Young Forever

By caseywhatever

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A year after after saving Mystic Falls from hell fire still heartbroken and grieving over the death of their... More

I will always protect you
what is love?
five years
afraid of losing control
we're family
a doppelgänger and new enemy
mikaelson vs salvatore
the merge
I love you
lucky to have a son like you
please call me grandma
whatever it takes
against family
we're in this together
ancestral connection
stay away
dark josie
family reunion
welcome to the family
love of two people
the hollow
is marriage for us?
always be together
let's be honest
together or not part 1
together or not part 2
i don't regret anything
don't make me regret
the curse
where's my bourbon
without his memories
I'm back
reunited after five years
family reunited


34 2 0
By caseywhatever

Elena POV
Since I came back from Italy I have been feeling nauseous lately not feeling well but I'm not the only one either. My aunt Caroline is also feeling nauseous too. It's possible because before my mom passed away, she said she did a fertility spell on me, Bella and Caroline so it can happen. I'm standing outside my aunt Caroline's bathroom door while she's throwing up

"Caroline? Are you okay now?" I asked concerned as I don't hear her stop throwing up anymore

"Yeah I'm fine" she said

"Should I go the store and buy one?" I asked

"Yes please we need to find out now" she said

"Alright" I said

"Thank you and please don't tell the girls and Klaus" she said

I nod "Okay, but what do I say when they ask me who it's for?" I said

"Tell them it's for you" she said

I chuckle "I'll think of something, I'll be back" I said and walk away

I come back from the store and enter the house when Klaus walks towards me

"Elena what is that you have in the bag?" he asked looking at the bag

"I think I'm might be pregnant and I just want to check, but please don't tell Kol anything until I'm sure" I said

"I won't, promise. Let me know if you are or not" he said

"Thank you and I will" I said and walk away going upstairs

I go to Caroline and Klaus bedroom and pull a sage out of my bag, casting a spell so Klaus can't hear us. I go to their bathroom and knock on her door, she opens it

"You get it?" she asked

"Yeah I did, but I have to take one because I have to know too" I said

"Yeah your right, wait Klaus is probably hearing our conservation right now, vampire hearing remember?" she said

"I used a sage that blocks anyone from hearing including vampires, he can't hear us talk so ahead and take the test. I'll go and the take in your guest bathroom, go" I said and give her the box before taking one out and she closes the door as I leave the room

I wait ten minutes and I sigh before seeing the five tests. I'm shocked and surprised to see the result. Two pink lines, oh my god. They all say positive, I'm pregnant. I smile and walk out of the bathroom and go to Caroline's room seeing her sitting on her bed with five tests and I see them, their all positive with the two pink lines

"I'm pregnant" she said happily

"Me too" I said happily

Her eyes widen as she stands up "Pregnant? Oh my god" she said

We smile and hug each other congratulating each other

"Your pregnant with Kol's baby" she said

"Yeah and your pregnant with Klaus's second child" I said

"Yeah" she said and smiles

"We have to tell them" I said

"Yeah we do" she said

I smile "I'm really happy about becoming a mother" I said

She smiles at me "Really?" she asked

"Yeah, I mean this is a new experience for me, I'm happy that this happening to me" I said

"I'm going to have my own biological child. A child with my blood, my DNA" she said happy with tears coming down her cheeks and she hugs me "I'm so happy" she said and we hug "We should go tell them now" she said

"Yeah, let me just make the sage disappear first" I said going to make it disappear and I do it "Now we can go"

I'm sitting at a coffee cafe until Freya comes and sits across from me

"Hey Freya thanks for coming" I said

"Hey sure what's up" she said as I pass her coffee "Thank you"she said

"I have news and I haven't told anyone yet" I said

"What's the news?" I asked

"Well in about nine months or less you will be expecting a niece or nephew from me and Caroline" I said

Her eyes widen and she smiles "Are you serious? another niece or maybe even have a nephew" she said happily as she gets up to hug me "Oh I'm so happy, congratulations" she said before she pulls away to sit back down in her sit

"Thank you" I said

"I can't believe Klaus is having another child and Kol. I never would thought him becoming a dad" she said laughing

"Yeah" I said

"I'm so happy two more. I wonder if Bella is thinking of having children?" she said before taking a sip of her coffee

"Yeah I don't know yet. You and Caroline are the only ones I told but please don't tell anyone especially Kol which is why I want your help with telling him can you" I said

"Yeah sure of course" she said

"Thank you, Freya so much" I said

"No problem" she smiled

I smiled back at her

"So when do you plan on telling him. Because with vampire pregnancy it will about five months or nine you know that right" she said

"Yeah I know, but first I want to tell my siblings the news before telling Kol. Which is why I want you to get him in the mode, whatever by talking to him about our future, having kids, marriage get him into that subject" I said

She smiles at me "Oh I'm definitely going to enjoy talking about this. You can count on me" she said

"Thank you so much" I said

"No problem, Lena" she said

I get home when I see Caroline sitting on the couch looking nervous and scared.

