Playing The Straight Game [bo...

By ritest

3.7M 165K 231K

[Teen Fiction, LGBT+ Romance] 6 weeks. After a prank war goes too far, that's how long star quarterback and l... More

T h a n k Y o u


116K 5.2K 6.5K
By ritest

Farren took one last look around his bedroom, staring forlornly at bed which would be missed greatly over the next three weeks.

The day had come for him to move into Kaden's house, and while he was admittedly excited to be living in that mansion, some part of him would miss the comfort of his own home.

He knew he was being a tad dramatic, after all it was only three measly weeks. Part of it was also nerves. He knew Kaden's parents weren't around much, and he didn't know if  he would be able to control himself around Kaden when they were alone.

He made his way downstairs where his family were waiting with his bags. Even for Farren, this whole goodbye thing seemed like a little bit much. It was only three weeks after all.

Nevertheless, he decided to just go with it as he hugged Grace, Jenny and Rowan, promising Grace that he would be good and that he wouldn't forget to call.

Grace ranted on and on, reminding him to brush his teeth, to be polite, to be respectful and etcetera etcetera. As if he was ten years old again. He fought against his urge to roll his eyes, knowing that this was just Grace's way of saying goodbye.

Kaden too appeared from the sitting room, thanking Grace and Jenny for their hospitality and promising Rowan that they'd watch The Princess Diaries together someday.

Farren felt slightly on edge, being careful to act normal around Kaden. Not that Grace and Jenny would have any problem with them dating, I mean, they'd hardly be likely to condemn being gay, just he felt like he should keep things under wraps until he fully understood what it was he felt. Not that they were dating anyway, strictly non exclusive as he had so stupidly proposed.

The truth of the matter was that of course he wanted to at least try and be something more than a hookup with Kaden, but he couldn't. He couldn't openly date a boy, let alone Kaden freaking Rivers.

He wasn't prepared for that, and as much as he hated it, he had to admit that he was scared. Petrified even.

With final words of goodbye, him and Kaden made their way to his car.

"You ready?" Kaden asked with a small smirk as they sat into the car.

"I though she was never going to let me leave." Farren said in reply, only half joking.

He turned the key, reading the engine to life as he pulled out of his driveway.

"Count yourself lucky, I didn't even get a goodbye from my folks." Kaden answered with a shrug, leaving Farren slightly taken aback for a moment. He could tell that Kaden was trying to pass it off like he didn't care, but he could hear the put out undertone in Kaden's words.

Farren didn't know what to say in reply for a second, before deciding to just give Kaden a comforting smile. He didn't know exactly what Kaden's situation with his parents was, but he could figure that they didn't have the strongest of relationships. "Hey, don't worry about them." He said, giving Kaden a reassuring pat on the shoulder before focusing his attention back to the road.

Kaden just made some incomprehensible noise of agreement, and Farren fought not to pry more. He could tell that Kaden wasn't in the mood to get into it, and much as he wanted to know, he respected the other boy's privacy.

The car journey quickly came to an end as they pulled up at the River's house. The house was super impressive, but Farren was careful not to air that opinion aloud, knowing how much Kaden hated it.

He looked on as Kaden pulled a key out of his pocket, turning it in the door.

The door clicked open and Farren barely had time to look around the foyer and downstairs area of the house before Kaden grabbed him by the wrist. "Upstairs," said Kaden, motioning with his head.

Farren nodded in reply, finding himself at loss for words at the feeling of Kaden's hand around his wrist. But all good things must come to an end Farren understood, as they made their way to the third floor and Kaden let go of his hand.

It felt surprisingly colder without Kaden's grip.

"This can be your room." Kaden said, motioning towards the white door that stood before them.

Farren suddenly felt like an idiot for feeling slightly disappointed. Of course they wouldn't continue to share a room now that they had a choice. It was stupid of him to get his hopes up.

He glanced around the decorative room, unable to appreciate it. He dropped his luggage on the floor before turning to face Kaden who looked at him expectantly.

"Well?" Kaden said.

