✔[Zarry Stylik ] Stockholm Sy...

By m_cal14

42.8K 2.3K 1.7K

"I think I'm falling for you. Even though I shouldn't have these feelings for you because you kidnapped me... More



1.4K 81 35
By m_cal14

Zayn got out of the shower and heard Harry talking on the phone.

It was wrong but he listened to the conversation between Harry and the other person on the line.

"Well I don't know when I'll be coming back...
Mom why can't you let me be happy?
Well I'm not going to say who I'm with...
You can't force me to come back home mom...
Fine. I'll leave, even though I promised that I wasn't going to...
Well I care. Look, I'll be home tomorrow at like three...
No I won't come back here ever again...
Yeah you too. Bye, " Harry sighed and hung up, putting his head into his hands.

That's when Zayn came into the room, pretending that he wasn't just eavesdropping a couple of seconds ago.

He couldn't believe that Harry was going to leave him again!

He decided to keep it a secret, and let Harry tell himself.

"Oh look who's looking sexy right now, " Harry wolf whistled to Zayn who was looking for a shirt

It took everything in Zayn not to snap at Harry, so he didn't say anything.

"Earth to Zayn. "

Zayn gripped the dresser drawer, making his knuckles turn white.

He felt Harry's arms around his waist.

Biting bit his lip, Zayn quickly grabbed a pair of boxers, a T-shirt and some sweats.

He rushed off, not even sparing Harry a second glance.

Harry being the oblivious person he was, followed Zayn into the bathroom, who was getting ready to drop his towel.

"Harry I don't want to be bothered right now. Please go."

Harry gave Zayn a stern look and folded his arms.

"I SAID FUCKING GO! CANT YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND ENGLISH!?" , Zayn threw his brush at Harry, making it hit the bruise on his jaw that was already there from Zayn.

He winced and angrily backed away from Zayn.

"WHY THE HELL ARE YOU SO BIPOLAR ZAYN!? I JUST WANTED TO KNOW WHATS WRONG WITH YOU! " , Harry yelled back while rubbing his jaw.

Zayn pushed Harry out of the bathroom and got himself dressed.

He felt bad for hurting Harry again, but Harry was emotionally hurting him.

He couldn't control himself when he got mad, but that's what happens when you're bipolar.

He sighed and ran a finger through his locks, thinking about cutting his hair.

Zayn stepped out of the bathroom to find Harry watching TV with tear stained cheeks.

"I wanted to spend time with you today Zayn."

'Yeah so you can leave me tomorrow.'

"Uh yeah that sounds.. Great. We should go catch a movie maybe. And uh sorry for that Harry, " Zayn pointed at the bruise that got larger on Harry's cheek.

Harry nodded and didn't say a word, getting up to do his hair.


Zayn and Harry were at the movie theaters, watching Dunkirk.

Zayn kept leaning over and kissing Harry's neck, making him groan because he was trying to watch the movie.

"Stop I'm trying to watch the movie, " Harry whined while leaning his neck to the side giving Zayn more access, obviously enjoying it.

"Bullshit, nobody ever comes to the movies to watch the movie."

Harry raised his brow and let out a low moan when Zayn gave him a Hickey on his sweet spot.

"W-what do they come here for--oh gosh right there. Mmmm, " Harry moaned without taking his eyes off of the screen.

Zayn smirked into Harry's neck and lapped his tongue at the Hickey he just made.

"They come here for-" , Zayn leaned over by Harry's ear, "-sexual activities."

Harry chuckled and put his eyes on the screen again, making Zayn pull away from his neck.

"Why'd you stop? "

Zayn shrugged and put some popcorn in his mouth.

"Well people come to the movies to watch the movie..right?"

"Hypocrite, " Harry mumbled and shook his head.

The two boys finished the movie, it was already getting dark.

Night-time which meant that the next day is coming.

The next day in which Harry will go back home.

Little did Harry know was that Zayn was going to bust him.

"Come on babe let's go to the fair, I'll pay. "

Harry and his sneaky ways of trying to shower Zayn with affection, as if Zayn didn't have a clue in what he was doing.

Zayn nodded and let Harry take his hand, leading him to the car.

Later that night as they were laying in bed, Zayn kept his back towards Harry.

"Harry will you ever leave me? " , he asked quietly.

Harry tensed and gulped.

"Uh no, why would I? "

Zayn squinted his eyes shut, trying not to cry.

"I love you Zayn, no matter what happens.. Never forget that. "

That was the first time that Harry said the L word, but Zayn didn't say it back.

He was too hurt that Harry lied to him.

Zayn let the tears fall freely and eventually ended up falling asleep, ignoring the hole in his heart.

@/N : Poor baby :(

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