In The Shadows (A Justin Bieb...

By dominicsccott

139K 4.7K 622

Love Never Dies. Unfortunately, Neither Do They. This story is mine and mine alone. If you want to transla... More

Chapter 2: Running
Chapter 3: Change me
Chapter 4: Tragedy
Chapter 5: Seeing through his eyes
Chapter 6: Discovery and Memories
Chapter 7: Learning the Alphabet
Chapter 8: You see me but not me
Chapter 9: Control?
Chapter 10: Different Demons
Chapter 12: Found
Chapter 13: Alone
Chapter 14: Attack
Chapter 15: Close
Chapter 16: Myrnin
Chapter 17: Him
Chapter 18: Home?
Not an update!!!
Chapter 19: Save Me
Chapter 20: Hold
Chapter 21: Finding Out
Chapter 22: Demands
Chapter 23: End

Chapter 11: Hide and Seek

3.7K 147 6
By dominicsccott

SOC is Dynamite by Taio Cruz


Natalie's POV

I sat in the back seat of the police cruiser, tears slowly running down my cheeks like little rivers, then joining at the bottom of my chin to make larger droplets where they spilled onto my lap. I sat motionless. I sat quiet. I sat anguished. But most of all, I sat terrified. What had killed Fawn?? You couldn't get into the rooms unless you have a key, and me and Fawn were the only ones who had!

The officers kept glancing back at me in their mirrors. I wanted to makes face and snarl, "what the fuck are you looking at?!" but I didn't have the strength.

Fawn was dead. My best friend. Scratch that, she was my sister. We shared everything together. I should never have let her come with me!! I should have made her stay at home, with her family! Oh god, what am I going to tell them? Just ring them up and say, 'Hello! Sorry to tell you this but Fawn's dead. Have a nice day, bye!' No! I can't do that! Oh my god this is all so messed up!

I rested my head on the window and looked out. The storm clouds that had been threatening all day broke, and all water on the earth seemed to pour down. It was so bad that I couldn't see two feet in front of me. "Damn, I can't see a thing!" the officer who was driving exclaimed. I turned to look back out the window and screamed as loud as I could. A black Range Rover was driving full speed, and it was coming right at us.

Justin's POV

I woke up to see.. fur? I jerked my head up and realised I was in Mikayla's pen. I must've fallen asleep when I was feeding them. I sat up slowly, not wanting to wake the dogs up. The puppies were lying on my legs. Damn. There was no way I was going to be able to move without waking them. Mikayla was behind me, acting as a pillow, and Jason was pressed against my torso, his tail curled protectively around his pups. The pups were only a few weeks old, so they could all fit into the grasp of his tail. I moved slowly and carefully, pulling my legs out from under the pups, and held my breath when Trent's head flopped down, but he never opened his eyes, still sleeping. I moved out from the pups, somehow not waking any of them, but as I stood up, Jason's eyes snapped open and he growled lowly. I held my hands out. "Shh, it's me Jason." I whispered. At the sound of my voice, Jason's tail thumped up and down. I bent down and scratched his ears before opening the pen and closing and locking it behind me.

I walked back to mansion, hands stuffed into my pockets. 'Were they nice Ralph?' I spat, or thought-spat. He chuckled. 'Delicious!' I growled at him. 'You know you're not supposed to do that! You don't need to feed, I do!' I hissed. 'Now I've gotta go and get a blood bag, and I only have a few left!' I snapped and hurried up the steps. I was parched. My throat burned and I felt my eyes turn crimson red. It doesn't hurt, when a vampire's eyes change colour, all you feel is a warm sensation cross your eyes. You know what colour your eyes turn because with the warm sensation, a haze the colour your eyes will be comes with it. So I saw a red haze cross my gaze and I ran up the stairs. I threw open the door to my bedroom and ran to my blood cooler. I yanked it open and recoiled. There was nothing in it. It was empty.

