=Last chapter=

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~Lillie's pov~

Niall and this new boy named Calum talk for a while. Harry left to go to the bathroom leaving me alone..

As I stand around waiting for Harry, I hear my name. At first I thought I was hearing things, but I recognize this voice it's my mom. Okay I'm officially losing it! My name keeps repeating over and over and over again. I cover my ears as the voice grows louder and stronger! I just want to scream for it to stop.

Suddenly it stops! I close my eyes as my breathing grows normal again. I open my eyes again and I'm in a huge white room. Where am I? I get up as I notice I'm laying down, the room is like a huge cube with mattresses covering the walls. The light above me is flickering in and out.

I'm taken away from my thoughts as I hear my name again.

"Lillie? Sweetie?" I hear the voice but don't see anyone.

"A door opens and two men who look like guards walk in.

"What's going on? Where am I?!" I asked panicking, "where's Harry and Niall."

"They don't exists!" One of the men speaks up. The men take me into a room with a women who looks like my mom.

"Lillie sweetheart, I'm glad your awake."

"Who are you? You look exactly like my mom!" I ask nervously.

"I am Lill-" I cut her off by saying,

"My mom is dead! She died years ago taking her own life!"

"No Lillie, that's all in your head! I'm here with you right now. Dr. Jones will be here soon honey, to explain everything." With that there's a knock on the door. A man walks in, and he looks old.

"Hello Lillie, how are you doing today?"

"I'm doing well, but where am I?! What is going on?" I ask wanting to know badly.

"Well where do I begin? Well do you remember your father?" The man asks, I nod.

"Okay good, well when he died you couldn't handle the pain of him not being here and you got mad and furious. You tried running away many times! Telling people that your mom left and took her life and that your brother and sister and you got separated. You'd come up with these stories with mainly a boy named Harry. Who is actually your older brother. Tell me do you remember any of this?"

"No! What joke are you trying to pull?" I ask getting irritated.

"This isn't a joke Lillie, let me explain further. When you kept coming up with the stories about your mom committing suicide and you, your sister, and brother splitting up people thought you where going insane. So your mom brought you here. Lillie your a mental patient number 1226. You are the worst patient and are in the highest ward. We've tried giving you surgery numerous times and all have failed. We tried another surgery and you've finally woken up!" All of this information is hitting me in the heart with knives! I'm insane? Why didn't I know this?

"The only reason you don't remember any of this is because the disease and your thoughts grew stronger and stronger! And theses thought have controlled your mind." I don't know what to say right now. I'm shocked and can't move. I just want to run and never look back. But I can't so I just sit in this chair.

"Lillie know that I love you so much and Harry, Drew, and Tessa love you too. We never gave up hope baby but I can't stand seeing you like this.
I love you, bye sweetheart." My mom nodded her head and before I could speak everything went black. I was dead.

Brotherly Protection {Harry Styles FanFic}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن