A Crown of Winter Roses

By imintheblackparade

217K 5.4K 275

Game of Thrones Fanfic This is a mixture of season 4 and season 5 Rhaegar Targaryen was always fond of his el... More

Prologue Part 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Prologue Part 2
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Prologue Part 3
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Prologue Part 4

Chapter 27

2.9K 80 7
By imintheblackparade

First day of uni tomorrow, and instead of doing all the prep bits I wrote this chapter, so enjoy! Not gonna lie though, bricking myself for tomorrow. 

Rhaegar was not okay. 

Chapter 27

Oberyn always hated the duties of being a Prince, especially so since landing a spot on the small council. It was early, the sun only having just peeked over the long horizon, the rays casting hues of orange and yellow against the red brick of the Keep. He should still be in bed, his small yet heavily pregnant wife curled up into his side tracing lazy patterns into the finery of her skin. He didn't want to be in a stuffy room with people he didn't like, in a place he absolutely detested. Oberyn had, had his fill of that at Elia's Wedding. "These meetings aren't always going to be this early, are they? I was up late last night." Oberyn turned to Cersei who continued to pace the floor, over and over; her hands clasped and a look of thunder gracing her golden face.

The room kept silent. "So, does this mean I am a master of something now? Coins, ships?"

"Lord Tywin and I already determined that I shall be the Master of Ships long before you--" Mace muttered gruffly, angry at the new comer in the room. Oberyn barely contained his smirk as they waited on the growing footsteps to grace the room, Lord Tywin quick to enter as those around him stood. Oberyn remained seated, leg thrown over the side as he watched the Lord lazily. A discontented disgust rolled over his body at the sight; the man had ordered the murder of his sister and her children, and now he lust after Oberyn's own wife. "Lord Tywin, it's a great honor to have been granted a seat on this council. I--"

Tywin cut him off after sitting, the rest following suit. "The trial begins this afternoon. We only have the morning for affairs of state. Shall we begin?" Always so formal here; there was no wine to keep him occupied or fresh food to distract him.

Varys moved first, his eyes trailing over to Tywin. "Sandor Clegane has been spotted in the Riverlands, my lord." Clegane. The name uttered slammed through his mind at the rate of lightning. Another Clegane, the younger Clegane with the horrific scars. He was the not-so-beloved Hound of the Lannisters, a loyal follower due to his sworn house and a hater of his brother; Rosie could use him if the news was going where he thought.

"A coward and a traitor." Cersei muttered, having no tolerance on the news. Oberyn kept the smirk to secrecy as he noted the location once more. They'd need to take a trip to the Riverlands.

Varys switched his gaze from Tywin to Cersei, a look of almost disbelief on his face. "My birds tell me the Hound slaughtered five of our soldiers. I believe the phrase "fuck the King" was uttered."

"Disgraceful." Pycelle muttered, shaking his head.

"What would it take to make the common soldier stupid enough to try his luck with the Hound?" Tywin asked, turning to Varys for his source of information.

"10 Silver Stags seems a generous bounty."

"Make it 100." They definitely wanted the Hound dead, which made him all the more valuable to Oberyn. "What else?"

"More whispers from the east, My Lord." Varys looked to Oberyn for this one before back to Tywin. He knew something, but what?

This sparked Tywin's interest, his gaze almost hardening as he spoke. "The Targaryen girls?"

"Daenerys has taken up residence in Meereen. Rosaerys has conquered the city and rules as its Queen although she is currently missing; it is believed she is off trying to find the missing dragon."

Cersei spoke next. "Conquered with what?"

He nodded. "Rosaerys commands an army of Unsullied, my Queen. Some 8,000 strong. She has a company of sellswords-- the Second Sons. She has two knights advising her-- Jorah Mormont and Barristan Selmy. And she has three dragons. The other Targaryen girl, Daenerys owns one and together they appear to be conquering the city faster than anyone anticipated."

"Baby dragons." Cersei uttered with a roll of her eyes, not seeing the hype over the woman.

The dragons were big from what Oberyn could remember; big, beautiful, and highly dangerous. The ways their scales seemed to glint mesmerised their prey and before long the sharp teeth that glinted like black daggers would be bared to you. "Larger every year, Your Grace."

