Goalie // Sidney Crosby

By alittlebitbias

164K 2.1K 254

Emerson Rousseau was going to be the second woman to play in the NHL since the 90's. After her four required... More

The Beginning


4.5K 63 0
By alittlebitbias

"At this point Emerson Rousseau has been doing an amazing job of keeping up in the league. So far out of all the games she's played she's only lost two, and has kept an amazingly high SV%. Many were concerned about having a woman play in the league, but she's out to prove that mindset wrong.
The Penguins are definitely starting to see that the risk of drafting her in 2012 and signing her over the summer.. has paid off. Some could argue she's having stronger starts than Fleury and could turn into their main goalie. It will be very interesting to see how the rest of the season progresses with her; but she will be a key piece to a strong playoff run. Keeping her healthy will be important.
And on a more personal note, it's been seen that she's fitting in perfectly in Pittsburgh. There was major concern on how having a girl could affect the teams dynamic even down to the game play- but nothing has seemed to change. But if you look at the last two teams Rousseau was apart of, they too were top tier championship teams. She's always been said to work hard and bring out the best in others. We will have to see how this carries on in the future."

Emerson read the article on her carefully, even down to the comments. She had a smile subconsciously on her face because everyone was so supportive and had good things to say. Even the comments referring to her as 'eye candy' or 'damn for a woman she's not bad' didn't get to her. Honestly, she took those as compliments too. Really no one could argue that she had the skill to be in the nhl. She was high on a lot of the leader boards..

They were now in the final days of December and were going to be facing the Carolina Hurricanes in a matter of hours.

Time was flying by. Sometimes her and Sid would go a few days without talking due to just being tired or busy. Other days they'd spend hours staying up talking about everything in the world. She was head over heels for him and just didn't care anymore.

Speaking of the Captain. He stopped as he passed her in one of the team lounge areas of the arena. "Ems." she looked up from her phone to give him her attention.

"Hey Cap."

"Feeling good?" they could go from good friends laughing about dumb stories from when they were younger to this, very professional and teammates. It made her stomach do flips, seeing him in this mode was attractive as hell.

"Yeah, you?"

"Good as it gets..." he shoved his hands into the pockets of his jacket. Sparking Emerson with some curiosity was how he seemed nervous, had more to say. She could tell by the way he shuffled his feet and could hardly bring his gaze up to hers. His voice on the other hand came out as casual as he asked her, "How about after the game we get some dinner?"

Emerson smiled immediately, but was smart enough to think of something to counter with, "only if we win." of course she knew that could be risky.

"Sounds like a de-"

"And you score at least one of the goals."

Sid quickly masked whatever he was feeling with a smile. It didn't surprise him that she was challenging him like this- but with his competitiveness he wasn't one to argue and back down, "Then I'll be seeing you for dinner."

On the outside Sidney came across as normal, smooth and had confidence that rarely seemed to waiver. Inside though, he felt a slight panic. He now needed his team to pull out a win and he needed to score. But as the older man walked away he couldn't allow himself to forget about the fact that he'd be the player to live up to that. He was pretty consistent on scoring each game, he was the best for a reason.


"What, were you trying to throw the game or something so I couldn't take you out?" Sidney teased Emerson as the two walked side by side down a block to where they were going to eat. They won against Carolina 3-2, Emerson having allowed the two goals before they brought in Fleury. Sid of course knew she'd never do such a thing, but he just had to say it.

"Oh yeah cause having to hangout with you is clearly worth letting down thousands of people!"

"Hey you never know."

"Be thankful you hit that snap shot as quickly as you did."

"Within the first 30 seconds Ems! I think I get a rain check for another night too, just for that."

"Oh you wish." Emerson rolled her eyes trying to conceal her closed lip smile. The pair decided to put their dressier clothes on that they would wear before games, for media. Emerson was adorned in a navy blue dress that fitted her perfectly, a business causal in her opinion. And Sid just went with his suit; boy did men have it easy.

They came to the crosswalk and waited as the cars went by. Emerson only had a windbreaker covering her upper body, and she of course regretted that as soon as another cold wind sent shivers down her whole body. Sid immediately offered his jacket multiple times on their short walk but she declined. Sometimes you could suffer for a couple minutes than inconvenience someone else.

When the light turned signaling they could go, Sidney put a hand on her back; as he easily towered over her and wanted to make sure she was near when they crossed. Ems felt ten times warmer with this touch, whether it was from a fire of emotions erupting from within her or the fact he was just closer shielding her from the wind.

Walking into the fancy restaurant, Emerson immediately felt vulnerable as she looked to who she was with. Her and Sid definitely looked as of they could be on a date right now and she silently prayed no one would recognize them.

The high beamed ceilings and the eclectic decor made the atmosphere cool and airy. The tables were very private with stacks of wine cracks around giving even more separation. As the two were seated Ems felt very out of place as she looked around; it was rare for her to ever be seen in this nice of a place. Sidney on the other hand looked liked he belonged. The stoicness of his chisled face as he looked through the menu left her mesmerized. Down to his freshly combed back hair to the way his dress shirt accentuated his body..

