The Reaper's Keeper (UNEDITED)

By stefymay

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I always thought that when you die that would be the end and you would see a bright light and the pearly gate... More

Authors note...
The deads love Poem
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chpater 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

chapter 12

10.6K 236 4
By stefymay


“I agree. I’ll take first watch. We need to find out where she is first… Connor, find out from Vicky, but don’t mention my name. They are a little… hostile at the moment.”

“I don’t blame them.” Connor snorted and I shot him an annoyed look.

“You gotta make peace with the lass Ethan. You can’t watch out for her if you canna get close enough.”

I said nothing to this, still not sure if me being closer to her will make the situation better or worse. But for now, I just need to make sure she’s safe and out of D’s reach.


Chapter 12

Violet’s POV

After visiting Anna and my mom at the hospital, I drove to the Kindergarten to pick Lily and Amy up. I didn’t say much, the girls were chatting about something that happened at school and I couldn’t help but think of the weird day I had. That almost accident was still playing in mind and something weird happened at the hospital today, I got this sense that someone was watching me but every time I turned around I saw nothing, and not just that, but I got weird looks from people, like I was crazy or something. Some people were out and out staring like I was a main attraction at a freak show or something. I brushed it off as just part of the weird day, I mean I sometimes catch people staring, but never had I seen someone give me the she’s-crazy look and backed away from me like I had small pox or some other highly contagious disease. It was beyond weird.

I pulled up at the house and let out a deep breath when I stopped the car. I was paying extra close attention to the road, on full alert and when I finally switched the car off I relaxed. My back was stiff from the tense position I was in for the whole ride home.

“Right ladies, this is it. Out you go.”

They grabbed their bags and I got out with them. I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand and I looked around again for what must have been the hundredth time and I saw nothing but the empty street and the shadows of the trees.

Boy is my imagination working over time today or what. Seriously, must be the little sleep I got the night before.

Shrugging it off, I walked towards the door and opened it letting the girls run inside. I couldn’t help taking one last look around before I closed and locked the door behind me.

Shacking the feeling I made the rug rats sandwiches and cleaned my room and did my homework.

I walked down stairs and Amy was gone, most probably her mom came to pick her up already.

Lily was sitting on the couch playing with her Gameboy.

“Hey kido, scoot over.” She moved without looking up. She was going to be no company at all.

I turned towards the TV and saw it was on the News channel. She must really be deep into that game.

I saw a picture of a girl with dark hair and dark eyes. Below the picture was the words, Missing Maria Rodrigues age 20 and turned up the volume.

“-Maria Rodrigues was last seen at the mall where she worked. She was wearing a faded denim blue jeans with a white and pink sweater and white sneakers. She has been missing for a week and if anyone has any information on her where about’s please don’t hesitate to contact the police on-”

“Vi can we visit mommy tomorrow.” Lil’s asked snapping my attention away from the news and to her.

“Sure kido, I was going to visit her tomorrow anyway. We can go after school okay.”

“Yeah, I made her this cool photo frame.”

She ran over to what I assume was the frame. It was covered in macaroni and glitter, with a picture of the three of us in the center laughing, with flour all over our faces. I remembered that picture, we were baking a cake for Lily’s birthday and Lily dropped the bag of flour and Vicky took the picture of all of us covered in flour.

“Wow Lil’s looking awesome. Where did you get the picture?”

“It was in mommy’s room, next to her bed.”

“Hope you didn’t take it out of one of her frames.”

“No it was in the draw, next to the bed.”

“Okay, just checking.” I smiled at her, while she shook her head and went back to her Gameboy.

I spent most of the night watching TV and when it was around ten, I told Lily to start getting ready for bed. When she was done washing and brushing her teeth. I tucked her in and went to my room, still wide awake and laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling and thought about that missing girl.

I felt myself drift off and then I was swallowed by the darkness and it wasn’t long before I was caught in a dream.

“Bye Micky, see you tomorrow.”

“See ya Marie, don’t forget the Beatles CD you promised me.” I rolled my eyes at him as I walked out the door.

“As if you’ll let me.” I shouted over my shoulder and smiled at him.

I had to walk fast to catch the bus. It was two blocks away, and if I missed this one I was walking home.

I half ran, half walked to the bus stop. I usually wasn’t this late but the boss man was a pain in the ass today, making me double check the stock. I rounded the corner and saw the bus pulling away.

“Hey… WAIT, WAIT!” I shouted and gave a futile attempt to catch it, and hadn’t even came close to touching it.

