi takes note of it. 'What's up with your hands? Are you sure you're alright? Roberto, you can talk to me if something is wrong.'

'I'm tired. Goodbye, Gold,' he says in a monotone voice and stalks off down the hall.

Roberto waits by the door of Gracious Gardens, his leather jacket on with a hoodie under it, zipped up. His head tilts up to the sky as he looks at the snow fall, his tongue out. His nose and cheeks are rosy from the winter weather. Bobbi smiles at the sight.

'So you like the snow?' she asks in a friendly tone, raises her eyebrows, as she put the key in the lock and twists it.

'Yeah.' A playful and adorable smile on his face. Seems to be in a better mood than before.

'Do you not get snow where you're from?'

It dawns on Bobbi that she never asked about him or Italy. She doesn't know much about him after a few weeks of working together, other than he is funny, can give good advice, and can be reserved – maybe that's why she doesn't know much.

'Oh, we do. A fair few times,' he answers nonchalantly, bringing his head down and gives a small smile.

'You do? Where in Italy are you from?'

'Genoa, the capital of Liguria. It's up the north of Italy on the coastline. The weather is odd because some days in the winter it snows, and other days you can actually sunbathe. I lived in a quiet area. I like it.' As he speaks of home, Roberto's eyes sparkles and shines. In his eyes, Bobbi can see he misses it.

'That's lucky you get to top up your tan in the winter. I'm jealous, I can't tan at all,' she says, frowns and then smiles to show she isn't complaining too much.

He chuckles. 'Yeah, you're, like, white as a milk bottle compared to me,' he teases.

Bobbi mocks a gasp at him. 'Jerk,' she responds in a light tone, her hands crossed over her chest. Glares at him with jealousy. 'Why did you have to make an insult?' She wonders if he hears the tease in her tone.

'Because it'd be weird if we didn't,' he jokes back, wipes the left sleeve of his jacket.

'Okay then.' She narrows her eyes on him. 'You're getting a whole week break next week, so don't get too excited and let your mind wander off for these two days left—' Roberto nods his head along –'it's too small to be let out alone.' She allows a smirk to pull at her lips.

Inside, Roberto, who's in the middle of taking his jacket off, snaps his head in Bobbi's direction and catches her smirk. He gasps dramatically, eyes widening. 'Bobbi Grace Thompson! Did you just insult me?'

She bites onto her lower lip to stop herself from smiling. 'I'm sorry. Let me repeat myself if I was speaking a little too fast, so I'll break it down just so you can understand. Don't get distracted,' she mocks, and chuckles on her way to the storage room.

'I know what you meant, smart-ass.' Glares at her back and continues. 'You say I get distracted easily, that I can take, but then you insult my intelligence?' He shakes his head in disappointment. 'Bobbi, Bobbi, Bobbi. What am I going to do with you?' he jokes in a parental tone, hands on his hips.

She laughs at him whilst she opens the door.

'Here, let me help you out,' he insists. Holds the door open so she can get the supplies. Does he really think she will fall for his tricks? The teasing glint in his eyes is unmistakable. She knows right away he'll lock her in once she steps inside, so she stays by the door.

'It's cute how you think I'd go in there, believing you would hold the door open for me.'

Roberto keeps his hand on the door, holding it wide open for her. 'Let's put your trust in me to the test then. Just to let you know, I wouldn't mind staying like this for the next hour and a half.'

That earns him a glare from her. Can she trust him? She isn't going to waste an hour and a half figuring out if she could. He's just teasing. He'll expect me not to trust him.

'I'm trusting you,' she says sincerely, holds his gaze before walking inside. Roberto nods his head, believing her. She picks up two paint buckets and brings them outside, watching him cautiously. Back inside, she takes out the other necessary supplies without feeling suspicious of him.

The walls are done, but Roberto wants to fix the top of the last wall, where he accidently got cream paint on the ceiling. Hence the reason why Bobbi takes out the white and cream paint – there is a spot on the bottom of the wall she wants to brush over, the perfectionist side shining through.