Oberyn was surprised that they knew this much about the two girls, they needed to be more careful; more weary of who they trust and who they are seen with. "Mormont is spying on her for us." Pycelle withered out, Oberyn watching on with interest. This was his wife they were discussing, and he neede to know what they knew.

"No longer. He appears to be fully devoted to her. As for Ser Barristan, it would seem he took his dismissal from the Kingsguard a bit harder than anticipated."

He was the one who helped Rhaegar, protected Elia, and served loyally on the Kingsguard. Oberyn knew him by reputation and he was skilled, he could see that when practicing with the Old Knight in Meereen. "He's an old man. He wasn't fit to protect my son."

"Joffrey didn't die on his watch. Dismissing him was as insulting as it was stupid."

"Don't tell me you're worried about a child halfway across the world." She was stupid to believe that the girls didn't pose a threat to her, they could easily wipe her and her family name out; they just had to wait for the right moment.

"A child with two seasoned warriors counseling her and a powerful army at her back, Your Grace." A powerful army that now included Dornish soldiers, Oberyn was almost writhing in anticipation for the look on the Lannisters's faces when they storm the city.

He stepped up, throwing in his two sense as though he cared for those that sat around him. "Lord Varys is right. I have been to Essos and seen the Unsullied firsthand. They are very impressive on the battlefield. Less so in the bedroom."

"Dragons haven't won a war in 300 years. Armies win them all the time. She must be dealt with." Dealt with? What did Tywin mean? The same way he dealt with Elia? With Rhaenys? With Aegon? Killing children and raping them was not dealing with them, it was torturing them.

"How, my lord? By force?" Pycelle blithered.

"Eventually, if it comes to that." Tywin leant closer to Varys, the chair squeaking beneath him. "Can your little birds find their way into Meereen?"

"Most certainly, my Lord Hand." Oberyn watched with a certain fury to him, wanting to ensure no harm came to her or her Aunt.

The atmosphere never changed as they remained relaxed speaking of world affairs, it almost unnerved Oberyn as he watched on. "Mmm. Lord Tyrell, be a good man. Fetch my quill and paper." Oberyn couldn't help but almost chuckle as he watched the Lord look on as though it was a great deed to do so, almost everyone else rolling their eyes as he chucked back his shoulders. And that man was supposed to be the father of a future Queen? He laughed.

It was the day of the trial, and tensions were streaming high in the Red Keep as Oberyn had made his way back to their room after the meeting was over, filling his wife in on what had been discussed. Aerys stood opposite Oberyn, her hand fumbling over the fineries of his tunic as she looked at him. It had been a little over a week since she had met with Varys, and if everything went to plan today, she would slowly pick apart the Lannister Pride - one lion at a time.

He looked beautiful, like always. His dark hair had begun to curl further as they licked at the edges of his face in a fiery manner; the thin strap of a beard framing his face and devilish lips. However, it was the Viper eyes that always captured her; the range of emotions that would flitter across the dark hues with every thought and feeling that came to him. They were expressive, even when he didn't want them to be.

Oberyn wore the radiant golden tunic today, the sun embellished over the fabric - different from the yellow suns of his morning tunic; he looked the most Martell in that one. "Are you sure about this?" Aerys questioned, keeping her hands on the plains of his chest before gazing up, their gaze caught by one another.

Oberyn nodded, stroking back a dark curl before a soft grin settled on his face. "We're doing this for Elia, she deserves justice." Aerys bit her tongue as she nodded, stepping to her tippy-toes before pressing a kiss to his lips; their eyes fluttering closed for a moment.

"Alright." She muttered gently before stepping back, her own orange gown obnoxious against the miserable atmosphere of the day. Oberyn grasped her hand in his own as they stepped out, the Martell pair rather quite as they made their way to the Throne Room where the trial was being held.

Aerys didn't like it one bit, the way the crowd and the mobs can just turn upon a person so easily - it made her stomach queasy. "Are you sure you want to be there all day?" Oberyn asked as the neared the doors, hushed chatter filing from the room.