"I like it." Farren said with a shrug. The room was okay, the bed looked comfortable and there was a large flat screen telivision mounted on the wall. But there was none of Kaden's bags on the floor, or his messy side of the bed that Farren grew accustomed to in their short few weeks of living together.

"Cmon, I'll show you my room." Said Kaden, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"God River's, at least buy me dinner first." He replied with a smirk, brushing his earlier thoughts out of his mind and focusing his attention to Kaden.

"Bit late for that don't you think." Kaden said with a smirk of his own, staring at Farren seductively.

Wow, this was not helping Farren Junior to stay calm.

"Whatever pervert," he said with a roll of his eyes, pushing past Kaden, suppressing a smile as he did so.

"You love it." Kaden replied, and Farren could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Debatable." He fired back over his shoulder, ignoring the butterflies in his stomach

"Hey Milton?" Kaden asked.

"Yes Rivers?"

"Wrong direction." Kaden sniggered, and Farren could feel embarrassment heating up his cheeks.

He turned to face Kaden's smug look. "Fuck you Kaden"

"Just give me a time and a date and I'll be there." Kaden replied with a wink, leaving Farren at loss for words once again. But Farren Junior seemed to have a lot to say in the issue.

God, ten minutes and he was already finding it hard to keep his composure.

How on earth would he survive the next three weeks?


"And this one's my room." Kaden said as he was showing Farren around the house, pushing the door open.

Oh shit.

How could he have forgotten about his little rage blackout? His room was thrashed, everything thrown apart and broken.

His walls were bare, the picture frames and posters now flung all over the room. There was furniture overturned and the bed clothes were thrown around. It looked like a fucking crime scene.

"Jesus Christ Kaden, we should call the cops." Farren's voice exclaimed from behind him, after a quiet moment of shock.

Farren thought it was a break in. Well this was gonna be awkward.

Kaden turned to face Farren awkwardly. "No need." He said with a forced joking tone, trying to keep his voice light.

"Kaden, look at the state of this place. Look around, make sure nothing is missing. We should check the other rooms too." Farren replied, and Kaden could hear the concerned urgency in his words.

"Farren," he began.

"Yes Kaden?" Farren prompted him impatiently.

"This was me. My doing, I mean." He replied with an awkward rub to the back of his neck.

He could see the look of shock on Farren's face. "You did this?" He sputtered.

"Guilty." Kaden replied jokingly, holding his hands up in mock surrender.

Farren eyes flickered from Kaden to the room a couple of times, before breaking out in an uneasy look. "But why?"

"I was pissed." Kaden replied with a shrug, deciding that now wasn't the time to get into things.

Farren eyed him uncertainty for another moment, before shrugging in resignation. Though Kaden could tell Farren wanted to know more, he was glad that he didn't pry.

"You never fail to surprise me." Farren said, shaking his head with a bemused smile on his face.

"Why thank you Farry." Kaden replied with a smirk. "Let's go watch a movie downstairs."

Farren pushed him lightly on the shoulder, a scowl decorating his features. "You know I hate when you call me that Kaden." He said, following him downstairs regardless.

"That's exactly why I do it." Kaden said with a gleeful smirk, before turning back to make his way into the sitting room.

He set up the television fairly quickly, switching on the Netflix before chucking the remote at Farren. "Pick a movie, I'll order some Chinese."

Farren nodded. "I'll have chicken satay." He called over his shoulder as Kaden made his way into the foyer to use the house phone.

After successfully making the order he planted himself back on the couch next to Farren. "Pick a movie yet?"

"I can't decide." Farren huffed, seemingly frustrated. "I feel like I've seen them all."

"Even that one?" Kaden asked.

"Which one?"

"Sharknado." He replied with a snigger, pointing to the movie on the screen.

"Yeah actually, I think I have." Farren replied sincerely.

"Dude, why?" Kaden asked in confusion.

"Leave me alone, I was probably delirious with tiredness." Farren replied defensively, hitting Kaden lightly on the arm.

Wow, abusive much.

"And they say insomnia isn't a gift." Kaden joked back with feigned drama.

Farren just laughed in reply, once again shoving him lightly on the shoulder. "Prick."

Kaden too laughed, swinging one leg over Farren so he was straddling him. "You know Farry, you shouldn't be so violent."

