Resonating in our Souls

De mimi1ab

131 2 1

"If you wake up in the middle of nowhere with no memory and get attacked by a kishin-egg soul, you'd better b... Mais

Resonating in our Souls
chapter 2
REAPER CHOP! --ch. 4

chapter 3

12 0 0
De mimi1ab

Uwaahhh >.< this took a while! I really hope you all are enjoying the story so far, I try my hardest to make it bearable XD anyways...i don't own Soul Eater! Or as the japanese would say 'Soru Ita'! Don't own it! ^.^ so yeah, enjoy!


I leaned myself deeper into the soft cushion that I rested on, as warm and pleasant sunlight filtered onto my face, drowning me in warmth. I could hear voices—soul and Maka I think-- but that didn't matter.. where ever I was, it was too nice to actually fully wake up from and pay attention to. I buried my face into the warm cushion and put my thumb in my mouth, as I felt drool run from the corner of my mouth onto the cushion. I didn't care though, I was too sleepy and comfortable to wipe it away. One thing that I did question was why the heck I could feel hands under my thighs and why my cushion smelled like cologne. What...the? Oh...well, maybe this was Soul's pillow or something...he has good taste...smells nice...but...why am I's almost as if I’m moving as In a normal paced way, like I'm being...carried?

I fluttered open my eyes and squinted as blinding sunlight pierced them painfully, as my hearing adjusted slowly. I could hear voices more clearly, even though I could only make out some words and the images were still all fuzzy. ...mouth” um, okay then. Awkward. The sleep still must be wearing off on me, because I did not just hear that. Maybe it's just me but that sounded wrong. Meh, I guess I just have a dirty mind. A really dirty one. Wait, what are they taking about anyways? Hnn,oh well. I stopped straining myself for words when I heard something else that I couldn't help but attempt to eavesdrop in on. Me and Sekki have always been big eavesdroppers, but 75% of all that is me.

ew...drool...gross.......not cool!” from what I could guess, it was soul who was talking...obviously. I couldn't help but inwardly roll my eyes at that. Him and his stupid “cools”! Wait a second...thumb and drool—are they? They ARE, AREN'T THEY.

I popped my eyes open,

“GAHHHHHHH!” I screamed, my voice cracking embarrassingly in an unfamiliar high pitch, trying to disrupt the conversation from further progress. I had actually planned to say something, but my mind in the morning likes to jump ahead and surprise me every now and then. Well then, good thing my voice sounds like a freaking bird on crack.

“jeez! Could you NOT shout right in my ear?” I hear a masculine voice say.

“huh?” I blinked open my eyes to, Soul who cuffed his ear in his hand, who also was carrying me on him, piggyback style.

Yeah, way to wake me up from my sleep too. You scared the living hell out of me! A little warning would have helped, Miyuki.


Don't 'oops' me! You should receive punishment for waking up me from my sleep! And I was having a great dream too! You weren’t in it!

Screw you.

At that I earned a mean laugh at me. The guy is seriously a narcissistic bastard.

“oh you're awake Miyuki, Good morning!” Maka said with a warm smile. Even though she's smiling I see plenty of passer-bys glaring or staring at me as they all walk by us on the wide sidewalk. Most have questioning looks on their faces, and others surprised, and every now and then someone passes by muttering about some 'stupid 12 year old'

I’m not 12 dammit!

“yeah...good morning Miyuki” soul says to me, tossing a glare over his shoulder. I don't know why he didn't just drop me by now, especially after that.

I smiled awkwardly, “eheh. sorry I didn't mean to yell. I was going to say something because I thought I heard you two talking about me, but then I forgot to think of what to say...” I finish sheepishly as soul's glare turns into that sloppy grin with a drop of drool, and maka giggles lightly.

“i was just saying that you look cute when you sleep with your thumb in your mouth” Maka says, smili—wait, what?!

“wh-what?!” I feel my cheeks heat up.

OoOoooO, a girl just called you cute, it's SUCH a big deal what are you gonna do, Miyuki? Maybe you should-

shuttup, you pervert. No one's ever called you cute, get on my level, child.

I clear my throat, “th-th-thankyou..” I say, still hot. Why the heck am I stuttering?