"Caroline what's wrong?" I asked concerned

"I'm so nervous about telling Klaus that I can't tell him yet. Not until I'm ready" she said

"Caroline. vampire pregnancies are only five months by the second month you will be kind of big so you need to tell him soon" I said

"But I'm scared, what if he doesn't want any children?" she said

"Why don't you have Freya talk to him. I already have her talking to Kol having him talk about marriage, our future, having children. Why don't I tell her to do the same to Klaus" I said

"Oh would you, please" she said

"yeah sure" I said pulling my phone out to call her

"Hey Freya what's up" I said

"Nothing just arrived home ready to talk to Kol" she said

"Hey can you also talk to Klaus too for Caroline?" I said

"Of course I can. My day just keeps getting better, tell Caroline thanks for giving me this" she said happy

"Okay, thank you she said" I said

"Don't worry no problem bye" she said

I hang up "Yeah she's up for it" I said

I called my siblings to tell them to meet me at the park saying that I have something important to tell them as were all sit on the benches it's a big bench

"So guys I'm just going to say it I'm pregnant" I said

They all look at me surprised and then soon turns to a chuckle smile as they get up "Your pregnant that's awesome. Congratulations to you and Kol" Mason said and hugs me

"I'm going to be an aunt and they are going to be uncles. And also the Mikaelsons having another niece or maybe nephew" Bella said happy

"Wow Kol being a dad? I can't imagine that but congratulations" Jax said and hugs me

They all hug me "Thanks guys but I haven't told him yet so please don't say anything to any of the Mikaelsons and also Caroline is pregnant"

"What? she's pregnant too? Mom performed the fertility spell on her too right?" Mason said

"Yeah that's right" I said

"Wow so two Mikaelsons babies on the way, cool" he said

Freya POV
I sigh before entering my house seeing Kol walking out of the kitchen with a drink

"Hey Freya where you been?" he asked

"Oh I was out with Caroline having some coffee and why are you here? "I said walking into the living room

"Elena went out with her siblings besides I live here remember" he said

"Oh yeah that's right, but I thought you would have been in New Orleans?" I said

"We're leaving tomorrow" he said

"Oh okay. So when are you and Elena moving in?" I said sitting down as he hands me a drink sitting next to me

"I never thought of that" he said

"Really? So do you ever think of having a future with her? marriage? children? Because you do know she can have children right?" I said

"Yeah I know but yet again we only began dating for four months so I think it may be fast for her. I would love nothing more than to move in with her but I don't think she like that" he said

"Kol I think you should talk to her about this, maybe marriage is too soon but moving in is not so soon" I said

"Yeah your right" he said

"What about children?" I asked

"I would love to a child with her but I don't think I would ever be a good father. I mean we didn't exactly have the best father in the world, who tried to kill us multiple times. I wouldn't know how to be a father. If we could ever have a child together I be the happiest man in the world knowing she is the woman I want to the mother of my children" he said

I smile at him. Aww, Elena will be happy to hear this and telling him the news shouldn't be so hard now that he wants the baby

"I'm happy to hear that and I have some news. Your going to be an uncle again to another kid on the way" I said excitedly

His eyes widen and stands up "Are Elijah and Bella having a baby?" he asked shocked

I laugh at him "No. It's Caroline and Klaus, but he doesn't know yet so you can't tell him or anyone" I said

His smiles fades away before busting out in laugher "Nik a father again? This time with innocent barbie?" he asked laughing

I cross my arms over my chest smirking as he laughs "Laugh all you want little brother but if I were you I get it all out of your system right now" I said before walking away from him

He vamp speeds in front of me blocking my way "Wait what do you mean by that?" he asked confused

"Nothing" I said smiling

"Tell me what you know now!" he said

"Oh no! You will not yell at me for information little brother. Talk to your girlfriend is all I can say" I said "Go to talk to her now!" I said and push him away and he leaves

I'm standing in the town square waiting for Klaus to come when I see him on his way

"What is so important that you needed to pull me away from torturing a witch" he said annoyed

I sigh "Would you stop torturing witches they will never give you the answers you need" I said annoyed

"Well they will soon so why am I here, Freya?" he said

I sigh and roll my eyes before speaking "Klaus we are expecting a new member of the family soon" I said and smile