I felt rage boiling through my veins, and my eyes turned red and black. 'RALPH!' I screamed. 'What?' he said bewildered.

'WHY DID YOU EMPTY MY COOLER? YOU KNOW THAT'S FORBIDDEN!' I roared. I was furious. 'I didn't empty the cooler! I never touched it!' he protested. 'Who the fuck did then?!' I snarled. 'How am I supposed to know? I never went near the cooler!' he insisted. I growled and changed quickly, pulling a pair of raggedy jeans on, and a grey undershirt and a black Hollister hoodie on top of that with my black and white Supras and sped out of the mansion, going to the garage. I clicked one of my car keys and my black Range Rover flashed its headlights. I stomped over to it and threw myself in, slamming the door behind me and jamming the key into the ignition. It roared into life and I backed out of the garage and racing down the driveway, hardly slowing to press the button to open the gates. I drove onto the road and raced down the isolated road, surrounded by trees. It gave others the chills, but I liked it.

It started pouring down, and I cursed. I could barely see anything. I should have slowed down. I didn't. 'Justin, maybe you should slo-'

'Piss off.' I snapped at Eamon. He was the softie vampire in me, the wimp.

Oh crap. 'Back off Ralph!' I warned. 'Oh what now? I'm not doing anything!' He snarled. 'Then who the hell is? It feels like rage and that's your area!' I growled. 'I don't know!' he said, and he sounded... worried? I shook my head and my iPhone lit up. I screwed my face up. I didn't like these contraptions. I preferred mind messaging my fellow vampires. I picked it up and saw 'Unknown Caller' flash. I frowned but answered it, sliding the lock screen across and holding the phone up to my ear. "Hello?" I said. Nothing but static, but then a deep, deep voice chuckled. "Watch where you're going, Justin Dreward Bieberan the First of Canada, you might just crash into something... delicate!" he laughed, then hung up. I stared at my phone, then tried dialling the number. A cool, feminine voice said, "Sorry, but this number is out of use. Try another number!" before hanging up. I dialled it again, to be met with the same voice. I viciously stabbed the 'End Call' button and threw it onto the seat next to me. I looked up to see a police cruiser way too close to me. "Oh, shit." I yelled, and tried to dodge it, to no avail.

I crashed into the cruiser at 140 MPH and we both flipped into a ditch. I yelled and I hit my head on something, hard, and everything started to go fuzzy.

Natalie's POV

I yanked my hoodie off and wrapped it around my head and neck to protect myself. There was enough space to let me breathe. There was no way we could miss that car. It was going to hit us. When it did, it hit hard, sending both of us flying into a ditch. We all screamed, and I kept screaming when I saw two sharp branches had stabbed the officers in the head. The branches poked out of the headrest, dripping with blood and pointing right at me. Oh god, that could have been me! I thought in horror, and I yanked desperately on the car door. It wouldn't budge. I started kicking at it as hard as I could. I yanked the hoodie off and pulled it on. The door crashed open, falling off its hinges.

I stumbled out and yelped when I put my weight on a bad ankle. I leaned against the car and pulled my trackies up to expose my ankle. I winced when I saw the damage. It was red, purple and blue already. It was swelling up to the size of a smallish football. I rolled my trackies back down again and stood up, scanning the area around me. Where was the other car? I spotted it, a black Range Rover like mine. It wasn't mine though, it had been confiscated 'incase someone tried breaking into it to plant anything or to attack you again' I had been told.