“you just looked so carefree like that on Soul's back...”

soul makes a disapproving sound, “humph! actually, it was a pain carrying you. You drool all over the place, the back of my shirt is wet now! Not cool, Miyuki.” I pull my cheek away from 'the cushion' what I know notice is his soggy black and yellow sweatshirt. What am I supposed to say to that?

“well now you know how disgusting it is when you drool and smile at the same time” maka says twitching.

“it's not like I'm trying to drool though! Besides I look cool so it doesn't really matter!” I roll my eyes and Maka just ignores him.

Does everything this guy does have to be considered 'cool'? What a pain...

“oh yeah...why am I on your back anyways? You could have just woken me up” I say, feeling more conscious of the hands under my thighs, as my cheeks get the slightest bit warm.

“tch! you say that like no one's ever told you how you sleep.” soul says twitching as he continues to walk, Swinging me with every step.

“what do you mean?”

“wait. You seriously don't know? Did you forget or something?” soul answers with a weird look

“what the heck are you even talking about?” I ask with one eyebrow up sounding annoyed and Soul and turns his head towards me with a blank expression plastered on his face.

“Miyuki, we would've woken you up if we could but...” maka drifts off

“we might as well be trying to make pigs fly,” Soul finishes for her, “we tried pouring cold water, tickling, dropping, and flicking you, but you didn't even flinch.”, oh that makes sense... wait he tried to flick me? The bastard! Trying to get back, ey? Well I’m going to-- wait if I didn't wake up did I...?

I look down at myself. wow....

“you know you really could've done something about my clothing and appearance, though” Sekki erupts in a ball of laughter though, as he takes in my appearance. I hate that weapon. He needs to go on a little 'vacation' and never come back. Yes please....

I'm wearing Maka's pink Pajamas: a button-up cotton shirt and pants from last night and as I run my hand over my long, curly hair, I don't even want to try to describe the texture. It's not worth trying to describe such a worthless glob of messiness. Just about everyone in the street way is staring at us, like I’m wearing no clothes, instead of just sleep clothes. But then again if I was in the middle of the sidewalk and saw a white-haired, canine-boy with blood red eyes, carrying a girl-who-looks-12-but-isn't-really-12 in pink PJ's, walking with some skinny-stick girl in weird white sandals and a black robe with twin tails, then I would stare at them like they were a freaking unicorn appearing in my bedroom. But then again we aren't unicorns so, getting all this attention makes me squirm in anger.

Could they seriously be anymore rude? Jeez!

Yeah....i mean this is death city, AMERICA, is it really any weirder than people transforming into weapons?



I want to ask Soul to let me down, but even though I would never tell him, he's kinda like a protective shield from all the stares so I just stay silent on his back, until a thought pops into my head.

“we are going to Shibusen, right?” I question curiously.

nahhhhh, we're going to the moon....

I wish you would go to that frigen' creepy moon and never come back.

“we're almost there too!” Maka replies, excited.

Good, I’m about to die of laughter, with that appearance..

No seriously, go to the moon and don't come back. It would make my day. No, my LIFE.

“so...whats Shibusen like?” I ask, ignoring sekki's stupid replies back.

“well, it's really big for one. It's almost impossible to know everyone in your age group, because there are so many. But then again, Shibusen doesn't divide classes by age groups, it's more like ability that they divide by.” Maka explains using her hands.

“yeah, and we're in a really cool class.” Soul grins and I can't help but smile back.

Shibusen sounds really nice, so far.


“do you have any friends in your class? What about the teacher? I've never gone to a school I think...actually wait, no I have. it was so boring, no one ever talked to me. But honestly I can't blame them with that Sekki around... And the teacher kept using jokes that weren’t funny...they were like the ones you find on Popsicle sticks...actually, I’m not sure if they were even meant to be was....” I screw my face, not intending to Finnish. Out of all my memories, why couldn’t I have forgotten that?

No, those were worse than the ones you find on Popsicle sticks. The ones on popsicles actually make sense...

Maka flicks a worried glance towards me.

“Oi, how bad were they?” Soul asks and i stare back into his eyes, completely serious. “they were not. Cool. at. All”. Soul frowns and shivers at my seriousness.

