A strange version of ipkknd

By Annieisha

136K 4.5K 214

This is really a strange version of ipkknd. You'll get to see that side of your favourite character which you... More

Our Khushi.... is she really???
Meeting THE ASR!!!
Khushi' Partner????
A trip to Nainital
Can I have your surname???
I knew...
Proposing Him
Will you marry me?
Khushi & Arnav

I just wanted to let you know....

6.7K 282 15
By Annieisha

The bubbly girl Khushi was fascinated by the new silent boy in class. He sat alone, at a corner. She wondered how someone can stay that long, without talking. She went and sat next to him.
Khushi: "hi... I'm Khushi... What is your name?"
Boy: "I... I am... Nandkishore..."
He replied shyly.
Khushi: "That's a long name... Wait... I'll call you Nanhe.... Ok..."
He just nodded.

Arnav watched amused as Khushi defended her new friend from the school bullies. But he started getting irritated seeing her spending more and more time with him.


Arnav came back after his football practice to see Khushi busy playing video games with NK. He stood staring at her. But she was so busy in the game that she didn't notice him.
One of the maids handed him a glass of water.

Khushi was busy in the video game and had almost won. That's when a loud noise distracted her.
She turned around to see Arnav... And a glass shattered on the floor a few feet away.
She again looked at Arnav to see him glaring at Nanhe...
She could tell that he was angry....
And he stormed off from there.

Poor Nanhe... He was really scared. Khushi consoled him and went to Arnav's room. He was venting his frustration off on his punching bag.

Why did dad even buy him a punching bag... But Khushi it's a good thing... Otherwise no idea what he would do in his anger... She thought.

She got into the room, went to his bed and sat down, without uttering a word. Arnav saw her and after sometime went towards her.
Arnav: "what?!"
Khushi: "what, what?"
Arnav: "why r you sitting here?"
Khushi: "this is my best friend's room, his bed.... I will sit or sleep here.... That's none of your concern..."
Arnav: "actually it is... This is MY room... Not your Nanhe's..."
Khushi: "from where did he come in between?... Wait Arnav.... R u..."
Arnav: "I'm not jealous!"
Khushi: "ok... I was gonna ask whether you were ok... But i get it.... You r not jealous..."
Arnav: "Khushi..."
Khushi: "doll... It's doll Arnav.... And I'll always be.... Your my best friend... Nothing can change that... Ever... Whatever happens... Whoever comes in our life... You'll always be the most important person for me...."
She hugged him.
Arnav: "my doll is all grown up, ha?" He said reciprocating the hug. And she chuckled at the comment.

Khushi: "Arnav... Nanhe is really sweet... You should talk to him..."
His expression turned sore hearing N.K's name.
Arnav: "ya right..."
Khushi: "Arnav!!! I was just concentrating on the game... Did you really want me to loose..."
She knew what was troubling him.
Arnav: "just don't ignore me again like that..." He complained making her chuckle again.

Soon Arnav too became friends with him. And together the two changed the shy boy into a self confident one.


A 20yr old Arnav was trying to console 15yr old Khushi. N.K. was moving to Australia with his parents. She sent them off with a smiling face but has been moody since then.
He knew that he had to distract her.
Arnav: "Doll... You know... A famous mentalist is here in Delhi for a few months.... Dad had talked to him about training you.... You had wanted to learn it for so long, right..."

That did distract her a bit. But Arnav was worried. He was supposed to go to U.K for his graduation in a couple of months. Khushi was already missing her Nanhe. He was not sure how she will take it, if he too leaves.
He had to talk to their fathers. He wouldn't leave.


Khushi was walking through the corridor when she heard her parents. She didn't mean to eavesdrop, but hearing Arnav's name made her curious.
Garima: "I don't know how she's​ gonna take it.... But Arnav already wasted an year..."
Shashi: "He did learn a lot of things in this one year, in the office, dear...
But he do have to graduate...."
Garima: "there is just 2weeks time and he have to go to U.K. He better prepare his doll."
Shashi: "don't worry... He said that he will handle Khushi... Didn't he... He'll take care of it."