"Yes, let us see the lions squabble; it'll be good entertainment." She muttered fruitfully, a gentle smile filling her face before dropping - her eyes scanning the small steps. Oberyn nodded, his thoughts jumbling as he watched his wife place a brave look on her face and chuck back her shoulders, ready to enter the pit. She needed to see what would happen to Tyrion anyway, he was an important asset. Her mind flitted for a second, a sense of urgency rushing through her. "Excuse me a second, my Love; I'll be just a moment."

Oberyn watched as she turned away, racing back to their room to do Gods know what; his own attention drifting back to the room. Although they were early, they wanted to appreciate the silence of the Throne room before the trial truly commenced and the Keep would drift into a disarray.

He slipped in, the turned figure of Lord Varys looking over the Throne. "Prince Oberyn." He muttered, watching the Prince with a delicate nature.

"Lord Varys." Oberyn greeted back, the odd perfume wafting from the man opposite as he lent on the wood beside him.

"Only Varys. I'm not actually a nobleman. No one is under obligation to call me lord."

Oberyn remembered Varys being at the Tourney of Harrenhal, serving the Mad King faithfully. Maybe he still supported the Targaryens in secret, but Varys still worked for the Lannisters. "And yet everyone does." Varys shrugged at him, the expression on his face almost smug yet not quite.

"You seem quite knowledgeable about the Unsullied. Did you spend much time in Essos?"

Oberyn swallowed, knowing that the curiosity would have gotten the better of the man in front of him. "Five years; although I'll admit I did spend a few more months there with my wife."

"May I ask why?" Was Varys interrogating him? Or did he know something Oberyn didn't?

"Why the years or why the wife?"

The powdered Lord flickered a smirk before speaking. "The years; it's no illusion why you chose your wife, a beauty anywhere."

"'Tis a big and beautiful world. Most of us live and die in the same corner where we were born and never get to see any of it. I don't want to be most of us." He admitted, a truth he always held in his heart when concerning his travels.

"Most of us aren't Princes."

Oberyn laughed, jutting his head to the Lord. "You are from Essos. Where? Lys?" The smirk was wiped clear from the man's face, and Oberyn chose to explain himself. "I have an ear for accents."

"I've lost my accent entirely."

"I have an ear for that as well." He had spent his time being cunning, the Red Viper was the rEd Viper for a reason; no one should underestimate him. "How did you get here?" Oberyn asked, curious; although he knew some of the rumours that were whispered of the King's Whisper.

"It's a long story." Varys whispered dismissively but Oberyn wasn't that easy.

He grinned. "One you don't like telling people."

"People I trust."

Oberyn pressed on, stepping closer to the faux Lord. "My wife Aerys, she would find you very interesting. You should come to the brothel and meet her. We brought our own wine, not the swill they serve here. We have some lovely boys on retainer, but." He glanced down to the Lord's area, his face not amused. "You did like boys before?" Varys shook his head. "Really? Girls? Hmm. I hope you won't be offended when I say I never would have guessed."

"Not at all. But I was never interested in girls, either."

Oberyn frowned in confusion, the light smugness he held about him moving from his face. "What then?"


This stumped Oberyn as he tried to figure out the man in front of him. "Everybody is interested in something." He goaded.

"Not me. When I see what desire does to people, what it's done to this country, I am very glad to have no part in it. Besides, the absence of desire leaves one free to pursue other things."

"Such as?" The two turned towards the Iron Throne, all manner of trust leaving Oberyn as he watched the Lord depart before turning back. It was a monstrosity of a thing, the swords jutting out from the seat in a frantic fashion with a ghostly light falling upon it, catching the gleaming metal. Rosie was supposed to sit there, the only surviving child of Rhaegar Targaryen was the rightful heir.

Aerys stumbled back through the hallways as she entered the small room before the Throne Room, people already milling around ready to take their spot inside. Oberyn left the empty chamber, his eyes saughting his wife as she stepped through. Nym had been playing rather roughly and she had to flee before they need to clean the room once more, her breakfast no longer in her stomach. She soothed away the lines that marked his forehead as his hands sought her waist, desperate to cling to some part of her. "Are you ready?" She questioned openly, seeking to provide some form of comfort to the man that appeared shaken.

