Mahogany Desires

By book_worm_

882K 17.8K 2.1K

Mr. tall dark and handsome Jason Mills was always particular when it came to women that he associated himself... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 16

19.8K 364 14
By book_worm_


             JASON AND CARTER watched as the man pulled out a handkerchief out of the pocket of his white suit jacket and bent down to wipe off his white leather loafers clean of the blood that belonged to his victim who was lying dead on the floor.

“Talk about putting a bullet in someone’s head.” Carter whispered to Jason. They were still standing in the same spot and hadn’t moved a muscle since they witnessed the tragic fate of the guy decked out in a light grey suit.

Jason finally took his gaze off of the gun man that was clad in all white with pitch black hair with a matching pair of dark eyes that held beady pupils and scanned the right side of the room. To his surprise the two men that was guiding Carter and himself were sprawled out on the floor with a bullet wound in each of their chests; both with a gun in their lifeless hand.

He switched his gaze again and looked over to the left of the room to find another man sitting against the blood stained wall with his head down, his legs stretched out from under him and blood dripping from his forehead to the cream carpet on the floor where it was creating a puddle of blood.

Being the sharp thinker that he was, Jason instantly knew that the man that just erected his spine and turned to look at him and his partner with eyes that were instantly deemed lifeless and empty, was the same person that killed him too.

Without taking his eyes off of them, the man folded his bloody handkerchief with ease and tucked it into his pants pocket. He then took the gun that was still in his grasp and set it on a wide oak colored desk that was behind him while still examining the two in front of him. The gun never lefted his hand and his index finger never veered from the trigger.

“I really do not feel like taking another life tonight.” He spoke in a strong Spanish accent. “Por favor tipos make this very fast so you can both go home and I can get my rest. It’s a little late, no?” He sat on the tip of the desk, crossed his legs at the ankle and nodded in Jason’s direction. “El dinero?”

Jason looked down at the briefcase in his hand and nodded at the man who he presumed was the notorious Santiago. Because he’s lived in South Florida all his life, Jason understood some Spanish though he couldn’t reiterate the tongue enough to have a full conversation.

“Aah, Bueno.” Throwing a hand into his dark comb backed sleek hair; he stood up, let go of the pistol that was in his hand while stepping over the dead body that was in his way. He made his way around the desk and stopped in front of a wide cabinet with gold trimmings. Pulling out a gold skeleton key, he unlocked the double cabinet doors and opened them as wide as they could go.

Jason looked over at Carter and cocked an eyebrow in question but Carter just simply shrugged his shoulders and turned back to Santiago and the text book sized packets that were stacked up in the cabinets.

Turning towards them, Santiago took a step forward and stopped. With the look of disgust plastered to his face, he looked down at the four dead bodies on the carpeted floor of the yacht and pulled out a phone front his coat pocket. Jason watched him dial a number and seconds later he was muttering something into the phone in Spanish. Just as quickly as it started, the call ended and he tucked the phone back into his coat.

“I’m very sorry for the mess but you know how this business is, si? Friends are… eh how do you Americans say… fake and they cannot be trusted. When back is turned BOOM” he slapped his opened palm onto the desk to make the sound effects “they stab you.”

Just as soon as he finished his sentence, about five men wearing all black attire walked into the room without acknowledging neither Carter nor Jason. They weren’t surprise or even a bit fazed by the dead bodies or blood splattered everywhere.

“They must be used to doing this.” Carter murmured over to Jason.

“Yeah.” Jason answered with a frown. He didn’t like this situation at all. Santiago looked cynical and just plain evil. The man face didn’t even flinch as he put a bullet in another human’s head. A man that seemed to be part of his team nonetheless. No remorse was right.

With a nod from their boss, two of the men walked towards the body that was against the wall while another two went over to the one that they witnessed being killed by Santiago and dragged them out. The last one of the men with dark blond hair and a crooked nose stood beside Santiago as they spoke in soft whisper that was barely audible to Jason or Carter’s ears.