“give me an example, I’m sure they weren't that bad...”

maka you have no idea....

I sigh and shrug, “if I must, but let me warn you, they will make absolutely no scene. lemme think....if I remember it..” after a while I remember one and open my mouth

“ Okay...what do you call it when a monkey is late for work and runs into a zebra, dropping all his 12 bananas?”

“uhmmm...slipping on a banana peel?” maka asks doubtfully

“oh I know, it's called 'running late' because the monkey is literally running late right? And then the zebra crashes into the monkey because he's also running late, so they're both running late and their banana's are too, right?” I stare at soul blankly

“what kind of answer is that?” I can feel a muscle in my eyebrow twitch.

“don't bash my coolness”

“oh I got it!” Maka slams her fist onto her palm “you call it 'dropping life's worries' because he's dropping the bananas which are his worries and being stopped by the zebra to realize more important things in life than being late and eating food! Wow what a great moral..” she smiles and a constipated look etched its way onto my face as I look up in thought. Maka...why do you make me have to break the very sad news to you?

she's going to be so confused when she hears the real answer.

“whoa, how'd you come up with that, Maka? Cool!” Soul asks impressed and I sigh.

“sorry to break it to you two, but...the real answer was 'Buddha'” they look at me blankly and soul stops in his tracks.

Wait the answer was Buddha? I thought it was Hitler!

“the answer was ….Buddha? That doesn't even make sense though! Maka's answer was way better than 'Buddha'! What is that anyways?”

Buddha was actually a person, smart one.

“that doesn' answer was so thought out though! What does a monkey running late and dropping 12 bananas while running into a zebra have to do with Buddha?!”

that's what I would like to was so Hitler! Not Buddha, don't you remember?

Does it really matter? Either way they still make absolutely no sense.

“i....don't know. I think the whole entire reason why he told us them so we would shut up and actually use our brains for once...or he just extremely liked trolling on little kids and their minds. Then again I could never really tell if he really actually thought they were funny or something, his expression was always the same. Maybe he really did expect us to laugh but then...he would always call us 'fools'. I don't know why though...gosh I wish I could remember his name...or at least what he looks like...oh wait never mind, I think the answer was 'fools' or maybe it really was Hitler...ah oh well I forgot”, Maka and Soul exchange what seems like knowing looks at the word 'fool', but I’m not sure why. Maybe it's an inside joke or something that I wouldn't know of.

I lean my head back into soul's soggy back, intending to go to sleep again, when we come to a stop.

“hey! Why did you stop I was gonna--” my breath is hindered for a moment and I gasp, “ that?” I look up in awe. that...shibusen!?

There seems to be a million stairs that lead up to a huge black building...or something! i don't know what to call it. From here I can just barley see the top of it, all these stairs are in the way.

“welcome to the DMWA, Miyuki!” Maka smiles, raising her hands to the stairs.

“we told you it was big!” Soul says, glancing over his back to me.

At first I’m just silent, just staying in awe and inspiration, not knowing what exactly to say to this...but then..


are you seeing this sekki? Its like a million bajillion quadrillion--

Miyuki, bajillion is not a number.

Whatever! There are like infinity stairs! I'm pretty sure those stupid 'infinity scarves' became all popular just because of this! So..lonngggg!!!

he laughs. glad I'm not the one who has to climb them!

You suck.

“tch, well obviously your not getting up it on my back!” Soul says as he lets go of me and I land painfully on my butt.

“ow! would it have killed you to give a thought to my butt's emotions or something!? That hurt!” I get up rubbing my pink PJ covered bum and brushing off dirt.

“that was to get even from this morning's wake-up-yell...and my shirt is still wet!” he pinches the soggy yellow and black shirt away from his body and makes a revolting face. Sorry Soul I can't help what already happened. Plus you tried to flick me to wake me up so.....can't really say anything to that.

“it's your fault for carrying me.”

“what? You should be thankful I carried you! All this way too, and you were awake for some of it!” he says angrily

“you could have just passed me to maka, it's not like I way much anyways! At least I’m pretty sure that's what you were thinking!” Soul opens up his mouth looking like he's about to retort something to me, but then his face turns into one of realization.