Almost immediately a waiter came over to their table, "Hi, my name is Maxwell and I'll be your server today. Can I start you two off with anything to drink?" his eyes gleamed as he seemed very enthusiastic about job...

"Just a water thanks." Sidney said politely and Emerson followed suit, "I'll do the same."

"Okay that'll be right out." the waiter's eyes lingered on Emerson for a few extra seconds, he gave her a warm smile that made her blush. Sidney watched their interaction with narrowed eyes, only content once Maxwell walked away. Boy was he already thinking he'd be in for a night.

"Order whatever you want Ems."

"Um, you're not paying for me." Emerson hated other people using their money on her when she could pay for herself. She didn't want to seem like a freeloader or needed someone's money. She'd argue with someone about this, even if it was for a small coffee.

"I am." Sid smirked catching her death glare right in the eyes, "I brought up getting dinner in the first place so I'm paying."

Ems sighed, "fine. Next time I call dibs on the check though."


The two fell into a silence as they looked through their options of what to get. Emerson always felt overwhelmed with menu options and she decided to stick with something she knew couldn't disappoint. When the waiter came back around with their waters they were able to order. Ems went with the penne al a vodka because she knew it would be a safe bet; it wasn't a surprise when Sid went and ordered a ton more than she'd ever be able to eat.

"Thank you Sid, for taking me out." her words were quiet and filled with shyness as she wanted him to know she was grateful.

"Anytime. I enjoy spending time with you." he smiled.

"Yeah uh, me too."

Sidney could see the color rising to her cheeks. And the thing was, he was well aware of how she felt for him.. the last few days he started picking up on things.. and a couple teammates spilled some info at that. He decided to change the conversation, "what are you planning on doing next week for the bye-week? I hope you're taking advantage of it."

"Oh trust me I am!" for once this was something she planned in advance rather than last minute adventures. "I'm seeing Bryce for the first few days then I'm heading up to Boston for the rest."

"Going to see old teammates?"

"Yep! I am so excited, I can't even begin to explain it." she was grinning ear to ear just thinking about seeing those boys.

Sidney didn't want to think about her with Bryce doing whatever they were planning to do or with old teammates. Of course he was in no position to speak, he'd probably want to go visit them if he were her. His stomach had a dropping pit feeling in the bottom, and he regretted asking her her plans.

Emerson asked, "What about you?"

"Seeing some old buddies. Then my family back home for a bit. I'm just excited to get some downtime."

"Oh I don't think I'll be getting much of that once I get to Boston." Ems laughed to herself shaking her head slightly. She was already imagining all the stuff they'd have planned and want to do. And she was ready for a few days that would feel once again like college.

"Do your best to.." god Sid hated when he sounded like he was talking down to her. He never meant things to come out like he was her senior. but at least she never seemed very phased by it.

"I will. But I'm sure they've already got their itinerary set."

"You'll have to let me know how it goes. I do enjoy hearing the stories of your... very poorly thought through ideas." Sid teased poking fun at her. Emerson made the mistake of telling him a story of the team over the summer when they went to Europe; then he wanted to hear more. He never would think to do the stuff they did with him team, but he wasn't ever on a college team.

"Oh I'm sure I'll have a few for you." she grinned. It was easy to see how genuinely happy she was, the giddiness very evident in her body language and as she talked. He himself was happy to see her in such a great place after she struggled for such a long time.

"You deserve to have some fun, I know you've missed them.."

"Ah I feel like I've worried you with all the times I've kept you up to talk about my problems.."

"Maybe a little, but it was never a bother whatsoever."

"I was never gracious enough to ever really ask how you were, ya know?" Emerson could pick apart his thoughts only slightly, but there was something so private about him that she couldn't put her finger on. He definitely wasn't like the guys she was used to dealing with for the last few years.

"I promise I've been good. What you've been going through, I went through when I was 18 so I've had 12 years of this." he chuckled, "besides I love all this so, it keeps me busy and I wouldn't want it any other way."

"Oh okay, good! But just know I will gladly lend a shoulder if you ever need it."

Sid carefully reached across the table and took Emerson's hand into his. Her small fragile hand laid gently in his own, his fingers grasping here softly, "I'll remember that."

The feeling of their skin touching made a shock ignite in Emerson's whole body. She was taken aback by his actions, but her whole head only spun. Her stomach lurched, chills went down her spine. It was actually, almost painful, but she didn't want it to go away. She was so far into her feelings for Sidney that these emotions would only get stronger from here. Ems knew that and she wasn't sure how ready for that she was.

Sidney saw the emotions in Emerson's eyes as she tried to think of what to do. He only sat across from her silently watching her inner turmoil with a soft smile. He hoped she wouldn't fight this for too long.

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