His eyes shot over to them as he nodded his at Santiago and turned towards the cabinet as Santiago made a hand gesture for them to move closer to the desk. They threw each a quick glance before taking the short steps required to stand in front of the furniture. Their faces held no emotion as Santiago’s man took one packet and dropped it on the desk. Just as quickly, he pulled out a pocket knife and swiped at the edge of the packet to cut it open and white powdery substance spilled out of it and onto the table.

“The best quality cocaine in the America’s; straight from Colombia. I promise you that your buyers won’t be disappointed.” Santiago slurred in his accented tongue.

“I could take your word for it but like you said before Mr. Santiago, people in this business can’t be trusted.” Carter finally responded to him. Taking out a white card from his jeans, he bent over the desk and started to cut small lines of the narcotics with ease.

Jason watched with curiosity as Carter dipped his pinky in the powder and brought it up to his mouth and nodded his approval to Santiago. “Ok. We’re good here.”

“Of course you are Mr.….?”

“Carter. I’m Carter and he’s Jason.”

“It’s a pleasure to work with you Mr. Carter, Jason. Now please let’s finish off with this quickly. I’m in need of a shower… and a new yacht.” Santiago said in disgust as he looked at his cream colored carpet, stained with blood. Just then the other four men walked back into the room and picked the other two bodies of the men who escorted Jason and Carter earlier and dragged them out the room also.

Carter nodded at him. “We won’t hold you up any longer. Give him the case Jason.”

Jason turned his head towards Carter and gave him a questioning look as if asking him if he was sure. Carter shook his head yes and Jason slid the briefcase onto the table. Santiago’s man popped the case open and scanned his eyes over the money before closing it shut.

“It’s all here.” He said to Santiago in a clipped tone.

“Very well. A few of my men will bring the packets to you on the dock and you can be on your way.” He brought forth his hand and held it up towards Carter and Jason.

Jason being extremely wary of the man didn’t want to be first to shake his hands and let Carter do so before him. After he let carter’s hand go, Jason placed his hand against Santiago’s palm and gave him a strong handshake. Just as he was ready to let go of the man’s hand, Santiago clamped down and squeezed Jason’s hand tighter than necessary. The look on his face was neutral but his eyes held something in them, something that Jason couldn’t correspond or quite understand but it was something.

Jason instantly glared and tightened his own grip around Santiago’s. Neither man budged as they stared each other down with the most intimidating looks.  Santiago was the first to break as a smirk slowly made its way onto his face and he let his grasp slip away from Jason’s who eyed him suspiciously and sent Carter a ‘what the hell’ look.

Carter looked between the two and frowned, confused as to what was going on.

Jason glanced at Santiago’s person once more before he turned on his heel and growled out a “Let’s go!” to Carter as he walked out of the room.

“Hey man, you okay?” Carter asked behind him as they walked down the hall.

“Fine.” He answered with a slight anger in his undertone and marched up the stairs that led them to the deck of the yacht. Putting a hand through his hair he blew out a deep breath. “I just want to finish this up take my ass home.” He answered, as he thought about a certain lady with a body to kill for that was hopefully waiting for his call.

“…If you say so.” Carter answered though he knew that Jason was lying he wasn’t going to bother him. If the guy didn’t want to talk then he wouldn’t push.


             Machayla sat alone in the living room and sighed aloud. “God I’m bored!” She had no friends to neither talk to nor hang out with because Mason caused her to lose the ones that she did have. And speaking of the devil, Mason was gone with his crew and honestly even if he was there with her, she still would’ve felt alone.

Her mind wandered off to a certain gorgeous guy with dark eyes and even darker hair. In all honesty she could stare at him all day and never get tired. Those dark green eyes that consisted of brown specks if one was to look close enough, made her feel… what? Desired, wanted? It wasn’t any different than the way most men stared at her but for a reason that she refused to acknowledge, she liked it. She liked the way it made her feel the few times they’ve been close enough to have that moment.