'See? I didn't lock you in,' he reassures her. She smiles and thanks him. 'Now, let me help you out.'

'Yeah,' she breathes out. She bends over to pick up the two buckets of paint, when his arms swoop under her knees and back, and he picks her up bridal style. 'What are you doing?' she screeches. He turns around, walks to the front door, and shifts Bobbi over his right shoulder. 'Put me down! What do you think you're doing?' she shrieks, outraged and confused.

'Like I said, I'm helping you out... side,' he explains, his voice flat.

'I will give you a wedgie if you don't put me down!' she threatens. Sees no point in hitting him, so she pushes herself up to get off him until his hand is on her butt, but then he quickly retracts and his hand is on her thigh.

'Sorry! I was trying to touch your back to push you back down.'

'Yeah, sure. Put me down!' Her face burns a very deep red, to the tip of her ears and down her neck – Nick hasn't ever touched her butt, so to have someone who isn't with her do that is new and surprising. The voice in her head telling her you're so innocent is there again, but it isn't a big matter to her as she's about to be thrown out into the cold without her coat.

'Stop complaining. You know you got the best view of my ass,' he teases. 'Besides, you wouldn't even to dare give me a wedgie, you're too much of a good girl,' he mocks in a serious voice.

'Oh yeah?'

'Oh, you're holding up quite the argument with that one.'

She lifts up the end of his shirt and grabs a hold of his underwear. He starts to wiggle around and makes some funny sounds, puts her on the floor. After Roberto... adjusts his underwear... he pulls his shirt down as he gives Bobbi an evil glare.

Grimacing, a little squeal escapes her lips and she returns to the paint buckets. 'Don't!'

'Don't what?' he inquires, following her, feigning confusion.

'I don't know. Just don't do anything to me.' She quickly picks up the screwdriver they used to open the lids on the buckets, and points it at him. He halts. 'I'll use this on you.' She tries to sound threatening and intimidating, but she breaks out into a grin.

Roberto chuckles, unfazed. 'What are you going to do? Screw me?' After a second his face lights up as his eyebrows raise. 'Ha-ha. Get it?' He wags his eyebrows at her, biting his tongue.

'Shut up, I'll cut you.' Her words rush out. Kneeling down to the bucket, she latches the screwdriver at the edge of the lid and wriggles it around to open. Places her left hand on top of the lid to help have a hold on it, when the screwdriver slips as it glides over and scratches through the skin on her hand, pain jolts to the affected area. She releases a yelp as she drops the screwdriver, covers her injured hand, and puts it to her stomach.

'I'm not falling for that, Gold.' Looks at her with a blank expression, his head tilts to the side.

'I'm serious. Look!' She shows him her hand, which bleeds. 'Oh my Gosh, blood,' she whispers, her stomach churning. 'Oh my God, I'm gonna throw up.' Her face pales, she closes her eyes and scrunches up her face.

Roberto grimaces. 'That does look bad. Here, cover it up.' He puts her right hand back over the cut. Looks around the room and says, 'There's no tissues or first aid kits around here.' Move his jaw from side to side in thought. He throws on his jacket, grabs her bag and takes the keys out. 'Come on, you don't want it to get infected.'

When she follows his lead, she says, 'Okay, my house is closer so let's go to mine- Ow, this stings!' she whines, as her eyebrows lower, contorting her face in pain.

Roberto locks the door as he observes her hand. 'Relax, you'll be alright.'

In her house, Bobbi leads Roberto to the kitchen and to the cupboard that had the first aid box in it. Roberto takes it out, places it on the countertop and opens it. He takes out a healing cream and band aid, whereas Bobbi rips a piece of kitchen paper towel from the roll and wipes the blood off her hand, her head turned away from the blood.

As Roberto rubs the cream on her hand, because she can't look with her fear of blood, he asks, 'Is your dad not home?'

'No, he's grocery shopping.' She winces at the stinging sensation, but he's gentle.