“oh...your right, you don't even weight a pound...”

wow...this guy really is something.

“wait did you just say I’m skin and bones? That I have no curves at all?!”

I wouldn't say that it's untrue....

“Shuttup, sekki!” I close my eyes and clench my fists. “you know what lets just climb the damn thing already!” I walk fastly in front of Maka and Soul, as they look at me in confusion and exchange a silent conversation with their eyes, and begin to jog up the stairs with them in tow. They probably think something is wrong with me up there.

Wait by 'up there' do you mean your cup size or your brain, they're both equally--

“ me a favor” I begin to say in a dangerous low tone, “...and NEVER speak to me again!” I end shouting, only to earn more stares from my 1-day-old friends.

“um Miyuki...are you ok--” I whip around to maka who is now at eye level with me since I’m a few stair above her and grip her shoulders as she widens her eyes with a half cautious, half surprised look on her face.

“yes, yes I'm fineeeee! Totally Fine! So just tell sekki to go and burn in eternal pain and to rot in the moon's creepy bloody teeth forever so I don't to hear his annoying voice okay!? Okay!” I turn around and begin now running up the stairs, mad.

Well that was-

“SHUT UP. don't even fucking think to me, you bastard.” I continue to run my hardest up the never ending stairs, skipping several at a time, and soon after a while, I’m out of breath. I look up. I’m not even half way.

“how long is this thing?” I look down at Maka and Soul who are little dots in the distance approaching at a steady pace.

Do they do this everyday?

“who knows..wait, Why am I talking to you dammit?” I plop down onto one of the stairs looking out into death city. It's completely silent up here except for the whizzing of the air up here and the occasional chirp from a bird. I have to say...I’m not even at the top yet and it already has an amazing view... I guess it's somewhat worth climbing. But I can't imagine going down the stairs. I gulp.

Just like, what if you trip and fall? Then what? I can't imagine falling from the very top of this. I shiver. I'm not even half way and the thought makes my body weak. I can feel my heart rate speed up and dragons in my stomach (the saying 'butterflies in my stomach' doesn't describe my nervousness enough at the thought) as I continue to ponder over the idea. Imagine if you were in a wheelchair? Wait this doesn’t even make sense. There has got to be another way besides this, because somewhere in human rights or whatever it says that all public buildings must have at least one way for disabled to get in. but then again I don't think anyone in a wheelchair or crutches would be going here. This is after all, basically a fighting academy to ward off evil—kishins or whatever. What would really suck would be if you were a midget and you---


“JEEZ, WHAT?” I jump up in my make-shift seat on the stairs, tripping as I look downward into the bottomless, steep stairs.

“h-huh?” I can feel wind in my hair and the sun on my back as I sense my body tipping over the stairs, growing closer to the angled ridges that brought me all the way here as I see Maka and Soul get farther away as they yell for me, outstretching their hands in horror. And then it hits me with a terrifying pang in my stomach.

I'm falling.

I'm going to die here.

“MIYUKII!!” I can feel my brain roll inside my head as it hits the concrete making a crunching noise and---

what the hell Miyuki? Snap out of it!

I can hear Maka's voice, “Miyuki? Miyuki!”

what the? I'm not....falling?

“huh?” I look up to Maka who is shaking me by the shoulders, worriedly. When she sees that I’m okay she releases me, and breathes in relief.

“gosh, you were just spacing out there, I thought that you had fallen asleep with your eyes open or something! Then Soul would have to carry you all over again” ohhh...i was hallucinating. Yup, makes sense. But even so, that was terrifying. That whole brain rolling inside head thing..where did I even get that image? I breath out in relief too, as soul does the same.

Seriously soul, I’m not even heavy, you shouldn't be relieved.

So you're admitting finally that you are just skin and bones and have no curv-

go fall down the stairs. Peasant. Get on my level. And stop using my own lines and make up your own for once.

I breath out in relief once again “for a second there, I thought I saw myself falling to my death, but it was just a hallucination. How do you guys do this everyday? Isn't there like some entrance for the crippled or something? What if I like broke my butt from Soul dropping me on the ground and then had no way of getting in? Oh wait never mind, then I would just use soul to carry me”, I am EXTREEMLY afraid of falling. I'm perfectly fine with heights. I just have a fear of falling from heights and splatting on the ground like a crushed grape. Not so much of a nice picture as the view here.