I limped over to the car. "Hello? Is anyone alive?" I called. No answer. I finally got to the car and leaned against it, panting. God, my ankle hurt! It was throbbing painfully. Every step I took was like sending an icy jab up my foot into my ankle. I peered into the window. I saw blood, but nothing else. Huh. The driver must have survived and ran off. I tugged on the door handle and when it opened I collapsed onto the seat, and yelped again when I felt my left arm sear hot, then cold. I looked at it and groaned when I saw it sticking out at a wrong ankle. Great. I looked in the mirror of the car and winced. There was a gash in my cheek, bleeding heavily. I could barely feel it. I wiped at it and I realised my lip was split too. There were smaller cuts on my face, but I didn't give them much thought. I was much more concerned about the rest of my body, which was screaming in pain. I pulled my phone out, which miraculously, wasn't broken. No signal. Great! Note the sarcasm. Now what am I gonna do? I can't walk, and I have no idea where I am. It was still pouring down. I sighed and wiped at my lip and cheek again. I glanced in the rear view mirror and my heart stopped. I was right in front of the Redwood Forest, aka the Bloody Forest. Hundreds of thousands of people had died here. Including my family.


I sat up in my tent, clutching my torch and shaking. I had my arms wrapped around my knees and I was listening. I heard her scream. "MUMMY!" I screamed, crying. A black hooded figure came towards the tent, and I scrambled back when he started unzipping it. He climbed in and I saw a bloody hatchet in his hand. "Shh, stay here, you're gonna be okay!" he said, hugging me before climbing out and zipping the tent closed. I waited a while, then I crawled towards the tent door. I opened it and something hit me, sending me flying. I hit my head, and everything went black.

*End of flashback*

No! I jerked my head and shook it. No no no! I will not think of that again! I won't! But I knew one thing: I had to get out of here, NOW.

I stood up and got ready to bolt, pulling my hood up and testing my weight on my ankle again, wincing. I started hobbling as fast as I could away from the forest. "Help me..." I heard a voice whimper. I turned around. "Hello?" I called. "Help... meeeeee...." the same voice cried weakly. "Where are you?" I called. I made my way back to the car; it sounded like the voice was coming from there. "Where are you?" I called. "I'm.. under hee...reee..." the voice croaked. I knelt down and looked under the car, and screamed my lungs out. The vampire who had attacked me was on the other side of the car, and he was grinning at me with too many teeth.

I scrambled up, ignoring the pain in my ankle and raced towards the forest. I'd rather face the killer lurking in there than face the monster behind me. I ran into the forest, stumbling every so often because of my leg and I kept tripping over roots. It was night by now, the full moon was out, and if that wasn't scary enough, there was a mist hanging about now, the rain had stopped. I couldn't see, the branches kept whipping my face as I ran blindly. Burrs caught in my hair and my cheek and lip were bleeding worse than ever. I wiped furiously at them. I was terrified the vampire would smell the blood and find me.

I stopped behind a tree, panting for breath and crying silently. He's going to kill me when he finds me. And the scariest thing about that is, I don't feel any fear like I should. I knew death would come for me, just not yet. I felt reluctance though. I don't want to die.

I risked a quick look behind me. Nothing. Where was he? I looked back around and was confused. There was light coming from the moon, so why was there blackness right in front of me? I frowned. It wasn't there a second ago... One millisecond later, I knew something was very wrong. The blackness started moving. My breath hitched in my throat and my eyes widened. I was looking into the eyes of evil itself. I was in a staring contest with the vampire.


I stifled my gasp when the voice whispered in my head. Not again! Why was Justin so important? Who was he?

I reached behinds frantically, trying to pull some wood off the tree to use as a stake. "What do you want?" I choked out. The eyes narrowed. He didn't answer me. He put his arms I either side of my head so I couldn't escape. He leaned forward and nuzzled my neck. I stiffened and tried to pull away, but he growled lowly and yanked me closer. We both jumped when a crow took off, cackling, and he turned around. I took my chance. I finally stripped a sharp piece of wood from the tree and stabbed him in the chest. He made a choked sound and collapsed. I sprinted as fast as my leg would let me. What I heard only spurred me on even more:

"Okay then, let's play hide and seek Natalie."

That voice was not human. It was the voice of the devil himself.


Mmm, wacha think, mm that she'll be well well of course you didn't mm wacha saay, is it all for the best?

Haha, love Jason Derulo's song Wacha Say!!! Anyone else??


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