Roberto then peals the band aid and places it on her hand. He throws out the wrappers, whilst Bobbi puts away the first aid box. He wipes down his jeans and sniffles his nose as he watches her open the freezer. She scans inside, her eyes light up when her eyes spot something. She takes out a vanilla ice-cream tub, smiling as she closes the freezer door.

'Wait, are we not going- no, wait. A more important question is, are you having ice-cream in the winter?'

'I don't see why anyone should stop eating ice-cream just because it's winter,' she reasons with him. 'And I'm actually in the mood for some,' she adds. Takes two spoons out of the drawer and hands one to Roberto.

He rejects. 'Vegan.' Her mouth forms an o shape, her eyebrows skyrocket as she remembers. With an arched eyebrow, he asks her. 'Are we not going back to Gracious Gardens?'

She shrugs one shoulder, unsure. In a tired voice, she says, 'Not just yet. I mean the walk there and coming back, and then to walk there again-'

'You're so lazy. And you say I'm the bad influence here.'

They walk into the living room and Bobbi plops down on the couch. Kicks her shoes off and puts her feet on the coffee table.

'Maybe I'll just have to carry you over my shoulder again. I think you secretly enjoyed that.'

She snorts. 'Yeah right.' Sarcasm drips from her voice.

'See? You just agreed with me.' She throws him a side look. 'Even when you said you were gonna give me a wedgie, I bet you just wanted a good feel.' He winks as he sits beside her. 'Nice socks,' he comments, smiling smugly. She sports squirrel socks with acorns printed around them, which reads across the ankle "I'm nuts for you".

She blushes as she opens the tub and digs her spoon in the ice-cream, and she goes along with his teasing. 'Oh yeah, I wanted a "good feel". Honestly, I just really wanted to see if you were a boxer or briefs kind of guy, and I liked that they were boxers but I didn't expect them to be pink,' she jokes and juts her tongue out.

'They are not pink. They're salmon. There's a difference.' Looks around the room, hopes to sound convincing, but his voice came out as a pout.

Bobbi is smug as she reaches out for the TV remote and switches it on. 'Can I get you anything?'

He shakes his head. 'I'm good, thanks.'

Roberto inspects the living room and the décor when his eyes stop on something. His teasing attitude is gone as his face drops and he becomes quiet. Bobbi flicks through the channels, unaware of his sudden change of mood as she continues to tease him. 'Okay then. Are you sure you're not hiding in the closet? I mean, first the pink nail polish. Your mom gave me a secret look as if to say it happened more than once, so you must enjoy that. Now I see you wearing pink underwear? I mean, call it what you want: pink, salmon... You're either in your pink closet or your favourite colour just happens to be pink-'

'Is that a picture of your mama?' He's tuned out as his voice is soft, his eyes never leave the photo.

Bobbi turns her head in his direction with the spoon in her mouth, and he walks over to the bookshelf. He stops in his spot and stares at the picture, his back to Bobbi. She puts the spoon in the tub of ice-cream and places it on the coffee table. Walking over by his side, she says, 'Yeah. My dad took that picture. It was on campus of the college they went to. He told me they went to an outdoor cinema after they had lunch in the field because his classes were done for the day and mom's lecture got cancelled.' She admires the photo too, smiling softly.

Roberto's eyes never move from the photo. Bobbi looks at him and wonders what's on his mind. She detects the guilt in his eyes from burning down the flower shop, and she notices his Adam's apple move up and down from swallowing hard.

'She's really pretty. You look a lot like her. I see you got her lips.' His eyes flicker to Bobbi's lips for a while and then to Olivia's in the photo, as he notices more similarities in their features.

She nods her head in agreement with a smile. 'This is my favourite picture of her because she looks so happy and carefree, like she had no worries. And in her smile, I can see how much she loves my dad.' She smiles a small and soft smile, her eyes water, but she blinks the tears away.

'I'm so sorry about your loss,' Roberto whispers, sincerity shines in his eyes, he glances over at her.

His sympathy forms tears in her eyes again, but she shrugs her shoulders to fight them back. 'That's life.'

