Guns, The Mailbox and Harry S...

By smexymustashio

285 27 13

I was woken up by the cheesiest song ever being played in my ear 'alarm clock' i thought before groaning and... More

Guns, The Mailbox and Harry Styles?!
Chapter 2
Chapter 4

Chapter 3

40 7 2
By smexymustashio

(A/N Yes this is a Harry Styles Au please dont copy it these are my own ideas and these characters are my own ideas anything associated with the real world is not owned by me. This story is also not sponsored and there is nobody paying me to write this story and it is a pure work of fiction)


'Yeah Sky, This gun belongs to Harry Styles, the most feared person in all of England!'

'Skylar dinners ready!'Mr.Parks called leaving no time for Skylar to react to the news she had just heard from Luke. Jumping up of the bed both Skylar and Luke made there way downstairs and were greeted by the sight of bangers and mash. Shaking her head at her farthers choice of food she sat down at one end of the table while Luke took the seat next to that.

'How are you luke?' Mr.Park asked taking a seat across the pair.

'Great thanks for asking paul.' Mr.Parks was like a second farther to Luke and they were both past the akward second name stage. Picking up his eating utensils he carried on questioning Luke meanwhile Skylar was having a mini panic attack a whole load of questions were running through her mind; would she get hurt? Does her dad know about what was in the package? Should she deliver the gun to it's rightful owner? Should she call the police?  Lost in thought she failed to notice that a piece of a sausage was about to hit her. She was snapped out of her thoughts when the sausage did hit her.


Mr.Parks had noticed the change in Skylar's behaviour since she got home but decided against questioning her about it.

'What was in that package?' He questioned instead. Quickly thinking of a answer she locked eyes with Luke and could practically feel how worried he was.

'Um… it was delivered to the wrong house! Yeah wrong house.'

'Oh, well why don't you give it to me and i'll get it re-delivered,' He suggested.

'No Paul it's alright I'll take Sky down and get it delivered, you've just got back you need to get as much rest as you can.' Luke finally spoke after a few moments of silence.

'Are you sure?' Paul kept close attention on Luke's face as he asked this, looking for any signs of hesitation.

'Yep,' Luke replied and watched as Mr.Parks wink at him before exiting the dinning area with his empty plate.

After putting there dishes into the dish washer both of them made there way upstairs.

'Right well what are we going to do now?!' Luke patiently waited for Skylar to answer and after a few moments she did,

'We do what farther said. We take this parcel and everything in it and we drop it of at the address written on the card.' Skylar stated.

You may be thinking that Skylar is being unreasonable. That she's going to get hurt, that she should just throw it in the bin! Forget all about it. Well both Luke and Skylar are both to gulible to realise this. There naive! They don't realize what their getting themselves into and we cant change that. Oh, now no one can because once their minds are set on something the stubborn side of them comes into play.

'Up yah get love, if were going to make it to the address before dusk your going to have to get ready. Now,'

Luke failed see the danger lurking ahead. He failed to acknowledge the fact that going to a criminals house is a step to far.

'Well I'm ready just let me get my shoes.' Exiting the room she appeared a few moments later with a pair of blue converse held in her right hand, her left hand clutching a phone just like lukes but blue unlike Lukes silver.

Rushing down the stairs they both jumped into Luke's white 'Range Rover' which was parked next door, Skylar in the passengers seat and Luke in the drivers seat. It would take them a hour to get to the other side of London where Harry lived and Luke was hoping they'd be back by dusk. Reversing out the drive way Skylar began to insert a Cd into the assigned slot just above the radio controls. Smiling at Sky's choice of music ( Eminem) he remembered when he brought that certain album which held so many good memories to it.

'Who's your favourite wrapper?'

Asked the 5year old Luke.

'wrapper? um I like the wrappers that come on those round chocolates!' Skylar stated she too was 5years old at the time.

'No wrapper, the people who talk really fast.' Luke thought he was pronouncing the word rapper right when really he wasn't.

'Ohhh, you mean rapper, I like that one who's name sounds like those red and yellow sweets!'

'Me too!' Luke was amazed that a girl could like eminem, 'Look mummy bought me a cd with him on! Do you want to go listen to it?'

'Yes,' Skylar yelled excitedly. Before they both ran off.

Luke replayed his past memories of Skylar and him trying to imitate Marshall Mathers and failing. They were nearly at there designated destination now and Skylar was beginning to fear what was to come. They were going to Harry Styles' house! He was the most dreaded person in England and, looking down at the open parcel in her hand, gulping loudly she asked,

'Luke, are we doing the right thing?'

'Course we are Sky, I mean its the only option we've got right now, imagine if your dad went to deliver it, he might have gotten hurt and we both don't want that, or imagine if we just threw it away either the police or Harry could have got a hold of it. Then we could have been in even more of a problem then we are now!' Luke explained trying to reassure Sky and himself that what they were doing was right.

'I guess your right,' Skylar sighed.

'Im always right Sky. Always.' With a wink at the end Luke tried to crack a cliché joke. 'The house is just round that corner now, make sure you've locked your door. It'd be stupid not to.'

Double checking that shes locked it Skylar began to take in the scene around her. She was surprised to see that the place looked like a normal town, with the occasional person walking down the pavement, it was nothing like she expected it to be. She expected it to be a cheesey place like all those films showed places where gangs lived to be. It was completely different and was more like the place a happy family would live.

As the car came closer towards Harry's house Luke and Sky both noticed the difference between every-other house and his. Harrys was huge and had woodland surrounding it. The house was isolated from the rest of the houses and was at the very end of the street.

Parking outside the house Skylar and Luke both noticed the fact that there was only one car outside the house and that meant that either Harry was at home or someone else was.

Hurrying to get out of the car they ran up the front garden and knocked rapidly on the door before waiting patiently for it to open. A sudden wave of nervous-ness hit Skylar just before the door was roughly pulled open.


There infront of Sky and Luke was the infamous……H.S otherwise known as Harry Styles!!!

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