She knew that she was treading into dangerous territory by even speaking to him but she couldn’t help it, Jason Mills was apparently a very persistent person and as much as she wanted him to back off and leave her alone, a small part of her begged to differ. Because truth be told, she needed a friend, she needed somebody on her side for a change.

Grabbing her phone that sat on the coffee table, she checked the time and noticed that it was almost midnight but Mason still wasn’t home. Instead of checking up on him she checked to see if she had any messages from Jason; after all, he did say that he would call.

…She didn’t.

She felt disappointment creep onto her but immediately crushed it and stretched her body out on the couch. She didn’t mind that she found him attractive but she was not going to even for a second think that he was going to come into her life and play prince charming. Men –with the exception of her father—were not to be trusted in her world and though that may be a sad thing to say, it was what she learned from experience. They’re always sweet and nice at the beginning but then their true colors would always start to show when they became comfortable enough.

Just like Mason did.

And though Mason hasn’t hit her since that day in the kitchen, she of course still hated him. She had to find a way out but no matter how many hours she spent thinking about it, she just couldn’t find a solution.

Telling somebody wouldn’t work. He would deny it and they would believe his every word before they believed hers. The problem was that he had too much power, too much influence and too much money. His mother would accuse her of trying to ruin her family, his sister would probably just spew out some stupid excuse because she like her brother liked to see Machayla miserable, so much so that they were almost sadistic and his dad was the only one who would come close to believing her but she wasn’t so sure. After all, Mason was his son.

She had no escape. She felt helpless and alone and those feelings were getting tiresome. She needed to find a way out and soon.

Sighing she closed her eyes, “if only life would just give me a damn break” she muttered before falling asleep.

               Machayla woke up to an extremely agitating ringing in her ears.

“What the hell?” She drew out groggily. She sat up on the couch and blew out a breath before she noticed that the ringing was coming from her phone. Reaching over for it, she touched the answer key without checking who the caller was.


“Were you sleeping?” An amused voice that Machayla didn’t know but sounded strangely familiar asked.

“I was… Who is this?”

“Should I feel offended about the fact that you don’t know who I am? I mean, first you reject me then you stand me up and now-”

“You called.” She muttered before he had a chance to finish his rant. She knew his voice sounded familiar.

“Why do you sound so surprised? I told you that I would.”

Of course she was surprised. She hoped that he would but she didn’t expect him too. Men didn’t usually keep their word when they uttered them to her. Mason was a prime example and Jason might be a second one if she let him get as close as he wanted to get.

 “Well it is” she pulled the phone away from her ears to look at the time “one in the morning.”

He chuckled and the soothing sound vibrated through the phone and caused a wide grin to stretch out onto Machayla’s face while sending a burning sensation deep down in her loins. “Sorry I got a bit caught up but you’re right, maybe I shouldn’t have came.”

Machayla abruptly stood up and slipped her feet into her sandals. ‘Came?’ She pondered. ‘Came where?’

“Uh Jason, where are you exactly?” She started to walk towards the window that faced the front of the house.

“Open the door and find out.”

She stopped a couple of steps away from the front door and placed the one hand that was at her side on her slender waist while nibbling on her bottom lip. She wasn’t sure if she should open the door for she was afraid of what would be behind it. She was the type of person that thought before she did something. She was logical and careful. She wanted too but she really shouldn’t open that door.

“Are you hesitating?” He asked. She could tell that he was smiling.

“No!” She immediately answered. Trying her best to suppress a wide grin that was forcing its way onto her face she bit down on her lip. How did he know?

“You are.”

“I’m not.”

“Then open the door Kayla.”

She wasn’t very fond of anybody calling her Kayla because that’s what Mason called her but coming out of his mouth it sounded somewhat endearing. 

“You don’t ever give up do you?”


“Damn.” She whispered but by the way he started to laugh through the receiver of the phone she knew that he did.

Hanging up the phone, she took the couple of steps needed to reach the door and paused as she took a deep breath. She wasn’t going to try to pretend that she wasn’t scared to death about opening that door because she was sure that she would have to suffer the consequences later on if Mason was to get wind of this but a voice in the back of her mind was pushing, pushing her to open the door and meet that extremely persistent and gorgeous guy that was waiting for her.

After a few more seconds of thinking rationally, she decided to just throw caution to the wind. What was the worst that could happen anyways? He just wanted to talk to her right?

She reached out and unlocked the door before opening it and looking around. When she didn’t see him anywhere she frowned. Walking over the threshold she stood on the front porch and studied her surrounding a bit more closely but she still didn’t see any sign of him.

Making sure the door was not locked; she closed it and started to walk down the huge driveway when she suddenly felt a tap on her shoulders and gasp. She immediately turned to the culprit that stood within two feet from her with a smirk tattooed on his face and scowled at him the second she realized that it was Jason who nearly scared her into an early grave.

“I have every right to want to smack that smirk off your face right now, don’t I?” She asked with narrowed eyes. Her eyes started to adjust in the dark and his features were beginning to be more noticeable.

He shrugged a shoulder and grinned. “I wouldn’t blame you.”

Giving him a dry look, she huffed and crossed her arms under her breast. “You’re crazy.”

“Oh yeah? How’d you come up with that idea?”

“You’re here. At one in the morning. With me nonetheless.”

“I see your point but to be honest I just wanted to see you. Is that okay with you?” He softly asked. Even with the lack of light, she could still see the perplexed expression that was on his face as he gazed down at her.

Feeling a bit frazzled by the way he was looking at her, she turned her head to the side and stared off into total darkness and shrugged. “I don’t know. What if we get caught by Mason?”

His brows furrowed. “Do you even know what the man you live with does in his free time?”

Her head quickly snapped back to his face. “I have enough shit to deal with so spare me the details. I don’t want to know.”

Jason sighed. “Alright let’s just let that go. Don’t worry about Mason for now though. He won’t get here anytime soon.”

“What do you mean?”

He cocked a dark brow at her. “You don’t want to know, remember.”

She rolled her eyes and muttered a “whatever” under her breath.

“Did you just roll your eyes at me?” Jason asked her with mock offense.

“You saw that?” She asked a bit taken back.

“Yeah.” He answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“I’m starting to dislike you.” She joked.

He shrugged. “You wouldn’t be the first.”

“I believe that.” She chuckled.

“Come on.” He abruptly latched on to both of her wrists and started walking backwards down the rest of the driveway with a half smile plastered on his rugged face.

She looked alarmed, “Where are we going?” She tried to glue her feet to the concrete of the driveway to stop him from pulling her but he put a little more power into it and managed to drag her down to where his car was parked behind a huge hedge on the side of the house.

“The beach.” He answered as he unlocked and opened her door and waited for her to get in.

She didn’t.

Crossing her arms under her breast and shook her head. “No.” She clipped.

“How many times are you going to tell me no? I think that word comes out of your mouth every time we speak.” He pouted and instead of looking ridiculous, he actually looked quite adorable to Machayla.

“No it doesn’t.” She denied.

He cocked a brow her way. “Did we just prove my point?”

“You’re an ass.”

He laughed. “You ain’t saying nothing I haven’t heard before sweetheart. Come on, get in.”

She started to nibble on her bottom lip and propped both of her hands on her hips. “It’s one in the morning Jason.”

“Yeah and in an hour it will be two in the morning.”

She frowned in worry. “I’m serious Jason. What if Mason comes back and I’m not here? He’ll-”

“I’ll bring you back before he even gets back into this county.” Jason cut her off.

Her frown deepened. “County?”

“You don’t want to know.” He quickly answered.

She stayed silent for a few seconds before blowing out a breath and groaned. “Ok, fine.”

A sultry smirk made it’s way onto his face and he reached out to graze the back of his hands on her cheeks. “Thank you.”

Rolling her eyes again, she smiled and stepped into the passenger seat of the Audi. “You coming?” She asked when she noticed that he hadn’t moved from his spot.

“Right behind you.”

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