Damn it! I guess I was walking.

I caught my appearance in the shops window and I looked like I was run over by a tornado. My long dark hair was wild and standing all over the place, and my sneakers was dirty from running through that puddle to try and catch the bus.

I tried to fix my hair and walked in the direction of my house. Great, that’s just freaking great. At least I had this sweater, it’s going to be chilly tonight.

I held onto my bag a little closer to my side and crossed my arms over my chest. I hated walking home this late.

I heard a car slow down next to me and I looked over to see who it was.

“Maria what are you doing walking around here so late at night?” I looked into the dark interia of the pickup and I recognized the face of one of my old high school classmates.

“Tony, Tony Mackenzie is that you?”

“Yip the one and only. You want a ride?”

Why would he want to give me a ride? He was with the in crowd at school and I was … well not. What is he doing talking to me? Then it registered what he asked

“Erm… I’m not sure if-“

“It’s just a ride, they say it might rain tonight.” I glanced up at the sky and saw a few clouds forming. What harm could it do… it was just a ride.

“Erm... Sure why not.”

When I got into the car it smelled like alcohol and weed and I looked at Tony and his eyes were red and puffy.

Crap, maybe this wasn’t a good idea. I was about to get out when he started to drive away. Okay too late now.

“So how are you Maria.”

“I’m good.” He looked intoxicated and he kept looking at me like he was about to jump me.

He kept talking about school and how great it was and how good I looked.

“Er… Take a left at the next lights.” He went still and he drove passed the street where my house was.

“Tony, we passed the street. We need to turn around. Or you know what it's okay. You can just pull over and i'll walk the rest of the way.” I said, feeling a little panicked.

“We just going to have a little fun first.” Okay now I’m terrified.

“Stop the car let me out now.” I screamed and tried the door handle, but it was locked.

“Let me out Tony.” I shouted at him.

He started taking a deserted road and I started crying.

“I saw how you looked at me in school. You wanted me, you all did.”

Sure he was good-looking and I had a crush on him in like sixth grade but there was nothing now.

“Let me go Tony.” I begged.

“Not until we have a little fun first.” And he lunged for me and I scratched him to get away from him. I tried the door again desperately trying to get out and away from him.

“You bitch, you’re going to pay for that.” He lunged again and grabbed my legs forcing me to face him, pushing his body between my legs.

He leaned up to unbuckle his pants and I somehow got my leg out enough to kick him off me. I reached down, feeling around for something, anything to use, when I felt a screwdriver in the side door. I grabbed it and stabbed him in the arm.

He back off me, clutching his arm, then he turned to me and I knew right then that I wasn’t going to make it out of this alive.

“You’re going to pay for that.” He grabbed the screwdriver out of my trembling hands  and started stabbing me. I lifted my arms to protect myself, but he was going crazy, I slowly felt the life flow out of me.



I shot out of bed screaming, my arms where raised to protect myself, my legs kicking out.

“Violet?” I looked over to the door and saw a scared looking Lily.

It was another dream, but I dreamt of that girl that was in the news. I looked at Lily and tried to put on a reassuring smile.

“It’s okay Lil’s, go back to bed. It was just a bad dream.”

“You looked really scared and you were screaming.”

“Yeah, I know… it was... a really scary dream.” She looked at me worriedly,

“You want me to sleep here with you?”

“No I’m fine, go on kido. I’ll be okay.”

“Okay, you can keep Lion Heart for tonight he’ll protect you.” I reached out and took her stuffed toy and hugged her good night, walking her to her room and tucking her back into bed, afterwards I trudged back to my room.

I sat in my bed and hugged the stuffed toy tight to my chest and shut my eyes tight until it felt like i was squeezing my eyeballs, taking deep breaths. That girl was on the news earlier, was she really killed, or is my messed up head just seeing things. I was thinking about her before i fell asleep, that must be it. That must be why i had dreamt of her. I hope that's it otherwise i think i might be going mad, I’m having nightmares about people I don’t even know, dying.

I opened my eyes and saw…

“Ethan.” It was like he was made of shadows, It was in him, around him, flowing from him. He was just standing there in the corner watching me with a pained expression on his face.

I turned and flipped the bed lamp on next to my dresser and looked back into the corner where I saw him and he was gone.

Okay, that does it… I’m going mad.

I never fell back asleep, too afraid to dream about anyone else dying. Why is this happening to me, why am I seeing this people dying. 

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