It goes quiet, a comfortable silence, until Bobbi gets an idea on how to break the ice and takes Roberto's wrist, bringing him upstairs. 'Hey, I want to show you something. I only showed Jamelia this and now I feel like showing you. Maybe I can get a guy friend's opinion. I'm not saying more because I want to surprise you.' In her father's room, she walks to the wardrobe, on the other hand Roberto has a look around the room before sitting at the edge of the bed, remains quiet.

Bobbi takes down the box and gently put it on the floor. After she removes the lid, she picks up the dress and puts it against her body. 'This is the dress I'm wearing to Prom. It was my mom's Prom dress and now I want to wear it. What do you think?' Looks down at the dress and sways her body from left to right, the end of the blue dress fans out.

With a small smile, Roberto says, 'It's a beautiful dress. Why don't you try it on so I can judge it better?'

She squirms at his words and frowns. Roberto cocks his head to the side, confused. 'I'm afraid.'

'Why are you afraid?'

She stops swaying and turns in front of the standing mirror so she can check out the dress pressed against her body. 'I don't- I don't know. I've never worn it. I guess I'm nervous. It was worn by her and I look up to her so much, I'm afraid I won't be able to pull it off. Like, she did wear this dress and now I'm holding it and I'm afraid I'll ruin it. To me, the dress is fragile. It's very precious to me.'

He frowns at her. 'How do you know it'll fit you right? You never know, the straps could be too long for you and they could slip off your shoulders. Coming to the night of Prom, it might not fit well and then you wouldn't have anything else.' He speaks in a quiet and gentle tone, hopes she knows he means it in a caring way.

She bites nervously on her bottom lip, thinks about it. Her eyes are squeezed shut when she decides: 'Okay. I'll do it.' She bounces nervously up and down, thinks of how she's actually going to put on her mother's dress, before she leaves the room and into the bathroom to change.

Roberto remains seated on the bed, looking around the room whilst he waits. He doesn't know how he feels as it hits him that he's in Olivia's bedroom, the woman who owned the flower shop he burned down. He's uncomfortable as guilt sits in the pit of his stomach. Purses his lips as his eyes fall to the floor. Then they flicker over to the mirror and he stares at his reflexion, his eyebrows furrow and he frowns. He sniffles -a little cold coming on him- when a shimmer of light catches on the mirror. He turns his head to see where it comes from and his eyes widen when Bobbi is at the open door, smiling.

The baby blue dress fits her perfectly. It isn't too tight on her waist, and the sparkling shoulder straps rest comfortably. The dress isn't too tight on the bust either, but it fans out perfectly where the dress ends at her knees.

Bobbi wipes down the dress at her thighs, nervously. 'So?'

Roberto looks at her in admiration. 'You look very pretty, Bobbi.'

She breaks into a smile, 'Thanks.' Tears line her eyes, anxious, as she looks at herself in the mirror. 'I can't believe I'm wearing it,' she says in disbelief, wipes down the dress at her thighs again.

Roberto swats her hands away from her thighs. 'Stop doing that. You look perfect.'

She winces as she holds her left hand. 'You forgot about my injured hand.'

'Oh crap! I'm so sorry!'

'I'm kidding,' she jokes, as an evil smile crosses her face.

His arms cross over his chest. 'Don't do that. You're a meanie.'

She giggles and her eyes wonder down to the floor. 'I'm gonna change back into my clothes.' She can't stay in it much longer. Fidgets with her fingers before she leaves, Roberto behind her.

He goes downstairs, whereas Bobbi walks into the bathroom, smiling back at him before she closes the door. When she comes downstairs, she finds him on the couch, his feet swaying from left to right on the coffee table. He watches Tom & Jerry and laughs.

She sits herself beside him, her body facing his way, legs crossed, as a question pops in her mind. 'What's your middle name again?'

'Belvedere,' he answers nonchalantly, before he faces her.

'What's your favourite colour?'

'Black. Why?'