“jeez...and you didn't even say thank you for that.” soul says with his eyes closed as he folds his arms behind his head and walks ahead of us. I can't believe he even dares to close his eyes. I could just like push him off the steps and could die right here. I have the right to punish him. Though I won't because it's too tiresome. Idiot. We follow him up the steps and after what seems like a whole 30 minutes we finally reach the top. I look up and gasp leaving my mouth wide open.

“woowww.... the building is a huge...giant...” I lean on my knees panting, out of breath, though Maka and Soul aren’t even the slightest bit sweaty after all that running in this heat. I guess I kinda am just stick and bones. Blah. But I won't let anyone else say that to me. If they did they would suffer eternal pain. But then Soul didn't actually directly say that to me, I just assumed it so I won't...yet.

Now looking back up at the DWMA, I would describe it if I could but it looks so complex I don't even want to attempt to. I will say that for some reason there are three floating black balls above it, though it really doesn't surprise me. There are also three giant skulls on the front with red spikes coming out of their head and 4 giant lighted candles sticking out too. Other than that, I'd rather not try to explain it. Maka and Soul seem unfazed by it, and walk right up to a new shorter black set of stairs. Wait....stairs...?

Annd...there's that constipated look again.

Seriously more stairs?! I already climbed up like 5,000! do they intend to make their students break their legs and end up in the hospital?

these are shorter though. I don't get whats wrong.

You won't get it until you actually climb them yourself, which is for you, impossible considering the circumstances. You know, climbing up those stairs have ruined me from ever jumping down stairs again. In fact I don't even want to use them. SEE THEM. I demand there be an elevator built here. Sekki just sighs.

My mind wonders to another thought, “oh by the way...where are all the students? It is a school day today right?” I put my finger to my lips, thinking. You would expect to see a bunch of students along the stairs since it's so long, or at least see a few up ahead, but when I was there I didn't even see a pigeon on the steps or any other life than us...

Maybe there aren't any pigeons in Death City

that's...not the point. I mentally face palm.

“oi right...i thought we'd see black star up there” he points to a red spike coming out of the skull's eye, “laughing his head off for no reason as usual, going off about how he'll surpass God or whatever.” What the heck is with all these weird names!?wait...surpass God?

Honestly I'm not surprised. It seems like the people of Shibusen are completely mad. Just look at maka and soul! I mean one of them can't stop mentioning the word 'cool' and the other somehow pulls books out of thin air and hits people of the head with them at the most random moments.

Maka's not that crazy though...she knows she's not God or whatever...

you never know. His tone sends me chills.

“there's no students here because we're late, since we took so long trying to wake you up”, whoops....“and I bet Tsubaki eventually dragged even Black Star off to class” Maka says

“if we're late then what are we standing here chatting on the steps!? Won't you get in big trouble if you don't hurry?” I ask worriedly. Why didn't they tell me this before? I would've been far more faster if I knew that. Instead I basically just took up the whole time dragging my feet wondering what if I fell down the stairs... I feel kinda bad that I put them in this spot, I mean, they already gave me and Sekki food and shelter and clothes (sort of) and even a piggyback ride and here I am making them late!

“huh? Oi, Why are you so worried?” soul looks down to me, “We're already late so there's nothing we can do about it. No point in worrying” Soul says calmly, though it doesn’t make me feel any better.

“but...” I look down. I feel so bad though....


Maka puts her hand on my head and I jump, looking up, “it's not you're fault, Miyuki” she smiles, “Our teacher is just Stein, so it's not like he'll even care. The only thing he ever wants to do is dissect things. For the past week actually, that's all we've been doing in the Crescent-Moon class. I shouldn't say this but...I’m actually glad that I have you here as an excuse so I don't have to be there!” she grins half laughing, and ruffles my hair then drops her hand as soul agrees, giving his signature sloppy grin.

“re-really? I'm glad I wasn't just baggage to you!” I say looking down. I feel a smudge better...

Is it really that hard to say thanks? But still...i suppose I am grateful.

I smile...they really are nice people aren't they?