Khushi was shocked. Her best friend, her partner was going to U.K and that too for years, and no one found it important to tell her.
She walked back to her room absent mindedly.

There saw a packet on her bed along with a note.

'hope you like the dress... We r going out tonight... Wear it... Don't worry, I have talked to the parents... -Arnav'

He kept looking at his doll as she descended the stairs, wearing the dress, he got her. It was nothing fancy. But he bought it from the money he had been earning. He did small works in their office, without letting anyone know about his identity and he got a little salary for that. He was happy that he got her something by his hardwork.

She had been unusually quite, all throughout the night. They had, had their dinner in a beautifully decorated gazebo, near the lake side and now they were standing near the lake watching the stars.

Arnav: "Khushi..."
Khushi: "you didn't have to do all these Arnav.... I know what you are trying to do..."
Arnav: "you do?"
Khushi: "did you really think that all these will compensate what you are doing.... I'm your best friend Arnav...."
Arnav: "Khushi...I"
Khushi: "why didn't you tell me earlier that you are going to U.K? Did you think​ that I won't understand?"
Arnav: "oh.... You were talking about that..."
Khushi: "ha??? You have something else to tell me???"
Arnav took in a long breath to calm his nerves.
Arnav: "Khushi.... You know that you are my best friend... But I have no idea when I started feeling more... I know you are too young... And I don't expect an answer.... I just wanted to let you know..."
He took her hand, looking right into her eyes. "I love you, Khushi"

Khushi was too stunned for a second. But then she broke the eye lock and turned again towards the sky.
Khushi: "One is never too young to fall in love, Arnav... But the thing is you are just infatuated with me. Because it was always me, in your life... But now, you will meet a lot girls in university, some really pretty ones... And you'll realise it...."
Arnav: " Wait... Are you... Are you in love with someone else? Is that why you are..."
Khushi: "god... Arnav!!! Just like you, it was always just you in my life... How could I be in love with someone else?"
Arnav: "so you r in love with me?"
Khushi: "What​?! No!!! I mean.... Arnav.... I know that I said, one is never too young to fall in love.... But a young mind may not really recognise it right.... You may misinterpret affection as love.... Are you sure that you'll still call it love, if you don't see me for a long while, when you see a lot of beautiful girls around you...."
Arnav: "I'm sure of my feelings Khushi..."
Khushi: "fine... You are anyway going to university.... Do one thing.... Don't try to contact me, once you leave Delhi.... You won't try to know anything about me.... You won't talk about me to anyone, not even our parents.... You won't know how I look like, how I talk like, what I'm doing...."
Arnav: "Khushi..."
Khushi: "till I, myself don't come in front of you..."
Arnav: "Are u... Punishing me?"
Khushi: "no Arnav, never.... I just want both of us to clear our minds.... We have been dependant on each other for too long.... I want both of us to achieve things on our own.... You are my best friend Arnav.... Nothing can change that.... Not your feelings, not mine...."
Arnav: "being in love doesn't mean that we won't be friends anymore... It just means that we would be friends as well as lovers..."
She smiled slightly at that.
Khushi: "I just want you to be sure, before you tell your feelings to me again... I don't want you to regret any decision​s in the future...."
Arnav: "Khushi..."
Khushi: "i just told you what i want Arnav... It's up to you..."
Arnav: "fine...."
He turned his head to the other side.
Khushi: "do you think it will be easy for me? I just want what is best for us..."
He slowly turned towards her, nodding and she hugged him tight.

************************************ It's been four years since then.
And Arnav had kept his word. He didn't try to meet her, even when he went to India for holidays.
Khushi was right .... There were a lot of beautiful girls out there... And a lot were after the handsome ASR too... That's what he was known as... Not Arnav, not a Raizada... But just ASR... But one thing never changed... his love for Khushi.... He was never interested in any of the pretty faces in college... Until....

Not proof read.... I have no idea what I've typed... Just went with the flow.... I know I'm late.... Really sorry.... Been busy..... Do comment....

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