He nodded, watching as they were called to the room. Oberyn took hold of her hand, the room taking a deadly turn as they slipped inside; his body guiding her before sitting her in one of the stalls closest to the stocks. "Stay here, don't leave, if offered to sit where the other's are. say no; I want to be able to see you. I'll collect you everytime there's a break." She nodded, pressing her lips to Oberyn's before letting him slink away to the side where the other judges resided.

Tommen sat like a small boy in a high chair on the Throne, the room having an odd sense of chatter around them as they waited in anticipation. Tywin took his place beside his grandson, and the doors on the other side pushed open. Jaime waltzed in first, his golden armour with strong stags glinted in the flicker of torch light; the two soldiers behind him escorting Tyrion. Other's muttered words such as Kingslayer as he passed, his reputation less favourable than his brother that had been called the same thing.

They walked him to the wooden post, before locking him inside; Tommen standing forth. Aerys couldn't see Tyrion's face from where she stood, but she knew it couldn't be one of joy. This was an act of humiliation, not a trial. "I, Tommen of the House Baratheon, First of my Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, and Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, do hereby recuse myself from this trial. Tywin of the House Lannister, Hand of the King, Protector of the Realm, will sit as judge in my stead. And with him Prince Oberyn of the House Martell and Lord Mace of the House Tyrell. And if found guilty may the gods punish the accused." He then slipped down and trailed away, two King's Guards behind him.

The judges walked across the platform, Oberyn taking his time as he got to his seat before standing; their eyes locking. They all sat, Tyrion turning round to watch them. "Tyrion of the House Lannister, you stand accused by the Queen Regent of regicide." Out of all of those she had ever seen sit on the Iron Throne, only Tywin made it look as though it had been made for him; the power he alluded from it seemed to radiate across the room to even those sitting the furthest back. "Did you kill King Joffrey?"

Tyrion shook his head, looking down to his hands. "No."

"Did your wife, the Lady Sansa?"

Aerys could almost chuckle at that accusation, of course she couldn't; she was a girl. "Not that I know of."

"How would you say he died, then?"

"Choked on his pigeon pie."

Jaime turned round in disbelief over his brother's comment. "So you would blame the bakers?

"Or the pigeons. Just leave me out of it." Some almost chuckled at the comment, but Aerys stayed silent.

"The crown may call its first witness." Tywin rang out.

There was a quick shuffle before a sparkling Kingsguard stepped forward, taking the room. She had never seen him before, with his dark hair and beard but he oozed danger. "Once we'd got King Joffrey safely away from the mob, the Imp rounded on him. He slapped the king across the face and called him a vicious idiot and a fool. It wasn't the first time the Imp threatened Joffrey. Right here in this throne room, he marched up those steps and called our king a halfwit. Compared His Grace to the Mad King and suggested he'd meet the same fate. And when I spoke in the king's defense, he threatened to have me killed." He spoke quick, trying to appease the court.

"Oh, why don't you tell them what Joffrey was doing?" Aerys leaned forward in her seat, her eyes cast to Oberyn before back to Tyrion.

"Silence." Tywin tried to reign out.

This didn't seem to deter Tyrion as he spat out what he needed to say. "Pointing a loaded crossbow at Sansa Stark while you tore at her clothes and beat her." Aerys held her gasp, the poor girl; no wonder she feld when she did. If only Aerys had an inkling of what had happened, maybe she could have helped her sooner. There was one thing that was clear in the Capital, they hurt little girls.

"Silence! You will not speak unless called upon. You're dismissed, Ser Meryn."

Aerys felt fury flood her veins as she sat in silence, not thinking of the time that had passed; before long Pycelle had waltzed up to the stand and was giving his testimony. "Basilisk venom, widow's blood, wolfsbane, essence of nightshade, sweetsleep, tears of Lys, demon's dance, blind eye--"

"I think you have made your point, Grand Maester. You have a lot of poison in your store." Oberyn called out, ending the long line of what everyone did not need to hear. They were almost grateful for his accented voice to cut the hall in two.

"Had, Prince Oberyn. My stores were plundered."

Half the court had fallen asleep by this point. "By whom?" Tywin asked.

"By the accused, Tyrion Lannister, after he had me wrongfully imprisoned."

Tywin was quick to snap back. "Grand Maester, you examined King Joffrey's corpse. Was it without question poison that killed him?"

"Without question." The court erupted into shocks, gasps, and disbelief as the Maester spoke. He shuffled into his robe, pulling out a single necklace with blue stones. "This was found on the body of Dontos Hollard, the king's fool. He was last seen spiriting Sansa Stark, the wife of the accused, away from the feast. She wore this necklace the day of the wedding. Residue of a most rare and terrible poison was found inside."

Aerys didn't wanted to believe it, she couldn't. Sansa was but a girl and this was a game larger than her but the evidence was right there; in front of everyone. "Was this one of the poisons stolen from your store?"

"It was. The Strangler. A poison few in the Seven Kingdoms possess. And used to strike down the most noble child the gods ever put on this good earth." The Maester turned round to look at Tyrion, the words laced with deceit flounced at him.

Tywin looked on hard before dismissing the Maester and Cersei was next to be called upon. "I will hurt you for this. A day will come when you think you are safe and happy and your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth and you will know the debt is paid." Her voice had been thick with tears, wavering ever so slightly as the crowd looked on with sympathetic silence.

"Your own brother said this to you?" Mace questioned, leaning forward.

She nodded softly. "Shortly before the Battle of Blackwater Bay. I confronted him about his plans to put Joffrey on the front lines. As it turned out, when the attack came, Joff insisted on remaining at the battlements. He believed his presence would inspire the troops." Aerys felt bad for the woman, her own hand reaching out to cup the soft, smooth skin of her own child.

Oberyn spoke out. "Tyrion said, And you will know the debt is paid. What debt?"

"I discovered he'd been keeping whores in the Tower of the Hand. I asked him to confine his salacious acts to the brothel where such behavior belongs. He wasn't pleased."

"Thank you, Your Grace, for the courage of your testimony." Cersei slipped back to her seat, the black still gracing her delicate figure as she sat back on the chair.

The next witness was called forward and Aerys rested back, her back aching in pain as she did so. Varys moved softly through the hall before taking his place. "Do you remember the precise nature of this threat?" Mace questioned the Lord.

"I'm afraid I do, my lord. He said ,Perhaps you should speak more softly to me, then. Monsters are dangerous and just now kings are dying like flies."

"And he said this to you at a meeting of the small council?"

"Yes. After we received word of Robb Stark's death. He didn't seem gladdened by the news. Perhaps his marriage to Sansa Stark had made him more sympathetic to the northern cause." She wanted to know how many people had been paid for their testimony, how many spoke lies or were made to thing of the negatives that Tyrion had ever uttered.

"You're excused, Lord Varys." Tywin dismissed him and he left once more.

The cogs turned quickly in Tyrion's head as the evidence was stacked against him. "Father, may I ask the witness one question?" Varys stopped short of his stand, looking to the Lord.

There was a moment of hesitation. "One."

Tyrion smiled gratefully. "You once said that without me, this city would have faced certain defeat. You said the histories would never mention me, but you would not forget. Have you forgotten, Lord Varys?"

"Sadly, my lord, I never forget a thing."

"We will adjourn for now. Toll the bells in an hour's time." Tywin called before departing from the room.

Aerys stood, gathering part of her skirt as she slowly approached the quick paced Oberyn, her eyes wide. "This is maddening!" She muttered as others filed out, leaving Tyrion remaining. "The evidence, despite all of the accusations, it seems too false; too planted." Aerys said, shaking her head softly.

"That's the way justice works in this place, my Love; let me go get you something to eat and drink." She nodded, turning back to look at Tyrion. She felt guilt pool in the belly of her stomach, her heart reaching out for the fallen man.

"You go, bring some back in a small pouch. I want to speak to him." Oberyn complied, pressing a linger of a kiss on her temple before departing. Aerys hovered for a moment, the silence lingering around her before she took a controlled step towards him. She was far less graceful then she used to be, the bump having thrown her equilibrium out the window.

Aerys' hand caught the smooth of the wood, trailing round before she stopped short from being just in front of him. "I'd hate to be you right now." She uttered softly, leaning in close. "Handcuffs never did suit me."

