{2} Rewritten

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Wallys Pov

My heart was pounding like never before, she was the one my parents had always told me about. She was a sunshine mixed in with a little hurricane, I know its cheesy but that's the only way to describe her.

Her long blonde hair made me want to put my hands into it and feel it, and her body was a sculpture of a goddess. She was a smart ass but she also had a shy side, which really turned me on.

As soon as she left the party without giving me her number, I was bound to find her again. Dick and Conner stayed and helped me clean up, yes this was my party. I had decided it was a way to get to know people, especially people like Artemis.

After disinfecting the whole house before Barry and Iris came back from there trip, we had all jumped on the couch as I cracked.

"She's the one," I tell them as Dick laughs, throwing me a twizzler as Conner takes out his phone.

"Yeah like we couldn't tell, you didn't let go of the girls hand the whole time while we talked. Not also to mentioned when the douche came to talk to her, you grabbed her like she was yours," He stops before finishing, "I'd say you're whipped already."

Conner nods, not taking his eyes off of his phone.

"You get a girls number tonight Conner? Would it happen to be a specific redhead?" Dick asks as Conner smiles at his phone one last time before sliding it back into his pocket.

"Oh yeah, It's pathetic that I've never had to guts to talk to her until now," He explains as the doorbell rings to reveal Kaldur, another friend of Artemis' and Dicks.

"Hey Kaldur, how come you didn't come to the party tonight?" A smile grows on Kaldur's face as he takes a seat beside Conner.

"I had taken Rocket on a date, and I didn't think it would be proper to take her to a party," We all laugh at how mature Kaldur can be, while the rest of us are boys stuck in child's bodies.

"Always taking the high road Kaldur, so then how did it go?" Dick asks as Kaldur smiles, just from his expression it must have been good.

We sit and talk about the thing that comes to our minds before I know it the clock struck four am. I get wait until everyone leaves my house, locking the doors as I go upstairs to my bedroom. I quickly shower and clean off as my phone rings, revealing an unknown number.

'Hey, is your house still open?'

I stop and look over the number a couple of times and I have no Idea who it is.

'It's Artemis by the way, but if you have a girl over don't text back'

'The back doors open, my rooms up the stairs on the right'

I text back before I set my phone down, taking the towel off my waist and putting on some boxers. I guess I should put on a shirt and pants on if she does come, hint the word If.

My bedroom door opens to reveal the zombie body of Artemis, her sharp grey eyes search my room as they land on me. Setting down the bag off of her back and tossing me a small smile before running and jumping onto my bed, a small giggle escapes her mouth as I stare at her.

"Come on Wally, come lay with me!" Her voice is laced with alcohol, something I had grown up with smelling.

"Artemis, are you drunk?" I ask as she takes off the blanket and wrapping it around herself, snuggling her head closer into the pillow.

" I'm not silly! I just stopped by my apartment and took a few shots of water, I needed to get my mind off of my daddy," I walk closer to the bed as she pulls me on to the bed beside her, pulling me close to her body.

I don't ask, it's something I can tell she doesn't want to talk about even though she's drunk. And I don't blame her, there are things I don't talk about with even Barry because they hit too close to home.

"Can you hold me?" She mutters as I nod, switching the light switch and wrapping my arms around her waist as she smiles.

It's crazy when you think about it, I met this girl at a party. A girl who instantly caught my attention, and when we played that game and I was supposed to go into that closet with Emily I didn't want to. Artemis seemed like a quiet girl who wouldn't want to get so... into it, but the tables turned and I found the rose between the thorns.

Or the other way around.

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