Out of her cross-leg position, she turns forward to the television. 'Just wanna know a bit more about you. We are working together for a while, after all.'

She takes back the ice-cream. When she puts her feet on the table, she glances at Roberto's socks and snorts. 'Nice socks,' she mimics his words from earlier. His socks are woolly and red with small prints of Santa's face around them.

He blushes, but tries to pull a brave and proud face. 'Hey, it's cold out... and maybe I'm just getting into the Christmas spirit.' He tilts his chin up high as he takes pride in his socks, and turns back to the television. 'Besides, you're probably just envious because my socks are better than yours.'

'Am not,' she declares. She lightly kicks his left foot with her right foot.

'Hey.' He kicks her foot back.

They playfully kick each other's feet for a while, when they hear keys jumbling outside and twisting in the lock. Lucas steps inside to find Bobbi and Roberto on the couch, a spoon in Bobbi's mouth with Tom & Jerry on in the background.

'Hard day of work, I see.'

'Hi, daddy,' she greets him.

Roberto treks over to Lucas and shakes his hand. 'Hi, Mr. Thompson.'

Lucas puts his hand up. 'Please, call me Lucas.' He looks down at Roberto's feet, an eyebrow raises at his Christmas socks. 'Interesting socks.' He gives Roberto a questioning look, which makes Roberto smile sheepishly and run back to the couch to throw his shoes back on.

'What happened? Aren't you meant to be at the flower shop today?' He sets the house keys on the end table beside the front door.

'Oh, I cut my hand and needed a band aid. I guess we stayed back because, you know, Roberto is such a bad influence on me,' Bobbi answers with a smile.

Roberto's head snaps over in her direction and he gives her a bewildered look. 'Eh... Excuse,' he elongates the word "excuse" whilst he waves his index finger and head around like a diva, 'me? You were the one who took the ice-cream out of the fridge and decided to watch TV! Don't get me in trouble for this.'

'Oh yeah!' she exclaims, at the same time she slaps her hands over her mouth 'Sorry...' She laughs awkwardly, but he narrows his eyes on her. 'It's six ó clock, we should go down and do a bit of work.'

Roberto nods his head in agreement. While Bobbi puts her shoes on, he goes over to Lucas at the door with his hands in his back pockets. 'My mama and papa liked you when you came over for dinner. My papa still likes the idea of going to get some beers and playing some darts in one of the pubs someday,' he informs Lucas. 'He just wants to know about the town and make friends.' He smiles.

'Sure. I'll give him a call tomorrow and see if he'll want to go out over the weekend,' says Lucas, uncomfortable with the pressure he puts on himself to socialise. It's been thirteen years since he last went out.

Bobbi acknowledges the awkward tension in the room. Roberto, oblivious to it all, says, 'Cool,' and looks over his shoulder at her expectedly.

'I'll meet you outside I just... remembered I had to tell my dad something,' she says once she approaches her father. Roberto nods and waits outside. 'I really think you should do it.' She tries to encourage him, knowing it will benefit him. Doesn't like seeing her father alone all the time.

Maybe Roberto touching on the subject will goad him to be more inclined to call Carlos.

'I will, I will. I'm just nervous about it, it's been years, doll.'

'I understand. And if you're still hung up on how you'll be hanging out with the guy whose son burnt down mom's shop, just... try not think of it and instead think about how you got along at the dinner. Take me and Roberto, for example. We haven't exactly put it aside with what he's done, but we're getting along for the purpose of the shop... and it hasn't really been about that anymore; we really do get on and cut it with the arguments. I guess you can even say we've grown up.' Her arms sway from side to side, smiles encouragingly at her dad.

Lucas pulls her into a hug, though a look of disbelief crosses his face when he sees cartoons on the TV. 'Yeah, because instead of working I come home to see you both eating ice-cream and watching Tom & Jerry,' he mocks and grins from ear to ear.

As she laughs, Bobbi walks to the door and says, 'I love you.' Opens the door and leaves for Gracious Gardens with Roberto.

'Love you too, doll.' he replies before the door closes.

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