Tyrion huffed a laugh, shaking his head. "Princess Aerys, you know you're not supposed to talk to the prisoner."

She smiled. "Well, that's true but I'm not one to follow rules, neither are you. We do things our own way, regardless of the consequence; it's how you ended up in chains, and me with a husband."

"What is the point of this, Princess Aerys?" He muttered, tired of beating around the bush.

"I don't think you're guilty, neither does Oberyn; I hope you know that even in a mob of people there are still people that follow the truth."

Tyrion smiled wearily, his head almost lolloping on his shoulders. "I thank you, Princess Aerys, for your kind words." Her husband approached from the side, passing her a small pouch of wine before she handed it to Tyrion.

"Drink up, I'm sure you'll need it for the remainder of the trial." He nodded gratefully, undoing the cap before drinking heavily. Oberyn's arm snaked around her middle, the expanse of his palm running across the heavy bump.

"How many months are you now?" He questioned, glancing to her bump then back to her.

"Almost 8; we've been here for two months already and I was close to 6 then." Aerys all but muttered happily as she touched Nym; his movements rather still.

Tyrion seemed to think for a moment before sipping the wine once more. "Are you going to have the baby here, or Dorne?"

"Dorne, I'm hoping." Oberyn muttered, shaking his head at the thought of one of his children being born here. "With the trial, it seems as though that may not happen." She smiled sullenly up to her husband, caressing at his jawbone.

"We'll be going home soon, my love; and then Nym will be born healthy." He nodded, the fury never dying from his eyes. "We should probably get back to our places soon, wouldn't want the council to discount Oberyn's view." She muttered, Tyrion passing her the wine.

"And I thank you again Princess Aerys, Prince Oberyn." They nodded to the man and left, back to Aerys' seat.

Oberyn touched her cheek softly, his hand caressing at the smooth skin in the gentlest of embraces before pressing a kiss to her forehead. "If the trial goes smoothly, we can sail by next week if you want." She nodded, pushing herself into him.

"Please, I'm sick of being so false in King's Landing. It's not home, it's not Dorne." He nodded in agreeance before pushing back a dark lock. "I can't wait to see the girls again, I've sent them letters but I know it'll take a while before they reach them."

"Yes, it'll be nice to have us back as a family again; perhaps we should take them to Essos - the youngest have never been." She smiled at the thought, the girls being around the two would be nice again and they'd get to meet Aerys' side of the family. The bells began to toll above them and Oberyn placed a kiss to her lips, fire snaking between them. She moaned, bringing him closer to her body before they broke away, breath ragged. His heeled boots clicked slightly as he traced back to his seat, bodies swarming around her as they all stood, Tywin coming in.

Tywin sat, the crowd following. "The crown may call its next witness." The room was silent as a small woman she recognised as Sansa's handmaiden stepped through the room; Tyrion's face transforming into utter defeat. She moved with soft steps, her pink dress billowing out as she refused to meet eyes with him. "State your name."


She evidently meant something to him, something irreplaceable. "Do you swear by all the gods that your testimony will be true and honest?"

"I swear it." Her accent was thick in the air, her head hung so she never truly met Tywin's eyes.

"Do you know this man?" He questioned, looking over to his son.

What a stupid question, Aerys thought. Shae turned back to glance at Tyrion, her eyes almost drenched in shame. "Yes. Tyrion Lannister."

"How do you know him?"

"I was handmaiden to his wife Lady Sansa."

"This man stands accused of murdering King Joffrey. What do you know of this?"

Shae continued to look down. "I know that he's guilty. He and Sansa planned it together." Aerys couldn't help but frown at the woman's words; who could trust her word? She was a handmaiden easily bought with gold. Outrage poured from the crowd around her.

"Silence!" Tywin commanded, his voice strong against the room; Tyrion sinking to his seat. She was betraying him. "Continue."

"She wanted revenge for her father, her mother, her brother. She blamed their deaths on the King. Tyrion was happy to help. He hated Joffrey. He hated the Queen. He hated you, my lord. He stole poison from the Grand Maester's chamber to put in Joffrey's wine." Surely they could see that it was false, every word?

