Brotherly Protection {Harry S...

By Cam_Syd

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COMPLETED!!!! (Hint1)"I've always wanted a older brother, but as far as i know i don't have any older sibli... More

=Last chapter=


108 6 0
By Cam_Syd

~Lillie's Pov~

"Lillie you're awake! how are you feeling?" The doctor asked.

"I'm feeling good! actually great, I'm hanging in there it's just I had this crazy dream and I feel like it's real and I don't remember much." I said.

"Yes, you'll be like this for a couple of days but we're giving you these pills to help your brain function so you can remember everything in no time!"


"Oh, and you won't be living with the Swanson's anymore sense we found scars and some other wounds that would have been physical contact to your body they are going to jail for child abuse."

"REALLY!? I'm finally free!" I said with the biggest smile on my face!

"How long have they been hurting you Lil?" My brother said with a deep Irish accent.

"About two weeks after I arrived."

"Why didn't you call someone?!"

"Because they didn't let me." 'Insert unhappy face! :('

"They where pretty strict but when I was around, Jane and Jim didn't do anything it was just Petter." Harry added.

"They where only nice to me because you where there." I said. "why are you here?" I asked Harry.

"Well, because I felt bad and I was the one to actually bring you here." Harry said shyly.

"Oh, thank you Harry! if it weren't for you I'd probably still be in that house!" I said truthfully.

"Hey can I talk to my brother alone for a few minuets?"

"Ya, sure I'll be right out the door." with that Harry and the doctor left the room. Niall looked at me and the dam of tears broke. I couldn't help it I haven't seen my brother in forever!

"It's ok Lil! your safe now." Niall cooed. While holding me in his arms. I felt safe and secure now. I haven't felt this way in forever! Niall brought the comfort I needed, he was like my own father and I loved him very much and he was always there for me.

"Thank you for being here...where do you even live?" I asked.

"I actually live here in town!" he said.

"What the hell! And yet I have never seen you!" I said

"HEY! watch your mouth missy!" Niall said trying to hold back a laugh. we ended up laughing together.

"It's great to have you back! because your moving in with me and Maura!" He said with a big smile.

"Seriously!? Is she a good mom to you?" I asked.

"Yes and Yes, I'm excited and Maura's excited too I told her everything about you that I know!" He said.

"OMG! Thank soooo much!"

~Harry's Pov~

I was sitting in the hallway waiting until Niall and Lillie where done talking. Then I herd Lillie laugh, her laugh was cute! And her smile could cure cancer! 'Harry stop thinking of her! she probably doesn't even like you!' I said to myself. 'But what if she does! what if that dream of hers would turn out to be real! Well not the brother, sister part because Niall's her brother and I have my own mom, Anne! So it's not possible for me to be her brother! #score!

"Whatcha thinking about?" Niall asked me, Lillie and him must be done talking now.

"I don't know. Just hoping Lillie will be ok." I said.

"Oh! so you can date her!?" Niall said with a smirk.

"I'm not sure yet? I need your permission!"

"Well if you EVER! break her heart, I will break your face and your pretty curls! Otherwise yes, you have my permission." Niall said.

"Not my curls!!!!" I love my hair I think I'd look bad without them!

"I was joking about your hair! but not the face part!"

"Ok." I said with a gulp!

Now is my chance to make her 'dreams' come true! I want to relive all the dates! Good thinking Harry! Now how do I start! What should I do to get her attention? Or do I already have it?


Authors note:

HEYO! This is a short chapter I know! But that means we'll update soon! Hopefully! We could have updated earlier but we where really busy this weekend but, HAPPY EASTER!

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