In The Hills {LaMelo Ball}

By kay47shawty

199K 4.4K 2.1K

Jaelyn Williams is starting her Sophomore year at a brand new school & in a whole new country. Chino Hills, C... More

Brace-Face Headass.
I've Never Met Drake
Aight, Bet.
Thirsty Hoe.
Did I Stutter?
Jae Bae.
Tonight's Perfect.
Issa Surprise.
9 Months Later.
Keep It PG.
My Girl.
I Can Show You Strokes.
Biggie and 2Pac.
Let's Do It Then.
So You Dont Trust Me?
Smack The Boy.
Ow, My Boobs.
What Are We?
I'm Gonna Kill Him.
No Social Media.
And You Are..?
Long Night.
This Aint Walmart.
Free To Go.

Is He Crying?

5.7K 138 21
By kay47shawty

Chapter Seventeen

Tuesday, November 14th

"Class!" Mrs. Belsy announced, "We have a new assignment." Everyone groaned, "Yeah yeah. It's a partner assignment-"

The class started rambling about who they were going to be with. I look over at Melo and give him a look. He nodded at me.


"Quiet! Assigned partners." Mrs. Belsy clarified, making the class groan again.

Melo looked at me as she named off partners, he was pretending to shoot his head with a fake gun.

"Jaelyn and Phaquan." She called off her list.

My face flushed. Of course my luck, i'd get Quan as a partner. I didn't look over at Quan or Melo. I kept looking at the board at the front of the class. The period bell rang, letting us know it's time for our next class. I got up grabbing my stuff and heading out of the class.

"Slow down tiger." Melo said coming up behind me.

"Oh, sorry." I said kind of zoned out

"You can ask Mrs. Besly to change partners, she'd understand." He said

"Nah, it's cool. I'm fine with Quan." I smiled reassuring him.

He looked uneasy, "Aight. But if he tries anything on you tell me cause i'll kill him, trust me." He said making me smile.

"I know you would and I appreciate it."

"I'll see you at lunch." He said as he kissed me on the head leaving down the hallway.


I waited outside the Gym for the boys to come out from basketball practice. The girls finished about 10 minutes ago, so I just waited for Melo, Gelo and Eli to finish.

The gym door opened and my head shot up. "Hey." Quan said.

"Hi." I said looking down at my phone, my curls covering my face.

It was silent for a minute until he said something.

"I'm sorry." He choked out.

"I know." I sighed. He had a shocked look on his face, "You not mad?"

"Nah. I'm disappointed. I trusted you, and you broke that. But ion hold grudges much." I said, trying not to give him too much emotion.

"Melo hate me though." He frowned, "I cant believe I did that to you. I never touched a girl like that in my life, I just really liked you a-and, I got so angry. I'm sorry." He said his eyes getting watery.

Is he crying?

I got closer to him but not too close. "I forgive you." I quietly said. He let out silent sobs. Almost everyone in our group ignored him cause of it. I know he feels terrible about it, so I ain't gonna make him hate himself more than he already do. He sniffled and wiped away his tears. "Just promise me you ain't gonna put your hands on a girl like that again." I stated seriously.

"I promise."

The rest of the team barged out of the gym doors in a hurd, like a freaking stampede. I spotted LaMelo's huge curls and he saw me too, then he looked Quan and I's close proximity. "Everything, aight?" He asked wrapping his arm around my waist, glaring at Quan.

"Yeah, Melo." I said gritting my teeth, "We're fine, baby."

He smiled at the 'baby' nickname. "Okay, lets go." He said pulling me away to Gelo's car and I stumbled a bit at how fast he was going.

"Yo Big G. Hey Eli." I greeted them hopping in the car.

"Hey Jae." Eli said putting his arm around my shoulder. He usually does shit like that to piss Melo off, but Melo didn't even react.

"Hey, Big J." Gelo greeted as I got in the passenger seat, leaving Melo and Eli in the back.

I don't wanna deal with Melo moody ass right now.

We pulled up go the Ball's house and Melo got out right away storming up to his room. "What's his problem?" Tina asked me as I came in behind Gelo and Eli.

"Who knows." I laughed walking upstairs.

I walked past Lonzo's room and it's kind of sad that he's barley ever here. He's at UCLA a lot but he's home whenever he can be.

"Melo?" I called out and I walked in his room.

He was laying on his bed staring at the ceiling with headphones in.

I walked over to him and took them out of his ears, knowing he hates when people do that.

"What's yo problem?" I asked with my hands on my hips hovering over him.

"What you mean?" He huffed, snatching his headphones back.

"You're bein a bitch right now!" I exclaimed

"No i'm-"

"Don't even deny it. Just tell me what's wrong." I cut him off sitting in front of him on the bed.

"What was you and Quan talking about? You not mad anymore?" He asked

"I told him I forgive him. I mean the boy was crying Melo." I told him and he rolled his eyes.

"And? You forgave him because he was crying?"

"No, I forgave him cause I believe what he did was a mistake. Just like I forgave you. And he won't do it again, especially cause you're with me now. And you know ion like to hold grudges." I explained

"Yeah but Jae, he fucking-"

"Melo. Look at me, i'm fine."

"Yeah you are." He smirked wiggling his eyebrows. How he change moods so fast?

"You're so bipolar.." I rolled my eyes,"But he's one of your closest friends. You ain't gon let him go cause of a girl." I said laying down beside him

"But you ain't just a girl. You can ask me to forgive him, but I ain't gonna be friends with him right away just know that." He played with my hair and I smiled up at him.

"That's fine. Just don't hate the kid forever."

"So what we watching now?" He asked referring to Netflix that was displayed on the TV.

"Scream Queens." I offered and he shook his head.

"Not feelin it." He replied

"Love and Basketball?" I suggested. I loooove that movie.

"Sounds good."

"You never watched Love and Basketball?" I gasped holding my heart.

"Nah. Should I have?" He asked laughing

"Hell yeah!" I exclaimed as I found Love and Basketball, putting it on.

* * *

ayyyye, wassup. this a shitty ass chapter but i wanted to update. imma have a better update tmrw or later tn

btw, love and basketball is a bomb ass movie so if u ain't watched it, watch it..

ty for reading. voteeee


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