Just Go With It (Lucaya Fanfi...

By SasMaster145

11.9K 264 81

Character's ages: Lucas Friar: 19 Maya Hart: 19 Zay Babineaux: 19 Josh Matthews: 21 Farkle Minkus: 18 Riley M... More

1. Kicked Out
2. Call Of Duty & Teen Wolf
3. Party Time
4. Ex's & Just Go With It (1)
5. Movie Night, Possibilities & Just Go With It (2)
6. Problem Solved and the Sound of an Angel
7. Clubbing and The Blast From the Past
8. Flashbacks and Comfort
9. Smiles and Drawings
10. Apologizing & Remembering the Past
11. The Truth and Jealousy
12. Anger Release
13. That Should Be Me
14. Body On Me & the Happy Moments
15. Making Up for Lost Time

16. Focus On Me, I'm Proposing

674 16 6
By SasMaster145

Lucas' P.O.V

"Yes, I'll have the paper work ready by tomorrow. Tonight I have something on so it will be impossible for me to work on it today. Yes tell my father to call me if there are any issues." I cut the call and proceeded to walk to my room. From the corner of my eye I seen a light shining out the balcony and my attention was on the blonde beauty who was looking at the view while leaning on the rails. She had her dressing gown on and her long hair flowing behind her.

I put the paper work down and walked towards the doors and opened them.

"Hey." I greet softly behind her. "What are you doing out here?" I asked, walking closer to her. She didn't even turn to me or say anything. "What's wrong, Baby?" I put my arms around her from behind and rested my chin on her shoulder.

"I don't think I can perform tonight." She mumbled and looked down, putting her hand on top of mine.

"Why not? You conquered your fear of performing in front of people. What makes you feel like this?" I asked making her turn to me.

"I feel like something is going to go wrong."

Maya's P.O.V

"I feel sick. I can't do this." I panicked as I closed the curtain that I peeped out of to see how many people had turned up. There were loads of people!

"Yes you can, Maya. When you're on that stage all those nerves are going to go away because you will realize that is where you belong. And if you do get nervous then look for me and focus on me." He comforts as he caresses my cheek and softly kisses my lips. I pulled him closer to me and just kissed him. I didn't want to let go.

"Maya Hart to the stage in 2." Was announced and I slowly pulled back from Lucas. He gave me a small smile and wished me luck before heading to his seat.

I took a deep breath and headed to the stairs that lead onto the stage and waited until they announced my name.

"Good luck, Hart." Jane, one of the girls in my class, said as she walked down the stairs.

"Thanks. You were great by the way!" I complemented even though I just lied to her face. I was so spaced out, I didn't pay attention to the others.

"Next up we have Maya Hart!" My teacher announced and the nerves kicked in again. I walked up onto the stage with the least bit of confidence and stared out into the crowd. I felt my hands clam up, my throat went dry and I suddenly went dizzy. My eyes tried to find Lucas until suddenly the lights were turned off and the music started playing. People began to panic and talk but it helped. I took a deep breath and let the words fall out of my mouth in the perfect melody. The lights slowly came up and there he was, standing next to the light box, smiling and encouraging me.

When the song finished, a roar of cheers and clapping erupted from the audience and I felt so good. Lucas stood up on his chair and yelled "WOOOO!! THAT'S MY GIRL!" And continued clapping.

I covered my face and mumbled an 'oh my god' to myself. I bowed and left the stage. Once I got down the stairs, Lucas just walked through the curtains and engulfed me in a hug.

"You were amazing, incredible, perfect and god damn sexy up there. I almost had to knock a few guys out because of what they were saying." He laughed and I smiled.

"Thank you. You got me through it, I focused on you." I said and bit my lip. He smiled back.

"God I love you." He breathed and kissed me with more passion than before. I kissed him back and combed my fingers through his hair. "Can I have a private show when we get back tonight?" He asked with a smirk.

"If tonight goes well then maybe." I bit my lip and kissed him one last time.


"We are very honored that the music directors from the record label some of our lucky students will be joining are here today judging the talent tonight. Now there are only 3 lucky winners tonight who will get the opportunity so without any further ado, let's bring out our amazing contestants." One by one each act walked out onto the stage and stood in a line that faced the crowd.

Nerves and goosebumps rushed through my body as this was a make or break moment. I closed my eyes and said a little prayer to myself before someone spoke.

"Good evening everyone. I would just like to say that everyone did amazing tonight, there was a range of talent here and we would love to take you all on. Unfortunately, we only have three spaces for acts who we believe are ready for the music industry." One of the directors spoke. He was tall, his waist was slim but his arms and shoulders were broad and muscular, he had slick black hair, a white T-shirt, black skinny jeans, and a leather jacket.

The woman beside him wore shorts, a white vest top, a scarf around her neck and a leather jacket, her boots were leather with a block heal. She spoke next.

"I agree with Tom, everyone here deserves a place at our company. If this scholarship turns out well then you will sign with us after 9 months of working at the label." She explained and I couldn't be more excited, though I wasn't getting my hopes up because hope is for suckers, right? You build them up and then it comes crashing down with disappointment and heartbreak.

"So the first person to win a place on our scholarship is... Nadine Jenkins!" Cheers erupted from the crowd and we all clapped for her. "Nadine we were so impressed with your individuality and that's what we look for in artists. Congratulations!" The woman read out.

"The second person is... Peter Centineo!" Again we all clapped for him and then finally the last person... This could be my chance or I could be going home and never looking at music again. "Peter, you have done something that we haven't seen anyone else do despite it being very current in today's chart. We are very happy to have you on board."

"The final winner of the internship is... Maya Hart!" My eyes grew wide when I heard my name and I looked at the judges who were smiling at me. I walked over to receive my award and they both looked at me with excitement.
"Maya you have expressed yourself today in a way that no other act has done tonight. You have shown that you can take risks, break boundaries and not play it safe. Your stamina is incredible and your energy is fierce and that's also what we look for in artists. Congratulations!" Tom said and I felt myself become more confident. I was so scared to perform my song because I knew it was a risk but I wanted to break through that and just do it, I am so glad I did.

"Congratulations to everyone who won and I want to say a big well done to the remaining acts as they worked just as hard! Thank you for inviting us tonight we are certainly not disappointed and we look forward to working with our new recruits." Tom finally said before the show came to a close and we were all packing up and getting ready to leave.

We all went back stage and Peter, Nadine and I couldn't stop gushing over how excited we were and congratulated each other.

"I can't believe we actually got in. Never did I think I would win this." Nadine gushed. She rushed off to change and Peter and I carried on talking.

"You were really great Maya. More than that it was hot." He complemented.

"Thanks, Peter. You were great too, I mean you sang in a whole different language! That's awesome!" I complemented back and he smiled, his dimple popping up on the left cheek.

"Thanks, Hart." He looked up and then back at me. "I'll see you at the after party." He finally said and walked off. I looked at him oddly as that was a very quick goodbye. But that was soon forgotten when two strong arms wrapped around my waist, lifted me up and spun me around.

"Congratulations baby!" He said and put me down. I turned towards him and embraced him in a hug.

"Thank you so much!" I said and he snuggled into my neck even more. "Focusing on you made me feel safe and like I could do anything so thank you, Huckleberry." I pulled back a little and met his sparkly eyes and dazzling smile.

"Maya, that was all you. You were the one who got the courage to get up on that stage and do what you did. I was just there for support, Baby." He finally said before I kissed him, it didn't take him long to kiss me back and we were in a full make out session.

"MAYA!!!! YOU WERE AMAZING OUT THERE!!!" A rush of footsteps and voice broke our kiss and we looked at our friends who were all hyped up.

"Maya I knew you could sing but damn girl you got some pipes on you! Congrats!!" Zay gushed and hugged me, I hugged back and thanked him.

"Hart! See you sang in front of everybody. No more stage fright!" He said and hugged me too.

"Thanks for the advice, Josh." I said and pulled away. He smiled and stood next to Zay.

"Peaches! You did amazing sweetie. Oh my god I am going to have a celebrity friend!! This is awesome. Wherever you go please take me with you!! We can take on the world together." Riley pleaded with excitement and I laughed.

"Of course, Riles." I answered and she let out a little squeal.

"Congrats, Maya. You truly deserve this." Farkle said and I thanked him.

"Let's go get ready for the after party!! Meet you guys at their place in 2 hours." Riley grabbed my arm and pulled me away.

"We gotta get ourselves glammed up especially you because you are one of the winners!!" Riley gushed as she pulled us out of the auditorium.

Lucas' P.O.V

"Dude you are one lucky motherfucker!" Josh said and he watched the girls walk away. I hit the back of his head and he flinched, rubbing it and rolling his eyes.

"Guys I need your help." I said and pulled out a small box from my pocket.

"Dude, I know we are best friends and shit but I'm into girls and I appreciate-"

"Shut up, Zay it's not for you! It's for Maya." I rolled my eyes and they both looked at me like I was crazy. "What?"

"You're ganna settle down!? At this age, are you fucking serious!? You're only 19." Josh asked, clearly unimpressed.

"I'm not marrying her, it's an engagement ring. I want her to know that wherever we go I will always love her and through the ring it's a promise that I am going to love her no matter what." I explained and put the ring back in my pocket.

"Awh man that is sweet. I am really happy for you, Lucas." Zay said and gave me a hug.

"I need your help tonight okay. So here's the plan..."

* At the after party *

The college hired out my dad's hall. He's a businessman and he needs a huge venue for business meetings, galas, etc. So this place came in good handy for the after party.

"When are they ganna get here!?" I panicked, feeling the nerves rush through me.

"Bro relax, you know how they are they have to get everything right. Riley will make sure of it as the spot light is literally going to be on Maya tonight." Farkle explained, trying to calm me down.

"You right." I said and breathed out.

"Ladies and gentleman, please welcome your winners, Peter Centineo, Nadine Jenkins, and Maya Hart!" As I turn around and lay eyes on my beautiful girlfriend, it's like the room had slowed down and the spotlight was just on Maya as she and the other two walked down the steps. Riley was coming down next to her, whispering to her.

She is breath taking.

The clapping and cheering slowly died down as my dad approached them with a mic.

"Good evening everyone, I just wanted to make a little toast to these three talented artists. I know I have nothing to do with your college but I saw some of the highlights from the show thanks to your teachers recording the show. I have to say though, I am particularly proud of Maya Hart because when I first met her she was my son's housemate. As time has gone on she has made my son a better man and after tonight she has won me over with her voice and charm. So here's a toast to new beginnings and love." My dad said and I smiled as he looked at me, raised his glass and winked. He looked like Leonardo DiCaprio in The Great Gatsby.

I felt so happy. Maya walked over to him and gave him a hug before they exchanged words.

Finally, Maya and Riley made their way over to us and I felt my heart race.

"Hey!" She said excitedly and leaned in for a kiss which I gladly gave. "You're dad is so sweet, I swear you get your charm from him." She jokes.

"Oh god please tell me you aren't going to run away with his dad coz as much as I'd love that drama, that's fucking sick you can't do that to Lucas." Zay asked as if he was losing hope.

"Zay, you are fucked in the brain of course she wouldn't run away with my dad. R-right baby?" I stuttered. Now that the question is out there I had to ask. It wouldn't be the first time my dad got with one of my girlfriends. It's a long story but that shit hurt.

Maya laughed and shook her head. "Of course I'm not going to run away with your dad. I wouldn't trade you even if you had a twin, as cheesy as that sounds." Maya smiled, her dimple popping up from the side. I leaned in and kissed her with full force. Pushing my tongue in and caressing hers and we made out.

"Fuck you, Lucaya. Get a room." Zay rolled his eyes and took a sip of his drink.

With one last peck, Maya and I pulled away and she leaned her back against me and I wrapped my arms around her.
"I love you so much." I tell her in her ear.

She turns her head so she can see me and pecks my lips. "I love you, Huckleberry." She says sweetly and I kiss her once more.

The party was in full motion, people dancing, eating, drinking, and having a good time! It was getting close to 10pm and I needed to propose now before it gets too late.

I was dancing with Maya to Tip Toe by Jason Derulo. She was twerking up against me as I smirked but gulped because the nerves were killing me at the same time.

"Ayo Ladies and gentleman!!! I want y'all to focus on my man Lucas!" Zay announced to everyone. The spotlight changes to me and both Maya and I froze. Her ass was still against my crotch. There were a few whistles and a few laughs and very unimpressed teachers. Maya and I straightened up and focused on Zay knowing that this was it.
"I have known Lucas a long time and he has never truly experienced love and happiness until you, Maya. So without further a do, I will hand it over to my man Lucas. Everyone please stay quiet, imma record this." Zay finally said and came down the steps to us.

Everyone was now looking at Maya and I and she looked confused.

"Maya, this may be confusing but I think you're gonna like it." Farkle reassured.

"What Zay said was right, I have never experienced true love until I met you. You are the most feisty, funny, intimidating, cute, smart, artistic, gorgeous and talented girl I have ever met. I am so proud to call you my girlfriend but now, I hope you will let me be proud to call you my fiancé and say yes to marrying me because I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I finally know what Huckleberry means, so Maya Penelope Hart, will you do me the honour of making me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" I asked and got on one knee whilst pulling out a Tiffany's box and opening it revealing a beautiful diamond ring, Maya's mouth dropped and she didn't take her eyes off Lucas as he said his speech.

"Lucas... yes, yes I will marry you, Huckleberry." Maya smiled as a tear fell down her cheek, I stood up and took Maya's left hand in mine and put the engagement ring on her finger. I pulled her closer with the newly bejewelled hand and pressed my lips to Maya's plumped ones.

The whole venue clapped, cheered and whistled for us and I felt like a new man.

"Congratulations Lucas and Maya. Maya you make my son very happy, please don't break his heart." My dad said and gave her a hug.

"I would never in a million years dream of doing that. You have raised a very respectful, kind, smart and very hot son." Maya smirked and dad laughed.

"Thank you darling, he gets his looks from me." He winked and the anxiety of my dad stealing my new fiancé kicked in as they both laughed at his comment.

* Day of the wedding *

Maya sat at the dressing table, staring at her reflection. She observed her make up, the eye-liner, her red lipstick, the blush and highlight on her cheeks and finally, the huge smile that was spread across her face. She couldn't believe it was finally the big day. Maya and Lucas had been dreaming of this day for three years, months of planning and days of making sure everything was perfect went by and before they knew it the day was finally here.

Maya's mum and Shawn were invited to the wedding as things had patched up between them. Maya was getting ready to start her new career and she felt now was the perfect time to marry the love of her life. Lucas was now a professional basketball player and was ready for the next stage in his life. Marriage.

"Maya, are you ready? It's time." Riley said as she popped her head through the door. Maya smiled and took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, she stood up and her beautiful wedding dress fell and settled around her. Riley walked into the room with a hand against her mouth. "Oh my gosh, Maya. You look so beautiful." She admired her best friend and linked arms with Maya and headed out the door.

Maya kept taking deep breathes as she got closer and closer to the chapel.

"Maya, I am so proud of you." Riley says as they walked closer to Shawn. Riley hugs Maya before giving her to Shawn.

"You look beautiful, sweetie." Shawn said as he teared up.

"Thanks, dad." Maya said for the first time and Shawn let those tears spill. Maya smiled and wiped his tears.

"You're going to make me cry now." Maya laughed as did Shawn. He composed himself and Maya linked her arm through Shawn's. They opened the doors and the music started playing as she walked down the isle.

Maya locked eyes with Lucas who gulped at the sight of her. He felt butterflies in his stomach, his palms began to sweat and tears filled his eyes. He took a deep breath and smiled.

Riley walked behind with Maya's train. Zay, Farkle and Josh stood behind Lucas and each gave him a pat on the back to calm him down.

"Hi." Maya whispered with a smile as she stood in front of Lucas. He smiled and returned the greeting.

"You look incredible." He whispered and she grinned.

"Are you ready?" Asked the priest with a smile. The couple nodded and smiled at each other.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today on this joyous occasion to join these two in holy matrimony." He began. He said his speech and were moved on to the vows.

"Maya, when I first met you, you were this fire cracker, you intrigued me, impressed me, and I wanted to know more about you. When you came to my front door that day, I was over the moon. Excited like you couldn't believe. You became my one and only best friend. Sorry Zay." Lucas added making everyone laugh. Maya giggled and Lucas smiled even wider. "I promise to always cherish and worship the ground you walk on, to support you through your career and life decisions. I will take care of you when you are down, through sickness and in health. When you're mad at me I will always try my best to make you happy again because I can't stand seeing you upset or mad. I love Maya Hart and I always will. I will always be your Huckleberry." Lucas finished and wiped the corner of his eye.

Maya smiled and squeezed his hand.

"Lucas, I never knew I could love someone as much as I love you. You make me so happy even when you are being the most annoying idiot. You've made me believe that hope isn't for suckers. I promise that no matter where we go in life, I will always come back to you. I promise to always love you, take care of you, support you and travel through this beautiful journey which is our marriage and the rest of our lives together." Maya said her vows and the priest continued.

"Do you, Lucas Friar take Maya Penelope Hart to be your lawfully wedded wife?" He asked.

Lucas looked at Maya in admiration and nodded his head. "I do."

"Do you, Maya Penelope Hart take Lucas Friar to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." She smiles and a tear twinkles in her eyes. They exchanged rings and held on to each other's hand tighter than before.

"With the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." The priest concluded. Maya and Lucas locked their lips in a passionate kiss to seal their marriage.

The guests stood up, cheered and clapped their hands. The music began to play and Lucas and Maya walked down the isle to leave. Hand in hand they walked as smiles never left their faces.

The happy couple got into their Rolls Royce and the driver drove off taking the newly weds to the hotel room they booked so they can get ready for the evening.


When they arrived in the hotel, they went up to their suite and Lucas picked Maya up bridal style and entered their room.

"I am so happy right now." Lucas cheered as he kicked the door closed and landed them both on the bed. Falling on top of Maya. Lucas leaned down and close the space between them with a kiss.

"Can't believe it, we are finally married!" Maya gushed and rested her hand on Lucas' cheek.

"That's right, you are officially Mrs Maya Friar." Lucas smirked and Maya slapped his cheek lightly.

"First of all, it's Maya Penelope Hart Friar, I am not changing my name Mr Lucas Friar Hart." Maya pouted and Lucas smiled. He rolled them over so Maya was on top of them and kissed her softly. Their tender kiss turned into a heated make out.

"We have to get ready for tonight." Maya whispered against his lips. Lucas groaned and rolled off Maya, laying next to her with their hands still locked together. "I love you so much." Lucas breathed and looked at Maya.

"Good, because you're stuck with me for the rest of your life, baby." Maya grinned and kissed him once more before getting off the bed and heading for the bathroom.

"Where are you going?" Lucas whined.

"For a shower... come with me." Maya looked over her shoulder and winked. Lucas smirked and jumped to his feet and followed Maya into the huge bathroom with a grin.

As the couple settled in to their new lives as a married couple, they experienced everything. Travelling around the world with their basketball scholarship and Maya going on tour and performing in small joints to being signed to a label who promised to make her big and they did. She's starring in movies, filming her music videos and becoming the success she and Lucas wanted and hoped for her. Lucas went from a trainee to playing in the big leagues, he's one of the top players in the league and pretty hard to beat.

After 6 years, Lucas and Maya are now living in a Mansion in Beverly Hills and are pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl. They're over the moon and can't wait for their family to be complete.

A beautiful ending to a beautiful story.

Vote and comment.

A/N: I would just like to start by saying that it has been amazing writing this story and having you enjoy it. After a year or so writing this story, it is my greatest pleasure to finally say that it is completed. I have had such a blast writing about these characters as Lucaya is one of my favourite ships. I hope you have enjoyed reading it just as much as I have writing it.

I hope to write more stories in the future but right now I want to focus on my studies... and catch up on TV shows aha. However, if you follow me, you will be updated every so often on my progress of new material; for example, I have 3 stories that are currently being written but I will not publish them until they are edited and completed. I believe the journey of writing of the story is a lot more fun than the actual publication and seeing what people's response is. This doesn't mean that I don't enjoy reading comments on my story, I live for them as they encourage me to keep writing.

Thank you all for taking the time to read my stories even with the long periods where you have had to wait for new chapters.

SasMaster145 x

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