Just a coincidence

By _UndertheRadar_

3.4K 71 15

Artemis Crock, a quiet but amazingly bold girl does have a dark side. Finding out the man who killed her moth... More

{1} Rewritten
{2} Rewritten
{4} Rewritten
{5} Rewritten

{3} Rewritten

412 14 1
By _UndertheRadar_

I didn't know what happened, from finding out the news I was in despair. Megan and Zee were both busy with something about a club, and Dick had probably gone home before I had the chance to ask.

"Artemis are you okay?" There stands Baywatch, leaning against my door frame as I lean upwards to make eye contact.

"Yes, I'd rather not talk about it," I explain as he nods, grabbing a tray of food and sets it on my lap. The bed dips down as he sits beside me, the smile on his face grows as I begin to eat the amazing food.

He sits beside me slowly watching my movements, my headache was painful and getting worse by the second.

"Do you have any aspirin? I got a killer headache," He nods before handing me a bottle, I thankfully take it and down two pills. Handing him back the bottle as he smiles.

"Thank you, Wally, for letting me stay last night," I eat another fork full as he lets out a laugh.

"Never did I expect a girl like you to eat like a horse, no offense," I snort in response as I set the empty plate aside.

"Offence taken thank you very much," Sitting up from the bed and jumping off, grabbing my sweater as I go to leave.

"Why are you leaving already?" He asks as I shrug my shoulders.

"I got shit to deal with once I get home, and I know it won't be pretty," Before he can stop me I close the door, walking towards my car and opening the driver doo

I start the engine as there's a knock on the window, Wally stands in front with an erasable marker. With his signature smirk, he writes me a note.

'I didn't forget about last night Arty, it was the best'

I shocked, not only can he melts a girls heart but he can also spell backward like it was a natural thing. He steps out of the way before I drive off, still a little shaken.

"Artemis, you can't leave like that! Oliver and I were worried all night," I knew that I was stepping on glass with leaving unexpectedly, but I needed to get out.

"I'm sorry, I really am," She pulls me into a tight hug before placing a kiss on my forehead.

"I know, Oliver and I both were still overwhelmed about hearing the news. But you have to remember that we will not let anything happen to you Artemis, everything will be okay," She says trying to enlighten the mood, but only making it worse.

"I guess I was just afraid that something is going to happen if I stayed here, so I left for a friend last night," I explain as she nods, she loosens her arms from around my body as the smile on her face slowly drops.

"Don't think about him Artemis, I want you to spend the rest of summer break with your friends at the cabin," She tells me as I squeal in excitement and pull her into another hug. "But Roy has to go with you, I don't trust you to be alone."

"Fine, sounds like a deal I guess."

Once she leaves my room, I quickly begin texting all of my friends about the cabin. Hovering my finger over Wally's contact before pressing it and calling his number.

"Artemis, is everything okay?"

He blurted before I had the chance to say hello, making my heart swarm with joy.

"I'm fine Baywatch, I was just going to ask if you wanted to-" I'm quickly cut off by a bunch of mumbled words, making me confused.

"OfcourseIwillcometothecabinwithyouArtemis," I can hear him breathing heavily on the other line, making me release a snort.

"What the hell just came out of your mouth, I didn't even ask you yet if you wanted to come to my cabin for the rest of the week," He chuckles as I roll my eyes in annoyance. "We leave in four hours, we'll be carpooling in the shaggen wagon so I'll pick you up."

"Sounds like plan Arty, see you then."

"I hate-" The call ends before I can finish, making me a tad bit angry.

I begin packing before there's a knock on the door, there stands all high and mightly Dick Grayson leaning on my door frame.

"How dare you, having the audacity to no inviting me while your brother called me and did!" Throwing his arms in the air and throwing a slight tantrum, making me laugh.

"Oh so you think this is funny Artemis Crock, well at least you grew the guts to invite Wally," I pick up the hairbrush that I had placed in my bag and with perfect aim, it collided with his scrotum.

"Fuck!" He screams making me smile, placing the rest of the clothes I have on my bed in my bag. He drags his body to my bed before dramatically falling onto my clothes and bag.

"Are you trying to sabotage my life Artemis? Do you want little Richards running around the house or not because I'm leaning more towards no," I push his body off of my clothes and grab them, placing the rest into my bag and setting my bag on top of him.

"For your first comment, I actually asked Roy to call you because I was busy calling the rest of my friends. And for your question, yes I am trying to sabotage your life Richard; I may or may not want little Richards but I do want baby Zatannas running around."

"Oh, you would wouldn't you?" He asks as I nod.

"Of course I would, who wouldn't want a daughter who has the looks of Zatanna-" I pause as I study him before finishing, "And the personality of Zatanna."

"You asshole," He mutters before grabbing my remote and turning on the Tv, the News pop up with the screen showing my father's picture with 'WANTED' across it.

"Artemis," Dick whispers as I nod, placing my hands on my head and walking in circles in my room.

"He had to escape, he couldn't rot in prison like everyone wished. Getting away with the murder of my mom, then making my sister run away from me to 'keep me safe'! Like what the hell is wrong with my family?!" I yell at my best friend lays on my bed, staring at me with the same question.

"I have no idea Artemis."

"Yeah, join the club."

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