He looks at me shocked and confused "What do you mean? Who's expecting?" he asked

"Elena and Kol but you can't tell anyone especially Kol" I said

He sighs and looks around then back at me "This is somewhat important, well I must get going thank you for telling me" he said

"Yeah you know I can't even imagine you having another kid. After Elena told me her news I wondered if you would ever be able to have another kid but that require you doing it with a human. That will ruin your love with Caroline, but then again your not married so I guess things can go another way" I said trying to get him to open up not meaning what I said

He steps forward close to me with a flash of angrier in his eyes "Freya watch yourself when you speak about her. I love her more than I ever loved anyone in my thousand years on this earth. I would do anything for her and even through she can't have children it doesn't make me love her less. I would never cheat on her with another woman for a child" he said

"Oh little brother of mine I'm really sorry for talking about her that way but it was the only way to get you to speak your love for her" I said and smile

"Why?" he asked confused

"All I can right now is talk to Caroline, she hasn't been feeling well. She went to the doctors for something" I said

"Why? She's a vampire she can't get sick" he said confused

"I don't know just go to the doctors she's there" I said

"Okay thank you for letting me know" he said and walks away as I stand there smiling

Today is a happy day for my brothers, they just don't know it yet. They deserve the happiness

Elena POV
I'm at my house waiting in the living room for Kol to come since Freya texted me saying he's on his way. Suddenly the front door opens and Kol enters looking at me concerned

"Kol what's wrong?" I asked concerned pretending not to know

"I talked with Freya and she told me that I need to talk to you. Elena what's going on?" he said

I sigh becoming nervous before standing up and walking up to him and smile little at him "Kol, I'm...pregnant" I said

He looks at me shocked before becoming happy "Are you serious? We're going to have a baby? I'm going to be a father" he said happy

I nod smiling before he lifts me up spinning me around before gently putting me down, kissing me

"Yes, yes were going to have a baby. Your going to be a dad" I said happy

"Elena, you just made me the happiest man in the world, I love you so much just as much I love the human being growing inside of you" he said and looks down at my stomach before looking up at me

I smile "I love you so much, Kol" I said before kissing him

"So this is why Freya was talking to me about my future with you?" he said confused

"Yeah I asked her to get you in the talking about the future before I told you because I was scared, nervous telling you the news" I said

"You didn't have to because this is the best news I ever heard in my thousand years" he said and kisses me

Later on I told my siblings the news about my pregnancy and they are all happy to be aunts and uncles. Also telling them Caroline's news too and they are happy for her and Klaus

Caroline POV
I'm at the doctors for my appointment for a check up. Only Josie, Lizzie, the Salvatore kids know I'm pregnant and as well as Freya and Kol thanks to Freya telling him. Right now I'm sitting as the doctor checked me when Klaus enters the room

"Klaus what are you doing here?" I asked nervous and surprised at the same time

"I could ask you the same thing, Caroline. Why are you here?" he said entering

"I'll give you two a minute alone" The doctor said before walking out the room

"Klaus how did you know where I was?" I asked

"Next time don't tell my sister where you will be going. She told me that you went to the doctors for something. Caroline, why are you here?" he said

I take a deep breath looking at him "I'm pregnant, Klaus with your baby. Before Alexa died she performed a fertility spell on me because she knew it was always a dream of mine to have children. I had the right to have children taken away from me when I became a vampire so she anted to have the experience of having children. Please don't hate me or our child" I said as I feel tears form in my eyes

He smiles at me as he walks closer to me and our faces are inches away "I could never hate you, love. I love you so much Caroline Forbes. And I will love our child too" he said

I smile at him and grab his face pulling him for a passionate kiss "I love you so much, Klaus" I said

Then we hear a knock at the door "Come I come in?" the doctor asked

"Yes of course, this is the father, my boyfriend Klaus" I said as she enters

They shake hands "Nice to meet you Klaus." she said and smiles

"Likewise" he said

"I'm Doctor Rebecca Knight" she said and smiles "Now if you look at the screen you can the baby right here" she said as we both look at the screen as we see the baby

I look at the screen feeling happy and surprised at the same time but also shocked seeing that a little looking alien is our baby. A biological baby with my flesh and blood with my DNA and Klaus's is actually growing inside of me. I'm so happy to have this chance, feeling of becoming a mother to my own child having my own first biological child. Don't get me wrong Josie and Lizzie will always be my daughters I love them so much even through they may not be my own. I'm going to have my own child soon and I couldn't be happier to know it's with the man I love.

So yeah Elena and Caroline are pregnant with Mikaelson's babies isn't that nice. Enjoy :)

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