Because of Liliana

By dawndwrites

111K 6.2K 350

Megan Kennedy and Alexander Corwin ~ Liliana is the adopted daughter of Megan Kennedy. Alexander Corwin was n... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
The Corwin Brothers Book 3 ~ *Cover*

Chapter 1

6.6K 368 17
By dawndwrites


On my way to work Monday after leaving The Coffee Bar, I realized I needed to make a phone call. I had made plans with a girl I had recently met through mutual friends. She is a nice girl named, Ashley Bowen. The kind of girl my mother would like for me, I had to laugh to myself.  We've gone out a few times, but nothing serious.

I'm not looking for a serious relationship right now. I'm so busy with my career, and I'm still young enough to take my time getting married and starting a family.

That's why I was a little disconcerted this morning when I walked into The Coffee Bar, and spotted Megan. I started to feel a weird sensation in my chest. I don't know why my heart rate started picking up speed as I stood on line.

Then I decided to go over and say hello to her. That was a big mistake. Her green eyes, with brown flecks drew me in like a fish on a hook. She is absolutely exquisite.

My mother was less snobbish, after Chance got engaged to Avalon. He finally stood up to Cecilia Corwin, which took a lot of guts. He has my utmost respect. I don't think she will be so controlling over our love lives. And who my brother, Brandon, or I choose to date.

My mother realized having a relationship with her sons is more important, now that my father passed away. We're everything to her, and that includes letting us choose who we marry.

I live on my own in a nice loft in Manhattan, close to our office building. It turns out, now my mother tells everyone about her Tony Award Nominated daughter-in-law with great pride. She is growing quite fond of Avalon, and can't wait until the day that she becomes a grandmother.

Chance and Avalon don't plan to start a family right away. I don't blame them, they still have their careers and plenty of time for children. I don't see myself settling down anytime soon either and definitely not having kids right away. I've never really been a kid person. Then, I met the cutest little five year old, with big chocolate eyes and a missing front tooth.

She melts my heart the way she calls me Mr. Alex, and gives me her snaggletooth grin. I couldn't believe that I was so excited to be invited to her Kindergarten Graduation this Friday.  When I leaned in close to Megan to put her phone number in my Contacts, I knew I was a goner. Her nearness did something to me. I felt an instant chemistry I can't explain.

"Good morning Ashley. I'm fine, thank you. I was calling to let you know I have to cancel our lunch plans for this Friday. I'm going to a Kindergarten Graduation." I figured I would be honest, since I had nothing to hide.

She didn't reply right away. "You are canceling our plans for a Kindergarten Graduation. Is this a joke? I never pegged you for the type of guy who cared about things like that." She actually laughed quite loud.

I rubbed the back of my neck. "I happened to have made friends, with a five year old little girl. Her name is Liliana and I am quite fond of her. Her mother is friends with my sister-in-law. They are like family. Since my brother and his wife are on their honeymoon, I'm going to be there for her." I couldn't believe how insulted I felt, when I answered her indignantly.

She quickly apologized. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it like it sounded. I'm sure the little girl will appreciate you being there. I'm sure her mom will too. We'll do lunch another day. . .maybe on Saturday. At least I know I have competition for your time." She added half joking, but sounded serious.

"The little girl's name is, Liliana. I'm just getting on the elevator to head to my office. I'll call or text you later and let you know about Saturday. I might be working, since I'm taking time off on Friday. Have a good day, Ashley." Suddenly, Ashley was more annoying than I remembered.

"Good morning Mr. Corwin, I have phone messages and financial reports for you." Barbara, handed me a bunch of messages written down, and a stack of printed out financial reports.

"Thank you, Barbara. Oh, can you clear my schedule for Friday? I'll be out of the office for most of that day." I'm glad I remembered to have her do that, before my day got hectic.

"Consider it done, Mr. Corwin. Do you need anything else?" I'm so glad Chance decided to let Barbara, be a secretary to both of us. She really is the best secretary.

"That's all I can think of for now. But I'll let you know if I need anything else." I tapped on her desk, as I walked past on my way to my office.

I stepped into my office, and closed the door. I sat my messages, financial reports, and hazelnut coffee on my desk. My coffee was still warm. I took the last couple of sips, as I stood and looked out of my window. What a spectacular view of the Manhattan skyline.

My thoughts drifted back to this morning. I couldn't help thinking about a certain deep auburn haired, intriguing green eyed barista. Megan has a stunning, natural beauty. I admire her work ethic, and especially her love for her daughter. You would never know that Liliana was adopted.

I could tell she was extremely nervous as her hands shook, handing me my coffee. Is she really that shy? I'm looking forward to Friday and spending time with those two lovely ladies. There is a story in those green eyes of hers.


I could barely get dressed this morning, without turning on the waterworks. I thought about my baby graduating from Kindergarten. I remember her as an infant and many sleepless nights. I pictured her learning to crawl, pulling herself up on furniture, and saying momma for the first time. Now she'll be going to the first grade.