Well you for one were actually useful for once.

Hmph! Yes I was, unlike you! But...i do wonder who this stein guy is.... stein like...Frankenstein?!?

well you already met a white haired canine-toothed dude named soul, who eats souls, so I wouldn't get your hopes up too high.

I never said that I wanted to meet Frankenstein!

Hmph! It's your punishment for waking me up. Get on my level, peasant!

Hey! That's my line! You can't just copy people's words and then use them as yours I told you this! It's Copyright poloc-

“Oi, Miyuki! You coming?” I blink out of our thoughts and look over to Soul who is holding the door open for me looking impatient, yet bored.

“uh, yeah!” I run inside the building after tossing a thanks at soul for holding the door and follow after Maka. It's even grander inside. Huge. Under my toes I can feel the hard cool white and black tiles, so cold it almost seems to hurt my feet, though I don't know why only now I’m feeling pain even though I just went though all those stairs. As we walk It's completely silent except for the mismatched sounds of their shoes and my bare feet hitting the ground, echoing. I'm glad no one's here to see me in these clothes, but it makes it even more nerve racking at the same time. My skin prickles even more as I feel what can only be described as excitement and adrenalin, flows throughout me. I feel like I can run all those stairs and back without breaking a sweat, but at the same time I feel like I'm about to vomit. I'm really curious...Shibusen seems so..important...elite...powerful...

and I’m so small.

I wonder what this Lord Death guy is really like. We saw him in the window but...he' could've just been putting up airs...he is the owner of DWMA anyways. He was wearing that scull mask too

I gulp, as I feel sweat dot my forehead and hands.

“oi you okay? You have that constipated look on your face again.” I jump up as Soul speaks into my ear. That scared me!

“I-I'm fine!” I bark back, a little too fast


“I’m not constipated, dammit so just lay off!” I say walking faster up ahead to Maka.

“jeez, I was just asking..”, i feel a hint of annoyance in his voice. Whatever. He scared me okay? And I’m not constipated either!

“we're here” Maka stops in front two big black doors.

“Here?” I point to the big black doors. They have scull handles and the doors are at least 3 times my size. But then again. I'm not a normal 16 year old size. Damn my genes.

“yes, this is the death room.”

“w-wait, death room!?”

what do they do in there? Kill people!?

Hey, maybe whatever's in there is so boring it's the death of you.

what the heck sekki? Are you dumb, where the heck did that come from? It's obviously somewhere where bad things happen, I mean it has the name 'death room'!



“don't worry they don' t kill people in there. It's just the name of Lord Death's room.” maka laughs. How Did she know what I was thinking?

“how did you..?

“I had the same face as you when I first got heard the name of the room” she gives a small chuckle


told ya it was something boring

but still..this is Lord Death. Owner and defender of Shibusen

I'm pretty sure I heard Maka and Soul say somewhere that he was a Shinigami too.

Sh—shinigami? Seriously? He must be powerful then.

who knows?

Maka opens the door as it creaks open and light blinds me, making me squint

w h a t 's I n t h e r e? The cautiousness in my voice does not go unnoticed though sekki does not say a thing. Even so I can feel his curiosity in me, but he isn't nervous or a bit cautious. Sekki isn't fazed or scared easily like me, though I try not to show it, even though he sees strait through me. He's never cried before. Even when our parents died. I know it's not because he's a stone cold type of person though... I guess it's just because he's always thought he has to be there for me. But I wouldn't know that, because I can't read his mind, unlike him who can see my mind's every thoughts.

Don't be scared. I'm here.

He knows what I’m feeling. But until know I didn't know I was actually scared until now. Just nervous, but that is also a form of fear, I suppose. Even if I wasn't scared he would always still be here for me even if he a choice

I’m here.

And with that we walk into the black doors, soul-bound.

What ever is in there we'll see to it , t o g e t h e r.


I bet all of you are confused about what the heck is Sekki and why he's inside Miyuki (that sounded weird XD) . Don't worry i'm getting to that, it will be explained in the next chapter, so wait for update! Also we're about to meet a BUNCH of other characters so don't ditch me now, i'm really excited to write about this, I already have a bunch a awesome ideas in my head ^.^ so thank you for reading!


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