He could see Farren visibly gulping at their close proximity, but trying to play it off as nonchalant. "Oh really?" He replied with a devilish smirk.

"Oh really." Kaden replied in confirmation, pushing Farren back until his back hit the couch.

"What are you going to do about it?" Farren managed to breath out challengingly, and it took Kaden all of his willpower not to crash their lips together.

He leaned down impossibly closer, his face hovering mere centimetres above Farren's. "You really want to know?" He said, his voice barely a whisper.

"Yup." Farren said shaking, not taking his eyes off of Kaden's lips.

"This." Kaden replied seductively, before breaking out with a laugh, digging his hands into Farren's sides and tickling him mercilessly.

Farren shrieked and squirmed as Kaden tickled him mercilessly.

"You... prick" Farren sputtered out breathlessly as he attempted to shove Kaden off him. Which only succeeded in Kaden laughing more and tickling him further.

Their tickling game soon developed into a full wrestling match, and it wasn't long until they were a tangle of laughter and limbs on the floor next to the couch.


After a couple of hours of make outs and movies, the boys headed upstairs. Kaden opted to stay in one of the spare bedrooms then force his lazy ass to clean his own room.

"Well, good night then." Kaden said to Farren after a moment of hesitation, as they parted ways to go to their separate bedrooms.

"Yeah. Night." Farren replied awkwardly.

Kaden hesitated once again before leaning over and giving Farren a sweet lingering kiss to the lips. He would never get sick of doing that, would never come to the terms with the fact that he was able to do that.

They pulled away and with a smirk, Kaden turned and headed to his own room. He got ready for bed and crawled in, grateful for the comfort.

A while later and Kaden didn't know how long he had been lying there for, but he was having a hard time sleeping. And although he tried to convince himself that it was just because there was a draft in the room, deep down he knew that he craved Farren next to him. It was embarrassing how dependent he had become on Farren.

But he forced himself to stay in the his own bed, much as he wanted to go to Farren's room. He didn't want to act like a clingy boyfriend, that was a comfort he didn't have the rights to.

Although as he wished it was different, he had to face the fact that Farren wasn't his boyfriend, and acting like he was would end up making Farren uncomfortable and he would pull away.

And Kaden didn't know if he could handle that. Better to have something small then nothing at all.

But after another hour or so, Kaden was really considering swallowing his pride and just heading the Farren's room. But before he could make up his mind a soft knock sounded on the door and it opened gently, revealing a bashful looking Farren. 

"Hey," said Farren softly.

Kaden stomach knotted at the sight of Farren standing there, and he felt a wave of happiness wash over him.

"Hi." He replied breathlessly.

"I couldn't sleep..." Farren said, trailing off towards he end.

"Me neither."

"Can I..?" Farren asked, and Kaden could hear the underlying nervousness in his tone.

"I thought you'd never ask." He replied with a smirk, though his heart was beating like crazy.

Farren smiled gratefully and climbed into bed next to him, a small distance between them.

Kaden rolled his eyes when Farren made no move to come closer. "Farren?"

"Yeah?" Farren asked, turning to face him.

"What's the point of us sharing the bed if there's practically a mile between us." Kaden said with a small snort.

Even in the darkness Kaden could make out a soft blush crossing Farren's cheeks as he scooted closer to him.

Kaden rolled onto his side so that his back was facing Farren's chest, before scooting right up next to him and throwing Farren's outside arm around his waist.

He felt Farren momentarily tense up, before relaxing into the embrace. They lay in silence, both of them drifting into an easy sleep.

Kaden was surprised at how sleepy he managed to become, even with the feel of Farren's hot breath on his neck sending his heart racing.

Everything was perfect. For now at least, he could pretend Farren was solely his, and it was with that final comforting thought that he allowed sleep to take over.


A/N: Well guys, hope you enjoyed it!! Thank you so fricking much for 1K, I reached it on the 14th of September, exactly one month after I posted part one, and I am über grateful!!

I love the support you give my story, and it's the votes and comments you give that help get my story noticed! So thank you!!

Qotc; What age are you?

Aotc; 16 :)

Love you all!!


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