I had to pull myself together while I grabbed the ballon strings, flowers, and headed to the school. I saved a seat for Alex next to me. I spotted him coming in the school auditorium. My heart started galloping. He had a dozen pink roses for Liliana in his hand, and I nearly dissolved into tears on the spot.

How beyond thoughtful is this man? You would think he was an experienced father.

The other mom's were looking at me waiting for Alex. Some started whispering and others shot daggers at me, with their eyes. He is indeed handsome, if I say so myself. I can't believe he's here with me for Liliana.

"Hey Megan." He waved as he entered the row. "I'm glad I made it before the ceremony began. I stopped and got flowers for our graduate. I figured all little girls like pink." He smiled the most alluring smile at me, and my heart thumped loudly in my chest.

Did he just say our graduate? I know he didn't mean it like that, but it melted my heart to hear him say it.

"I'm so happy you are here. It's all Liliana has been talking about and telling her friends. They're all looking forward to meeting, Mr. Alex," I sighed extra loud and pretended to swoon. I fell into his arms, and I was completely surprised at how wonderful it felt as he caught me.

We both looked at each other in that moment, and somehow I read that he was not expecting the affect it had on him either. The graduates started walking up the aisle. There was no time for pondering that thought.

I took out my cellphone to take pictures, as we saw Liliana walk in. She was waving frantically at me and Alex and grinning from ear to ear. Alex whistled loudly, and gave her a wink.

I was so proud of my little girl, and that I had Alex here to share this moment. I didn't realize how alone I had been in raising her these past five years. It hit me with dynamic force today, in this moment, with Alex's presence.

I sent pictures to Avalon. I text messaged her that Alex was here with me at Liliana's graduation.

She sent me back several shocked face emojis.

I was overwhelmed with a tidal wave of emotions, as Liliana's name was called. She walked up, shook the Principal's hand, and received her diploma. Alex grabbed my hand and gave it a tight squeeze, and unconsciously continued holding my hand. I was really trying to hold myself together at that point. His hand felt warm, and calming.

After the ceremony, Liliana ran over to us. "Mommy and Mr. Alex, I'm so happy you came." She looked at him, with eyes full of expressions I had never seen before.

Alex bent down and handed her the dozen pink roses. "These are for you my lady, congratulations. I'm so proud of you, kiddo." I could have sunk into the floor, and he wasn't even talking to me. How do I follow that?

I hugged her, and gave her my flowers and balloons. "Mommy is so proud of you, Love bug.  You're officially a big girl, graduating from Kindergarten." That's all I could say, without sobbing.

She gave us a snaggletooth grin, and hugged both of us. "Thank you. Can you come meet my friends, Mr. Alex?" She led him by the hand, before he answered. That's all she cared about at that moment.

All the little girls covered their mouths and giggled when they met Mr. Alex. They all looked at him like he was a movie star. The moms were also enamored with him. The man is stunning.

"Are you Alex Corwin, the CFO at Corwin Development Corporation? I've seen your pictures in the newspaper with your brother, Chance. I didn't realize you were related to Liliana Kennedy." One of the whispering mothers had the boldness to ask.

I started to speak up and Alex cut me off. "Yes, I am Alex Corwin, and Liliana is family." He stated matter-of-factly. He gave her no further details, and smiled politely.

Good, that should shut her up for a while. Let them keep wondering.

Mrs. Matthews, Liliana's teacher, came over to meet Alex. "I've heard so much about you coming today, Mr. Alex." She was all smiles too. "Can I show you both something in our classroom, while I have you here?" She had me very curious.

Liliana and her friends were playing, eating cake, and snacks. Some of the moms had brought them in. Alex and I followed her teacher to the classroom.

"I wanted to show you some drawings that Liliana had made over the past several months. In the beginning her drawings were of her and Mommy, with smiling faces. Then her and Mommy drawings started getting sadder. She was being teased by some kids, for not having a daddy. Recently, she drew this picture of herself, Mommy, Mr. Alex, and a dog. All with smiling faces."  She held the pictures up for us to see.

"I don't know what your personal relationship is, but Liliana is drawing you all, as a happy family." Mrs. Matthews handed me the drawings to keep and gave me a tight embrace. I held back my tears.

I stood there looking at these drawings that Liliana had made throughout the school year. Alex looked at the drawings. The last one, with the three of us and the dog, had him in stunned silence. I wanted to know what he was thinking.

To say this was awkward, is an understatement. My daughter is definitely missing having a daddy in her life, and she is resting her hopes on Alex.

I cleared my throat, and came back to reality. "Thank you for sharing these drawings with us, Mrs. Matthews. We will be discussing how to proceed from here, after this important enlightenment." I really didn't know what else to say.

Alex looked at me with his blue eyes of understanding. He saw the difficulty we now face in not deluding Liliana. But it had to be handled delicately.

As we walked alone in the hallway, Alex stopped me. "Let's not bring up the drawings to Liliana today. This is her special day to enjoy. I still want to take her to lunch. She told me she wants to go to The Rainforest Cafe, and I intend to keep my promise." He gazed at me and wiped the lone tear escaping my eye. His nearness, with that drawing in my mind of us as a family was almost my undoing.

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