"How could you possibly know all this? Why would he reveal such plans to his wife's maid?" Her husband was the voice of reason, their attention brought to him as he spoke.

"I wasn't just her maid." She spoke almost softly, Oberyn's head craning for her to continue. "I was his whore." The crowd turned in disgust, as though what he did was wrong.

"I beg your pardon?You said you were his...?" Mace asked, unsure of what the woman had said, furthering Tyrion's embarrassment.

"His whore."

There was silence for a moment. "How did you come to be in his service?"

"He stole me. I was with another man, a Knight in your lordship's army. But when Tyrion arrived at the camp, he sent one of his cutthroats into our tent. He broke the knight's arm and brought me to Lord Tyrion. You belong to me now, he said. I want you to fuck me like it's my last night in this world."

Laughter rang out unashamedly, her heart breaking for the framed man. "Silence. Silence!"

"And did you?" Oberyn question, a scandalous look on his face as he pointed to Tyrion. Aerys looked to him, displeased.

"Did I what?"

She was going to clip her husband round the ear next time she got the chance. "Fuck him like it was his last night in this world."

Shae was a horrible liar. "I did everything he wanted. Whatever he told me to do to him. Whatever he felt like doing to me. I kissed him where he wanted. I licked him where he wanted. I let him put himself where he wanted. I was his property. I would wait in his chambers for hours so he could use me when he was bored. He ordered me to call him 'My Lion,' so I did. I took his face in my hands and said, I am yours and you are mine."

Humiliation was all that Tyrion felt, all that anyone would have felt at being the new joke of the court. "Shae." She turned at her name, looking to him. "Please don't." He muttered defeated to the woman but she wasn't done.

"I am a whore. Remember? That was before he married Sansa. After that, all he wanted was her. But she wouldn't let him into her bed. So he promised to kill King Joffrey for her."

Something snapped inside of Tyrion as his head hung low, this was the last straw. "Father. I wish to confess." It was quiet, a murmur in the wind. "I wish to confess."

"You wish to confess?" This shocked those around them, Tywin leaning forward and Jaime watching his brother with wide eyes.

Tyrion turned to face the crowd, almost murderous in his looks. "I saved you. I saved this city and all your worthless lives. I should have let Stannis kill you all."

"Tyrion." Tywin called out, trying to reign in his youngest son who turned to him; the court soon in madness. "Do you wish to confess?"

"Yes, Father. I'm guilty. Guilty. Is that what you want to hear?" The lions roared at each other from across the room, desperate to nip at each other.

"You admit you poisoned the King?" Tywin exclaimed, questioning Tyrion.

"No, of that I'm innocent. I'm guilty of a far more monstrous crime. I am guilty of being a dwarf."

Tywin chuckled, a hint of an elusive smile on his face as he spoke. "You are not on trial for being a dwarf."

"Oh, yes, I am. I've been on trial for that my entire life."

Tywin was growing furious, the eyes a dead giveaway as they all watched him being the Great Lion. This was what men feared, what turned them to stone. "Have you nothing to say in your defense?"

"Nothing but this-- I did not do it." He turned to Cersei as he did so. "I did not kill Joffrey, but I wish that I had. Watching your vicious bastard die gave me more relief than 1,000 lying whores." Tyrion turned to the crowd now, anger radiating from his body; Aerys clutched her belly tight as though to shield the child from his words. "I wish I was the monster you think I am. I wish I had enough poison for the whole pack of you. I would gladly give my life to watch you all swallow it."

"Ser Meryn. Ser Meryn. Escort the prisoner back to his cell." Tywin stood, looking to the Knight who had spoken earlier.

"I will not give my life for Joffrey's murder. And I know I'll get no justice here. So I will let the gods decide my fate." Aerys hand gripped the railing as a quiet sob passed her lips. "I demand a trial by combat." Aerys stomach hit the floor as she watched the twisted words flutter in the air; the fate sealed in front of her eyes.

Her stomach rolled as she knew exactly who. Her eyes danced up to her husband's who had already stretched forward in his chair looking to Tyrion, fear swirling in the indigo orbs. Oberyn, Oberyn would be his champion. 

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